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  • Fitmomtink
    Fitmomtink Posts: 59 Member
    Mommy to a six month old...will take all the support i can get :)
  • Mom of 2 boys and ready to kick into high gear after losing 50 pounds so far! Have 30-40 more and would love the support! Friend request welcome!
  • Hi, im AnneMarie. Mum of 2 and trying to tone the tummy after having c-sections.
    I've already lost 2 stone, just trying to do the final stretch to get to my goal.

    I also keep a weight loss and fitness blog, please feel free to take a look x

    Feel free to add me, the more the merrier :)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Hi! I'm Crystal. I'm a 26 year old working mom. I have a girl who just turned 8 and a boy who is 4.5. I have a husband who is very supportive, but he is quite slim so he doesn't always understand.
  • vijichennai
    vijichennai Posts: 8 Member
    Mom of a 14 year old. Nede support and frikendes.
  • vijichennai
    vijichennai Posts: 8 Member
    Mom of a 14 year old. Need support and friends.
  • LunarGypsy
    LunarGypsy Posts: 18 Member
    I'm so down for more mommy friends and support! Doing this for the second time around, lost almost 90 the first time with MFP, now working off the pregnancy weight from this baby. Ready to share all my tips on how I did it before!
  • My Daughter was born June,2,2012 she is 8 months now :-)
    I bought a treadmill for Christmas and I go to the gym 3 -4 times a week I would love to have some mom friends so that we can support each other! :-) :-) add me so we can support eachother! Woooooo hoooooo cheers to 2013!
  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    I am a first time mom, Age 30. I have a son, 20 months old, born June 1, 2011. Hes entering terrible twos already! HELP! LOL I also have THREE step-daughters. They dont live with us but we have them on a regular basis. Its not easy finding time for myself but I finally said enough is enough. I have to take care of me too. I bought a treadmill and cancelled my gym membership. I run after little man goes to sleep.

    I gained 50 lbs with my son. And have finally lost the baby weight!!! Now Im trying to get to my pre-marriage weight HAHA!

    Would love to have other first time mommy support! :)
  • Hi!
    I`m a mom to two LOVELY boys born 15 months apart. Today is my oldest`s third birthday and it would be great to have some mommy support not just for motivation but to have women who understand! I`ve started taking baby steps towards getting back to pre-baby body and fitness level and diet (2 pregnancies made me pack on the pounds as well as eat fast, convenient processed food) Already after 3 weeks of going to the gym and eating better, I feel a lot better. So any other mama on here, feel free to add me. :-D
  • Braxton2008
    Braxton2008 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a mom of a 4 year old and want to be at a healthy ideal weight for me so I can be comfortable when I get ready for baby #2! Always looking for new friends and support.
  • getsuna
    getsuna Posts: 5 Member
    Me too!
  • leanmama3
    leanmama3 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a working mom to an almost 4 year old and have about 15-20 lbs to lose. I LOVE junk food and hate to exercise so it's really an uphill battle :sad: Please add me! I'd love make some friends on here :happy:
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    would love some extra support. first time mom here with an almost 4 month old....need to get this weight off!
  • JasminaH89
    JasminaH89 Posts: 9 Member
    I would love the extra support to help me along my weight loss journey.
  • I need lots of support! Can't wait to chat with everyone! :)
  • MrsKuhn
    MrsKuhn Posts: 8 Member
    Would love some friends to help keep myself motivated and cheer you on also. Let make friends :))
  • diablitaMN
    diablitaMN Posts: 11 Member
    I would love support too! I have two kids, a 6 year old and a 3 year old. I am trying to get back into shape both for the Warrior Dash coming up in June, but also because I have quit smoking, and gained weight from that.
  • would love to make new mommy friends on a mission to get fit! :)
  • cathy_phillips
    cathy_phillips Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to make friends and get support. Having a four year old, going to school full time, and working part time, I need all the support and motivation I can get!