Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Welcome Chanti1620, Nessap08 and Exqitblkprl to the challenge. Jump right've joined a great group of supportive ladies. Yana is our leader who keeps us all on track:smile:
  • babigirl87
    Can I join in.

    Start Weight 181
    Current weight 181
    Goal Weight 150
  • Nette0309
    Welcome Chanti1620, Nessap08 and Exqitblkprl to the challenge. Jump right've joined a great group of supportive ladies. Yana is our leader who keeps us all on track:smile:

    Welcome Chica's !!! Here's to a wonderful journey together :flowerforyou:
  • zoeylove11

    GW- 125 :(

    3. RUN A MILE

  • Kgtweight1

    This sounds like a great challenge, and I would like to participate.

    SW 217
    CW 208
    GW 175

    Also, does anyone know how to add people to your group/ friends so we can encourage each other?
  • Nette0309
    Hey ladies I am down a total of 5 lbs !!

    So, I know this is the start of a new week and I need to work out my goals, and evaluate last weeks, so here goes, I still need to work on taking the vitamins and I only got on my Bowflex twice last week. I have to space out my run/walk intervals and not do the run/walk the same day I do my strength training, I was beat for the rest of the week, and I have to get enough sleep !

    Week of Feb 10th NSV:

    2. Continue to work on taking my daily vitamin.
    3. 3 days strength training on Bowflex
    4. Aim for 2 days of 5K training Week 1

    So my focus for this week is to KISS it out ! Strengthen Training and 5K Training, I'm not gonna mix and match videos, gonna see if I get different results.
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Happy Sunday and a big welcome to our newest ladies!!!!!
    Thank you so much to Netta and Kathy for welcoming: Exquitblkprl, Nessap08, Chanti1620!

    Looks like we have some newer members, too: babigirl87, zoeylove11, and kgtweight11!!! Thank you all so much for joining! I look forward to seeing your progress and having you here to encourage, be encouraged, support and be supported!

    Let's have a kick butt week! :)


    Looks like we have a loss to celebrate!

    Losinit4life -.60! You're so close to onderland - we're all rooting for you for your next weigh-in!!! :) You can do it!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    This week my goals are to:

    1) Walk 4 more days this week
    2) Cook all of my meals
    3) Stretch after each strength training session
    4) Watch less TV at night and go to bed earlier

    Nette - I'm not training for a 5k yet because I have to strengthen my knee before I can run on it. I am going t check out that C25k program, though. Thank you!!
  • HelloBeautiful365
    HelloBeautiful365 Posts: 44 Member
    I was sick over the past couple of weeks but I'm coming back strong! It's the start of a new week and I need to come back on a high note! I've restocked the fridge and ready to go!

    This week my goals are to:

    1 - Get to bed early! I'm learning to take advantage of the DVR.
    2 - Cook all of my meals
  • Yummy208
    Yummy208 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi ladies, i'm down to 191.8. I am down a total of 12.2lbs, my goal is to be down to 170.
    Goal for this week
    1. Run a mile without stopping in 15min
    2. Walk a hour every morning at 3.0 pace
    3. Lose 2lbs or more this week
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Back from weekend celebrations and as of this afternoon 7lbs heavier. :sad:
    I know what the heck right... it's my own fault, I went carb crazy past 2 days but I stupidly thought get it out my system now and continue to success on my return not realising so much damage could be done in such a short time. I'm still ok about it and think by morning I will be about 2lbs lighter as I am still seriously bloated. I know part of it is water weight and a carb shock to my system so I will be doing a fat fast again for 3 days with as much exercise as I can muster to burn off the extra glycogen stores and fingers crossed i'll be back to a fat burning machine by the weekend latest.

    So my goals for the rest of the month are:

    1) Exercise at least 5x a week strength & cardio.
    2) Drink 8 cups of water min per day
    3) Take all daily vitamins and blood pressure tablets
    4) 210lbs by 28th February - reach this and I get a non food related treat. :smile:

    Here is to another week of getting it done ladies.
    We got this!!:bigsmile:
  • ysmht
    ysmht Posts: 4 Member
    just joined today and think this is a fabulous way to keep myself motivated as its currently snowing in Hertfordshire UK making me feel like staying at home and eating warm bad food. I just brought an exercise bike so its perfect timing i joined and i want to continue to build on my weight loss and offer encouragement where i can and also receive encouragement when i feel wobbly.

    SW 192.1
    CW 187.1
    GW 159.1

    My goals are
    1) to do at least 30 min bike after work every day
    2) increase my water intake to at least 8 cups a day
    3) To keep tracking my calories
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm happy to report I'm down 2 lbs this week! I'm SO excited and motivated to keep it up! I just want to thank Yana for this challenge. Just being able to see everyone's progress makes it that much more inviting to continue on this journey.

    SW - 181
    CW - 179
    GW - 140

    Oh yeah, another NSV for me would be to be able to wear my suit from 2 years ago by Easter Sunday morning. I'll be sure to keep you guys posted on that.
  • kiannarb
    kiannarb Posts: 42 Member
    Good Morning. I'm glad you created this forum! This will truly keep me on track with achieving my goal for this year. And, of course, this will help motivate me too. Thx again.

    SW: 207
    CW: 207
    GW: 170

    My non weighin goals to achieve before this challange is over:
    1) go to the gym when I say I'm going
    2) consume more natural protiens
    3) stay motivated
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    Ugh...I sadly have 0 motivations! I am going to find it though and will not eat unhealthy this week :)
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    Oh I am in
    SW 235
    CW 235
    GW 195

    My NSV:
    1. be able to get into the clothes that I wore last year ( i lost a ton of weight and then gained it back)
    2. incorporate a larger variety of veggies
    3. try some healthier recipes
  • ktdancey
    ktdancey Posts: 5 Member
    Yes I am in, this will help me stay focused,
    SW: 270
    CW: 260
    GW: 190

    Non-scale victories I would like to experience before June 21, 2013
    1. Walk in a pair of jeans and not hear my tighs rub together
    2. Increase my current daily workout from 45 to 60 minutes
    3. I would love to get to a point where eating healthly because more natural to me.
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    SW: 184.8
    GW: 160

    01/21 weight: 184
    01/28 weight: 181.6
    02/04 weight: 179.8
    02/11 weight: 179.8

    No loss today, but I was down to 177 on Friday. The body is a very tricky machine (too much sodium over the weekend I guess).

    Week 3 of Insanity completed! Having some issues with shin but will attempt moving on to week 4. I've been doing pretty well getting up in the morning to face Shaun T. Eating clean can be a challenge but not impossible.

    Weight loss for the week = 0
    Total loss = - 5
  • Ritaspal
    Ritaspal Posts: 9 Member
    I love the challenge, I want to go to the beach this summer...have not been in a long time because I do not like my size. I want to feel good and take some pictures this time. Starting today, this challenge will give me approximately 4 1/2 months til summer and I will go in July. To achieve the GW, I will need to lose about 11+ lbs per month.

    SW: 251.7
    CW: 251.7
    GW: 199

    My goals are to:
    1) Do the right thing as far as food choices go. Stop myself when I am headed in the wrong direction.
    2) Do not mess up and then hide from the scale so that I do not have to face the music.
    3) Workout for 60 minutes a day no matter what.
    4) Track my food!!

    I can do it, I have done great before with motivation and support. Let's do this sista's!
  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in! I lost motivation after New Year's and I need to get back to it!

    SW on MFP: 331
    CW: 275.4
    GW: 230

    My NSV goals are to:
    1. Fit into the skinny jeans i bought without having to lay back on the bed and tug at the zipper for 10 minutes. Apparently size 24 skinny jeans from Torrid are actually regular size 22 jeans lol! :wink:
    2. Complete one whole workout routine on my Biggest Loser DVD without stopping (too many times!).
    3. Start jogging (Ugh!!! :frown: )