


  • HI! I'm Kristen, I'm looking to loose 20 lbs with the help of mfp! I am about to turn 30 :) I'm married and a proud momma of 2 boys (6 and 2). I work full time, it's a sedentary job so I make sure I get in my walks during the day and workouts in the evenings. I am on a 1200-1300 calorie plan, looking for new ways/ ideas to prepare low calorie (but nutritious!) meals and healthy snacks for the day. Trying to reach my personal goals and am looking for like-minded woman like myself who are motivated to be healthier and more active :)
    Feel free to add me :)
  • HI EVERYONE! My name is Amber... I've been on MFP for about a month now... I'd love to make friends! Add me if you'd like!
    SW: 150
    CW: 145
    GW: 125-130

    A little about myself... I newly married to my first love and have 2 amazing boys. THey keep me on my toes. :) I am in my 2nd week of TurboFire and not gonna give up!
  • hello. new to MFP. just had a baby 2 months ago & another 17 months ago looking to loose the remained of baby from my body :P looking forward to this journey :)
  • oh garsh mountaindew (i used to as well) the way i stopped b.c it is an addiction you have to force your mind to believe that feeling you get when it goes down is poison to your body.... was the only way i could do it)
    i know it sounds crazy, but i had the same problem just thought i would reply & support you
  • Hey I'm a new mom of a 4 month old baby girl. I've never been over 130lbs my whole life until I her and 130 was my all time biggest. I'm now 180lbs and I can't seem to lose weight. It's my fault really and I'm aware of it but I'm ready to start losing weight now and I have so much motivation in myself. One obstacle will be that my husband is actually trying to gain weight so its hard to come up with a meal plan.. I guess I'm just going to have to cook two different meals. I'm thinking about going on the no carb diet because although it is unhealthy it has worked for me in the past. I'm also thinking about walking a few miles a day and doing Pilates. Does anyone have any suggestions on my diet and exercise plan. And is there anyone out there that can help keep me motivated and I will do the same for you?
  • Hey I'm a new mom of a 4 month old baby girl. I've never been over 130lbs my whole life until I her and 130 was my all time biggest. I'm now 180lbs and I can't seem to lose weight. It's my fault really and I'm aware of it but I'm ready to start losing weight now and I have so much motivation in myself. One obstacle will be that my husband is actually trying to gain weight so its hard to come up with a meal plan.. I guess I'm just going to have to cook two different meals. I'm thinking about going on the no carb diet because although it is unhealthy it has worked for me in the past. I'm also thinking about walking a few miles a day and doing Pilates. Does anyone have any suggestions on my diet and exercise plan. And is there anyone out there that can help keep me motivated and I will do the same for you?
  • Hey there, My name is Melissa and I'm a 23 year old mom & wife. I joined today because I am looking for other moms who are wanting to lose weight as well. I am currently 197lbs and my goal is to be around 160lbs, if not less.
  • Hi ladies. My name is Eleanie. You can call me El. My current weight is 215 and my goal weight is 150 - 160. I have lost weight before 45 pounds, but I some how let life get in the way and did not continue with it. This time is different. I am reaching out to others for supporting and gaining inspiration from the stories of others. I find myself actually researching nutrition and paying more attention to my portions.

    I look foward to sharing my journey with you ladies.

    My pic is on the way.
  • Twylashea
    Twylashea Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Twyla. I'm a 34 married Mom of one precocious 2 year old. I'm currently a sahm but expect to be finding something part-time soon. I was quite slender, almost under weight when my husband and I started dating 13 years ago. Today, however, I have about 20 lbs or so to lose. I'm really interested in seeing a change in my measurements before actual weight though.

    I started TurboFire today. I'm not so concerned about calories, although I am tracking to ensure I'm within my limits. We eat quite well, and indulgences are infrequent. So I guess I'm just looking for the motivation to stay on track with exercising. And accountability until I feel accountable to myself.
  • I'm on a mission to lose this weight that I gained during my pregnancy. My daughter will be two years old soon and I haven't been able to shed the pounds. I have recently decided that I'm going to get back into shape. I think I lost a sense of who I was after becoming a mom and like most mothers I have put myself second behind mother and wife responsibilities. It's time to focus on my a little more. I have lost two pounds this past week of my weight loss journey and I plan on reaching my pre pergnancy weight. Let's keep pushing forward..the best is yet to come!!
  • triciareeves1
    triciareeves1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all! I am Trish, mom to 4 gorgeous children ages 8 to 1.. New to Mfp, not new to dieting. I am very glad to be here. I am 39 years old and on my mission to get into shape before I hit the big 4-0. I lost 10 pounds in Jan simply by cutting way, way down on the processed foods. This month, I am hoping to add in exercise slowly. One of my problems on my past was too much too quickly. I want this to be a permanent change. One step at a time. I will, at the very least, look better than I do now. I started off Jan 1 weighing 225. Feb 1st, 215. I am only weighing myself once a month, so I will update on March 1!!! Would love some encouragement and inspiration from you all.
  • Mermaidyo
    Mermaidyo Posts: 125 Member
    HI my name's Monica,I'm 25yr SAHM of an adorable 2 year old son named Alexander. My life consists of being a sahm and supportive wife. As of December 2012 I completely stopped drinking soda. and YES I say SODA! hah. I've been on mfp for 5 weeks now I am down 19lbs. :) Some days it's hard and others I just need someone to talk to. I want to be healthy for baby number 2!! I have quite a road to go I have over 100lbs to lose. If you want to add me go ahead It's nice to have support especially from moms. ZUMBA and eating healthier lifestyle has what's gotten me to this point. so if you loooove ZUMBA or need support being a busy mom. Add me!
  • reginaclay
    reginaclay Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am regina, I am a single parent of an eight year old who is very sickly! I also work two jobs. Welcome! Maybe we can do this journey together. I currently weight 165 pounds at a height of 5'3". I would like to lose 30-40 pounds total. I have had success in the past, but since I am now 38 this year the weight doesn't come off as easily. I am currently cracking down on my diet. I would like to work in cardio 5 days a week. Maybe we can keep each other encouraged! Let me know! We need all the support we can get!
  • Hey everyone my name is Harley! I'm 23 and a mother to a beautiful 3 yr old princess. I'm new to fitnesspal and I'm looking to find friends to support and to help support me. I started out at 335lbs and as of today im 290 lbs. Yaay! I've lost 7 of those pounds since joining this site. Im very excited to continue to use this site and lose weight and make new friends. Good job everyone!
  • frogsonice
    frogsonice Posts: 28 Member

    My name is Alli! Im 24 single and a mother of two wonderful boys Logan(4.5) Landyn (almost 3)... I lost my dad 1.5 years ago and since then my diet has just gone out the window!!! I want to get back in shape! I dont want to be single forever for 1 and for 2 I want to set a healthy example for my boys!! So my friend who has lost 50+ lbs on MFP said i should join!! So here I am and Im sticking to it!!! LETS DO THIS THING!!!!

  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Hello, my name is Tara. I am a 24 year old blogger, full-time student, mom, and fiance. I have been obese my entire life, I was even born a 10 pound baby, and it went up from there. By the time I was 13 I could barely fit into the rides at amusement parks. I have about 250 pounds to lose which seems rather daunting. I have tried lots of different diets and programs before. It was just last summer however that I decided to actually learn about food and what it is my body needs. There is so much information out there and a lot of it contradicts one another, but I am still trying to learn all that I can about food and how it effects my body. I'm really tired of being the fat mom and getting winded playing with my daughter (she's 5). I also don't ever want her to know how cripplingly depressing and isolating being fat can be. I have always fed her differently than I was feeding myself and have tried to keep her engaged in physical activities (like playing, swimming, going to the park, and cheer). I want to lose the weight and I am hoping that mfp might be a really useful tool in my journey. I'm hoping to find supportive new friends here that will share in my journey and that I can share in theirs!
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
  • babybluex3
    babybluex3 Posts: 6 Member

    The boys are getting older (not having any more kids)
    there are no excuses anymore to not lose the weight

    The problem is time
    I don't know how other moms do it... I am exausted by the time they are all in bed.

    My husband has been helping to motivate by exercising with me 3x per week.

    Would love some support from other moms on this journey, feel free to add me!
  • Hi, My name is Angela 41 mother of two beautiful boys, I recently had my last son in December and I am very EAGER to lose the weight. I am also looking for some nutrition tips for me and my family. This is the year I am concentrating solely on living a health life for me and my family.
  • Hi everyone! I just joined the group too, I need some motiviation to finally lose this weight, for real this time! I'm 35 and had my first child last May, so he's soon to be 1 years old. I'm also a lawyer and work/commute 12 hours a day, which means I'm sitting 12 hours a day, and then coming home and trying to spend every second possible with my son. My husband works crazy/weird hours so I'm home by myself with my son 3 nights a week and every other weekend. So my biggest problem is that I have very little time to exercise. I try to walk on the treadmill or do a dvd on weekends while my son naps, but it all revolves around his schedule! Nights after work are just impossible, mornings too. So anyway...thats my biggest problem. I'm pretty good aboiut counting calories...most of the time. Some weeks are better than others and I also really want to control that and not be good sometimes and bad sometimes and undo whatever weight I've lost.

    About 15 years ago I weighed the least I ever remember weighing - 135lbs. I was a size 6, extremely muscular and worked out 3 hours a day, ran 5 miles a day, and counted every calorie that went into my mouth. I was probably a bit obsessive about it, but I looked good! I also smoked cigarettes!

    Fast forward 10 years....I quit smoking, started working in a sedentary job with long hours, had a miscarriage, had a baby. I have steadily gained a lot of weight over the years. I weighed 235lbs when my son was born. As my weight went up I swore I'd never weigh over 200lbs, but here I am! I feel disgusting and I want so much to feel pretty in clothes again, I love shopping so much!! :) Not to mention I want to look like I did when my husband met me. I know I'll never be able to work out 3 hours a day and be 20 years old again, but I'll be happy with 160lbs or a size 10...and then we'll see! I definitely need some motivation to exercise whenever I can, and stick to counting calories!