September Brides..wanna be weight loss buddies?



  • Mimi_NY
    Mimi_NY Posts: 11 Member
    My day is Sept 1st. already down 10 lbs, but need way more. Taking it 1 pound at a time. The worst part is that i hurt my foot and have been in a boot for the past 5 weeks so have not been to the gym, but at eating best i can. Feel free to add me; I share my diary to view and comment on.
  • AlannaJW11
    AlannaJW11 Posts: 12 Member
    So what is everyone doing for exercise? I just printed out a treadmill workout that i'm going to start doing on the days that I don't work at Both of my jobs. It's about 45 minutes and it changes speeds and incline. I really hope that can kickstart my weight loss! I also need to do some sort of strength so that my arms aren't flabby in my wedding dress (that I haven't even started looking for yet...)

    I've been mainly doing intervals on the treadmill, there is a lot of snow on the ground here so I'm stuck inside. I also do 30 Day Shred a couple times a week, going to need to step it up soon though I think.
    I'm going to get measured and to order my dress tomorrow evening, so nervous as I haven't actually tried on the dress I'm ordering, just one similar to it... I must be crazy!
  • So what is everyone doing for exercise? I just printed out a treadmill workout that i'm going to start doing on the days that I don't work at Both of my jobs. It's about 45 minutes and it changes speeds and incline. I really hope that can kickstart my weight loss! I also need to do some sort of strength so that my arms aren't flabby in my wedding dress (that I haven't even started looking for yet...)

    I loved the 30 day shred when I started working out. Do you go to a gym? If so - does it have the les mills classes - body pump, body combat, etc? I do those for cardio / weight lifting and then I run twice a week.

    Also, the Jillian Michael's "no more trouble zones" DVD is awesome for toning up legs and arms!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Lots of September brides :)

    For exercise I do group power (which is a 60 min strength training class, it uses a barbell and weights and works each part of your body). I try to do this at least 2 times a week, 3 if I can. I play soccer 2-3 times a week. Do other classes at the gym such as spin or circuit training. I also try to get in some cardio on my own: elliptical or running. Obviously each week is different

    Wedding planning has been fun so far! Now its the tough part - paying for everything as the next set of payments continue to come up.

    My dress came in last weekend and I tried it on and it fits well - just needs to come in around the chest. And now I know I want to work hard to really tone up an loose some of my belly so that it lays flat on my tummy without a bulge. So probbaly 5-10lbs max to go.
  • tingtawn
    tingtawn Posts: 59 Member
    My wedding is September 21st :) Very excited! Need to keep going i'd like to lose another 10 lbs and tone up for sure! I have found that my trouble area is snacking, really need to watch that! Otherwise i've been doing a lot of treadmill work so far, too much snow to run outside, i also want to run a 5k in june so i'm trying to train for that as well :) i also do some workouts off the dailyhiit website.

    Getting really excited for the weddding- have cake tasting coming up and going bridesmaid dress shopping! :)
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I am down another 1.4lbs from last fridays weigh in! Finally the scale is moving!!

    We are going to be sending out our Save The Dates this weekend. A little late, but everyone coming is close friends/family and we know they will be there. We just had a friend deisgn them and we are printing them out on 4X6 photos and mailing them. Much cheaper, and they still look great!

    At the end of this month, i'm going to start looking at dresses. I just got engaged at the end of January, so it's a lot to squeeze in a short amount of time! Whew!
  • So what is everyone doing for exercise? I just printed out a treadmill workout that i'm going to start doing on the days that I don't work at Both of my jobs. It's about 45 minutes and it changes speeds and incline. I really hope that can kickstart my weight loss! I also need to do some sort of strength so that my arms aren't flabby in my wedding dress (that I haven't even started looking for yet...)

    I've been hitting the gym 5-6 days a week for at least 1 hour, sometimes 2. My gym only offers classes and they are so much fun! Definitely keeps my motived. I've been doing a really intense spin class at least 2 days a week and a few circuit training and boot camp classes. They only allow 10 people max in each class, but sometimes theres only 3-4 so its almost like having a personal trainer.

    I'm not so concerned about weight, but I want to look AMAZING! My arms are the area that needs the most work, my dress is strapless with a corset so my midsection already looks good, but I want awesome arms!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    So what is everyone doing for exercise? I just printed out a treadmill workout that i'm going to start doing on the days that I don't work at Both of my jobs. It's about 45 minutes and it changes speeds and incline. I really hope that can kickstart my weight loss! I also need to do some sort of strength so that my arms aren't flabby in my wedding dress (that I haven't even started looking for yet...)

    I've been hitting the gym 5-6 days a week for at least 1 hour, sometimes 2. My gym only offers classes and they are so much fun! Definitely keeps my motived. I've been doing a really intense spin class at least 2 days a week and a few circuit training and boot camp classes. They only allow 10 people max in each class, but sometimes theres only 3-4 so its almost like having a personal trainer.

    I'm not so concerned about weight, but I want to look AMAZING! My arms are the area that needs the most work, my dress is strapless with a corset so my midsection already looks good, but I want awesome arms!

    Love LOVE Love SPin classes and Circuit ones too.
    Does you gym offer Group Power? Its an amazing barbell class it has REALLY helped my arms get toned
  • erinlmatta
    erinlmatta Posts: 13 Member
    What type of Nike+ system do you use? I'm considering investing in one. Just went to the website and there's a lot of options. There's the fuel band, sports band, sportswatch gps, etc... I'm confused. I want something to track my calories throughout the day and to use for training for a 5k. Any suggestions?
  • gosioux08
    gosioux08 Posts: 28 Member
    I use the Nike+iPod transmitter (the little round thing that goes in/on your shoe). It tracks distance while running/walking so it'd be great for your training and you can usually find them for $20 or so. As far as tracking throughout the day, I'm not as good of a resource on that as I don't do it - I've heard the Fuelband is good and a lot of people really like the Fitbit.
  • erinlmatta
    erinlmatta Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the info. I'll let you know which route I decide to take!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    bought our invitations this past weekend!! They were on sale! They are just the kind you print on, but they are super cute and were in our wedding colors!! $20 for 60 invitations!!! They were on clearance. We were like "We have to get these!!" Since our wedding is really small and not really formal, we feel these will be perfect!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    bought our invitations this past weekend!! They were on sale! They are just the kind you print on, but they are super cute and were in our wedding colors!! $20 for 60 invitations!!! They were on clearance. We were like "We have to get these!!" Since our wedding is really small and not really formal, we feel these will be perfect!

    Thats awesome news!! Our invites are costing us over $200. But they will be custom designed to be exactly how I want them. and we need to order at least 80 of them.

    Fiancee bought his wedding band this past weekend :) oh AND we got stuff together to organize our Stag and Doe which will hopefully bring in some money to help pay for our honeymoon
  • erinlmatta
    erinlmatta Posts: 13 Member
    Where did you get your invites from b?
  • gosioux08
    gosioux08 Posts: 28 Member
    I've heard a lot of friends had good luck with Vistaprint - you can design your invites exactly how you want them, and VP tends to be pretty cheap. They also run groupons fairly regularly, so that can help too. That's the route we're planning to take :) - Also, you can order a free wedding planner pack from them that includes samples of the different paper types if you want to see quality, etc. You can usually upgrade to the really nice, heavy paper for a one time fee of $2-5 for the entire order. Hope that helps!
  • erinlmatta
    erinlmatta Posts: 13 Member
    You know it's so funny. I was looking at Vista print yesterday after you said that. Loved it! Then, as I was looking - I received an email for a Vista print Groupon. I totally bought it $25 for $100 to spend of whatever you want. Heck to the yeah! Good loking, Sioux! ;)
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Erin- got the invitations at the craft store Michaels! In the Clearance section!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    So stressed out about wedding planning! Even though we are having a tiny wedding, there is still SO much to be done.

    I have no wedding dress, shoes, or jewlery.
    I have no one to do hair/makeup (the lady I wanted will not cancel her 'regulars' appointments (GRRRR)
    I have to desginate so many people to do this and that but I feel I should wait until it's a lot closer because they will probably forget anyway!

    Not to mention my mother isn't speaking to me because we had a blowup about food!!!
  • erinlmatta
    erinlmatta Posts: 13 Member
    B, I sense a bridezilla coming out. Breathe. Do some cardio. It's a wedding. At the end of the day it's just about you & your husband. Try not to sweat the small stuff. Make up with your mom, that's important! She's your biggest fan. Let me know if you need any advice. I'd love to help out. Your wedding will be perfect & you will look beautiful...don't forget that!! : )
  • AlannaJW11
    AlannaJW11 Posts: 12 Member
    B - It can be SO overwhelming! Erin is right, just breathe. :)
    Early in my wedding planning my mother and I had a pretty huge argument as well. I wanted to get married ourside (which I am) and she wanted me to marry in a church. At the time it seemed like the biggest issue in the world, but we talked it out and now we both understand each other. I guess it's hard as an adult to have parents weighing in so heavily on our planning, I just try to remind myself how important my wedding is to them as well. :) Everything will fall into place.