February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Woo-hoo, look at all us Canadians!

    Impressed with you ladies ALL kicking some major *kitten* in your workouts!!

    I'm in Toronto! Woot woot! We're all bada$$!

    Yep me too. Prince George, British Columbia
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member

    On a sad note, I was experimenting today during my OHP, and I realized that I have not been engaging my core for any of my lifting. A) Holy hell my abs hurt. B) I have seriously missed out on 6 weeks of core work. ****. Oh well. It's on like donkey kong!

    Hey Girls,

    My V Day could be better. Got better from one flu for about 4 days only to be hit by another. Lucky day though. I sent in my story about how I sprained both my knee and ankle slipping on ice last year for a Valentines rescue radio contest and we won. Got $50 GC to Ric's Grill Restaurant and another $50 GC for a beauty salon. Whoopee!! Hubby and I now have a hot date without kids Saturday night.

    SL today sucked because my muscles haven't recovered and when I realized during my warm up set at 60lbs how exhausted my muscles felt and how there was no way in &$@$ that I could do an 80lb squat I abandoned squats altogether.

    Do you guys continue doing your squat reps even if your muscles are still tired from the last workout? Do you push through when your under the weather?

    I did do my bench press easily at 55 so ill be upping to 60 next time.

    Barbell rows are still awkward and the PT suggested I just let the bar hang in the air while I do my rows rather than putting it back to the floor between reps. I think that could be hard on the arms so I think I will pile up weights even if people look at me funny for doing it? Also do you guys use wrist straps?
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    zorreena: Regarding being under the weather, it really depends. If I feel really horrible, I skip it. If I feel mildly ill, I usually try and see how it goes. But sometimes it's good just to rest. I guess it's kind of like when you're sick and deciding whether to call in sick to work or not. You just have to figure out what you think you can handle.

    Sorry you're sick but good job winning the stuff! That's nice!

    Squats are always my toughest lift, and they definitely are the first to show my weakness when I feel off. Sometimes if I have a really tough session like that I reduce the weight dramatically and just do more reps.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    End of week 1: meh

    Squats: 60lb 5x5
    OHP: 35lb 1x5, 1x4, 30lbs 3x5
    DL: 85lbs

    A little bit of progress...I know I shouldn't feel discouraged by the whole process...but I do a little bit. I can't even OHP the bar yet...I have to do it on the smith machine...which is fine..but...it does make me feel like such a weakling.

    Reality is I want to do this to get rid of the rest of the fat on my body...and it is scary to try something new. true story.

    -the badass wannabe
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @zorreena....so sorry that you have been sick but yay to kidless date night and winning gc's! That's so awesome :smile:

    I would suspect that if you were hit with 2 flu bugs (ugh) that you probably weren't even eating enough to have the energy to workout and your body was probably sore from being sick. I think that if it were a DOMS situation you have to power through, because working out truly helps but if you are exhausted and sore from not being able to eat and illness then you have to listen to your body. Squats are super tough and really are a whole body exercise, so it's not surprising that you had the most difficulty with them. I would do as many as you can, even if it's 3x5 instead of 5x5. If you really can't do the weight you were at before illness, then it might be a good idea to deload and work your way back up.

    I'm sure some of the other ladies will respond with great advice, but these were my first thoughts!
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member

    On a sad note, I was experimenting today during my OHP, and I realized that I have not been engaging my core for any of my lifting. A) Holy hell my abs hurt. B) I have seriously missed out on 6 weeks of core work. ****. Oh well. It's on like donkey kong!

    I'm not sure who this belongs to BUT. At first I wasn't engaging my core either. I found a couple of great YouTube videos through this forum on engaging core. For Ovehead press and bench press this has made a big difference in weights I can do. Today 55 BP almost felt easy with the butt squeeze and slight arch under my back.

    Glad to see you found that out too now you're sure to be an extra Bada$$ BAMF!
  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member

    On a sad note, I was experimenting today during my OHP, and I realized that I have not been engaging my core for any of my lifting. A) Holy hell my abs hurt. B) I have seriously missed out on 6 weeks of core work. ****. Oh well. It's on like donkey kong!

    I'm not sure who this belongs to BUT. At first I wasn't engaging my core either. I found a couple of great YouTube videos through this forum on engaging core. For Ovehead press and bench press this has made a big difference in weights I can do. Today 55 BP almost felt easy with the butt squeeze and slight arch under my back.

    Glad to see you found that out too now you're sure to be an extra Bada$$ BAMF!

    The first week of SL I wasn't using my core as I should have either. The last couple weeks I have felt a HUGE difference!! And this morning I woke up and my abs hurt from workout B last night, and I think that's a great feeling :)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member

    On a sad note, I was experimenting today during my OHP, and I realized that I have not been engaging my core for any of my lifting. A) Holy hell my abs hurt. B) I have seriously missed out on 6 weeks of core work. ****. Oh well. It's on like donkey kong!

    I'm not sure who this belongs to BUT. At first I wasn't engaging my core either. I found a couple of great YouTube videos through this forum on engaging core. For Ovehead press and bench press this has made a big difference in weights I can do. Today 55 BP almost felt easy with the butt squeeze and slight arch under my back.

    Glad to see you found that out too now you're sure to be an extra Bada$$ BAMF!

    The first week of SL I wasn't using my core as I should have either. The last couple weeks I have felt a HUGE difference!! And this morning I woke up and my abs hurt from workout B last night, and I think that's a great feeling :)

    now I'm worried that I'm not engaging my core enough because my abs never hurt after. :/ Actually I was feeling that it all seemed to not be working...I barely was able to complete all my OHP last night..and my squats were tough...am I not pushing myself enough? I used the new form for the deadlifts and didn't have any back twinges...maybe I just need to settle down, take my two days off..and not over think things...oh wait!! that is genetically impossible for me NOT to over think things!!! ack.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Definitely don't over think things!

    At the beginning I totally felt like WTF, I don't feel anything, but eventually you will and it gets HARD lol Just really use this time to focus on form and don't get discouraged if you read about something that you *should* have been doing....just file it away, or make a note of it, and then apply it during your next workout :smile:
  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member
    Someone had mentioned the core and like Vegas said, it just made me more aware of it. I think the more I worked/improved my form, the more muscles I started engaging. At first I thought WTF, too, but I just ended week 4 last night and just now am starting to feel changes and it's getting harder! (but I'm getting stronger!!) :bigsmile:
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    End of week 1: meh

    Squats: 60lb 5x5
    OHP: 35lb 1x5, 1x4, 30lbs 3x5
    DL: 85lbs

    A little bit of progress...I know I shouldn't feel discouraged by the whole process...but I do a little bit. I can't even OHP the bar yet...I have to do it on the smith machine...which is fine..but...it does make me feel like such a weakling.

    Reality is I want to do this to get rid of the rest of the fat on my body...and it is scary to try something new. true story.

    -the badass wannabe

    I've been at this since the first week of Jan. and it's about where I am, so don't sell yourself short. Your startpoint was probably way higher than mine.

    Squat: 65 5x5
    OHP: 40 1x3, 35 5x5 (deload and incrementing 2.5 going forward. I suck at these.)
    DL: 105 1x5
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Thank you guys, I confess I need the encouragement...rough day all the way around. I'm not giving up, I don't give up...but I don't like being a whiney *kitten* either...


    -badass wannabe
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Great lifts everyone.

    Vegas I'm so happy you found some real Canadian friends instead of just fake me:laugh: I was joking around with my bf the other day about how it's weird to me that everything here has an English name. I'm used to all the cities/rivers/etc being French or Chippewa. The best are the ridiculous mishmash of both though.

    My knee is on the mend, and I'm getting over a cold. I'm going to go to the gym later, and be the lady on the recumbent bike going all slow and playing on my phone that everyone posts about in those "gym pet peeve" threads.:devil: I've read after initial injury it's best to try to get blood flow to the area so that's my aim! :bigsmile: Hoping to do a lifting workout of some kind on Monday. Even if I have to deload to 5# dumbbells!

    ETA: I think part of my success with the OHP is I talk mad **** to the bar before I start each set.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Great lifts everyone.

    Vegas I'm so happy you found some real Canadian friends instead of just fake me:laugh: I was joking around with my bf the other day about how it's weird to me that everything here has an English name. I'm used to all the cities/rivers/etc being French or Chippewa. The best are the ridiculous mishmash of both though.

    My knee is on the mend, and I'm getting over a cold. I'm going to go to the gym later, and be the lady on the recumbent bike going all slow and playing on my phone that everyone posts about in those "gym pet peeve" threads.:devil: I've read after initial injury it's best to try to get blood flow to the area so that's my aim! :bigsmile: Hoping to do a lifting workout of some kind on Monday. Even if I have to deload to 5# dumbbells!

    ETA: I think part of my success with the OHP is I talk mad **** to the bar before I start each set.

    Awww tree....you are also my real friend. I just assumed you were in Canada because we have lots of you here :tongue: But while I'm at it....where are you from? :laugh:

    And yes...talking *kitten* to the bar helps a great deal!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    ETA: I think part of my success with the OHP is I talk mad **** to the bar before I start each set.

    Ok, I so need to try this.

    I was worried earlier that I tweaked my knee, but as I was walking to my car, I feel like I almost slightly hyperextended my knee. It hurt pretty bad, but I could still walk the mile to my car, so it's not that bad. What the hell. I can't even walk right. I think the left leg is just defective (broke that ankle back in August too). Grr. Hopefully it'll be ok tomorrow because I have a date with an arc trainer. Can't skip the cardio since I also have a brewery tour tomorrow!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Vegas, that's awesome that you got rows down. Was there a video or description that was particularly helpful? I just really think that my form is ****e on those.

    I actually came across an article on the SL website in Mehdi's archive that links to a video of Glen Pendlay explaining proper form and that is what really triggered it for me. Up until yesterday I had also pulled from the lowest setting on my rack, rather than the floor and yesterday I stacked plates and went from the floor. Another thing that I think helped is that he explains how to arch your back and that made a HUGE difference!

    I weeded through the archives and found the link! YAY ME! Honestly though, he has some GREAT information in there...I highly recommend everyone to take a poke around. I just wish that he continued on with it!


    I love this video! I like the idea of learning from the actual guy the lift is named after so it doesn't get watered down.

    I went up to 50lb on Squat, Bench and rows. Not a miracle but I felt I was ok and I didn't need to wait till monday to increase. I did lots of warm ups. Adding the 1 lb wrist weights and the ring that holds on the weights. I like progressing. even if I am back at the beginning. I am trying to really focus on form and breathing. I think last time I was just practicing. This time I want to do it slowly so I don't hurt myself again. About engaging the core. I was trying to do that when I hurt my back. Clearly I was doing it incorrectly.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    About engaging the core. I was trying to do that when I hurt my back. Clearly I was doing it incorrectly.

    Ha. That's hilarious. Thank you for making my day brighter. :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Great lifts everyone.

    Vegas I'm so happy you found some real Canadian friends instead of just fake me:laugh: I was joking around with my bf the other day about how it's weird to me that everything here has an English name. I'm used to all the cities/rivers/etc being French or Chippewa. The best are the ridiculous mishmash of both though.

    My knee is on the mend, and I'm getting over a cold. I'm going to go to the gym later, and be the lady on the recumbent bike going all slow and playing on my phone that everyone posts about in those "gym pet peeve" threads.:devil: I've read after initial injury it's best to try to get blood flow to the area so that's my aim! :bigsmile: Hoping to do a lifting workout of some kind on Monday. Even if I have to deload to 5# dumbbells!

    ETA: I think part of my success with the OHP is I talk mad **** to the bar before I start each set.

    I am that lady ALL the time - not on the bike because I notice I just totally stop pedaling, but on the elliptical I do it. I LOVE it because I feel like yelling 'THATS RIGHT BITCHES, JUDGE ME! I COULD DEADLIFT YOU! RAWWWR!!"
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Vegas I meant I'm a fake Canadian, not a fake friend! I'm from Michigan, but I live in Pennsylvania now. :laugh:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Vegas I meant I'm a fake Canadian, not a fake friend! I'm from Michigan, but I live in Pennsylvania now. :laugh:

    Bahahaha clearly my humor gene was on vacation when I read your original post then :laugh: