Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Hello ladies! I'd love to jump in and join you all. My name is Rachell. Here are my current stats.

    SW: 192.0
    CW: 176.8 (as of 2/1)
    GW: 155

    Non-scale victories I would like to experience before June 21, 2013
    1. Be able to run a mile in 9.5 mins
    2. Strengthen my core. Hold a plank for at least 1 min.
    3. Stay active in this challenge and meet my above goals, both scale and non scale.

    These goal will be challenging for me because my wonderful husband will be home Friday after being overseas for a year. Although he's not going to discourage me in any way, I find that I tend to get lazy and just hang out with him and the kids. I would really like to make it happen because we have vacation plans that I want to be in great shape for.

    Good luck to you all.

    So a quick update. I've been doing pretty good. Kind of went crazy with candy and sweets at the beginning of the month, but I've let them go again. Back to working out every day. I'm off work for 6 weeks so my mini goal is to kick it up a notch and work out more than normal and see how far I progress in these 6 weeks.

    Current weight as of 2/18: 174.4. Down 2.4 lbs.
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Down .40 this week! Come on ONEderland!!! My body is literally crawling like a turtle to ONEderland!!

    SW:209.8 CW: 204.4 GW: 175


    I guess I weighed in on the wrong day...LOL!! Down another 1.2 lbs this morning!!! Come on ONEderland!!!

    SW:209.8 CW 203.2 GW:175
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Good morning ladies! Sorry I've been away for a while. I've been working hard at work, and after work trying to pull a portfolio together.

    I see we've had some new members: Akiss4u2tam, MzSharp79, Raesin70, Gottadancekp, Onmyway227, Solazul, and Aliciagolden3. Welcome ladies! I'm so glad that you've joined us for this challenge! I hope that you are successful in achieving the best health in this challenge! :flowerforyou:
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    You ladies are doing a great job! Like a few others, I am a very slow loser, having lost nothing last week - but that's fine because I didn't gain either! :)

    Don't feel too stressed about the Feb. 21 weigh in, that's just a guide post. If you don't have any numeric goals for that weigh in, that's just fine! This is a no stress challenge!
  • mamagirl49
    mamagirl49 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for this Yana! I'd love to join in. I want to be in shape to tear it up hiking and backpacking this summer!

    SW: 255
    GW: 215 by June 15

    Weigh in 2/18: 251.8

    My mini goals are:
    -move it 5-6 days a week for 30, working up to 60 minutes <still working on this. Need to go up from 3-4>
    -find a buddy at work to walk 15 minute mile on breaks <keep askin without results>
    -start C25K and do a 5K (hopefully a Zombie Run) in 2013 <oooh! gotta lose some weight before I can do C25K!!>
    -strength train 4 days a week <working it>
    -give away my big girl clothes <some are already going away!>
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I did not weigh in this week,
  • I would love to become part of this challenge... I am definitely scared because I want to be successful and haven't been to successful at weight loss... but here goes nothing

    SW 250
    CW 250
    GW 210
  • I would love to become part of this challenge... I am definitely scared because I want to be successful and haven't been to successful at weight loss... but here goes nothing

    SW 250
    CW 250
    GW 210

    Welcome!! That's why we are all here to support one another. We all have our good days and bad ones, but we can't give up!
    I am in the same boat as you, because I want to be successful with this finally. My girlfriend put me on to this site and the ladies here have been a great help. A good support system can take us a long way. So let's do it!!!

    Decide.Commit.Succeed!! (From Beachbody)
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    SW 1/7: 218
    1/14 - 216.4
    1/21 - 216
    1/28 - 216
    2/02 - 214.9
    2/12 - 215.6
    2/19 - 217.2

    I'm discouraged...the scale is going the wrong way. I have to change it up. Suggestions???
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    SW 1/7: 218
    1/14 - 216.4
    1/21 - 216
    1/28 - 216
    2/02 - 214.9
    2/12 - 215.6
    2/19 - 217.2

    I'm discouraged...the scale is going the wrong way. I have to change it up. Suggestions???
    The scale is a terrible liar, take measurements.
    Have you considered mixing up your workouts perhaps HIIT training? Will definitely confuse your metabolism and you are left with a great after burn..
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    SW 1/7: 218
    1/14 - 216.4
    1/21 - 216
    1/28 - 216
    2/02 - 214.9
    2/12 - 215.6
    2/19 - 217.2

    I'm discouraged...the scale is going the wrong way. I have to change it up. Suggestions???
    The scale is a terrible liar, take measurements.
    Have you considered mixing up your workouts perhaps HIIT training? Will definitely confuse your metabolism and you are left with a great after burn..
    Thank you for the words of encouragement.:flowerforyou: I will make some changes and see what happens. Not giving up!
  • Fab4life1
    Fab4life1 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi ladies! I weighed in yesterday and the scale didn't move one way or the other. :ohwell: However, I did join a "Biggest Loser" challenge at work and I did 45 minutes of Zumba today at the gym! Yay meeeee!!!

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi ladies! I weighed in yesterday and the scale didn't move one way or the other. :ohwell: However, I did join a "Biggest Loser" challenge at work and I did 45 minutes of Zumba today at the gym! Yay meeeee!!!

    Keep up the good work ladies!

    Although we typically want the scale to move in our favor, maintaining is always a plus. Good job on not going in the other direction! Keep it up!
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    I hope I can stick to this
    GW: 240 BY JUNE 21

    come down at least one dress size
    get some type of exercise
    lead by example with healthier habits

    You can do it!
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    I would love to become part of this challenge... I am definitely scared because I want to be successful and haven't been to successful at weight loss... but here goes nothing

    SW 250
    CW 250
    GW 210

    I'm sure A LOT of us have been unsuccessful at weight loss, that's why we're all here. Be encouraged, you can do anything you put your mind to. Send out a few friend requests; I can tell you, seeing their progress in your news feed (i.e. how many calories they burned, how many days they've logged in in a row, how many pounds lost) is all the incentive you will need. It makes you want to keep up with everyone else.

    Best wishes to you on your weight loss goals. I'm sure you will do great!
  • kiannarb
    kiannarb Posts: 42 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to log in my progress yesturday. Last week I acheived a few non scale goals. I met my calorie loss goal (actually went over it) and logged in my food all of last week. I beleive as long as I achieve my non scale goals like logging inot this forum, I can reach my goal weight loss of 37 lbs by June 21st. Since I'm trying to gain muscule and loss fat at the same time, the weight reflecting on the scale will fluctuate.
  • Hey Chica's !!

    Just wanted to check in, this is mid-term time for me so super busy and doing my best to stay on point ! Hope you all are having a great week !
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    I love it!

    CW: 166
    GW: 148 by my 28th birthday on June 21 - it will make me -50lbs!!!! What a great gift to myself.

    Non weight related goals:
    Put as much effort into my spiritual life as I have for my physical well-being.
    Be an inspiration to others in their weight loss journey.
    Continue to find and share healthy recipes.
  • Aquamarine317
    Aquamarine317 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm In!

    SW: 260.0
    CW: 260.0
    GW: 210.0

    Non-scale victories I would like to experience before June 21, 2013
    1. Use my gym membership at least 4 x's week
    2. Eat healthier
    3. Be an example for my daughterss
  • Thank a bunch I really needed to hear this today... I can do it.. but support is going to be needed glad Ill get it From from you all