Official Weigh-In Post



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    1/2 - 170
    1/9 - 169
    1/16 - 167
    1/23 - 166
    1/30 - 166
    2/5 - 164 yay!! :bigsmile:
    2/13 - 167
    2/20 -

    My goal WAS to get to 160 by the end of the challenge....
    But the Valentine's themed Chocolate Bake Off at work, plus the Chinese and Japanese food that has been consumed, probably made that a "no-go"....
    Hopefully next week, I will at LEAST see those extra 3 lbs gone.
  • JenMek11
    JenMek11 Posts: 8 Member
    Ok soooo I have been very busy with life... this is not an excuse bc I have still been watching my diet and exercise and tracking everyday! I just haven't been keeping up with posting in this challenge board, oops : ) But here goes:

    1/2- 153.0
    1/9- 150.8
    1/16- 149.8
    1/23- 149
    1/30- 148.6
    2/6- 147.6
    2/13- 146

    It seemed to take me FOREVER to break that 150 mark but when I did it I was soooo proud!! Before I started MFP the heaviest I got was 161 lbs!! That is too much for being 5' flat and being a size 2 at 120 lbs just a few years ago.... So I got my but in gear and have been making mini goals that are attainable. I only saw 160/161 on the scale twice, but that was enough! I mainly teetereed between 155 -158. So the first goal was to break 150! I did that and have stayed under it since My new goal is to break 145... almost there!! I am now teetering between 146 - 149... ugh but I figure I will be stuck here for a bit just like I was in the 155 area but soon enough I will break that number and bump it down to 140 and so on. I have my days but I feel like I am making the progress slowly but surely and in healthy fashion that is revamping my habits into a healthy lifestyle that will last forever! I am excited for September to get into that dress and walk down the aisle in style LOL
  • Didn't update last week... oops!
    I've been off work this week and eating everything in sight! So this weekend and the next few days will be strict so I can make sure I can maintain my goal of 10lbs lost in these 50 days.

    1/2 - 176.8
    1/9 - 175.0
    1/16 - 172.0 - Big loss, I upped my exercise that week.
    1/23 - 170.6
    1/30 - 168.2
    2/6 - 166.8
    2/13 - 166.4
    2/20 -
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Well, only down a total of 2.2 lbs on the scale, but I did go down 1.5 inches around the belly button and I lost between 1.5-3% BF over the time while possibly increasing my LBM by a pound or so. I will probably not hit my goal weight of 121 since I am now in my goal BF% range of 19-21%. Time for me to eat as close to TDEE as I can and focus on my fitness goals.

    1/3 - 127.8
    1/7 - 127.6
    1/14 - 126.4
    1/21 - 126.6
    1/29 - 125.0
    2/4 - 126.0
    2/11 - 127.8
    2/18 - 125.6

    Congrats to everyone who made it through the challenge! Onto the next 50 days!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    1/2 165.4
    1/9 164.4
    1/15 163
    1/22 163
    1/29 163? =
    2/4 165.8 Fat 40.4%
    2/11 164.3
    2/18 164

    Challenge End Date March 2 >
    Goal Weight
  • niici
    niici Posts: 32
    1/1- 143 lbs (that's 65 kilos)
    1/8- 142 lbs (64.5 kg)
    1/15- 138.6 lbs (63 kg)
    1/22- 138.6 lbs (63 kg)
    1/29- 135.3 lbs (61.5 kg)
    2/5- 137.5 lbs (62.5 kg) ...soooo angry with myself th is week..gonna work my *kitten* off the next seven days!!! hell, yeah!
    2/12- 135.5 (61.5 kg)
    2/19- 131.1 (59.5 kg)
  • Xineoph
    Xineoph Posts: 38 Member
    1/2 -175.8 (79.9 kg)
    1/9 -173.6
    1/16 -171.2
    1/23 -169.4
    1/30 -166.8
    2/6 - 164.6
    2/13 - 163.5
    2/20 - 161.5. A total of 14.3 lbs lost (6.5kg)
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    1/2 - 170
    1/9 - 169
    1/16 - 167
    1/23 - 166
    1/30 - 166
    2/5 - 164 yay!! :bigsmile:
    2/13 - 167
    2/19 - 167

    2/13 - My goal WAS to get to 160 by the end of the challenge....
    But the Valentine's themed Chocolate Bake Off at work, plus the Chinese and Japanese food that has been consumed, probably made that a "no-go"....
    Hopefully next week, I will at LEAST see those extra 3 lbs gone.

    2/19 - Well, I started the 30 Day Shred and today will be day 4. I expected a gain since it's normal to gain when starting exercise... But since my weight stayed the same, I'm going to assume that it's high from water weight or whatever and when it starts moving again, it will be a few pounds lower. :smile: I can wait. Feeling pretty awesome doing the 30DS!
    So I lost 3 lbs instead of 10.... It's not the big loss I was hoping for, but it's still a loss! :happy: Hope everyone did well!
  • I started off at 153 and today and I'm 141.75.
    Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I took your advice on board and cut down on the exercise and upped my calorie intake slightly. Thank you so much. Only 1.25 lbs away from my goal!
    Well done everyone on getting so far in the challenge. Hope you all feel great.
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    02/1 106.8kg 234.96lbs
    09/1 104.1kg 229.02lbs Loss 2.7kg 5.94lbs
    16/1 103.5kg 227.70lbs Loss 0.6kg 1.32lbs
    23/1 102.1kg 224.62lbs Loss 1.4kg 3.08lbs
    30/1 101.6kg 223.52lbs Loss 0.5kg 1.10lbs Injured knee - cut back on exercise
    06/2 101.1kg 222.42lbs Loss 0.5kg 1.10lbs No exercise
    13/2 101.1kg 222.42lbs Loss 0.0kg 0.00lbs Still no exercise - hummpffff
    20/2 100.8kg 221.76lbs Loss 0.3kg 0.66lbs Still no exercise - frustrating

    49 days 13.20lbs

  • irishjune
    irishjune Posts: 42 Member
    1/2 - 210.8
    1/9 - 209
    1/16 - 206.6
    1/23 - 204.8
    1/30 - 203.2
    2/6 - 203.4
    2/13 - 203
    2/20 -201.6

    These were my 50-day challenge goals:

    1. No alcohol for January; re-evaluate for February. - DONE - still working on the right mix (I.e. figuring out how much wine I can get away with. :drinker: and still lose weight)

    2. Keep trying to log - I hate it, but it helps. DONE - I have never stuck with tracking this well before. Not perfect, but I did pretty darn well on this one.

    3. Prioritize my exercise routine - do something every day. NOPE - This one fell apart after an injury halfway through. Working my way back...

    4. In 50 days - fit comfortably in the jeans I was wearing in September. YES!!!!!!!

    I lost about 9 lbs - and am very happy with that. Thanks all for the camaraderie and support along the way!
  • 25 pounds lost, not bad.

    1/2 - 201
    1/9 - 197
    1/16 - 191.6
    1/23 - 188
    1/30 - 185.4
    2/6 - 182.8
    2/13 - 179
    2/20 - 175.6

    I didn't really make weight loss goals, more like change my life goals!

    My goals were no fast food except subway (accomplished)
    No alcohol in January (I had one glass of wine on Valentines Day)
    Log every day (accomplished)
    Exercise every day (I think I may have skipped 4 days total - not bad)

    Thank you all for the encouragement!
  • No wonder you lost so much weight!!! great job!
    25 pounds lost, not bad.

    1/2 - 201
    1/9 - 197
    1/16 - 191.6
    1/23 - 188
    1/30 - 185.4
    2/6 - 182.8
    2/13 - 179
    2/20 - 175.6

    I didn't really make weight loss goals, more like change my life goals!

    My goals were no fast food except subway (accomplished)
    No alcohol in January (I had one glass of wine on Valentines Day)
    Log every day (accomplished)
    Exercise every day (I think I may have skipped 4 days total - not bad)

    Thank you all for the encouragement!
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    1/2 - I think 121.6 or close to that :)
    1/9 - 119.4
    1/16 - 119.8
    1/23 - 120.6
    1/30 - 119.4 (again. -_-)
    2/6 - 118.6 (FINALLYYYY! :D:D:D)
    2/13 - 118.4
    2/20 - 117.6 :D
  • Ok here are my updates:
    1/2 - 192
    1/9 - 187
    1/16 - 183
    1/23 - 184
    1/30 -179.5
    2/6 - 174
    2/13 - 172
    2/20 - 168.5:flowerforyou:
  • 1/2 - 176.8
    1/9 - 175.0
    1/16 - 172.0 - Big loss, I upped my exercise that week.
    1/23 - 170.6
    1/30 - 168.2
    2/6 - 166.8
    2/13 - 166.4
    2/20 - 168.0 :mad:

    I was so annoyed with myself when I stepped on the scales yesterday... but I've had a chance to reflect on it and calm down a bit!
    My goal was to lose 10lb.. I've lost 9lb and gained a hell of a lot of muscle mass so I've probably lost more than 10lb of fat in that time.
    My second main goal was to run 100Km... I actually ran 142Km! :laugh:

    Congratulations to all! I'm having a rest week and then back on it. :drinker:
    Please feel free to add me as a friend... I'm in this for the long haul and will help you be too.

    Much love.
  • SalPal03
    SalPal03 Posts: 80 Member
    1/2 - 154
    1/9 - 152.4
    1/15 - 151
    1/23 - 148.4
    1/30 - 149.2
    2/6 - 149
    2/14 - 147
    2/21 - 145.5 Just about 10lbs which was my goal. Happy!
  • 1/4 - 165
    1/11 - 160
    1/18 - 158.8
    1/25 - 155.6
    2/1 - 155
    2/8 - 154.6
    2/15 - 153
    2/22 -152.2
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Great work, I know You'll make your goal!:drinker:
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    1/2 - 210
    1/9 - 209
    1/16 - 205.9
    1/23 - 204
    1/30 - 203.7
    2/6 - 203.9
    2/13 - 202.8
    2/20 - 200.4

    My goal was 199. I am happy with 200.4 :)
  • 1/2 - 243.0
    1/9 - 240.2
    1/16 - 237.6
    1/23 - 238.8
    1/30 - 238.2
    2/6 - 237.8
    2/13 - 237.2
    2/20 - 237.2

    No loss for last Wednesday. But then I got sick over the weekend and today I am down another pound. As this is my last post, I am still pushing for my initial goal of 220 and then down to 200 which is my ultimate goal. Good luck everyone else on the remainder of your weight loss.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    1/2 165.4
    1/9 164.4
    1/15 163
    1/22 163
    1/29 163? =
    2/4 165.8 Fat 40.4%
    2/11 164.3
    2/18 164
    2/25 163.4

    Challenge End Date March 2 >
    SW 165.4
    Goal Weight 155 maximum
    CW 163.4
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    Ok here we go
    Jan 2-197.2
    Jan. 9-194.4
    Jan 16-190.6
    Jan 30-189.2
    Feb 6-188.6
    Feb 14-184.8
    Feb 20-184.4
    happy with losing 13 for this 50 day challenge
    I have lost 101 pounds in less than 1 year. A very good year. I have about 40 more pounds to go. For me, every single ounce, I really have to work for.
    My plan is 1200 calories, 20 net carbs, 1500 sodium, 60 minutes exercise 5 days a week, 10 cups water or more

    Best wishes to everyone as they continue their journeys
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Here are the stats... So far, so good!

    1/2 - 192
    1/9 - 190
    1/16 - 188
    1/23 - 191
    1/30 - 189
    2/6 - 187
    2/13 - 188
    2/20 -185
    2/26 -183
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    1/2 165.4
    1/9 164.4
    1/15 163
    1/22 163
    1/29 163? =
    2/4 165.8 Fat 40.4%
    2/11 164.3
    2/18 164
    2/25 163.4

    * End Date March 2 > 162.6

    SW 165.4
    Goal Weight 155 maximum
    CW 163.4

    *My results are poor. With 2 weeks of a winter/sinus issue, and 1 week with my ankle slowinf down the cardio, I happy to lost some.

    **What I have learned has been the most rewarding results. I have learned how to eat well & together with exercise which I have come to enjoy, my weight loss progression is becoming a slow & steady process. I can live with that as I see those pounds being
    shed forever !!! So for me I have learned slow & steady will win my race….

    Congratulations to everyone on their successes! Stay the course…..
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    Sorry I have not weigh in in a while since 1/10 ---- 192 lbs. I did weigh myself on Thursday

    March 7 192 lbs

    So I have not change sine then, I will go from here I am stuck any suggestion. I guess I am stuck.
  • Oh cool you have Trinity Blood for your fitness tracker. :)
  • I would like to have more friends on Myfitnesspal. It would be so cool. I have 40 lbs to lose by July and I need all the support I can get.
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    Like they say take it one day at a time and small changes does help, also try to drink at least 8 8 oz of water :drinker: a day and try to cut any soda out. Good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • wammi30
    wammi30 Posts: 4
    I have lost 8 lbs so far. My goal is to lose 22 more!