February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Hey all quick question. Is there a program to follow to get better at pull-ups. One of my god for several years has been to do unassisted pull-ups. Suggestions how to get there would be awesome. Maybe I still need to work on more core strength first?
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hey all quick question. Is there a program to follow to get better at pull-ups. One of my god for several years has been to do unassisted pull-ups. Suggestions how to get there would be awesome. Maybe I still need to work on more core strength first?


    Not sure if it works, but I did her "improve your pushups" plan and went from 5 feet and 19 knees(1 minute) to 14 feet and 16 knees (1 minute) in a week last summer.

    Plus I just really like her workouts. Well pre-stronglifts ;) I still like them in theory.

    I need to do something other than internetting. Posting way too much today. ><
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Grael - I think, given that your legs are very small and, if I recall correctly, not very muscular currently, you should expect SOME leg and hip growth as you progress. They're not gonna get that huge, but I think you should prepare yourself for the possibility. Like, lets say right now that you actually did gain a quarter inch on each thigh. What does that mean to you? Why is it so important that your thighs are a particular number of inches around?

    PS the rest of this is to everyone, not just you.

    Re size, weight, anything -
    Without going for an actual fitness goal, like strength or an endurance sport, you can only do a few things with your body. You can get fatter, in which case your body will gain fat wherever your genetics say you gain, or you can lose fat, in which case your body will get skinnier wherever your genetics say you lose (and both of these methods tend to lead to someone feeling like they look "too" fat or "too" thin in an area they don't like, or else they end up unhealthily under/overweight). You can try to build some muscle, but really, without strength (or steroids) you won't be all that successful at it (well, steroids also work...).

    Or, you can pick a goal, running marathons faster, or getting stronger, or whatever. You can eat to fuel your performance, maybe take a small cut to drop a little body fat or a small bulk to gain some fat and muscle, but not eat TOO much. And the body you get will be the body you get, and you will be doing whatever you do faster/stronger/better every year, and you will not give a single fuck how many inches any particular body part is (unless you are a guy, in which case I have it on authority that you will never stop caring about how many inches your di[url]ck is) or how many pounds you weigh except in how that size or weight affects your ability to perform your best.

    I don't necessarily think either approach is wrong. Some people just want to be thin or small or eat a lot and don't care how fat they get and I firmly believe its your body and your choice (provided you understand that its a choice you've made and its not something you do because you think you don't have other options). But I think that the vast majority of people find better personal happiness and acceptance of their bodies in choosing to accept the body they've earned and celebrate the success of their goals, not the success of the size, weight, or shape of their whatever. You can make what you have stronger and leaner, but you can't change what genetics gives you to work with.

    And fittree - I totally agree. Where is her butt? I DEMAND MORE BUTT.


    There we go. Hello Margret. :flowerforyou: (also, good god her hamstrings are ridiculous)

    *edited to add*

    PS - what tree said is true - MOST of this size gain we are all talking about is purely water weight. Even with the amount of muscle I know I've put on, I haven't seen any size gains due to that - when I'm NOT pumped full of water and glycogen, everything is still the normal size - actually I've lost inches, however in my case that's because I lost some fat.

    I wouldn't be fussed by half an inch. and actually, my legs are pretty solid muscle already. I cannot pinch anything from them when standing up. from doing years of cycling up hills and resistance leg work. They are my strongest body part.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I deadlifted 155 today. This is the most I've ever managed and it was heavy, but not overwhelming.

    However, my HANDS hurt like anything afterward and my fingers where dead white at the ends. I think my grip may be wrong.

    But I did it and without hurting my back, which I was told is inevitible. My close friend has a trainer and said trainer told her women should never deadlift because they're more prone to back injuries. I hurt my back on my first ever deadlift and that showed me that form is super important and I'm obsessively careful to lift correctly on that one.

    Now, if I could only get the rows right. I cannot figure out how to do them right. I was thinking of asking one of the guys at the gym for advice, but they're mostly doing many, many bicep curls and none of them ever even touch anything but barbells. Weird.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member

    As for the calories for lifting, some people use weight lifting (there's a exercise under cardio) or circuit training, but those are going to be guesses. I personally use Heybale's spreadsheet, so I don't have to worry about those things; I just assume he's right :laugh:

    I just downloaded and saved Heybale's spreadsheet onto my flash drive so I can measure and fill in the blanks when I get home. My luck is someone would barge into my office while my pants are around my ankles and I'm trying to measure thighs and hips, LMAO...

    ETA this is probably the most comprehensive spreadsheet I've seen to date for weight loss! You can tell a LOT of work went into it.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Tameko, let me just say that I love you! What an incredibly well written post, and while I want to be "skinny" I don't really know what my goals are (at least as far as weight or size) because I've been overweight since I was a tiny kid. So I picked an arbitrary goal that's probably on the high side, and I'll reassess when I get there. I do know that I want to be strong as ****. And being able to run a little bit without wanting to die might be nice (my second walk/jog went pretty good, and so I don't hate it quite so much now).

    Anyways, workout this morning went pretty good, but I think I'm going to need to repeat weights at bench and rows. Squats went fine at 70, but as always, it's frustrating that they're progressing so slowly. Bench was 5x5 at 80lbs, and the ends of my last two sets were wobbly and a little sloppy (hit the pegs on the way up). I think I'll need to repeat before increasing again. Rows were at 70, and again the last reps of the last two sets didn't quite make it to my chest. Still feeling it more in my arms. *Sigh*

    And yay to Julie for getting the spreadsheet. Tons of info (and yes, I'm the dork that is looking at the equations of all the cells to see where they are derived from. Also nice to experiment with how much I need to workout to be able to eat x amount of food. Hoping that with a loss this week it will be time to recalculate numbers. (Mostly exciting because it would mean I lost another 5 pounds.)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Holy HELL you guys are putting up huge numbers...

    @ Doozer...welcome bro...you can whisper all the broscience to me, man...I'm used to it...won't necessarily pay any attention to it..but you'll THINK I'm listening.
    @tree ....HOLY CRAP batman!! you're bp 95lbs?? that is incredible badassery!
    @graelwyn...thighs..yeah, I said it..THIGHS...but it sounds like I want yours...hate cycling though.
    @glwerth...155lb DL...wow...just wow...
    @tameko ... you're the best...thank you for the awesome support...I'm a freak..I know it...I'm feeling stronger, and I can see it in places...now if my *kitten* and hams looked like that you can guarantee I'd be walking around town, work, movies, restaurants, churches everywhere with my *kitten* hanging out...yeah...I would ...I almost do it now..so you know its true...

    Now, I have some questions and yeah, maybe I could look them up but then I wouldn't be able to flirt with all you badass beotches...So how YOU doing? :wink:

    1.) I rolled on my whimpy benchpress last time at 50lbs on the smith machine...I was the only one in the gym and I was able to lock the bar right above my chest, and then squeeze off the bench..but it kinda scared me. I should have been able to do it since 45lbs is a struggle, but not that bad. So tonight I was planning on trying the 50lbs again, but doing it on the nautalus machine that simulates bench press. Thoughts? good, bad, ugly? If I go back to the smith machine I don't I have the courage to do the 50lbs again...I'd have to get really confident on 45lbs before I move forward.

    2.) I've notice that my bench press form goes like this...and this is the only way I get that bar up...big breath, which leads to a bit of an arching of my back, then a strong crunch of my abs that shoots the bar up...sometimes damn slowly. If I dont' do the arch it doesn't happen..am I screwing the form and headed for injury? or is that the right way..frankly it feels right.

    3.) I've heard some of you guys talking about a deload week...I just started my 3rd week, and as you know my concerns about eating more, gaining inches on my thighs etc, I wonder if I should be staying at weight more before moving up...Idk...eveyrone talkes about more reps if you want lean...I want strong, hell I'd kill for the bodies I've seen posted of women lifters...but my mindset is that I have to cut cals and my body won't do that...it will just get hulkish. I know..but at least I'm owning it...that has to be the first step in changing. So, should I do two or more sessions at the same weight or keep progressing as best I can?

    4.) what happens after 12 weeks? I think there is a week of rest, but are there different exercises in the second program?

    5.) what is this spreadsheet you speak of? I have SL on my phone..is this something different...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Holy HELL you guys are putting up huge numbers...

    @ Doozer...welcome bro...you can whisper all the broscience to me, man...I'm used to it...won't necessarily pay any attention to it..but you'll THINK I'm listening.
    @tree ....HOLY CRAP batman!! you're bp 95lbs?? that is incredible badassery!
    @graelwyn...thighs..yeah, I said it..THIGHS...but it sounds like I want yours...hate cycling though.
    @glwerth...155lb DL...wow...just wow...
    @tameko ... you're the best...thank you for the awesome support...I'm a freak..I know it...I'm feeling stronger, and I can see it in places...now if my *kitten* and hams looked like that you can guarantee I'd be walking around town, work, movies, restaurants, churches everywhere with my *kitten* hanging out...yeah...I would ...I almost do it now..so you know its true...

    Now, I have some questions and yeah, maybe I could look them up but then I wouldn't be able to flirt with all you badass beotches...So how YOU doing? :wink:

    1.) I rolled on my whimpy benchpress last time at 50lbs on the smith machine...I was the only one in the gym and I was able to lock the bar right above my chest, and then squeeze off the bench..but it kinda scared me. I should have been able to do it since 45lbs is a struggle, but not that bad. So tonight I was planning on trying the 50lbs again, but doing it on the nautalus machine that simulates bench press. Thoughts? good, bad, ugly? If I go back to the smith machine I don't I have the courage to do the 50lbs again...I'd have to get really confident on 45lbs before I move forward.

    2.) I've notice that my bench press form goes like this...and this is the only way I get that bar up...big breath, which leads to a bit of an arching of my back, then a strong crunch of my abs that shoots the bar up...sometimes damn slowly. If I dont' do the arch it doesn't happen..am I screwing the form and headed for injury? or is that the right way..frankly it feels right.

    3.) I've heard some of you guys talking about a deload week...I just started my 3rd week, and as you know my concerns about eating more, gaining inches on my thighs etc, I wonder if I should be staying at weight more before moving up...Idk...eveyrone talkes about more reps if you want lean...I want strong, hell I'd kill for the bodies I've seen posted of women lifters...but my mindset is that I have to cut cals and my body won't do that...it will just get hulkish. I know..but at least I'm owning it...that has to be the first step in changing. So, should I do two or more sessions at the same weight or keep progressing as best I can?

    4.) what happens after 12 weeks? I think there is a week of rest, but are there different exercises in the second program?

    5.) what is this spreadsheet you speak of? I have SL on my phone..is this something different...

    I am fairly sure that just doing elliptical set to level 10 rolling hills or intervals and doing walking at an 8% incline will work well too. I love cycling. Gets me out of the city and into the country lanes and then I suddenly feel free and happy but it is quite hilly and takes effort. Used to do an hour to two hours most days during the warmer weather but no upper body work.

    Ps - whoever that lady is in those pictures Tameko posted is, I would love that sort of body !
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Grael - I think, given that your legs are very small and, if I recall correctly, not very muscular currently, you should expect SOME leg and hip growth as you progress. They're not gonna get that huge, but I think you should prepare yourself for the possibility. Like, lets say right now that you actually did gain a quarter inch on each thigh. What does that mean to you? Why is it so important that your thighs are a particular number of inches around?

    PS the rest of this is to everyone, not just you.

    Re size, weight, anything -
    Without going for an actual fitness goal, like strength or an endurance sport, you can only do a few things with your body. You can get fatter, in which case your body will gain fat wherever your genetics say you gain, or you can lose fat, in which case your body will get skinnier wherever your genetics say you lose (and both of these methods tend to lead to someone feeling like they look "too" fat or "too" thin in an area they don't like, or else they end up unhealthily under/overweight). You can try to build some muscle, but really, without strength (or steroids) you won't be all that successful at it (well, steroids also work...).

    Or, you can pick a goal, running marathons faster, or getting stronger, or whatever. You can eat to fuel your performance, maybe take a small cut to drop a little body fat or a small bulk to gain some fat and muscle, but not eat TOO much. And the body you get will be the body you get, and you will be doing whatever you do faster/stronger/better every year, and you will not give a single fuck how many inches any particular body part is (unless you are a guy, in which case I have it on authority that you will never stop caring about how many inches your di[url]ck is) or how many pounds you weigh except in how that size or weight affects your ability to perform your best.

    I don't necessarily think either approach is wrong. Some people just want to be thin or small or eat a lot and don't care how fat they get and I firmly believe its your body and your choice (provided you understand that its a choice you've made and its not something you do because you think you don't have other options). But I think that the vast majority of people find better personal happiness and acceptance of their bodies in choosing to accept the body they've earned and celebrate the success of their goals, not the success of the size, weight, or shape of their whatever. You can make what you have stronger and leaner, but you can't change what genetics gives you to work with.

    And fittree - I totally agree. Where is her butt? I DEMAND MORE BUTT.


    There we go. Hello Margret. :flowerforyou: (also, good god her hamstrings are ridiculous)

    *edited to add*

    PS - what tree said is true - MOST of this size gain we are all talking about is purely water weight. Even with the amount of muscle I know I've put on, I haven't seen any size gains due to that - when I'm NOT pumped full of water and glycogen, everything is still the normal size - actually I've lost inches, however in my case that's because I lost some fat.

    I wouldn't be fussed by half an inch. and actually, my legs are pretty solid muscle already. I cannot pinch anything from them when standing up. from doing years of cycling up hills and resistance leg work. They are my strongest body part.

    Just wanted to add to this, since it is too late to edit the original post, a lot of my jeans are in a Uk size 6 and they only just fit right now, I suppose that was another reason. Meant to be equivalent of a USA 2 but I think maybe sizing is less generous in the legs here, lol as 19 inches is about the max to fit them. I guess I would just have to get new clothes.

    Anyway, squats are up to 70ibs now and benches at 50. Overhead still stuck at 50 too but can now do the full reps where before I struggled towards the end. I think adequate rest between sets is my key.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    2.) I've notice that my bench press form goes like this...and this is the only way I get that bar up...big breath, which leads to a bit of an arching of my back, then a strong crunch of my abs that shoots the bar up...sometimes damn slowly. If I dont' do the arch it doesn't happen..am I screwing the form and headed for injury? or is that the right way..frankly it feels right.

    3.) I've heard some of you guys talking about a deload week...I just started my 3rd week, and as you know my concerns about eating more, gaining inches on my thighs etc, I wonder if I should be staying at weight more before moving up...Idk...eveyrone talkes about more reps if you want lean...I want strong, hell I'd kill for the bodies I've seen posted of women lifters...but my mindset is that I have to cut cals and my body won't do that...it will just get hulkish. I know..but at least I'm owning it...that has to be the first step in changing. So, should I do two or more sessions at the same weight or keep progressing as best I can?

    4.) what happens after 12 weeks? I think there is a week of rest, but are there different exercises in the second program?

    5.) what is this spreadsheet you speak of? I have SL on my phone..is this something different...

    I've heard that the machines are not as effective as free weights because you aren't engaging as many muscles to stabilize the weights, and they don't follow a natural range of motion, so they are actually also likely to cause injury. That said, it does sound freaky to be wedged in the smith machine (way worse sounding than just a roll of shame). Does your gym not have a free standing bench press? I'd do that in a heart beat over either machine.

    As to the arching, your butt is supposed to stay on the bench, but your lower back is supposed to be lifted off in an arch. Somewhere I saw something that really clicked with me: I squeeze my shoulder blades together, which naturally creates the arch, and then I tense my abs to give further support. However, you shouldn't be crunching to move the bar, you back shouldn't move during the press, and that might lead to injury (don't know for sure, but it sounds like it could). But, I found bench presses easier when I added the correct form, so maybe you wouldn't need the crunch part.

    After 12 weeks, I *think* it's recommended to take a deload week and do lighter weights to give your tendons, ligaments, and muscles a rest, and then you just pick up again adding more weights. Eventually, you will continue to fail at 5x5 (typically OHP and bench for women), and then you can start doing 3x5. But, the exercises don't change. One of the things I really liked about this program. It's super simple (especially handy when you're trying to figure it out at 5am).

    ETA: Forgot about the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is for calculating calories to eat if you are doing "in place of a road map". I find it a very useful tool, but nothing to do with SL (although eating enough will help with strength gains).
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    and then I tried using the rowing machine. Dear god, that is some strenuous shit. Right there. Ugh. Awful. I did like 9 minutes. and my shoulders were already so TIRED.

    Don't forget, like all cardio equipment, the legs are the ones that should be worked/working the most...a lot of people make the mistake of pulling hard on the rowing bit, instead of just following through with it/the arms...the legs should be doing most of the work when you row, know it is probably a little different when on the water in a boat...just kick my *kitten* really hard if I am just saying what you already know...(eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    oooh forgot another question..

    6) Do you guys do cardio after your lifting? or pass? I've been hitting the eliptical but it is frankly getting harder after my lifting sessions.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    and then I tried using the rowing machine. Dear god, that is some strenuous shit. Right there. Ugh. Awful. I did like 9 minutes. and my shoulders were already so TIRED.

    Don't forget, like all cardio equipment, the legs are the ones that should be worked/working the most...a lot of people make the mistake of pulling hard on the rowing bit, instead of just following through with it/the arms...the legs should be doing most of the work when you row, know it is probably a little different when on the water in a boat...just kick my *kitten* really hard if I am just saying what you already know...(eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!)

    Also, you should be using your upper back more than your upper arms to row. Legs > back > arms in terms of effort.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Holy *kitten* a lot has happened on here since last night!

    @tree....yes, typically is typically a work us salesfolk use often :wink: and I agree about the pants comment....I think I would just want to be naked all the damn time if I looked like that. I wouldn't though....I would probably just dress like hooch and Britney all over the place :laugh: Oh and BTW those are some serious numbers you're putting up! Great work!

    @julie....okay here goes :laugh: so as for the bench, in my opinion I think you should stay as close to a regular bench as you can, no machine. If all you have available is the smith, then continue doing them on there but if you are struggling on 4, be cautious and don't do 5. When you just look at the difference between 45 and 50 #'s it doesn't seem like much but really it actually is! Yes, it might take you longer to move to the next weight doing it this way, but in my opinion it's better to be safe than sorry. As for your form, your tailbone should be on the bench, feet and legs comfortable below you to make that happen. Shoulder blades together so that an arch forms in your back...kind of like you are sticking the girls out :laugh: You do want to engage your abs for sure, but not in a "crunch" fashion, just in an engaging your whole body fashion...if that makes sense

    As for deload week. So really if this is the first time lifting, you shouldn't need a deload week in your first 12 weeks....however with that being said I did take an exercise break part way through. I did this for a couple of reasons. First, I had never taken a break from exercise or diet since I started this journey, second because I was going to Montreal for a sales convention and would not be able to workout. The timing was not the greatest, but I did need it. As you progress into heavier weights (if you don't know what I mean by that, you will soon :laugh: ) I do think it's important to take them and it's recommended usually every 12 to 16 weeks....if you need it. Everyone is different. Other ladies might have something different to add there.

    Now for the end of the 12 week cycle....this is where I am right now! So in all my reading I couldn't find what Mehdi recommends at the end....I mean you go into either another cycle or into an intermediate program (this is if you are no longer progressing on SL really) but he makes no mention of deload. So what I decided to do is take this week as a deload week....which is really welcome to be honest....and then I will officially start cycle 2 on Monday with my deload weights as my starting weights. Yes, my progress will take a bit longer, but I really feel like my body will be happier with me and with weights it's very important to train smart as well hard.

    I hope this helps!

    As to Tameko's post....as usual a wonderful post and completely on point. As much as I want to get it right, and lose what I have left to lose, I want to be healthy first and foremost....well that and I want to look good naked :laugh:

    Okay that was a long enough post this morning....I'm sure I'll remember something and come back though :bigsmile:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    clearing up my bench press form comment...

    my tailbone, shoulders and hips stay on the bench, but I arch then bear down with my abs, yeah its like giving birth! I don't actually crunch up...it just seems to come from my abs more than anything. so does that sound right?
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    oooh forgot another question..

    6) Do you guys do cardio after your lifting? or pass? I've been hitting the eliptical but it is frankly getting harder after my lifting sessions.

    I do cardio after lifting most days, but it's pretty minimal. Like, 15 minutes on the stationary bike, or a mile on the treadmill. And on the treadmill I walk if I'm feeling quite spent; I only run if I still feel like I have anything left in my legs.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    ZOMFSM, y'all. I needed a NSFW tag on that pic!! (Okay, I probably shouldn't be on here at work, but I'm bored...the kids are working.)

    Tameko's post...on point, as always. I find that setting some fitness goals/race goals/etc. is helpful. I don't know if I can ever have the body that I want--because genetically, I think I'm doomed to have a layer of fat over my abs.

    Great numbers everyone!!

    Question for you: I was only able to get 2 lifting sessions last week, Workout B and then A...Sunday should have been B. If I go today, should I do B or A? I'm thinking B, but then my 3 a week get all messed up.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    ZOMFSM, y'all. I needed a NSFW tag on that pic!! (Okay, I probably shouldn't be on here at work, but I'm bored...the kids are working.)

    Tameko's post...on point, as always. I find that setting some fitness goals/race goals/etc. is helpful. I don't know if I can ever have the body that I want--because genetically, I think I'm doomed to have a layer of fat over my abs.

    Great numbers everyone!!

    Question for you: I was only able to get 2 lifting sessions last week, Workout B and then A...Sunday should have been B. If I go today, should I do B or A? I'm thinking B, but then my 3 a week get all messed up.

    My understanding is the workouts are every other one, even if you miss. So your next should be B (don't do two As "in a row").
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    That's what I thought. Blargh.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Cardio sucks. 2.5mile run after 3.5 weeks off. Bleurgh.

    But...lifting was good!

    BP: back up to 35lbs and it was easier than before I got sick! go me!
    Squat: 53lbs DBs are easy, and I can't manhandle the heavier DBs. So, hack squats next...
    Row: Oly bar in use. Used the EZ bar, which was either 7kg or 10kg, meaning I lifted either 45lbs (what I did last time) or 50lbs.

    Seriously, today, SO MANY people in the gym. Almost all the cardio machines taken. Load of dudes in the free weights area. And someone else using my/the Oly bar. That's happened just once before in the three months I've been going there. WTF?