Welcome!!! (Introduce Yourselves)



  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Hey babes! I'm Summer, 19, 5'8, new to this group, and pretty new to mfp too! Joined in January :)

    Due to unfortunate circumstances, I developed an unhealthy relationship with food, and battle with binge eating and overeating and was anorexic and bulimic. Working hard everyday to overcome toxic thoughts and also to stay on the right track of things!

    Currently on the higher end of my weight fluctuations due to a bad bout of binging, currently still struggling with it but getting better (hopefully)!

    I generally try to eat really healthy because it makes me feel good and also a reason why I have decent skin with hardly any skincare regime whatsoever :) I find it a good motivation to eat healthy :) I also exercise daily, I love cardio!!! I am recently trying to incorporate some strength training while cutting down on cardio to see if this helps me with my fat loss!

    I love fashion and dressing up but rather than keeping up with the trends I focus on dressing for my body type and face! I also love shopping, dance, music, making things, hugs, laughing (i'm serious haha) and currently picking up knitting!

    I hate studying and procastinate a lot, also a little too obsessed with calories, food, dieting and the sorts!

    I have good and bad days, but I try to stay positive and also give support to all my mfp friends!! Feel free to add me :) I try to check in as much as possible to keep myself accountable!
  • Hello everyone!
    I'm Kim. I just joined this group and my fitness pal. I joined to overcome a weight loss plateu thats been plaguing me for six months now. I had been doing well. Lost 50lbs! I'm halfway to my ultimate goal. 50 more to go!

    I'm a junior in college. I wanted to find a group of people in a similar place in life as I am. As such, a group of college girls is perfect!
  • lnd4553
    lnd4553 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Girls!!

    My name is Lauren and I'm finishing up my first year at Truman State University! The point of me starting
    myfitnesspal is to get in shape, become more athletic again, and to prepare myself for after Truman when
    I move out to Colorado! I hear a good majority of people there love to be active and I don't want to be the odd
    one out. I want to feel and look healthy, my whole life I've been the chubby girl and couldn't ever remember
    being out of the double digits for pants. I want to do this more than anything to be athletic, buy cute clothes I
    was never able to wear, and look and be the best for my boyfriend. It's time for a change and I'm fed up with
    making excuses, it's time to do some work!!

    CW: 201
    GW: 140
    Age: 19
  • Hey Y'all! My names Hannah and I'm in my second semester of my freshman year at Towson University! I wanted to started MyFitnessPal so that I could get back into shape and loose the weight I gained during senior year and last semester. I used to use this app in High School and I found it really helpful. I really want some people on here to follow their diary's and see how they are loosing weight to hopefully motivate me more, so feel free to add me!!

    CW: 140
    GW: 130
    Age: 18
  • hannahcuddy
    hannahcuddy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Hannah I go to UT and am graduation in May only problem is I've got to slim down before all those pictures are taken. So ladies I hope this will help me finally reach my goal weight!
  • jazzy1121
    jazzy1121 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Beauties!! My name is Jasmine and I'm a junior at HU. I've gained about 40lbs since I've been in college. In high school I was very athletic and active. I still enjoy working out but I can't seem to leave the fast food alone. My confidence is so low and I disguise it by being the funny girl. I am TIRED of being just the funny girl. I want to be the HOT and FUNNY girl!!! I joined this group because I desperately need to do something about my weight. I need to get my groove back!!!!

    SW: 220
    CW: 218
    GW: 160
  • sahgp90
    sahgp90 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Sara. I'm 22 and a junior at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, going for my bachelors degree in Management Information Systems.

    I've struggled with my weight for my entire life and I finally hit a breaking point last summer when I went to a doctor's appointment for something unrelated and say that my weight had climbed to a crazy 281 pounds and that I had high blood pressure. Knowing how unhealthy I was (I mean, come on. Blood pressure meds at Twenty-one!?) I knew something had to change. I hate to say it but it still took me months to get my butt in gear but over the last week I've been making some GREAT progress and have been very proud of myself.

    I started a weekly 45 minute Kettlebell class with my mom two weeks ago (and have been sore after every class!) have been trying to utilize my school's gym (injured my foot on my first day though, so I took a couple days to rest it), and today did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Level 1 video for the first time.

    I feel great and I'm so excited to begin this journey and get healthy.

    I'm really new to MFP so if anyone wants to friend me, feel free! I love having people to feel motivated by and it helps me to feel accountable!

    SW: 281
    CW 276.5
    GW: 180
  • trevors1
    trevors1 Posts: 1
    you are so AWESOME for creating this discussion for us college girls.
    My name is Sarah and I go to Michigan State University. I am in my sophomore year and I am so glad that I finally have a place to go to find motivation and hear inspiring success stories and to be on board with a bunch of girls who are trying to lose weight and live a healthy life!
    Sarah :)

    Also: LADIES: Apple cider vinegar is your best friend. It helped me shed pounds. Google its effects and add it to your daily intake! Honestly, it is SO GREAT!
  • MissKCMarie
    MissKCMarie Posts: 4 Member
    Hi girls!

    My name is Casey and I'm studying voice at Manhattanville College. I'm 20 years old, finishing up my sophomore year now. I would love to start gaining some friends/motivation! I've never used this site before, so any requests would be awesome and much appreciated. I've had a life long struggle with weight, but have always tried to face it alone. I'm also allergic to dairy and eggs, so if anyone has similar allergies and wants to swap notes on how to deal that'd be great! I'm also starting that 30 day squat challenge tomorrow if anyone is interested.

    SW: 232

    CW: 230

    GW: 130
  • Hey everyone!

    My name is Christin and I am in my freshman year of college in Kansas! I am really hoping to stay on myfitnesspal more consistently and I thought joining a group like this would keep me motivated! I really want to lose weight so that I can have fun when I go out and not worry about if I look "fat" or whatever. I am so excited to lose the rest of this weight and get in shape for summer and the rest of my life!! I've been losing weight for a while, so if anyone has any questions or anything I can do my best to help you out! 60 lbs down so far :-) Can't wait to finish this losing weight thing for good!

    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 152
    Goal Weight (for summer): 135
    Goal Weight (for next fall): 125
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    Hi ladies! my name is Katie. I'm 38 years old almost and will begin online college classes on Monday

    Sw: 250 pounds

    Cw 177 pounds

    Gw 140 pounds

    anyone here can add me to their friends we are in this together
  • Hello everybody, my name is Victoria and I am 23 years old and a sophomore in college. I'm from Kansas. My current weight is 174 lbs. I've gained the weight by eating out with my hubby all the time after he came back from deployment. But now I'm determined to lose the weight and get back to 145. I excited to get rid of this weight again and feel beautiful in a swimsuit. I would o have friends on here to help motivate each other. Feel free o add me!

    Cw 174 lbs
    Gw 145 lbs