The ye ol' welcome post.



  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    Hello :) Just starting month 2 today... or at least I'll start it once I regain some life after doing the fit test :p
  • I'm on day 4 and looovin' it! My goal is size 2 jeans by the end of it (size 4 right now)
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Day 51.

    Overall, knees hurt. Hate doing squats & power jumps. GAH!!
    Everything else, love (;
  • danj_64
    danj_64 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi all, I will be starting my second round next week.
  • Hi everyone im Craig from the UK and im new to Insanity and started on 1st Jan and just completed day 6. Loving it so far.

    I lost 210lbs last year and these are by far the hardest workouts ive ever done over the last year. Looking forward to the day off tomorrow lol.
  • jerzeygirl619
    jerzeygirl619 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone. Hope you are all reaching your goals. I just got my hands on Insanity. I have one more week of recovery and then I plan on starting. I've watched one of the videos just to see what I was getting into and it looks intense. I'm both excited and a little nervous. Hopefully this will be the workout that works for me.
  • jason10012
    jason10012 Posts: 13 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi to everyone as well. I got Insanity the other day and I'm going to start it on Feb. 1. I know I'm going to be in pain, and sore, and I'm sure I'll have a few harsh words to say after the workouts but I'm actually looking forward to doing them and getting in even better shape.
  • leopauls
    leopauls Posts: 2 Member
    I was doing The Rack workout, but I need to do more cardio now. I lost 24LBS (using Lose it) and now I joined the MyFitnesspal Community. I still need 15-20 Lbs off so INSANITY will help me with that!

    Let's see if I can last!

    have agreat day.
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    Hi all! Starting day 5 today! It's definitely hard work but it's worth it!!
  • Hello! My name is Cat...Just started Insanity this last Monday, so today is Pure Cardio.
  • hi im emma

    im on day 9 today, my siet was really bad last week and im considering just starting from week 1 again with a better diet, would anyone recommend this or hould i just keep going with a better diet for the rest of th programme? any advice would be appreciated x
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    Hey all,

    I never thought I would be able to do this workout because have problems with my knees but now I'm on day 3. The first day, I collasped on my floor mat and I think I actually nodded a bit...was so fatigued :):) I think the key is to rest when needed, if necessary slow down to ensure you have proper form and of course never give up. I actually look forward to working out though and Shaun T. is an excellent motivator. I can't wait to see the results after 60 days!!
  • Just wondering if any of you would be able to share the insanity schedule with me? I lost my calendar and it would cost $37 to buy a new one from beachbody.
    Anyway, getting started with insanity tomorrow and looking to lose 20 lbs :) Good luck to everyone!
  • eperex
    eperex Posts: 86
    Just wondering if any of you would be able to share the insanity schedule with me? I lost my calendar and it would cost $37 to buy a new one from beachbody.
    Anyway, getting started with insanity tomorrow and looking to lose 20 lbs :) Good luck to everyone!
    sure thing whats your email? send you a PDF :D
  • Seachicken84
    Seachicken84 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all. I just joined myfitnesspal today. I have been doing insanity for a month with little weight loss success. After reading through many of your posts I see that is a common outcome. Loss of inches here and there, getting more fit, just not dropping the lbs. so I figured it was diet related and thus my entry into myfitnesspal. I look forward to joining everyone it a journey toward a more fit lifestyle. For those just starting out, remember you don't need to keep up with the video. Go at the pace you can handle while you continue to push yourself. You will get stronger and able to do more as each week passes.
  • f1tforever
    f1tforever Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I am on day 3 of insanity month 1 ! I am loving it -- super tough but I feel stronger already! :D

    I am looking to lose about 30 lbs! -- and I feel like it is possible with insanity!
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    My new year's goal was to finally complete Insanity. I have completed the first three weeks and moving on to Week 4. My strategy this attempt is to do the workout in the mornings. So far, so good.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Just ordered Insanity, and intending to start next Monday (18th). Bit nervous as I'm not particularly fit..... but hope to get there lol! It's not a big problem if I don't complete in 60 days, but would be nice to look good for the summer if we get one this year!
  • Started this week on day 5 today! As mentioned in other posts I'm loving it :) Is anyone else not doing the diet but just trying to eat healthly?
  • Just started Insanity program last week. Can't keep up with the intensity and speed :( . I do only what I can. I probably lose 1/2 the calories I suppose to. Anyway, I decided to run for 20-30 min or do to Zumba classes to hit my calorie burn goal for the day.
  • I'm on my 5th day too!! :) definitely hard!!
  • Hi all. Here's my story. I'm 45 and I consider myself to be active, but not as much as I would like to be. I have never been a little skinny thing (probably never will, but am going to try like hell!) I'm built pretty solid though -muscular. Right now, I have put on some weight and need to gain back control.

    I did Insanity last November. Did the first 2 months according to schedule, 3rd month I did "Month 2" again. I workout first thing in the morning (6 or 7AM) and have 3 kids to get out the door, so I found that Month 2 was just asking for a little too much of my time. So then I went for 1 more month doing Month 1. At that time I also followed a pretty restrictive diet (Candida Diet) and cut out all breads, sugars and ate really clean. Added vitamins(Shaklee ~the best) and must tell you I felt pretty Insanely great! Lost about 27lbs. I attribute the weight loss mainly to really watching what I ate.

    I have been reading a lot of your posts and agree. I kept hoping that the weight would drop a lot considering how hard I was working out. I definitely have a "core" problem aka spare tire and felt a bit bummed that I couldn't tone it up more. That said, the workout I LOVE! Every single time I did the fit test I improved. I was amazed at how strong / toned I became not too long in to it, and how well my stamina built up.

    I was feeling towards the end that I needed to change things up because I felt like I had plateaued. And although I think SeanT. was great...I began to lose interest. The funny thing was, I ended up picking up Jillian Micheals Extreme Shed and Ripped in 30 for a deal. I started that and at first thought there was NO WAY I could go from the rapid fire workout of Insanity to the slow paced Jillian workout. I am sort of wired to work hard and fast. I have got to tell you...changing it up after feeling like all my muscles had really been worked, holy crap....I was feeling that "ache" again! Then a fitness friend told me that it was exactly what I needed to do. Change up the routine.

    The bad news...I started adding running and over time hurt my back from it (sadly, I think running is not my friend). I gave up on working out last summer and now here I am needing to re-lose the 25lbs AND then some that I originally was on track to lose.

    A friend just gave me the P90X videos. I would love to here from anyone who has done them and/or incorporated it into the Insanity workouts. Any tips?

    Yeah...I talk alot!

    Happy Fitness all...Lori
  • Hi, I am on day 19 of insanity. I finally got the Heart rate monitor so I can track my spent calories and make better use of this site. I think I am doing well with insanity, I haven't lost too much weight but I can see the physical change and to me they are motivation enough to keep doing it.
  • lcalvert21
    lcalvert21 Posts: 9 Member
    Im on day 4 of insanity, month 1 :) ...Feels great after the workouts although the next mornings are killers when the muscles are stiff!...Good to keep pushing through. I hope to lose 42 pounds by summer. Hopefully this is realistic. I feel with insanity I will be able to reach my goal :)
  • after trying and failing and then finally trying i have started insanity and hopefully change my response to food and stress
  • I start today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that I complete the program.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi!!! I am also in week 7! So one more week to go!! Yippie! Am in so much pain though!!! How is your experience with muscle pains? And what do you plan on doing after?
  • I'm starting Insanity officially on April 1st with a facebook group. However, I am going to do the DVDs here and there for the next two weeks. I want to be done by the time that we head to Vegas which is May 29th. It doesn't look like there are many people left in this forum though!
  • Rene_J_G
    Rene_J_G Posts: 49
    Hello All.
    I started Insanity yesterday. Last year I completed P90X and then attempted Insanity but only got to week 6.
    This time around my goal is to complete Insanity and then work my way up to Asylum. I registered for a Tough Mudder event in August and I want to prepare for it. Stating with Insanity.
  • isjoyous
    isjoyous Posts: 12 Member
    I started Insanity the first week in March, my best friend is doing the program with me. Man does that make a difference! We haven't begun to lose weight yet but I have lost 2 inches in my waist and bust together. Is it just me or is it like starting over after the second fit test? My friend and I both made improvements but our legs feel like lead this week! Recovery day tomorrow, my favorite day!!!!
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