Daily Exercise Check-In



  • JennyJoy1437
    After my mid day post I have done a 2 mile cardio walk and JM level 1. I didn't push it super hard on JM because i am planning to do it the AM tomorrow and didn't want to be too sore tonight!
  • porto44
    porto44 Posts: 2
    I went to the gym and told myself I had to do 35 minutes on the elliptical, plus a cool down. I did 60 minutes with a 5 minute cool down. 4.8 miles. 780 calories burned.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 333 Member
    Well, my intentions didn't go as planned but I did a 30 min. exercise dvd. Sizzling Salsa, and I did 30 min. of walking running DAY 1 Week 1 of C25K.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 333 Member
    Today I did Leslie Sansone's dvd "5 Really Big Miles" and a dvd from The Firm that was 55 minutes long. Right at 2.5 hours of exercise for me! I have stayed really consistant the last 8 days (since I joined mfp) and I can already see results! I am trying to focus on these results help give me the motivation I need to continue!

    I love Leslie Sansone DVD's
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    20 minute jog with about 15 - 20 minutes of core training. Legs are sore still from a previous workout, but I secretly like it!
    As I was working out I was contemplating as to what to have for dinner and I kept craving Wings and Pizza (my weakness), but decided to have a.....Veggie Casserole for dinner - A whole bunch of veggies, can of cream of mushroom soup, a bit of almond milk, and those onion ring looking things, back for 25 minutes - YUM....Had a craving for cookies afterwards, but went to bed early instead - WIN.

    Today looks like it is going to be all about the upper body since my lower body is still somewhat sore.

  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    Yesterday was 60 minutes of Pilates and 200 crunches, today is 60 mintues of cardio kickboxing, I'm sure I'll add something with it. Will keep you guys posted.
  • Ritaspal
    Ritaspal Posts: 9 Member
    45 min treadmill
    45 min aerobics
    15 min elliptical
    200 crunches with weights
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    I will be walking the bridge at work (4 times back and forth is 1 mile)

    I will also be doing level 1 of 30 Day Shred
  • JennyJoy1437
    JM 30 DS Level 1 - Complete

    2 mile cardio walk it out will happen tonight :)
  • PHATMAMI2013
    PHATMAMI2013 Posts: 20 Member
    I started jullian michaels ripped in 30 last night and will be doing that for 4 weeks plus ive been taking a diet pill since last saturday and have lost 2 pounds:)!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Just finished my first day of Ripped in 30. I forgot how tough it is. I was literally dripping with sweat. Such a good workout.
    This evening I will probably take my son for a swim. I don't swim lengths but having to throw him around or push him on a floaty board or tread water while he does jumps in the deep end is a bit of a workout. I will look forward to the soak in the hot tub afterwards. :)
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    I already got my walk in!! Now I just need to workout with Jillian tonight :)
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    Just finished my first day of Ripped in 30. I forgot how tough it is. I was literally dripping with sweat. Such a good workout.
    This evening I will probably take my son for a swim. I don't swim lengths but having to throw him around or push him on a floaty board or tread water while he does jumps in the deep end is a bit of a workout. I will look forward to the soak in the hot tub afterwards. :)

    That sounds like a very fun workout! I love swimming!! AND hot tubs :)
  • jen2swt
    jen2swt Posts: 37 Member
    Day 3. I know I said I would count yesterday as my first day, but I want to make my actual first day count. For some reason it was a little harder today. I wanted to give in, but I didn't.

    I still need to overcome doing jumping jacks.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Our swings fun today, although the pool felt a bit cold. My husband would just say I am a princess. My son decided we wod swim to the deep end holding hands which meant he would float along with a pool noodle and I had to drag him along. This seemed to be the theme of today's swim. Thank goodness for the swimming lessons I took last year
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 444 Member
    Wednesday March 20- Stationery Bike-20 min.-197 cal burned
    Treadmill 3.5 MPH- 186 cal burned
    Thursday March 21- Circuit Training (Leslie Sanson High Calorie Burn & Arm Exercises w/1 lb weights)-30 min-336 cal burned
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Rest day for me! Thighs still sore....Only 1 more day until Spring Break!

    Also, have a quarter of a chicken tender sub for dinner with a few potato wedges...mmmmmmm

  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member
    Did this:

    Waist Trimmer:

    30 jumping jacks
    4 burpees
    2 star jumps
    40 russian twists
    20 oblique crunches (each side)
    30 second side plank (each side)
    40 second plank
    20 bicycles
    30 jumping jacks
    2 burpees
    20 mountain climbers
    10 side leg lifts (each leg)
    20 russian twists
    30 second side plank (each side)
    30 oblique crunches (each side)
    5 burpees
  • jen2swt
    jen2swt Posts: 37 Member
    Did this:

    Waist Trimmer:

    30 jumping jacks
    4 burpees
    2 star jumps
    40 russian twists
    20 oblique crunches (each side)
    30 second side plank (each side)
    40 second plank
    20 bicycles
    30 jumping jacks
    2 burpees
    20 mountain climbers
    10 side leg lifts (each leg)
    20 russian twists
    30 second side plank (each side)
    30 oblique crunches (each side)
    5 burpees

  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    ok was working yesterday which involves; hula hooping, juggling, devilsticking, spinning poi n generally having a giggle.
    Last night was also training night, this is general rugby training but was cut short to an hour. I'm having a bad week as far as eating goes, but training wise I hit my 10k mark tues woo :)