Anyone starting on the 25th March?

doornobs Posts: 11 Member
I'm starting JMBR on Monday and would love if anyone on here is starting to have some friends to do it with :) I'm From the UK so looking through the receipe book at the mo to try and convert. Such a shame that as we can't order from the JM website we don't get the 30day free access to JM website.

Looking forward to Monday, a little bit excited long will that last!! :)


  • tmathenia
    tmathenia Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there!

    I bought it a few months ago and have yet to commit. I think I will join you on Monday. Hopefully the motivation of others will keep me going! Good luck :)
  • clare4b
    clare4b Posts: 9
    I started this monday! So I will only be a week ahead of you! Do not get discouraged when you start, we can all do it! :happy:
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I started on Tuesday :)
  • doornobs
    doornobs Posts: 11 Member
    How r u finding it so far?? I'm scared/excited lol. Are u following the food plan as well :).
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    I am starting tomorrow, March 24th. Committing to the Kickstart Meal Plan is what I am scared of. I only like a few of the recipes and eating the same thing twice in one week is like torture to this foodie. But I have heard great results when using her meal plans so I am going to stay on track as much as possible.

    Would love as much motivation as possible. Feel free to add me a friend!
  • winkypetal
    winkypetal Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: Love this thread. Realy need the incouregement from others about to start the same journey. Feel free too add me as a friend as well, starting the 25 and will be there every step of the way.
  • Sarahsue94
    I am! I'm so excited, especially after watching videos on youtube about it. Will anyone be doing to two-a-days? I think I am going to try since I don't have to get up too terribly early for class in the mornings.

    Good luck everyone!
  • jls2076
    jls2076 Posts: 3

    I live in the UK too! I'm planning to start on Wed 27th as I'm expecting the delivery on Monday and I am away until Tuesday. I would definitely be interested in hearing how everyone is getting on.

  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Finished the first workout this morning.

    It was ver doable. It felt good, and I am thinking I will incorporate the more advanced moves next round.

    I just had my snack of celery and almond butter. That was mildly unsatisfying. Breakfast (Eggs, Bacon, Avocado and Tomatos) and Lunch (Poached Chicken with Veggie Soup) were good, though! Having the steak meal tonight. Sticking to the meal plan is going to be the hardest part for me in the beginning.

    Who else is doing the kickstart meal plan?
  • kkravec03
    kkravec03 Posts: 10
    I'm in NY and will be starting on March 25th too! I will be doing the meal plan as well, would love to connect to keep each other motivated.
  • doornobs
    doornobs Posts: 11 Member
    Did first work out this morning and found it ok. Will try and do the jump squats next time, my worst thing!!! I've had to slightly modify the kickstart diet as i'm ultra fussy and the foods are different in the Uk. So had brekkie of scrambled eggs with a small amount of parma ham and spinach in. Just had my lunch of chicken, lettuce, celery and avocado followed by my yoghurt. Keeping the water intake up as well......89 days to go lol :) Feel free to add me :)
  • GailJ77
    GailJ77 Posts: 1
    I started this morning too!!! I didn't find the first dvd too bad but I didn't add in the weights or anything yet, maybe leave that until next week.

    Going to do the kick start with the two disc's this week but not going to follow the food plan.

    I have been going to slimming world since middle of last June and have lost 70lbs with about 15lbs to go. I am trying to keep it around 1200 cals per day though.

    Good luck everyone. I am going to need the help to keep going once the work outs get harder!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Finished workout 2, phase 1. I loved it. There are lots of kickboxing moves. It seems like it has more of the cardio intervals (a lot like RI30) mixed in than workout 1. My inner thighs were burning, which is awesome-it's a trouble area for me!

    My chest and lower abs are sore from workout 1. I am feeling a bit apprehensive about the cardio workout tomorrow. I am envisioning non-stop running man, plank moguals, and mountain climbers. I hope it isn't that scary.
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    Finished workout 2, phase 1. I loved it. There are lots of kickboxing moves. It seems like it has more of the cardio intervals (a lot like RI30) mixed in than workout 1. My inner thighs were burning, which is awesome-it's a trouble area for me!

    My chest and lower abs are sore from workout 1. I am feeling a bit apprehensive about the cardio workout tomorrow. I am envisioning non-stop running man, plank moguals, and mountain climbers. I hope it isn't that scary.

    It's not that bad - REALLY!!!! It's actually kinda fun and a nice switch from the regular workouts - gets ya sweatin tho :)
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    I started today!!! This will be my 3rd try! and I hope to stick with it. I actually bought the program April 2012 but two days after receiving it I found out I was pregnant with my second child!!! Fast forward, I had my baby on November 26 and started the program mid January. I completed the 1st phase with only loosing 1lb and a total of 8". This was b/c I did not follow the meal plan and was not counting calories just kept on with my eating habits :(. When phase two came around I realized I needed to get a better cable and more weights (did phase 1 with 5lbs only). Wasted a whole week and decided to start all over again but this time I wanted to start my workouts in the morning (I was doing them in the evenings after work but I found myself too energized to sleep, in a way is good b/c by daughter still doesn't sleep through the night). I did the first three day's a quit :( It was hard b/c the fact my baby does not sleep through the night yet and I work full time meant that in order to do the work out and get ready for work I was only sleeping 3-4 hours :(. But luckily my husband will be off the next couple of days so he'll take care of Gigi through the night giving me time to sleep and when he starts works we set up a plan that I will sleep at least 2 hours when I come home from work so like that even if she only sleeps 3-5 hours I already have 2 under my belt. I also bought the Polar FT7 and this mornings workout was worth 319cal!!!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I started today and would welcome any friends who are doing it too. I'm not doing the kickstart, since I'm going to add other types of exercise, so I just plunged into the week one schedule. I've never watched the Biggest Loser, but I really like Jillian's style from what I've seen. I worked up a real sweat in just 30 minutes, and I know 'm going to feel it in my arms tomorrow.

    I was originally going to get The Firm Express, but when reading reviews, many people said Jillian is better because her program is 90 days and the moves are easier to follow. Hopefully I made the right choice, but even this year, I think I did.
  • studswife
    studswife Posts: 32 Member
    Hi There!

    I started yesterday! Can I join? I am in soooo much pain right now! Can't wait for today! Hopefully I can balance the pain! LOL!
  • doornobs
    doornobs Posts: 11 Member
    Yes feel free to add. I'm on day 3 today but overslept this morning as had wine on day 2.......ridiculous effort lol!!!!! So now will have to do day 3 when I get in after parents evening and just before netball practice. That'll teach me to have wine!!! Have decided I'm going to give myself a 'cheat' day so I don't feel deprived. This week will be Easter Sunday after I weigh in in the morning. So I have to be good until then!! :)
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Wow, this is great! So many people starting. I'm just about to do my DVD for day 3. Can't believe how sore I was from day 1.
  • nimitchell
    nimitchell Posts: 2 Member
    I started on Monday as well and am following the kickstart meal plan. I haven't worked out in almost a year but am not new to it. I have done the first two workouts. I have found that yes, my legs are sore, but I did not break a sweat doing it. I am thinking of either doing extra cardio or maybe only doing this set of discs for one week instead of two. I feel like I need more. But I will say i liked the moves and she makes the 30 min fly by. Have modified some of the meals.....haddock instead of salmon, homemade salad dressing .....but, what I am having the hardest time with is the plain Greek yogurt. I tried it with cinnamon and it was still gross. I want to eat it though because it is healthy. Meal plan isn't as hard to follow as I thought it would be. I am noticing the sugar / caffeine "crash"that she talks about today. First two days were fine. Going to do cardiograph when I get home later. Good luck everyone!!!!!