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Hypo-what's your worst symptom?



    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    Hmmmm, where to start?

    I would say my worst symptom is that of mood swings/overly emotional. It has affects on my personal and professional life and is very hard to try to keep under control. Being a guy, this kind of makes me feel like I am an outcast among other guys.

    A close second has been the ease with which I can put on weight.

    Third place would be the mental fog. I sometimes feel as if I am a man in his 60's or later due to this.

    Other issues I have are dry skin, fatigue, always thirsty, a low heart rate (Before meds my heart would stop beating for 10-15 seconds if I was very relaxed, and normal resting hear rate was 49 bpm.), and a slow metabolism.
  • for2day
    for2day Posts: 209 Member
    Fatigue and vertigo is probably my worse complaint and then I would have to say weight loss and hair loss - although I have found one thing for my hair that works for me and even my beautician, who has been doing my hair forever, told me that whatever I am using, don't stop. I have always had baby fine hair and losing it was a nightmare and very depressing for me, but I tried a product last year, just for giggles to see if it did what it claimed - and for me IT HAS! I have hair again. So, please no giggles, but I tried the product WEN and I tried the Almond mint one first and that one dried my hair out, so I then tried the pomegranate one and WOW! Like I said, I have hair and have for over a year! Now, that is something that worked for me and it may be worth a try to see if it may work for you. I would suggest a small bottle first, to see which one works. And no, I don't work for them, I just saw it and I was so desperate for anything at that point in my life and it worked. :))
  • kpharte
    kpharte Posts: 8
    I get crazy muscle cramps from the simplest of tasks (reaching to wash my back in the shower, bending down to tie my shoe). I would have to wait about 10 minutes and massage that muscle for it to go away. My Dr. told me that it would go away once my thyroid is more level (I've just started taking synthroid a month ago).

    Weight gain/weight loss is also an issue and dry skin. I already have eczema patches, but my skin sucks up all the lotion I put on it. It's annoying!
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Fatigue and brain fog

  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    I hadn't any idea that vertigo was associated with hypothyroidism! I do get that sometimes when I'm crouched or kneeling, and then stand up, everything will go black for a second or three. Wonder if that's the same. It's annoying, but not debilitating.

    I think my biggest issue is my non-existent metabolism and lack of energy. I just don't have any focus. I'm trying to start a business and I just cannot seem to get myself to actually DO anything some days. I wouldn't call it fatigue, it's not like I'm too tired to do anything. It's more like this complete and total lack of desire. I know I'm not actually a lazy person, but it's beyond frustrating to not have any desire to do anything. Not even stuff I used to love to do. I just.......don't care. And I hate that.

    annoyances would be losing hair and my nails being so brittle and easily broken.

    I never had an issue with the cold, thankfully. and the dry skin isn't so much of an issue now as it used to be.

    I was diagnosed in Sept of 2012, so it's been only six months since I've been on medicine. My doctor told me it would be AT LEAST six months before I started seeing any type of symptom relief.

    If nothing else, I hope that I will soon want to actually join the world again, if you know what I mean. I used to have all sorts of energy, and was full of life, and I want that back!!
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member
    A month ago I had significant numbness and tiggling at my left foot. This continued for about a week with no pattern. Some days was so intense, I couldn't walk. Or better say, I could walk but didn't feel my foot for several minutes.
    I didn't go to doctor, cause it happened just 5-6 times in the week and then stopped.
    Today... I went with my mother in law to her surgeon, where she had a post-surgery appoitment. The doctor was explaining to us about the lymph nodes of the neck and why they get swollen by different triggers (from flu... to cancer). Then he looked at me (it was the first time we met and I was sitting at least 2.5 meters away from him) and told me: "as an example, your.s might be from your thyroid issues. You have some, don't you?". I was socked... cause I thought I didn't have any external sign of my hypothyroism. I couldn't ask him what he saw, cause my mother in law has more serious issues to deal with and we were discussing them.
    The point is that I'm a bit concerned. The last year, my labs are great. I have done them twice, after gaining about 20 pounds (the last year I'm only gaining, even if I eat around 1500-1800 cals per day). When I came back home I looked to the mirror.
    I don't see nothing. Just a little eye puffiness but that's all. Then with my hands I began checking my neck.2-3 small nobes (I feel them about 1-2 cm) all over (one on the left, two at the back of my head). And then googled hypothyroid symptoms, and found the numbness and the tiggling, and the weight gaining, and the eye-puffness. And then remembered that the last year these lymph nodes got swalloen 2-3 times and became painfull and when I was about to call my doctor for an appoitment I was waiking up normal. So I still can't get it. My labs are EXCELLENT.
    I think it's time for my endo... just wanted to ask you,
    Do you have swollen lymph nodes?
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Vertigo, brain fog, extreme fatigue, and visceral fat retention.
  • kitchen0nfire
    kitchen0nfire Posts: 22 Member
    My bp likes to have fun going up and down whenever it pleases.... I've fainted a couple of times already :/
  • fparkyr
    fparkyr Posts: 5
    Insomnia's troublesome for me, but weight gain and lack of energy are just as bad.

    Although I do notice that my nails are softer than most and often chip or flake.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    Although many of my symptoms are from adrenal fatigue, which I'm being treated for now & finding a huge difference.

    I think that has contributed a lot to my problem too, but haven't been on the meds long enough to notice a big difference yet *fingers crossed*

    I think the exhaustion (even after not doing much) and the moodiness were the worst for me. Looking back on it now, I bet there are a lot of people out there who thought I was mad at them when I really wasn't.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Although many of my symptoms are from adrenal fatigue, which I'm being treated for now & finding a huge difference.

    I think that has contributed a lot to my problem too, but haven't been on the meds long enough to notice a big difference yet *fingers crossed*

    I think the exhaustion (even after not doing much) and the moodiness were the worst for me. Looking back on it now, I bet there are a lot of people out there who thought I was mad at them when I really wasn't.
    I haven't had too much of the moodiness (or if I have no one's commented :D ), but the fatigue. Too tired to exercise, too fat not to exercise. It feels like a catch 22. I have to push myself to do stuff, usually "you're going to be tired whether you do something or not" is my mental chastisement.
  • efarrar13
    efarrar13 Posts: 78
    I am hypothyroid, under performing parathyroid, and adrenal issues. I am not sure what causes what but the worse would be fatigue and gout. I am eating vegetarian and avoiding alcohol and still got gout this year. It isn't just in my toes but my whole body. I have broken bones, sports injuries, etc....nothing this painful. The combo with the fatigue and it is hard to get moving although I know if I do it helps relieve some of the pain, at least temporarily.
  • Maggie1moo
    Maggie1moo Posts: 89 Member

    Intresting read :)