Stage 1



  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone - just wanted to say hello! I am halfway through Stage 1 and really enjoying it :) Turns out I was doing the pike jack knifes from the beginning too lol.

    The only one I'm really struggling with because of previous knee issues is the alternating lunges... I've been using 20 lb dumbbells, which is good, but I have a hard time stepping forward and *pushing* back to feet together, the pushing part just seems to be putting strain on my knee... and thus, I'm not feeling it as much in my thighs/glutes because I'm not stepping as *deep* because of pain/irritation! I know it's definitely less painful if I'm stepping backward instead, but not sure if this is less effective. Any thoughts? :)

    I've read a single leg deadlift is a good alternative..
  • semira6
    semira6 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been hitting my protein quota really well, but I am ALWAYS over on sodium, which I usually avoid like the plague because it makes me bloat/hold onto water. BUT the foods I'm using to meet my protein are the culprits (i.e. black beans, cottage cheese, string cheese, regular cheese etc.)

    Do you all have any suggestions for high protein foods that aren't high sodium? (I also have a lot of cereal with high protein soy milk and protein powder etc.)

    Or is going over my sodium not the worst thing in the world? MFP has my sodium quota set to 2,500 when I need 2202 calories (on workout days).

    My first weigh in on this program is coming up and I don't want to be discouraged because of additional water weight I've gained :) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    just youtubed pike jackknife, well holy hell! :O

    speaking of which: did you all master the book version of prone jackknife? i cant seem to able to push my hips up, it always seems i have my back flat. (which apparently the more common form of the prone jackknife? according to numerous videos anyway.)
    i usually end up in this postion:
    instead of this:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    Do you all have any suggestions for high protein foods that aren't high sodium? (I also have a lot of cereal with high protein soy milk and protein powder etc.)

    milk, greek yogurt, muesli, whole wheat bread.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I can't seem to move past the 25lb dumbell for shoulder presses. 25lb is hard but doable and I feel like I can do more...but when I move up to 30lb I can't even finish a set. Do I just continue with the 25lb until I can do the 30lb. Or should I do AMRAP with the 30lb and then move back down to 25lb for the rest?
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    I can't seem to move past the 25lb dumbell for shoulder presses. 25lb is hard but doable and I feel like I can do more...but when I move up to 30lb I can't even finish a set. Do I just continue with the 25lb until I can do the 30lb. Or should I do AMRAP with the 30lb and then move back down to 25lb for the rest?

    The weights in my gym go up in 2KGs. I started with 6KG and could JUST get to 15 reps so when I went down to 12 reps I naturally wanted to up weights. However, with the 8KGs I can only get to 9 reps at the moment max so I do 3 sets of 9 then 8 then 7
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I forgot to post my progress

    Workout A-
    Squats- Bar---->85lbs
    Seated Rows- 55----85lbs
    Step Ups- 10

    Workout B-
    Deadlifts- Bar---->90lbs
    Wide Grip Pull Down- 55
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 10---->20lbs
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Becca and jonesin - yeah, weight increments of barbells are tough as you get up there. Both of your solutions will work for sure. I got some 1 kg wrist weights to add weight.

    Babes - great job!
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    @Jonesin -- I've been switching if I can't finish a set with the higher weight. My intent is to finish... but sometimes I can't. I don't know if this is recommended, but it's what I do. The dumbbells are hard since they go up by 5lb. And at 25+, they're too big to hold another little one in the same hand.

    I've just barely worked up to 25lb, but I had to switch down to 20 for the last few reps last time only in the 3rd set. I try again today, and will start with 25 again. I made it through two sets, so hoping I can do three this time!

    @everyone -- for the wide-grip lat pulldown, how far down do you pull the bar? I can sometimes get to 70lb but can't pull it down as far as I can 62.5lb. It feels "better" to do the 70lb. Where do you look to know if it's far enough? Elbow position? Chest?
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    @everyone -- for the wide-grip lat pulldown, how far down do you pull the bar? I can sometimes get to 70lb but can't pull it down as far as I can 62.5lb. It feels "better" to do the 70lb. Where do you look to know if it's far enough? Elbow position? Chest?

    My gym has a little 5lb weight that I can put on top of the stack, does yours? I think you want to aim for a full range of motion to get the most benefit out of the exercise. I pull the bar down to about my collarbone.. maybe a little further down.

    ETA: If 62.5 is too easy, sometimes doing the exercise in a slower and more controlled way makes it more difficult and would help you get more out of the exercise. So, for instance, when you get the bar down and are letting it rise back up, try and keep moderate tension in the cable so that you are still getting the benefit of the exercise as you release. (I haven't seen you lift, so maybe you're already doing those things.)

  • TygerTwoTails
    TygerTwoTails Posts: 108 Member
    @everyone -- for the wide-grip lat pulldown, how far down do you pull the bar? I can sometimes get to 70lb but can't pull it down as far as I can 62.5lb. It feels "better" to do the 70lb. Where do you look to know if it's far enough? Elbow position? Chest?

    My gym has a little 5lb weight that I can put on top of the stack, does yours? I think you want to aim for a full range of motion to get the most benefit out of the exercise. I pull the bar down to about my collarbone.. maybe a little further down.

    ETA: If 62.5 is too easy, sometimes doing the exercise in a slower and more controlled way makes it more difficult and would help you get more out of the exercise. So, for instance, when you get the bar down and are letting it rise back up, try and keep moderate tension in the cable so that you are still getting the benefit of the exercise as you release. (I haven't seen you lift, so maybe you're already doing those things.)


    Pretty much this, and I generally try to pull it right down to my chest (but I usually don't make it for that last rep)
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I get my stitches taking out of my finger tomorrow. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    You ladies don't know how happy this makes me!

    It healed really well. The doc who did the stitching told me to try to keep it stationary as possible, but I have all mobility back in the sucker and it doesn't hurt. However, I have no feeling in the top portion of my finger.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I've been away from the forums (and from logging food :-() for a few days but still training. I did my first AMRAP yesterday - what a killer! I might post AMRAPs as a separate topic but thought I'd post my progress as I'm almost ready to move onto Stage 2.

    Workout A:
    Squat - 20kg to 40kg
    Push ups - high step to floor (but still struggling with form)
    Row (barbell) - 20kg to32kg
    Step up - difficult to measure as I realised that I was stepping on too low a step so had to drop the weight when I increased the step
    Mountain climbers (instead of prone jacknife) - floor (15) to TRX (20)

    Workout B:
    Deadlift - 30kg to 45kg
    Dumbbell shoulder press - 8kg to 11kg (but struggled to complete 3 sets of 8)
    Pendlay rows (instead of lat pulldowns) - 25kg to 35kg
    Lunges - 8kg to 12kg
    Swissball crunches - 5kg, 15 reps to 10kg overhead, 20 reps
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Here's my progress from Stage 1, I'm doing AMRAPs on Friday and Monday. Feeling pretty good, looking forward to the new challenges of Stage 2!

    Deadlift: 60 lbs --> 110 lbs
    Dumbbell Shoulder press: 15 lbs --> 25 lbs
    Wide-grip Lat Pull Down: 60 lbs --> 90 lbs
    Lunge: 20 lbs --> 50 lbs
    Squat: 92 lbs -->100 lbs
    Seated Row: 40 lbs --> 60 lbs
    Step up: I was also doing too low of a step with weight, then I doubled the height of the step without weight
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    Ah I just did my first workout today. I've only really used the machines before so the free weights were a little intimidating. I have 2 questions:

    1) how hard am I supposed to work? Should I be struggling to finish the last rep or just feel the burn?

    2) I'm terrified of the bellbar. .__. I ended up using the bodypump bellbars instead. I'm just so scared of the sweaty men with 100lbs weights. Lol idk what I'm looking for with this question but how do I move on to the big boy(girl!) bellbar?

  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    magpie - 1. eventually, you will want to get to the point that you are struggling, but not in stage 1. Getting the form down is very important. 2. if you are being sufficiently challenged right now, stick with the bodypump bars to get comfortable with free weights. When you are ready, though, you just are going to have to *do it* in order to get comfortable with it. A session with a trainer might help, but its really about you conquering your fear.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    question mainly from whom working out at home:
    so i have noticed how weak my left (non dominant) arm is compared to the right. im doing alright with shoulder presses but the lat pulldown substitution aka pullover is just something else! im using 5kg/each dumbbells and while my right arm would be able to manage the set the left gives up halfway through. not once i almost dropped the weights on my face! :O
    im unable to do this workout with my barbell due to lack of space and the book says holding only one (and obviously heavier ~10kg?) dumbbell wont benefit me much?!
    so what, shall i just practice with my weaker side on rest days too to bring its strength level up to my right arms? or shall i just carry on doing half sets? (the next lowest i can go back down is 2.5kg/dumbbell which i could do 15reps easily, both arms, so thats not really an option)

    (just a side note of my mini victory - i finally mastered the prone jackknife properly. about time, whoo!)
  • jennify21
    Just finished my first day! I almost finished the first stage back in October but got burned out of the gym, and just not being able to get any help from the PTs there if you haven't signed up with them. But anyway loved it today! Definitely missed lifting and haven't lost a lot of the gains I made last time :)
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    So I did each workout once now, a proper newbie :)

    And this is what I learned:
    The weight room is a lot more intimidating when your standing in front of it than it is when your in.
    I really had no idea whatsoever how strong or weak the single parts of my body are (did my deadlifts and rows way to light cause I was scared)
    The prone jack knife looks worse on paper (apart from not losing the balance)
    Ask whether the weights are pounds of kilos BEFORE you choose some for your workout. (I used 6 'pounds' which were actually kilo for the step ups (3) and then had to go down :D)

    And of course I do really like doing weights a billion times more than cardio :D
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member

    The weight room is a lot more intimidating when your standing in front of it than it is when your in.

    So true - most of the 'scary men' are *****cats!

    The prone jack knife looks worse on paper (apart from not losing the balance)

    LOL, what?! I envy people who find these easy. Did 12x3 yesterday and my abs are KILLING