Galvestongal & ChocFiend - trying to lose the last 24lbs



  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    had a bit of a manic week - i really dont know where its gone!

    I am getting a bike! i have decided to invest my money in one rather than a gym membeship. If i cycle to the stables its a 10 mile round trip from home so even if I only do it 2-3 times a week i figure thats more than what i would do at the gym & i think i;ll enjoy it as i wont just be starring at a blank wall
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Thats a good idea! Now that it is warming up I may try to take my bike to the barn some. should be a good cal burner...I know what you mean about staring at and gyms don't get along. This last week was a disaster diet wise....I let stress get the better of me...and everyone wanted me to go out to eat with them and such and so forth...I will get back on track I hope this next week.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    yep, my aim is to eat well this week, drink water and do more exercise. the clocks went forward last night so it will be lighter on a night which I think will make it easier
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Wow...I literally woke up this morning 8 pounds does that even happen? Weighed in at 175.8 this morning...then after exercising was at 171.4...hmmmm I just don't understand.

    I really need to get into a groove and meet my deficits....I do really well some days and others not so well so at the end of the week I am mostly breaking even. As soon as I get paid I think I will invest in some heavier weights so I can do some body builder tricks I have been looking into. And also I need to get back to running or walking on days that I have time.

    Been kinda busy lately...been working my two horses plus I am putting some foundation training on a young horse for a friend. He traded his well trained horse for a horse that was supposed to have some training on it..only to find out that the young horse knows NOTHING. But he is a good boy and will make a good horse I think...reminds me a lot of Cinco at that age. And my Cajun is on his way to being saddled and ridden in the near future...that boy suprises me how smart he is!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    how are things going for you? Im going to an auction today. ive had a loss overall for the week of 1.6 although im still heavier than what I was at jan 1st.
    ive definately been more active. been riding and lunging, trying to walk more.

    will write you more later x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Things are about the same here...I seem to be at a plateau where I have been for a month now. I am thinking about running to GNC and seeing what they have as far as metabolic boosters and may try a new fat burner that has hit market. Also, we moved the treadmill into the living room from the garage so I can start alternating my workouts with some running. I also plan to go check out a couple parks that are supposed to have good running trails. trying to figure out a way to even out my body too...I have more muscle on my right side than left...just noticing that this week. Kind of makes riding hard because I am riding stronger with the right side and in turn he is mimicking me...working with my riding instructor on that...
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    i think i am on a plateau too i just seem to be going up and down between 175 and 180.

    i know what you mean about being stronger on one side. I am left handed and I tend to ride stronger with my left hand if i don't check myself. yet on my biceps I have more muscle on my right.

    my horse is currently going better on the right rein and im wondering if its because I am slightly stronger with my left which is ensuring a consistent outside rein on that rein, ----i don't know, but i am aware of it.

    my plan is to start running again & riding without my stirrups. but im not going to start yet even though i had planned to as i woke up with cold/flu this morning - i want to get over it asap and i think if i start exercising too much and pushing myself then it will take longer to get rid of it.

  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Sorry you are sick...that really sucks. horse is the same way. He does better to the right because I am stronger on the right. He mirrors me my instructor says. And I am constantly getting yelled at for not working hard when it is habit.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    still poorly :-( managed to lunge the boy tonight - re: working even - i counted how many times round he went on the lunge in canter and then did the same the other way tonight - couldn't thnk of an easier way to do it without a timer/watch lol

    sorry not writing much not feeling up to much x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I hear ya...well I am up to 172 this week...not sure if water weight or not but kinda killed motivation. I think I am stressing about it too much and its not helping matters.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    just replied to your PM.

    still not over this flu/cold thing. am just under 180. managed to clock up over 10000 steps on my fitbit last 2 days. my goals for this week are to do at least 10000, although i might not manage that on tuesday as on the road with work
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I would concentrate on getting better above all other things. I have revamped my goals on BodyMedia and MFP to something I feel I can stick with for now at a pound a week loss instead of two pounds. We shall see how it goes...
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    ok so still overeating way too much and not feeling in control of what im eating.

    positives for the week so far:

    - I have changed on to decaffinated tea bags on saturday so have been drinking only decaf tea since sat
    - went for a 25 min jog today
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Wow! 25 minutes...GO YOU! Well my workout efforts have been sabotaged so far this week by a sick friend who I have taken over her morning shift feeding horses...I usually workout in mornings cause my evenings are hectic...but oh well...she can't stay sick forever lol.

    I have not drank soda in a while or caffeinated tea...the only time I might is when we go out to I guess that is progress. I am trying to make healthier choices and eat far I have eaten less but not healthier foods really.

    Well, Cinco's trail ride entry may have to be scratched...he turned up lame after a trail ride across the road from the barn when he got stuck in mud...I guess he has aggravated an old injury. I am letting him rest this week and will test run him on Friday to see if he can go or not...Until then I am putting in my time on Cajun to get him going under saddle soon.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    hi there
    sorry i haven't written sooner.

    i nearly fell off today. i just wanted my horse to walk over 2 poles - thats all. well he catapulted in to the air, i felt like i comletly left the saddle lol. then he landed..........then i landed.............then he turned left sharp and i was left hanging around the right side of his neck. he stopped thankfully and i very ungracefully clambered back up. this is obviously an issue with my core and balance. i just couldn't physically get my upper body back upright without my hands on his neck to push myself back up. have you any tips for exercises that i can do to strengthen my core in terms of having more control over my upper body. i don't even know if that all makes sense?

    the rest of the session went well though i just did some small cross poles, a parellel and then a gate jump which he found very very scary. i need to work on him landing on the correct canter lead too...

    how is cinco? is he any better?

    A xx
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Wow sounds like quite the day! lol

    Cinco is okay...still sore in the hindquarters though and I am not sure why...He is okay at the walk/trot but his canter is all funky and he doesn't want to reach underneath himself with his back legs like he needs to. But that seems to be the least of my worries right now...

    There are things going on at the barn....lots of things and I am trying to find another place for my boys. My friend has left the barn because of all the madness and since she is no longer working morning shift and the owner has not found anyone it seems that all the extra work is falling on me at no extra pay or anything offered. Not only that but I am finding out that the owner is badmouthing me behind my back and mistreating my horses. Cajun has lost 100 pounds in the last 6 months and I found out that he mostly was not getting fed...only when I fed him. I just don't understand....And the barn is going downhill because she is focused more on flipping houses...there are no available places to ride because she has filled them all with horses.

    I am just sick of the ego and the "my way is the only way" attitude....needless to say I have been stress-eating and falling off the wagon of logging food and everything...I'm trying hard to reclaim some sanity and get back to it...
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    sorry i have been missing for the last few days. im trying to get myself back into gear. bought a western saddle - i fancy giving something different a go. is cinco still lame? x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Hey girlie...Yes...Cinco is still lame but slowly getting better. The weather has been crazy so not much work done with Cajun either. I have been eating like crazy and seem to not know what FULL is anymore...GRRR...
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    hi there
    sorry ive been MIA. today i was 178 ive been struggling the last couple of weeks with overeating and was headed towards 185 lbs again. im hoping im back on track now and heading back for 172.

    172 is my first goal for now - 6lb to go. then i will be the same as i was at new year.

    how is cinco?
