April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • Workout B today

    Having a fight with OP. Deloaded to 55 from 60 and now I am failing out on reps at 55... Need to buy fractionals/eat protein/rest longer/eat better/etc... I'm considering going all the way back to 45 lb oly bar and starting over. Must beat OP!! Rawr!!

    Squat - 130# 5x5 - Met my April goal!!
    OP 55# 5,5,5,4,3
    DL 130# 5x5 - 10 lbs over April goal!

    Bench 80# 5x5 - 5lbs from April goal! Totally gonna hit it.
    Row 70# 5x5 Back to where I was before mini deload for form.
    Squat 125# 5x5

    It's been my long term goal to squat & dead lift body weight. Since the body weight doesn't seem to be coming down, glad to see the weights are going up!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member

    It's been my long term goal to squat & dead lift body weight. Since the body weight doesn't seem to be coming down, glad to see the weights are going up!

    Haha Fish! This has been my goal too. I made it with deads, but I just told my husband last night that the squat thing is not going to happen unless some weight comes off me first. :laugh:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Dani - Yes, working out in a gym does lend itself to seeing and hearing some very interesting stuff. I also wanted to thank you for your discussions on the progressive lifts (pyramid). I think I will be doing them more now that I am getting close to my upper limits.

    Kira - WOW, just WOW. That guy had no clue did he?

    So, workout A today....

    Squats - did a progressive climb on the weights, warm up with body weight and bar, then did 1x5 @ 65, 75, 85, 95 and 105. This seemed to give me the chance to hit a higher weight before wearing down the hip flexor. I also tried to "rip apart the floor with my heals" as I was coming up out of the squat. I saw that tip in the Eat, Train, Progress group and I think it really did help to take some pressure off the hip flexor.

    Bench - did a similar progression, but did warm-up at bar and 75 then 1x5 @ 95 and 105 then 115 for 3 sets for 4, 5, 4 reps.

    Rows - I made the mistake of not stacking plates to lift off of since the weight room was busy. 105 was rough so I dropped down to 95 for the last 4 sets.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Dani-I work out at home and every now and then this guy appears at the top of the stairs making growly sounds and talking about "pipes! Look at those pipes!". He actually made me fail on bench once due to his random, goofy comments! Then there's always some cat meandering around the power rack and the dog who thinks the coin socks are dog toys. Does your home gym not have these things?!

    Tomorrow is workout B...gonna shoot for 130 on squats, which would put me over my body weight (by only a pound, but hey, a pound is a pound, right?). We'll see about OHP. Grrrr, now I'm growling!

    Glad to read that others are staying the same size/weight but getting stronger. I recently looked and I've been the same weight and no change in measurements in 3 months, but my strength is increasing. Eventually somethings got to change, right? I get my body fat checked next month for my work's wellness program, hope to see some progress there at least!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Dani-I work out at home and every now and then this guy appears at the top of the stairs making growly sounds and talking about "pipes! Look at those pipes!". He actually made me fail on bench once due to his random, goofy comments! Then there's always some cat meandering around the power rack and the dog who thinks the coin socks are dog toys. Does your home gym not have these things?!

    No ma'am. My gym is in the garage, so first thing I do is open both garage doors and turn on our enormously huge, loud fan to get the gasoline smell out (cause we have lawnmowers and a motorcycle plus gas cans in there. Then I go do yoga (in the house, not the garage). Then I return (to the garage), close one door completely and the other partway (leaving a crack for some air circulation), and the only thing you'll hear for the next 45 minutes or so is me talking to myself, grunting here and there, and the clanging of plates and the bar. No music (can't hear it due to said enormously loud fan). Just me, the fan, my own thoughts and my barbells.
    Dani - Yes, working out in a gym does lend itself to seeing and hearing some very interesting stuff. I also wanted to thank you for your discussions on the progressive lifts (pyramid). I think I will be doing them more now that I am getting close to my upper limits.

    You're so welcome! I was surprised when I read about variations of 5x5, and the staggered (pyramid?) was what really appealed to me because it seemed straightforward and effective without being overly taxing. Glad my rabid researching is helping somebody else! :flowerforyou:

    It just makes me mad when I read posts about "I failed this lift" and "I failed that lift" when really, none of you people are failing anything, and all it would take are some minor tweaks for you to find your happy place and being able to continue progressing without sitting there beating yourselves up for no reason whatsoever. Stronglifts is only one variation of the 5x5, and while it's a solid program, I think it's perfectly fine to adapt it to your situation here and there with certain lifts and being able to steadily progress without getting frustrated or feeling like some sort of failure (in what universe is a woman lifting an olympic barbell plus plates over her head repeatedly a failure anyway, pray tell????). Do what you gotta do to progress and enjoy the journey, because why frustrate yourself for no reason?

    I did the "rip the floor apart" today too while squatting. Very effective!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I have a tendency to 'rip the floor apart' when squatting. sadly only with the power of my farts!

    giggling at work, how professional!!

    A for me tonight, supposed to do 50kg squats (repeating to get that backside horizontal!), 35kg bench (eep!) and 43.5 rows. ...

    fishlover - did you really do 5x5 deads?! wow!

    checked out the ankle weights and they are out of stock at Tesco :( booo! hopefully not needing them just yet though!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @macy LOL at the home gym quirks.

    @fishlover 5x5 deadlifts? Hardcore!

    So, lunchtime workout B on 3x5 for me today.

    Squat - 37.5kg/82.5# again. Ready to go up next time
    OHP - 17.5kg/38.5# Fractions next time, then I'm ready to use the men's Oly bar instead of the women's! This is where I stalled out last time...
    DL - 57.5kg/126.5# Easier than last time. Back up to 60kg bodyweight next time.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Today will be my second day. I will go with less weight for my squats. They did not feel 'too heavy' at 45, but totally messed up my back muscles on my left. I will probably go with 30 instead of 45/50#... Try that, maybe for a few more sessions, see if it helps my weak left side.

    Normally, I think I'd be fine with the planned Deadlifts, but I can still barely walk from Monday's workout. I guess I am a wimpy squatter.... Gonna take a bot longer to bring those up to par.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    It's also okay to take more than one rest day. Sometimes lifting helps you work through the muscle soreness, and sometimes you just need another day of rest, good food, and lots of water!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    It's also okay to take more than one rest day. Sometimes lifting helps you work through the muscle soreness, and sometimes you just need another day of rest, good food, and lots of water!

    Today will be my gauge... Does lifting help work through the soreness or not..... If NOT, then day 3 will NOT be Friday!! :happy:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Today will be my second day. I will go with less weight for my squats. They did not feel 'too heavy' at 45, but totally messed up my back muscles on my left. I will probably go with 30 instead of 45/50#... Try that, maybe for a few more sessions, see if it helps my weak left side.

    Normally, I think I'd be fine with the planned Deadlifts, but I can still barely walk from Monday's workout. I guess I am a wimpy squatter.... Gonna take a bot longer to bring those up to par.

    Don't be discouraged, and don't think about 'par'. :bigsmile:

    If it makes you feel any better I did bodyweight and 20- and 30 pound squats for almost a month before I started using the 45 pound bar. What I always say is, you're only competing against yourself. And in fact, you are only competing against your last session. But in this case, you are still finding your starting point. Once you do find the right starting point, you'll be able to progress smoothly from there and it will be really amazing and fun!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @macy that is funny about your home distractions! I have a goofy husband and a dog that insists on being near me when I lift too. BUt no cat.

    @lwood: yeah, the ripping issue is yet another reason I workout at home. And when the dog is there, I can just blame it on him.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    I'm so excited about squats tonight. I think I'm quad-dominant, so all the way up to 45kg I was struggling to engage my glutes but they suddenly needed to kick in on 47.5kg which felt GREAT.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I have a tendency to 'rip the floor apart' when squatting. sadly only with the power of my farts!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    It just makes me mad when I read posts about "I failed this lift" and "I failed that lift" when really, none of you people are failing anything, and all it would take are some minor tweaks for you to find your happy place and being able to continue progressing without sitting there beating yourselves up for no reason whatsoever. Stronglifts is only one variation of the 5x5, and while it's a solid program, I think it's perfectly fine to adapt it to your situation here and there with certain lifts and being able to steadily progress without getting frustrated or feeling like some sort of failure (in what universe is a woman lifting an olympic barbell plus plates over her head repeatedly a failure anyway, pray tell????). Do what you gotta do to progress and enjoy the journey, because why frustrate yourself for no reason?

    I totally agree. :drinker: I think I have used the "failed" word before, but I guess it is just more a missed rep since I successfully put the weight up a few times before that. (Heck, sometimes just getting to the gym negates failure.) I've started to take a slower progression by working to complete all 5x5 then add the 5 lbs and start working with that as best I can. If I can get a full set in, then I try for a second set. If I miss reps on the set, I drop the 5 lbs and finish at the lower weight. Even completing one more rep than the last time at the higher weight is progress in the right direction. :flowerforyou:

    Today is normally my trainer day, but she emailed that she is sick so I decided on a rest day. I may look into some yoga dvds on Netfilx tonight since I am feeling a bit tighter than normal.

    Happy lifting to all the *kitten* kicking ladies (and guys) here!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Don't be discouraged, and don't think about 'par'. :bigsmile:

    If it makes you feel any better I did bodyweight and 20- and 30 pound squats for almost a month before I started using the 45 pound bar. What I always say is, you're only competing against yourself. And in fact, you are only competing against your last session. But in this case, you are still finding your starting point. Once you do find the right starting point, you'll be able to progress smoothly from there and it will be really amazing and fun!

    Thanks. I'm not discouraged. Not really. Just trying to figure out whhat works for me. nd glad to see how my mile scoliosis reacts now- and how I can fix- before I start with my son next month- he has 43 degree curve- so much more severe than mine.

    I guess by "on par"- Just hoping the squats will one day be the same level as the other stuff- as the squats will be low and slow for a whie, but the rest should progress much easier. And right now, my squats won't be 'better than last time"- just hoping for 'not more painful"...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Thanks. I'm not discouraged. Not really. Just trying to figure out whhat works for me. nd glad to see how my mile scoliosis reacts now- and how I can fix- before I start with my son next month- he has 43 degree curve- so much more severe than mine.

    I guess by "on par"- Just hoping the squats will one day be the same level as the other stuff- as the squats will be low and slow for a whie, but the rest should progress much easier. And right now, my squats won't be 'better than last time"- just hoping for 'not more painful"...

    Most people have limitations that hold back one or more of the lifts. I've been dealing with some hip flexor issues that keep me from really pushing it far on the squats. At this point I'm not sure if my squats will ever be on par with my other lifts, but I am still better off for attempting them each time and working towards figuring out what works. I can totally relate to the "not more painful" thought. I have good days and bad days with squats. Just keep at it and progress when you can. Plus, you will probably find that one lift that comes more naturally to really be proud of.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Last night's squat session is going ot leave me sore today I think, but ...maybe I'll get lucky andit will fade (I never get lucky!)

    I've added some assistance work that I *loathe* so ....we'll see how long that lasts. Because oh god I hate it.

    But otherwise I felt really good about last nights squats, which I haven't felt in a while. I hope I can recapture that next week.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok, I just read through Xidia's 5/3/1 thread, and I'm thinking I might be doing way too many deadlift warmups. I usually do 4 warmup sets, with reps at 5431. Too many? Ok? I don't know I feel like the weight is so "high" that I need to work up to it, but it's also my last exercise and in theory I should be relatively loose by then. Thoughts?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Most people have limitations that hold back one or more of the lifts. I've been dealing with some hip flexor issues that keep me from really pushing it far on the squats. At this point I'm not sure if my squats will ever be on par with my other lifts, but I am still better off for attempting them each time and working towards figuring out what works. I can totally relate to the "not more painful" thought. I have good days and bad days with squats. Just keep at it and progress when you can. Plus, you will probably find that one lift that comes more naturally to really be proud of.

    Good Reminder!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ok, I just read through Xidia's 5/3/1 thread, and I'm thinking I might be doing way too many deadlift warmups. I usually do 4 warmup sets, with reps at 5431. Too many? Ok? I don't know I feel like the weight is so "high" that I need to work up to it, but it's also my last exercise and in theory I should be relatively loose by then. Thoughts?

    If you like them, do them. I think 3 sets is a good number of warmups.