Members Please Introduce Yourself here:



  • Hi Everyone,
    My name is Marianna and I had the Duodenal Switch on January 16. Since the start of my liquid diet on 1/11, I'm down 27 lbs (20 since day of surgery). I'm doing great with the vitamins and I'm on my second week of pureed foods. I'm also averaging about 70 grams of protein a day between food and a protein shake (can't seem to get a second shake in). I had my surgery done at Abington Hospital by Dr Bonanni. He is fantastic and I'm so glad I had him as my surgeon. I'm still learning the ropes, but this site has been a great help in keeping track of my protein intake. I also need to move more. That's my next goal to tackle. I hope to learn more by joining this group!
  • tyrannanora
    tyrannanora Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, my name is Nora, I'm 58, wife, mom to 2 boys and grandma to 2 boys and a girl. I work full time and am hoping to retire in the spring of 2015 and I'm waiting for my surgery date. I've seen the surgeon, dietician, social worker, surgical nurse and am scheduled to meet my internist on Feb. 20. If all goes well I should ahve a surgery date 4 to 6 weeks after that. I can't wait to get out there and to fit into clothes and rollercoasters and go for a horseback ride.. so many things I haven't been able to do for so many years. I was playing roadhockey with my grandson on Saturday and I sure would love to be able to outscore him. :) I'm happy to be on this site, my dietician recommended it although I'd found it a couple of years ago, I never really used it. If anybody is looking for a friend, I am, too.
  • Hi! I'm Cecilia, and I had surgery (RnY) on February 13. At the end of week 1 I had lost almost 15 pounds, but this week I've been stuck. I decided to join MFP to keep better track of what I'm eating. I am amazed at how easy it is to use!!!

    So, about me: I'll be 50 in October, I am divorced with three daughters (one of whom I keep unsuccessfully nudging out of the nest). I'm an RN and work at a psychiatric hospital in the midwest. When I started looking into medically assisted weight loss I weighed 271. At time of surgery I had made it down to 229 around the holidays, and was told not to lose any more or I would no longer qualify for the insurance to pay. Except then I found out that my ease of losing weight was due to a new diagnosis of Grave's disease (speeds up your metabolism). They ended that with radioactive iodine to the thyroid, and it was all I could do to maintain until the day of surgery. (I knew it had been coming off too easy!)

    Anyway, I'm here to learn how to make the best use of this one-time gift I've been given (the re-routed plumbing, that is). My goal is to be fit, healthy, and fabulous in time for a cruise in January, and hopefully most of the way to fabulous in time for my birthday in October. :smile:

    It's amazing to find such a strong community here. Thanks in advance for all your support!

  • Hello! My name is Tiffany and I was banded on 11/5/2012. I decided to get the band because I just had a baby 1/12 and was struggling with my weight for years before my lat child. I started my journey 8/20/2012 @ 334. The day of my surgery 11/5/2013 @ 318. As of 2/25/2013 I am at 296. Although I feel the weight loss is slow, it has been steady.

    I know I needed to do this so I can enjoy my children. I have now set a weight loss goal of 2 lbs per week. I hope to accomplish this and stay away from the slider foods.
  • stacycs
    stacycs Posts: 2 Member
    I am Stacy. I had my sleeve 2/27/13. I'm doing very well so far, no complications (knock on wood!).

    I have always be heavy. I went on my first diet at age 7. I need to lose this weight to get healthy. I am almost 50 and want to enjoy life without worrying if I fit.
  • Hi
    my name is patricia and I hope to have the sleeve done this year around thanksgiving. I am looking forward to it but I am also a little worryed. I have been over weight all my life. I would like to be healthy and keep up with my little girl.
  • elainepote
    elainepote Posts: 5 Member
    Ciao All. My name is Elaine, I live in Southern Louisiana. IT"S HOT HERE. I'm having WLS this summer. I have a wonderful surgeon and he recommended a great clinic and nutritionist for my after care. I have had dealings with dietitions and nutritionist in the past and have learned better eating skills and habits. Unfortunately it was to late. My metabalism is ALL messed up. I can easily lose 30 lbs, then no more. So in June I'm having a gastric sleeve. It's been a hard row to hoe. I had to first convince my husband I needed this. Then I had to convince everyone else, doctors, therapist and nutritionists I was ready. I've been using MFP to help me become mindful of eating well and making informed choices in meals. Please feel free to convo me any time. Ciao, MissElaineous
  • Btchymama
    Btchymama Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Fellow WLS Peeps!
    My name is Niki. I am a 36 year old wife and mother of 3 from Regina Saskatchewan Canada. I am super active in teh community, school council and my son'd Taekwon-do directors board. I run an in-home daycare and have done so for 14 years now. So all this attention on everyone but me has left me with a heavy burden to carry... my weight! I had Roux-en-y surgery on November 19, 2012... the day my life changed! I was 336 lbs, with pain in my hip so bad, I hadnt been in my basement family room in 6 months. I was on high blood pressure, cholestrol, heartburn meds as well as lasix for my continuous swelling in my feet and legs. I was not a happy lady!! When I went to my family doctor 2 weeks after the sugery, I no longer needed any medications! Oh so happy!! So far I have dropped 90lbs. And am feeling better then I have felt in 15 years :) I am caring about myself, my appearance, my health and my life. I have also inspired my husband, who is type 1 diabetic, to pay more attention to himself. As well as my three lil loves - my children. Well... that's me. I am on the right path but would love to have someone to share this journey with who is doing it too.
    Cheers ~ Niki
  • Btchymama
    Btchymama Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Sarah,
    Im a RNY'er too! Had mine done a month before you and have been very happy with my progress so far. Just wanted to extend my support to you on your journey.
    Would love to talk ~ Niki :flowerforyou:
  • lindaseverin
    lindaseverin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Linda and I have not yet had the surgery but I am scheduled to have it on monday, September 23 at 10:00am. I have been overweight since I was a teenager. I am now 40 need to get serious about losing my weight. I live in northern ontario with my two children and the most wonderful and supportive husband. I have a goal to loss 40 pounds before my surgery and get fitter to hopefully have a quicker recovery.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hi, I'm Joelle and I live in Maine. My gastric bypass was 8/31/09. When I started my journey on 1/17/09 I was 399. On the date of my surgery I weighed 308. My lowest weight was around the beginning of 2011 when I was 183. Since then I have had a baby (who is now 10 months old) and I am still trying to get back to 185! I weight 210 now so I am looking to lose 25 pounds.

    Thanks for your support!
  • cspinelli712
    cspinelli712 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello, I am a newbe and I am so happy to have found this group. I have been using myfitnesspal for the past 6 weeks and it has really helped me stay on track. I had no idea there was a group for WLS folks. I had my gastric bypass surgery on March 11th, 2013. My highest weight was 331 pounds and I knew I really needed an intervention. I had troulbe walking since my knees were always in pain everytime I moved, I have sleep apnea and have to wear a mask every night and when I was told I was pre diabetic I knew I came to the end of the road. I tried everything else and weight loss surgery was my final destination. Since March 11th I have lost 45 pounds and I am just starting to get my old self back, why did I wait so long to have this surgery? I wished I had done this 10 years ago. I am still at stage 2 for eating and have had a few problems. I am still trying to figure things out for myself. I look forward to hearing from you. I am just thrilled that I found this site. Take care, Cheryl
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
  • wolfgirl78
    wolfgirl78 Posts: 56 Member
    I've posted on this thread several pages back, but thought I would bump myself back up. I'm Jill, 35 years old, from SW Louisiana. I had gastric sleeve surgery on 06/12/12. Down 98lbs so far. Feel free to add me.
  • cclark665
    cclark665 Posts: 5
    Hi 47 year old father of 5 kids. Began Weight loss journey in January 3 2012 by attending WLS orientation. I had Surgery after 6 months of Behavior mod required by my insurance so they would cover the surgery. I was down 12 pounds from original weight of 292. So day of Surgery I was 280 on September 17th. I had Laproscopic gastric bypass. I have lost 80 pounds since. I am approximately 200 pounds now. I have been this weight for about 3 weeks.
    Before the surgeryI was diabetic taking pills and using 300 units of insulin per day. I had sleep apnea. I was diagnosed as having non alcoholic Fatty liver, High Blood pressure, High cholesterol, high triglycerides. I was treated for depression and Had acid reflux a hiatal hernia and had high grade dysplacia in my esophagus. I was told that I would not reach 60 if I didn't take action.
    I have now come off the insulin my blood sugar is controlled with one pill. I take half the medications I used to take for Blood pressure. I have no heartburn. My cholesterol and triglycerides are normal and I no longer snore. I walk 2 miles at lunch time and average between 4-7miles durring the normal walking of each day. I feel so much better and I look a lot better but I still want to lose 20 more pounds and I feel stuck. I welcome friends who want to walk this journey with me!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I've posted on this thread several pages back, but thought I would bump myself back up. I'm Jill, 35 years old, from SW Louisiana. I had gastric sleeve surgery on 06/12/12. Down 98lbs so far. Feel free to add me.

    Hi Jill!
    I also posted a while back, but notice you are from SW Louisiana. I have a dear friend in Lake Charles who had gastric bypass 19 years ago. I live in SE Texas, so we aren't too far away. Congrats on your weight loss!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Hi 47 year old father of 5 kids. Began Weight loss journey in January 3 2012 by attending WLS orientation. I had Surgery after 6 months of Behavior mod required by my insurance so they would cover the surgery. I was down 12 pounds from original weight of 292. So day of Surgery I was 280 on September 17th. I had Laproscopic gastric bypass. I have lost 80 pounds since. I am approximately 200 pounds now. I have been this weight for about 3 weeks.
    Before the surgeryI was diabetic taking pills and using 300 units of insulin per day. I had sleep apnea. I was diagnosed as having non alcoholic Fatty liver, High Blood pressure, High cholesterol, high triglycerides. I was treated for depression and Had acid reflux a hiatal hernia and had high grade dysplacia in my esophagus. I was told that I would not reach 60 if I didn't take action.
    I have now come off the insulin my blood sugar is controlled with one pill. I take half the medications I used to take for Blood pressure. I have no heartburn. My cholesterol and triglycerides are normal and I no longer snore. I walk 2 miles at lunch time and average between 4-7miles durring the normal walking of each day. I feel so much better and I look a lot better but I still want to lose 20 more pounds and I feel stuck. I welcome friends who want to walk this journey with me!

    Congrats on your accomplishments! I am a type I diabetic and was taking 155+ units of insulin a day thru a pump prior to surgery and am down to about 20 units now, DC'd the cpap machine, off blood pressure meds, as well as the cholesterol meds. I am 44 and was also told I wouldn't make it another ten years. My endocrinologist told me I "had reached the point of no return." That was when I began the process for gastric bypass. It took a year to get approved--I was denied 3 times because of problems with paperwork that was not properly submitted. In the end, it was well worth it! I am also at that last 15-20 pound mark and it's going very slow. Good luck and I will send a fr!
  • krisls2
    krisls2 Posts: 3
    Hello Everyone, My name is Kris and I am from Colorado. I just had the RNY last week 5/7/13. My presurgery weight was 380 after the 10 day liquid diet I was at 362. Came home from hospital last Friday at 367 and today I weigh 357. I am very excited. I have been trying different programs for the past 10 years. I am a 52 year old grandma of a 2 year old boy and I did this so I can enjoy him. he wants me to do things with him and I can't!

    I can't wait to ride bikes with him!
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Hello Everyone, My name is Kris and I am from Colorado. I just had the RNY last week 5/7/13. My presurgery weight was 380 after the 10 day liquid diet I was at 362. Came home from hospital last Friday at 367 and today I weigh 357. I am very excited. I have been trying different programs for the past 10 years. I am a 52 year old grandma of a 2 year old boy and I did this so I can enjoy him. he wants me to do things with him and I can't!

    I can't wait to ride bikes with him!

    Welcome, and congratulations. You'll be out riding your bike before you know it.
  • ashleegil
    ashleegil Posts: 26
    I'm Ashlee had Sleeve done 4-25-13....I think I am doing ok. Somedays I wonder if I am failing though but I know it's all part of the process.