Weight Loss Surgery - Daily Conversation 2013



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Swimming!! I swam today again. I didn't do the bike ride after because I decided to be smart for once. My head isn't bothering me at all. I think this new dose of Topamax may finally do the trick!
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    So I'm kind of annoyed. According to my BodyMedia FIT and MyFitnessPal, for the past two weeks, I've been posting an average deficit of 250 calories a day. And my weight hasn't budged one bit! Bah. Stupid scale!

    I am no longer annoyed by not showing progress all the time.

    Take last month for instance I burned 88341 calories and consumed only 21334. That is a calorie deficit of 67007.

    A pound of fat is 3500 calories, so when I divide 67006 by 3500 I see that I burned 19.44 pounds of fat.

    Energy is not free, Just like you can not drive 200 miles on a 100 mile tank of gas, you cannot follow the program without long term positive results.

    I spent almost two weeks last month at the same or near weight, but over the whole month I lost 18 pounds, pretty close to my calculated weight loss above.

    Keep working hard, make progress every day and try to realize that daily scorekeeping can give you short-sighted disappointments.

    Love it great point!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Eh, I didn't love it. My thought was "typical guy. Thinks everything is a problem to be fixed." :wink:

    Dude, I was just venting.
  • Hi everyone,
    newbie on this site! I should have had my gastric sleeve surgery on dec.27 2012 but of course my darn insurance company denied it due to me not showing weight loss, so now I'm on my second month of nutritional visits and showing weight loss, my check in yesterday I lost 7 pounds, so I need to lose more weight by may 1 and my insurance should approve me..fingers and toes crossed! my mom is scheduled to have Roux-en-Y surgery April 11!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Your insurance company sucks. Kick em in the pants for me. (metaphorically speaking)
  • sheripamela
    sheripamela Posts: 38 Member
    Got my surgery date.....May 8th. Excited and nervous all at the same time. Could use some friend who have been there. :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all,

    Check out this article that is taboo for a lot of programs and should not be: (see link below)


    Have a wonderful day!!
  • sgroom
    sgroom Posts: 2 Member
    Ok so all this is new to me and I need a lot of help to keep in the right direction. I'm in my pre-op stage and I'm making lots of progress... almost finish with tests and studies need to get approve for surgery. One of my concerns is hair loss or thinning..... any recommendations? :smile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    There's not a lot you can do about it.... well actually that depends. For 90% of the people, there's not a lot they can do about it. The shock of surgery and anesthesia and being on a very low calorie diet right out of surgery (a lot of people can't get in more than 400 calories those first couple of weeks) causes your hair to die. Then, because your new hair hasn't grown in yet, the dead hair stays in your head. but 3-4 months later, the new growth pushes the dead growth out. And, at that point, it's dead. Nothing you can do about it. It takes about 3 months for it all to be pushed out.

    But, if your hair falls out sooner or it falls out for more than 3-4 months after it starts, that's most likely from malnutrition and you can do something about that.

    The big thing is to eat a lot of protein as soon as you can so as little as possible dies that first month. And not stress to much when it does fall out.
  • Compudad
    Compudad Posts: 54 Member
    Eh, I didn't love it. My thought was "typical guy. Thinks everything is a problem to be fixed." :wink:

    Dude, I was just venting.

    I find your response to my post to be rude. I was trying tell about what helps me when I do not see the scale move. Dont be such a judgmental person. I come here for positive reenforcement.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Still in lecture mode, I see. :wink:
  • lindaseverin
    lindaseverin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to this group and have my surgery scheduled for September 23, 2013. It has been a long process for me as I was referred in May 2012. I have learned so much about eating right and having your support system in place. If anyone has any tips on how to prepare for the surgery or what to expect after the surgery I would love to hear them :)
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    I think we have to be careful on here. The typed word is not the same as the spoken and it is easy to see things in a different way. I posted a message to friends recently that the weight loss had stopped and a friend posted 'Oh why whats gone wrong?' After I had stopped blubbing I thought about it and realised she was just concerned not criticising. We have all invested so much into this physically and emotionally that it is too easy to react to anything as a major trauma.

    My weightloss has stalled. I can't bring myself to stop weighing myself every day so I just look at the pattern and as I still see a general downward movement all is good. I know I need to get beyond this if I am to maintain this, the weightloss will not and cannot continue for ever!!

    No-one said wls is easy I just think we need to look after each other in here because the main boards are a battle ground for wls people. And none of what I have said is aimed at anyone so I am hoping no-one has a reaction to this!!
  • sheripamela
    sheripamela Posts: 38 Member
    Surgery tomorrow....nervous, excited, nervous,
  • anitadanafit
    anitadanafit Posts: 38 Member
    Saying a quick prayer for you tonight. Let us know how everything worked out for you.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Surgery tomorrow....nervous, excited, nervous,

    Best of luck. Check back in when you get home.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    Surgery tomorrow....nervous, excited, nervous,

    Good Luck!
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    Don't worry about stalls. I stall every month! lol. I loose nothing for 3 weeks then about 3-4 days before TOM I drop a few pounds and during the first 3-4 days of TOM I tend to continue to loose, then nothing!!!! for weeks! Then the cycle begins again! I am 1 year out and have 18lbs. til goal weight! It is a slow process lots of times!

    Good Luck!
  • sheripamela
    sheripamela Posts: 38 Member
    Got to the hospital was all gowned up and ready to go when they came and told me the doctor was going to cancel. He had to do a liver transplant instead. I have been rescheduled for Tuesday. Hopefully
  • GeorgiaGirl2926
    GeorgiaGirl2926 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everybody; I'm a Newbie here. I'm scheduled to have Roux-En-Y on Monday, May 20, 2013. Although the surgeon hasn't started me on liquids; I am doing them as of today. Tracking protein, carbs and sugar. I go for my Pre-Op day after tomorrow and will switch to whatever they have me do.
    I'm extremely nervous, very excited about this journey. I've tried everything, you name it ~ 35 years of yo yo. If I could have had the WLS years ago, I would have.
    Would love to get to know those of you who have recently been through WLS or are in the pre-op stages.
    I'm determined to follow the plan from the beginning. Sounds like it is a good thing to take full advantage of the "honeymoon period" and get those good habits in place.
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