


  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just started NROL4W Monday, and thought I'd stop by and introduce myself.

    I am 40yo and a SAHM to four great kids, ranging in age from 11 years to 19 months. My biggest challenge is finding the time to workout. I have lost about 10 pounds so far, but am looking to lose is gradually and preserve as much lean body mass as possible. I am so looking forward to the challenge of this program and seeing results. I forgot to take my before pictures and measurements, so I'll be doing that sometime today.

    I've been reading through the Stage 1 and other threads, and I love how everyone so supportive. Looking forward to participating in this group!
  • Vsez
    Vsez Posts: 17 Member
    Hello All! I’m Vee. I’m in my late thirties, have a demanding job in manufacturing, & working out really puts my mind at ease. Apparently I joined this group last year before I even heard of the book. LOL. I decided to get serious with my strength training this year. My goals are to lose fat & gain muscle (of course). My biggest issue is my diet (I’m greedy) but I’m working on it. I’m almost done with stage 1 and am pretty happy with my progress. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Hey all! I'm Erica, 31, and finishing my last semester of work to graduate with my PhD in May. I begin a new job in the fall and am hoping to be in the best shape of my life by then! I am determined to follow the course of a fine wine in bettering with age :)

    I just finished my second session yesterday and just discovered the werkit logs! So excited for those! As an athlete in high school I lifted all four years and then continued to lift in high school. Seemingly fell off the wagon as the weight began creeping on and all of a sudden got to the point where I was intimidated by the weight room :-/ However, I'm back and have even kiped my little brothers barbell and dumbells that he was no longer using to set up a mini gym in the basement. Looking to order some rubber mats for the floor (basement of old farmhouse, so it's akin to a dungeon...)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    welcome ethie, vsez, luv, neko, braggs, and sarahp!!
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    Hello! I'm Kassandra. I'm a nutrition student who is ironically overweight. I know exactly how to lose weight. I'm just struggling with the whole willpower thing. I'm working on it and getting better. Now that I've sort of gotten used to the idea of working out every day, I want to corporate lifting. I've ordered the NROL4W book today and should have it Wednesday. I'm not entirely sure if I'll start right away, as I'm currently doing a 30 Day Shred. I'm excited about it, though, and I look forward to being able to outlift my boyfriend. lol.
  • Stripeymitten
    Stripeymitten Posts: 74 Member
    Hello all
    I have ordered my copy of NROL4W after being awed by the success stories on here. It should arrive mid-late next week and I plan to get cracking straight away.
    Up until very recently I was a fitness phobe but finally copped on and started C25K, Day 3 of Week 5 of which is tomorrow. I am also doing a pilates DVD daily and the NHS strength & flex programme on non-running days. Not sure where I will fir in 30 mins of weights 3 times a week as well (I get up at 0500 every day to work out before work - there is no way I would find the motivation to do it if I didn't do it first thing. Also up at 0500 on weekends, mad woman) but I'm sure I'll figure something out!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi stripey - you will find that there are ladies on the thread that try to fit a lot of different things into our fitness programs, ladies that run and do NROLFW, and ladies who just do NR. That being said, make sure to listen to your body and don't overdo it. You want to really give it your all on lifting days!!

    Hi Kass - if willpower was free, we'd all look like goddesses. Welcome!
  • joolson45
    joolson45 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi im Joanne mother of three daughters 20, 18, and 15.. I am 5'4 148.. I used to be in good shape but the past few years I have been lazy.... and it shows... just order the book on my kindle and am really excited to start... little nervous too...dont have much upper body strengh and usually stick mostly to cardio or machines... any advise would be appreciated....:)
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all, my name is Amanda a 30 yr old mother of four (12, 6, 4, and 6 months). I am also a graduate student and I graduate this May! I recently got the book out from the library and I am considering buying it. I used to lift two years ago which helped me lose almost 100lbs. I looked and most importantly felt great. I want to get back there again!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I'm Callie, 50yo, mother of 19yo daughter and 16yo son, step-mom to daughters, 23yo and 16yo. Married to my DH 10 years. And I have 76lbs to lose to reach my goal weight of 140; Other goals are a "normal" BMI and BF% of 22-25%. Although I joing MFP in Oct 2012, only recently (02/04/13) have I been logging food and exercise daily. I have been encouraged by some MFP friends to begin strength training. I am researching both SL 5x5 and NROL4W (got the book last Friday - still reading) and hope to start hitting the weights in early April. I also do cardio 3x/week and am training with C25K.

    I am really looking forward to posting my progress with both pics and increasing lifting weights.
  • MaraPN
    MaraPN Posts: 66 Member
    I'm Angel (that's my nick, I don't use my real name),
    38 yrs old, mother of 4 and married. Since my 3rd pregnancy I've
    gained a lot of weight.
    I weigh about 187 lbs (85.8kg) and my goal is 143lbs (65kg)
    I don't really have a timelimit when I want to reach my goal. I just
    want to reach it and stay there.
    My exercise goal is min 3 to max 5 times a week.
    I do different workouts, both in the gym and at home.
    Kettlebell workouts, Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, cardio at the gym.
    I ordered the book NROLFW cause of the great things I heard about it.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    Waving hi. I'm Kim, 55 years old, mom to a 19 yo DD and a medical technologist. I used to weight train in my twenties and early thirties and was in the best shape of my life. Looking forward to seeing muscle definition again.

    I got my book a few days ago and after reading it over a few times and getting tips from this group I started today. I don't know which worked me out more, the workout or pumping up my swiss ball (I regret deflating it). I'm definitely going to be sore tomorrow.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    Hello. My name is Mystie. I am an artist in Columbus, Ohio.

    I finally got this book and started reading it.

    I have been lifting weights on my own for several years. I tried to get into Olympic powerlifting, but a bum hip decided it didn't want to squat that deep that fast. Anyway, I heard about this book on various sites (including this one) and the Arnold Fitness Expo and decided maybe it was a step towards lifting heavier without my hip being a drama queen.
  • _Wonder_Woman_
    Hello all!!! I'm Vanessa. I shall be starting this program up tomorrow. Yes on a TUesday. Maybe next week I will start it on Monday.
    I'm from Chicago & a huge workout addict. I just finished the Jamie Eason program & got great results from that. I finished it right before I went on vacation. I was able to wear bikinis for the majority of the trip & feel fabulous in them, that has never ever happened in the past!! I said that as soon as I got back from vacation I would start this program. I just returned yesterday & will begin tomorrow :)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    My name is Shawna. I am 24 and a phd student/research assistant. I started NROL4W a few years ago and stopped in the middle of stage 1 because I got distracted. Since then I have mostly focused on running and I ran my first half-marathon in March. It went well, but now I am looking for a more well-rounded training schedule that includes lots of strength training to help prevent injuries, decrease body fat % and help with hills! In college I was on the rowing team, so I do have experience with weights, but I find that the more time you spend out of the weight room, the more intimidating it becomes. Once I get in there though, its worth it. I'm looking forward to sticking through the program this time and hopefully figuring out how to incorporate running as the stages progress. I have completed my first two workouts from Stage 1 and am sore, but in a good way!

    Best of luck to you all!
  • k8wizzo
    k8wizzo Posts: 33
    Hi! I'm Kate. I just picked up a marcy weight bench with cool accessories and stuff yesterday (yay craigslist). I'm anxiously awaiting my copy of NROL4W from amazon. I have always loved lifting, but having two kids means that getting to the gym has been a challenge lately. Now, I have no excuses as I have about 250 lbs of weight plates, bars, and a bench just steps away from my bedroom. :)

    I am currently using heybale's spreadsheet (IPOARM) and fiddling around with where my calorie count needs to be (TDEE -20%), combining heavy lifting with training for a 10K, and hoping to lose about 30-40 more lbs and drop my body fat percentage by quite a bit (37.7 down to the low 20s).
  • BrandiBoo84
    BrandiBoo84 Posts: 110 Member
    Im currently at 130 lbs 5'4 short. I have had 2 kids, a 9 year old little dude and a 3 year old little lady. My body hasnt fully recovered and I have a bunch of wiggly bits I wish to tame. Starting NROL4W today! Feel free to add me if you want a personal new rules buddy!!!!

    Thanks all!
  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    Hi- My name is Beth and I finally started new rules today. I've been on MFP for almost a year, but started my latest fitness gig last March - in total have lost 33 lbs - 7 more to go (or whenever I lose my belly and arm wings - whichever comes first). I've done 2+ rounds of p90x and 1 round of Chalean extreme, and am ready to lift weights without watching it on TV!
  • SandersWifey
    Hey I am 27 (will be 28 Friday!!:sad: ) I just finished the book and am starting Stage 1 in the morning! Very excited about this!! Anyone else just starting??? Please feel free to add me!! It will be great to go through this Stage by Stage with some other ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • elliexgeorge
    Hallo all :flowerforyou:

    After losing 35 lbs and putting some of it on, I decided something has to change.
    Instead getting down about the bathroom scales I'm getting my head round to change my way of thinking.
    I'm putting my scales away and starting with the book.
    I still have about 40 lbs to lose but at the moment I want my body to look good.
    I want to look athletic - not skinny :wink:

    I would like to be friends with like minded ladies for inspiration and motivation :blushing:

    Feel free to add me :wink: