May 1st challenge!! Here we go!!

Alright Newbies, Capos, and seasoned criminals, here is your first challenge. Introduce yourselves by posting to this thread. Who you are, why you are here, and what goals do you have for May (weight loss etc)

Introduce yourself and earn 1-Large
Add 50 crunches and earn 1-Large bonus.

Good luck everyone and welcome to May Sopranos!!!!

The Don


  • elexichoccyeater
    elexichoccyeater Posts: 310 Member
    Hi x I'm Teresa
    I am a 48 yr old teacher from the north east of the UK. I am here to lose another 14lb as I have made a pact with my self that I will then give up smoking! (I have to be low in weight or I will use my weight to start again!) . I have recently got into C25K and I am pushing myself all the time, trying to eventually run 5k. I am on week 5 but have done my own thing with it and last Saturday I ran for 20 mins... I was so pleased with myself.
    So... By the end of may I want to be able to be on week 8 or run 5k. I also want to of lost 3lb (I find losing weight a slow business!)
    By aug I want to of lost all my weight and get to goal as I am doing three weeks travelling Route 66 ... So excited. I also do not was green peace to save me on the beaches of California . Sorry crunches are out of the question as I am in bed as I get up really early in the morning!
    Really excited to be here and will work hard for my team.
    X Teresa
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Hey, I'm Christine, mum of 3 and I work full time. In my spare time (there is very little of it, but) I am doing a hybrid of 30DS and Insanity the Asylum, I started 30DS last week but just started The Asylum yesterday - it is hard!!!

    The scale isn't very nice to me, the tape measure is a little bit kinder!!! I would love to lose a stone (14lbs by the end of May, I doubt that is possible but I am trying to set my goals a little high so I can try and push myself. If not a stone then at least a dress size - I'm currently in a UK 16, sometimes a 14 (depending where I shop!)

    My next goal is to finish 30DS and the Asylum and the move on to Tapout XT before I go on holiday end of August - by which time I would like to be down to a UK 12 - again, if it is at all possible!!! time will tell.

    I'm hoping these mini challenges will kick start things to make me push play everyday on whatever workout I'm doing and I also think it will be fun!!!

    Good luck to everyone and I guess I'll be doing my 50 crunches in the morning! x
  • erin_w2012
    erin_w2012 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi y'all! My name is Erin. I live near Dallas, TX- I'm 31 years old and am a single mom to my 9 year old daughter.

    I'm on MFP for probably the millionth time! I REALLY am hopeful that I can keep it up this go around. I'll be 32 in September and would love to finally be confident in my own skin. I want my daughter to look at me and be proud of her mom. Not because I'm skinny, but because I'm healthy- and I've instilled good habits in her as well. Last year I lost 23 pounds and ran my first 5k. I was so proud of myself and felt amazing. After the 5k though, I didn't have anything lined up. So I let myself go. And here I am having gained all that weight back, plus an additional 10 pounds. Very disappointing! I want this to be the last time I let this happen! I know I will have struggles, but am excited about what I'm going to learn, the friends I'm going to make, and the future in front of me.

    My goal for this challeng is to get stronger, lose my fat face and be 15+ pounds lighter. :)
  • leken04
    leken04 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi my name is LeKenya from South Carolina and I've been on the earth for 35 years :) I am an at home mom to 3 boys 6,4 and 2 and I have a wonderful husband to whom I've been married 7 and 1/2 years. I began my journey a couple of years ago and lost 49lbs and have since gained back 25 of those lbs. I am getting back on track and look forward to watching the lbs fall off with all of you wonderful people! **** My goal is to lose at least 8 lbs in May!
  • matawna
    matawna Posts: 27 Member
    Hey all,

    I am from Ontario Canada - Married, mom to twin boys aged 7 and a girl 9 going on 16! I work full time among other committments. I was at 253, currently at 207 - My goal is to drop 8 lbs and see 199! It was my may 1st goal, but I had a 2 month plateau, so my new goal is June 1st!
  • anagraphy
    anagraphy Posts: 16 Member
    I'm Ana, and I'll be 31 this month :)

    I'm a high school teacher, avid hiker and weightlifter, and sarcasm and snark aficionado. I greatly appreciate oxford commas, irony, and getting sucked into the interwebs every morning over coffee. Insofar as goals, overall I'd love to lose about 15 pounds of body fat, and also increase my muscle mass a bit... whatever I can lose of that in this next month would be awesome. I'm in good shape, but I'd like to be in better shape AND be more comfortable with my body.
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    Hiya, I'm Lesley and I live in a pretty coastal town on the east of Scotland. I've been on MFP since the end of August '12 and it has made a tremendous difference to my life. I am feeling fitter and healthier than I have for years, and putting the effort in has actually been enjoyable! I've only got around 7 pounds or so still to lose, and it's going very slowly now, I hope all the challenges will be the extra push my body needs!

    I won't count the crunches from 30 day shred this morning, give me a wee while and I'll get another 50 in, my tummy needs a fair bit of work!
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello peeps! My name is Tara and I'm a mom of three, soon to be four! I started the April challenge to help me get weight loss kicked up a notch and now I'm doing it to stay active and not let the preggo-lazies get me!.
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member

    My name is Beth and I am 48 and married and have three sons, 30, 27 and 18 and a step-daughter, 28 (almost an empty nester). We live on the family farm in Kansas (3rd generation) where we raise cattle and a handful of horses (my passion), along with a couple of dogs and some semi wild cats. I love being outdoors and have always been active, until about 6 years ago when I got this infernal desk job. Sitting all day is not conducive to weight loss, lol.

    I enjoy riding my horses, but the extra weight made it uncomfortable for myself and my horses. I am looking forward to this summer and hours of riding (lost 38 pounds so far).

    My starting weight was 220
    Current weight is 182 (or 185, depending on the day)
    Goal weight is 150

    My goal is to lose as much weight as I can this month (and the next month, too). I am assistant youth leader at my church and I have volunteered to be a counselor at camp. I need to be in good shape to keep up with the 20+ kids that I will be helping keep track of.

    I am looking forward to this challenge and having a group of people to be accountable to. Bring it on!

  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Hello everyone.. name is Megan... Im 35 and single mother of the 2 greatest boys anyone could ever be blessed with... I am here to get healthy, physically and mentally.. I am 6 feet tall and have weighed between 130-309 pounds up and down over the past 17 yrs of my life.. I am a self employed massage therapist that is finally TIRED of being the sad, fat tired girl...I volunteer a lot of my free time to the local womans Domestic Violence Shelter and have many of the ladies there feeling so much better about themselves with just some sort of exercise and better food choices... I have changed my lifestyle to eating very low carb/high fat (KETO) and have been this way since November 1st of last yr. I am no longer on meds for depression or type II diabetes, and my lab work has all improved since starting MFP. I am full of energy and FUN.. lifes too short to not laugh at yourself... I had a great experience being the captain of a fantastic group of ladies in April (lost 6.6 pounds and 9.5 inches!! Woohoo) and looking forward to another great month.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    ---Hey Everyone!

    My names is Amanda but everyone calls me Mia! I am 26, I work as an administrative assitant for an organization that helps people with developmental disabilities by providing health care services and housing. I am unmarried and child free! I joined over a year ago when my friend got engaged in order to lose weight for her wedding but I lost track during my duties of bridesmaidom. I started up again in February (right after my birthday) when I realized I was less than 5 pounds away from breaching 300lbs. I started working out and am currently sitting at 266,8 (29 pounds down!) and my goal is to at least reach 180 and work down from there. That being said my main goal though, my main goal is simply to be healthy and fit. I want to be able to do all the fun outdoorsy things I want to do! ^__^

    This will be my second month participating in the challenge and my first time as Capo! I'm super excited to cheer on Team Blundetto and keep us being awesome!!!

    I enjoy ready, movies, knitting, nature, and Doctor Who!!! Also anything science related! ^___^
  • MissKriss3
    MissKriss3 Posts: 117 Member
    My name is Kristine, I'm a mom of 3. I have gained and lost a significant amount of weight twice, I was at my biggest after my last baby. I want to lose 100 lbs total bringning me below my pre pregnancy weight. My main forms of exercise are lifting, walking and Zumba, as long as I'm active. I'm currently following TDEE and having complex carbs for breakfast only. I joined this challenge after seeing a few of MFP friends partaking in April and I thought it would be really awesome to be part of a team.
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Pam. I am a 42 yr old RN with a wonderful husband and 4 kids: 21, 20 (twins) and 16. 3 of the kids are in college right now so I work a lot of hours to pay tuition. I gained a lot of weight while I was in my mid to upper 30's and started off this year at 260. I am currently at 218. My goal for this month is to lose @ 16 pounds. This is my second month to participate in this challenge. I love the daily challenges and the accountability that you get with this group.

    50 crunches done for bonus!
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Howdy Partners!!

    My name is Ruth. I'm from San Antonio, Tx.
    I'm trying to keep the weight, I've lost. The support here has been awesome. My goal is to drop 10 more pounds..
    Always looking for new support friend
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Clint. I am a 42 year old dude from Wisconsin. I have been a salesman most of my life and spent 8 years as a stand up comedian. I studied improve at 2nd City in Chicago. I am a huge Milwaukee Brewers fan.

    I am also a guy that put himself in a terrible spot physically due to a lifetime of ignoring anything pertaining to health. Three years ago the scale read 565. I suffered a back injury that forced me to deal with my real problem. In a weird way I am thankful for that. Through trial error and learning I have lost 273 pounds of it. I start this challenge at 292.4.

    May goals: I would like to lose 20 pounds. I would like to complete all the challenges. I want to meet excellent new people.

    I am thankful for the opportunity of this challenge as I believe I will learn and try new exercises, some of which I will use for many years to come.

    Nice to meet you all and best of luck to you!
  • Hi , I'm Cindy . I just turned the big 40. Last November I was diagnosed pre diabetic . Since then I've lost 85 pounds and my glucose levels are normal . I homeschool my 14 year old daughter . She has never been to a "real" school . I'm married to my high school sweetheart . We have been together since 1992 . I will not let myself become diabetic . I belong to a gym and love going . I also walk my Boxer 2-3 miles every day weather permitting . We just started bike riding too . I'm looking forward to this challenge ! May goals are too eat cleaner and lose 10-12 pounds . Nice to meet you all . Now lets ROCK May !
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    Hi I'm Pam. I have been dealing with medical issues that have interfered with a lot including my weight loss. I am slowly beginning to work my way around them. So now I can concentrate on getting me back. I have gained and lost the same 50 lbs several times over the last 10 years. This time, I want to lose the 50lb and keep going.

    Short term goal is to be another 10 lbs down in May.

    No crunches for me (medical reasons) but I did 50 planks to make up for it. LOL after this last month, those at least have gotten easier.
  • Joyellef
    Joyellef Posts: 37 Member
    Hi my name is Joyelle. I am 32 years old with a 5 year old daughter. I am here to help lose the last 32 pounds I have been struggling with. My goal this month is to lose 6 pounds. Lets do this!!
  • diva_kate
    diva_kate Posts: 54 Member
    I'm Ana, and I'll be 31 this month :)

    I'm a high school teacher, avid hiker and weightlifter, and sarcasm and snark aficionado. I greatly appreciate oxford commas, irony, and getting sucked into the interwebs every morning over coffee. Insofar as goals, overall I'd love to lose about 15 pounds of body fat, and also increase my muscle mass a bit... whatever I can lose of that in this next month would be awesome. I'm in good shape, but I'd like to be in better shape AND be more comfortable with my body.

    I <3 Oxford commas.:wink:
  • Super_Mama
    Super_Mama Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I am a mother of four very amazing and active kids, 10, 8 ,7 & 5. I am married to a wonderful and supportive husband. I work full time out of the house, am active on 2 PTAs, on a board of directors and am the social chair for our neighborhood's HOA.

    I am a self-diagnosed work-aholic who was on her way to running a marathon last fall when I lost my dad and lost my way. I gained back all the weight I had lost training for the marathon. I have recently removed my head from the sand and signed up for another marathon that I am determined to run. I have also signed up to do my first irongirl triathalon this fall. I am terrified and excited to complete both. In the past I have been able to successfully exercise OR eat well but have failed at hitting my goal weight by not doing both simultaneously.

    This is my second month with the Sopranos and to date I have gone from 207 to 198. I am thrilled with this progress. I love the challenges, they motivate me on days when I would have sunk into the couch from exhaustion. I love the support and camaraderie, this group has been more inspiring and supportive than most of my friends would be.

    In a nutshell, I am doing this because I am sick of being fat. I am 5'2" and now 198lbs, with a goal of getting down to 130. This is the first time in my life where I feel completely committed and have the support structure to set me up for success.

    I look forward to us all working together on our journey to health!

  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Hello everyone...a Team Dante newbie to this challenge. Be gentle. I'm 44, from NC and weigh about 224-ish. I have about 100 lbs to lose according the the charts but my realistic goal is about 60 or so lbs and then I'll see. I'm a binger, no idea why and not sure what triggers it. I want to lose weight for all the health reasons-blah, blah, blah but mostly I want hubby to get told he has a hot wife. :tongue:

    I'm a mom, wife, work full time, commute 2 hrs a day, have a fabulously supportive husband. It takes a lot to offend me so if you ask me what they hell I was thinking when you look at my diary, it's all good. :laugh: Anyone can feel free to add me.

    ETA my goals for May: at least 8 lbs down and staying within reason with calories and exercise.
  • diva_kate
    diva_kate Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, I'm Katie and I live in Colorful Colorado! I'm a mom to a baby girl who'll have her first birthday in a week (lots of birthday cake coming up, uh-oh), and also four cats. I'm here to get in better shape, become healthier, and lose weight--hopefully at least 6 to 7 pounds in the month of May.

    I just did the 50 crunches challenged. It was the first time I did crunches in years! It sucked and took awhile but I pushed through. :smile:
  • brancakes
    brancakes Posts: 263 Member
    Hello! My name is Brandy, I'm 26 from central Illinois. I've been married about 9 months and I start a new job tomorrow actually! I work three jobs so I'm constantly busy but that allows me to get lazy when it comes to workouts and eating healthy because I work so many hours, I'm tired when I get home! This is my 3rd year on MFP and I've already lost 50 some pounds and gained back all but 10 of it after my wedding. I'm ready to get back to business! I'm 5'10 and weigh about 223 looking to be about 180

    I did 100 crunches earlier before I knew the challenge so I guess I did ok :) Team Moltisanti
  • kellieanney
    kellieanney Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I'm Kellie from Michigan. I am a mom to two great girls. I hope to continue to lose weight, gain muscle tone, energy, and motivation. I like the community of being in "the family" l. I'll do my crunches tomorrow, and report them in to my capo, as i am still on the Moltsanti crew, thanks Don for your dedication to our 'family". Good luck everyone, Kellie :):flowerforyou:
  • mocatinho
    mocatinho Posts: 64
    Hi All my name is Tara and I am from South Jersey. I am a single woman with two jobs and going to school. My life is crazy busy but I am enjoying all my new found friends on MFP and all the motivation/encouragement they provide daily. My goal is to be healthy and if I could get the scale to read a nice number I would be forever happy. I aim to lose 100 pounds total - so far I have lost 10. I have good and bad day's just like everyone else. I'm not perfect but I try not to punish myself, this is a lifestyle change for me. I am looking forward to my daily challenges and helping my team mates reach our goals. Good luck everyone!
  • nwintersrn
    nwintersrn Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm Nancy
    I am a 44 yr old Professor of Nursing. I am here eager to lose 25 pounds. This month, I aim to lose 10 pounds. Hopefully by the end of 2013 I will reach my goal of 25 pounds. I am going on a trip to Cancun in June and need to be somewhat bathing suit ready

    Really excited to be here and will work hard for my team.

  • nwintersrn
    nwintersrn Posts: 6 Member
    Where did you get the nice weight tracker beneath your posts?
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    updated below
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    Tracy, 34...nearing the dreaded 35...I was down 40 lbs but have gained 20 in the past year...been battling a food addiction and it's been tough. I am here to help get my *kitten* back in gear...
    May Goals - to get back into working out again and to just enjoy it. To actually eat under my calorie goal all month (this will be hard, but I really want to do it) and I would not mind dropping 5 lbs to start the number moving in the right direction.

    50 crunches done in my circuit training session today...yeah! Small wins feel good.
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    I'm Donna - 42 yr old TX lass, Christian Mom to two great boys, wife to a blessed man(ha,ha) who is very supportive, and I'm on a journey to lose 132 lbs total because I'm much too young to have the aches and pains that I have experienced, and I don't want to develop anything that requires medication(like high blood pressure, heart disease in general, or diabetes). I also want to do a mini-triathlon in the Summer of 2014...but that's a long term goal! Please feel free to say anything you want without explanation about my diary - that's why it's public. I appreciate the "WTG" comments alot..but if you look and see I've eaten too low...eaten crap and offered no explanation...feel free to call me out if time permits. Bottom line...I am you don't have to be overly kind about it. ;D (unless I tell you I'm crying....then you better back off - ha,ha!)

    I've lost 38 total since last September...but only got serious in January. Since January - I've lost 26 of those 38 lbs. I am aiming for losing 9 lbs this month...but from 5-9 will be acceptable. Had a minor knee injury about three weeks ago that sidelined me from cardio'ing like I love. However, that will not stop me from exercising. I'm doing MUCH better. I'm going to be smart ...and still burn alot of calories each week and will be working in some weights too.

    Did my 50 crunches!
    Current weight 229
    Goal Weight - 220...or LOWER!

    Thanks - and here's to a great month for
    The Family!