June 2013 Due Dates!!



  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    @rosy003 - Me too! 33w on Saturday. I've been feeling so lazy I started wearing my fitbit again to keep me moving. My goal is to hit my 10,000 steps everyday and 10 flights of stairs. Its been so tough I am now forcing myself to use the upstairs bathroom everytime I need to go instead of the downstairs one just to get more exercise! Doc appoint today at 1:45... HATE weighing in! Fingers crossed.:blushing:
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    4 weeks left! Eeekk!

    prplrose33 I feel your pain about the sleeping. We ended up getting a memory foam mattress because we needed a new bed anyway. It has helped so much with the sleeping! I can sleep on my side (even facing down just a little) with no problem, I just turn a few times a night which is normal for me anyway. Have you tried sleeping with pillows under your bellow or in between your knees? Hope you find a solution soon.

    rosy003 I get charlie horses almost every night! Luckily, I just stand up and take a few steps and it goes away.

    I've had such back pain while sitting down (I sit all day at work) and I finally found a solution...a lumbar back support! Now I don't have any pain at work. I've tried everything before that, tylenol, heating pads, chiropractor, prenatal massage, yoga, stretching but nothing worked! Glad I finally found a solution.

    Now, if only my feet would stop swelling and go back to normal. Other than that, baby and I are healthy and I couldn't ask for more!
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    33 weeks this week- first week of pretty terrible sleep. I'm thankful to have made it this far with no real issues though! Last night I got my first, and hopefully only, charlie horse. The pain woke me up at 4:30 and I had to have my husband massage my leg. I got these a lot with my first but didn't have any with my second child. They are no fun! I thought I remembered that bananas are supposed to help, but when I looked online this morning it seems like that is a myth.
    I just started getting those lately during the night and they are HORRIBLE! I don't remember them with my past pregnancies. So I started taking a magnesium supplement which my midwife had recommended months ago for round ligament pain but I never took them. Now as long as I take one daily I don't get any cramps at night. I researched all the benefits of taking magnesium while pregnant and I was having so many of the other issues listed that maybe a magnesium deficiency was my problem all along.
    I've had such back pain while sitting down (I sit all day at work) and I finally found a solution...a lumbar back support! Now I don't have any pain at work.

    I was having horrible back pain when driving, but we just bought a new car (had to move up to a minivan thanks to this kid!) and it has adjustable lumbar support for the driver. It's made SUCH a difference!

    I finally hit that point this week where I don't think I can keep up with my regular workout which bums me out big time. :frown: I'd been going to Zumba 3 times a week and just modifying however I needed to, but it's finally just getting to feel like a joke because I have to rest so often from uterine pain or BH that don't stop. I'm going to try my elliptical instead, but it's just not as fun as a Zumba class with friends and music. The weight has been piling on so much faster this pregnancy than previous ones for me, so I'm afraid of what would happen if I quit working out all together!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    35 weeks...feeling pretty uncomfortable...can't imagine working for 5 more weeks! I'm getting over two infections, which were not making me feel very good, but at least they discovered them! On a happy note, baby's heartbeat and movement is normal and we're having the baby shower in two weeks. I need to start thinking about getting a breast pump and then getting frozen meal ideas for after baby is born!
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    This group has been very quiet lately. How is everyone doing? I have 26 days to go (yay) and today hasn't been so bad....yet. The aches and pains usually hit around mid afternoon after I've been running around. I woke up this morning in denial that there will be a baby soon. I've been in full blown panic mode the past few weeks trying to get everything done while packing for the new house. My hubby hasn't been super helpful. He just keeps saying...it will get done. His idea of getting it done will be after the baby is here and will be of zero help to me. EEERRR!

    Hope everyone is feeling great!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    This group has been really quiet since the beginning :) Normally I just post to the 3rd trimester group as it tends to be more active.

    @ prplrose I didn't realize that you and I shared the exact same due date. June 1st? How confident are you that you'll last till then? I'm thinking this baby might actually come closer to my original DD of May19th. Guess we'll see. Hope you're packing and moving goes well.

    I'm feeling pretty comfortable for the most part. Having a hard time sleeping....but it comes and goes. Hopefully tonight will be a good night. Had a few light contractions here and there, but nothing serious. Go to the Dr on Thurs for my 1st cervix check. Hoping to hear progress has been made in way of effacement/dilation.
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    I have noticed that this group is pretty quiet.

    I keep thinking I'm going to go early this time around, but my luck will be that he/she will be late. Went on my due date with the last. Packing is going ok. I'm anxious to actually close on the other house (which is May 31st...BOO). Sleeping has been an issue for about a month now. Just can't get comfortable. I also go to the Dr. on Thurs for my 1st check. Kinda excited to see if I am progressing at all...not so much looking forward to the actually check though.

    Hope you get some sleep and hope your Dr. appt goes well for you on Thursday!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    6 more weeks :) My first cervix check and strep b test is next week on Thursday. Not looking forward to it either but it comes with the territory. I guess none of us are sleeping well. I'm up about every two hours to pee and to change sides :/ Wahhh Waaaa It will all be worth it. I do feel like I have been pregnant for three years though and I'm a FTM! Can't wait to meet my little man.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    3 1/2 weeks to go! Had my strep b test 2 weeks ago. Next appointment is this Friday. This is my first so I am super nervous! I can't believe it's so close!
  • Hi Everyone, I'm new here... Due to have a baby girl on my birthday, 15th June! My toddler will b 2 in July & I am now a single Mumma so I need to ensure I'm string & healthy for my babies!
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your baby girl!
  • chashaha
    chashaha Posts: 3
    we are expecting our first baby (a boy!) on June 9th! :)
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Just checking in . . .

    I'm 36 1/2 weeks and I've pretty much abandoned my workouts. I'm not sleeping very well, so my 5am wake-ups aren't happening. But, I have 2 kids at home with me to keep me at least a little bit active, so I'm okay with it. At my 36 week check up I was dilated 2cm. Yesterday I was contracting a LOT- I actually started timing them at one point just to be safe. I never had BH with my first 2 kids, so it is kind of weird for me to have this false labor. We are NOT ready for this little guy to get here yet- our big plan to organize everything is happening this weekend, so he needs to hold on for at least a few more days. :)
    How is everyone?
  • flyingcarbaccio
    flyingcarbaccio Posts: 92 Member
    I can't sleep more than 30 minutes at a time and on top of that I am sick with a cold and sore throat. I am 37 weeks and 2 days and as of my last appointment I am not dilated at all. I have been having menstrual like cramps though so hopefully not being dilated doesn't mean too much.
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    Flyingcarbacc- I'm so sorry your sick on top of being pregnant right now! That should be against the rules of nature in my opinion. I had a horrible cough last time I delivered and it was miserable! Hopefully you feel better before your LO comes.

    rosy- I'm 36w4d and we're not ready for this one either. No crib set up, so carseat installed, no hospital bag packed. In the past I've been pretty ready by 36 weeks but not this time. It's just harder when I've got 3 other kids to take care of I guess. I just feel so blasted exhausted all the time! At least we have diapers and clothes washed for baby. That's something.

    I can sympathize with the no sleeping thing. I take 1/2 a unisom at night and STILL wake up twice a night to pee and often can't go back to sleep for more than an hour. Then I'm awake every hour or so after that just tossing and turning. I'm so uncomfortable all the time, even sitting or walking feels like a huge chore. I feel like this grumpy thing that shouldn't be let out of the house because all I feel like I do is complain. When someone asks me how I'm doing I don't know how to respond with anything other than "miserable." I asked some girl in my neighborhood who's due the same week as me if she's feeling as miserable as I am. She said, "Oh are you miserable? I'm doing great!" Yeah, I felt like an idiot, like something's wrong with me because I'm so uncomfortable.

    At my 36 week check last week I was 2 cm, 70% effaced which is pretty much exactly what I've been at this point with my 3 previous pregnancies and I never went more than a few days early with any of those. I'm waiting to hear if I'm strep B+ or not so I can decide whether to get induced. Last time I was and I chose to be induced so that I'd have enough time for the antibiotics since my labor would be pretty fast. We'll see what happens this time.

    Still going to my Zumba class 2-3 days a week even though I feel like an idiot going since I have to modify so much and frequently stop for contractions or ligament pain. I guess I want to keep the habit up and let my 2 girls at home get a chance to play with other kids there more than anything. Really though, I look like that "low impact girl" on workout videos that you wonder how in the world she's getting any kind of workout at all. :laugh: The rest of my class is really supportive though.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    @flyingcarbacc....I'm exactly the same as you! 37w +2d and I have a head cold that includes cough, sore throat, headache...etc! Hopefully sickness goes away soon for us--I still have plenty of organizing and cleaning to do!
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    I hope you ladies are feeling better this week! Well, as good as you can feel when 37/38 weeks pregnant. :)

    I had an appt this morning- 3cm dilated. I'm so anxious to know when he will get here! I don't care if it is this weekend or still 3 weeks away, I just want to know! We have a lot of family plans this weekend, so it would be more convenient if he waited a bit. BUT, DH is going out with his friends Friday night for one last hurrah before the baby comes- when he did that with our first, I went into labor that night. He was hung over in the delivery room the next morning. :) We'll see if he has better luck this time.

    I have been eating dates like crazy. I also, kind of crazily, decided to try out my 30DS dvd this week. It was a gift a few weeks ago and I plan to do the real, unmodified version in August. But, I was too curious not to try it out. I think I like it, but it seems a bit easy, though I realize that I am completely modifying the cardio, push-ups and abs circuits. Have any of you done it before? Am I deluding myself for thinking it is an easy workout? Are the other 2 workouts more challenging?

    PS. Kori, love the "low impact girl" image. :)
  • flyingcarbaccio
    flyingcarbaccio Posts: 92 Member
    Rosy - It sounds like you're in decent shape. I remember doing 30ds before I was pregnant and it kicked my *kitten*.

    BBecca - Are you still sick? I am. I went to urgent care on Saturday because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't hear out of my right ear. I was told I had a really bad infection and was given ear drops and antibiotics.

    Kori - congrats on keeping up with the zumba. I dont know how you ladies do it!

    Other than feeling sick from this cold, and the whole lack of sleep thing I feel pretty good in my pregnancy. I am concerned as always about the baby's movements. At 38 weeks and 2 days, the baby's movements are lesser and definitely feel more muffled. I have talked about my concerns with my doctor in the past and got an NST and even went to Labor and Delivery once to make sure all is ok and it always is. Apparently I have an anterior placenta which means it's sometimes harded for me to feel her. It's the only thing that is making me antsy to have her already. If I had a crystal ball and knew for sure all will be ok when she is born I could probably stay pregnant for another month without hesitation.

    Oh well...

    On another note, I found her take home outfit today. I swung by this little boutique and spent an absurd amount of money on an outfit she may not fit into when she is born but what can I say? I'm in love.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Hang in there all you June mamas to be!!!!! My DD was June 1st, delivered May 22nd :) Just when you think you can't do it anymore, and you can't stand one more second worth of peeing, or one more sleepless night....it'll all be over. So rub that belly & try to enjoy it for a few more days...you're in the home stretch!
  • RBitton
    RBitton Posts: 6 Member
    My DD was 06/15 but gave birth 05/27. I'm pretty convinced that being active until the end helped a lot!! This is my first but I've had a lot of comments about how quick it went and my stamina not to mention my stomach does't look nearly as bad as I thought it would. Hang in there everyone!! Oh, and if you haven't packed a hospital bag, do it now......it's no fun to do at 4am while also figuring out the carseat!