Daily Check In

ks4e Posts: 374 Member
Log in here to keep yourself accountable!

Please post what level and what day you are on.

Happy Shredding! :)


  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 here!
  • CCNYE63
    CCNYE63 Posts: 64 Member
    I started May 1st, and did Day 8, Level 2 today. How are you all doing this - every day or every other? I started with trying everyday, but it seemed too much. Now I'm doing every other, and walking or jogging on the off day.
  • shelled
    shelled Posts: 31
    Hi! Thanks for the add. I am wondering if the 30DS system would still work well if I have to skip doing them on weekends? I have all my 3 kids home on weekends (no school for my 2 older kids) and I don't fancy working out after their 10pm bedtime because it screws up my sleep cycle... Any thoughts?

    P.S. I live in a small apartment so there's no such thing as "exercise in another room". The hall (aka living room) is the only one with any space and a TV. :(

    Checking in of general stats:
    Weight: 76.8kg
    Body Fat: 37.7%

    Will take some "before" photos if I can get the self-portrait thing right. Never been good with photos.
  • sushiaushi
    sushiaushi Posts: 19
    Did my first day last night! Didnt kill me but almost :) looking forward to been able to do it easier!!
  • Jude_V
    Jude_V Posts: 72 Member
    I am wondering if the 30DS system would still work well if I have to skip doing them on weekends?

    My daughter did it only during the week...on the weekends she does a lot of walking and going to the park or beach so she probably makes up for not doing it but that said, she got brilliant results..so I think 5 weekdays is fine. Better than nothing eh?!
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    Evening ladies (& gents?) ... Well it's evening my time, so good morning or good afternoon to everyone else.

    Just finished day 3 of level 1.

    Progress Report/Modifications;
    *Did 1 round of press-ups 'normally' and 1 round on knees
    *Kept butt kicks and jump rope low
    *While all other squats and lunges ok, side lunges were shallow as my thighs still hurt from day 1
    *Only stopped twice for 5 seconds

    How has everyone else done today?
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    Day 1 of level 1 , was tough but i got through it will see how my body reacts in the morning :laugh:
  • debsocwk
    debsocwk Posts: 121 Member
    Finished day 1 of level 1. Feeling ok but I hope I can actually finish this time as this is the 5th time of tried and I've only ever made it to level 2 once
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    Today was my 4th day doing level 1. I was able to get through 10 push-ups from my knees each set (the first time I did it I only did 3 before giving up). I upped my weights from 1 pound to 3 pounds for squat/shoulder presses for the first set of each.

    I had to stop for a few seconds during jump rope to catch my breath and get some water.

    I did modified versions of the front lunges...I don't think I am doing them right because when I try to do them all the way down, it hurts my back knee. I don't really feel anything in my muscles though when I only go half way down so will have to check out some YouTube videos for better form.
  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 here. I didn't find it too bad.

    I noticed that the dvd didn't say how many days to do this in a row. Are you supposed to take a rest day at all? How many days is everyone going to do this before they have a rest day if they are going to take one?

    I used 5 lb weights throughout.
  • Kphenderson
    Kphenderson Posts: 60 Member
    Level 1, Day 1!

    Wasn't too bad!
  • QueenMJD
    QueenMJD Posts: 74 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 Done!!
  • sushiaushi
    sushiaushi Posts: 19
    I did my fist day Monday night! (New Zealand Time) and I loved it! all feel free to add me!!!

  • megge6537
    megge6537 Posts: 10
    Level 1, Day 2 complete.
    Easier than yesterday, but I'm sore now....
  • shelled
    shelled Posts: 31
    Day 1 Level 1 here. I didn't find it too bad.

    I noticed that the dvd didn't say how many days to do this in a row. Are you supposed to take a rest day at all? How many days is everyone going to do this before they have a rest day if they are going to take one?

    It's supposed to be 10 days of each level - no rest day at all! I'm guessing that's how it's supposed to shred us up. :)
  • lilalief
    lilalief Posts: 76 Member
    I'm gonna do 30DS level 1, day 2 in a bit! I notice that it's so much easier because I've done it for a week in April. Maybe I should shorten the duration of level 1 and continue level 2 after 5 days? What do you guys think?
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Levl 1, Day 2. I had to cheat a bit during the last set of strength training because my arms were so sore, but I survived!
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 done...man my arms are sore from yesterday but I pushed through this morning!! :) I did have to decrease my weights. Yesterday I did 7 pd dumbells during all but the side lunge/arm raises I had to do 3pd dumbells. Today I did squat/overhead presses and chest flys with 8pd dumbells and did side lung/arm raises with 3pd dumbells the rest I did with 5pd dumbells. :happy:
  • I did Level 1 Day 4 today, it is definitley beginning to feel a bit easier, I'm not as sore and am able to push on through whereas on Day 1 I was stopping for a breather! Still using the cans of beans as I don't have any weights!

    Hubby who has been training hard for a 1/2 marathon did level 3 last night so I got an idea of what might be coming....eeeekkkk. I think I'll need to work seriously hard at levels 1 and 2 before attempting 3!
  • sjlocklear
    sjlocklear Posts: 88
    Leve 1 day 2 here this afternoon when I get home, I done level one yesterday.