Daily Check In



  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    Finished 5 (even though I said I did earlier, I did it tonight). I didn't push hard today because I burned 646 calories at the gym earlier and a little over 100 in the garden.

    Am I the only one who acts like she's punching Jillian in the face in the cardio squat punches?

    Yes i think about that to i have now turned the volume down and listen to my own music as i kept getting distracted by shouting at jillian when she makes her little comments !!!:smile:
  • Level 1 Day 6 complete! I'm already starting to see some muscle definition in arm, which has really motivated me to keep going! I am going to rest tomorrow and start up again on Monday. I had to start muting the TV and playing my own music, I couldn't handle the music in the video anymore!
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    Did level 1 day 6!!! Woo hoo!!! Tomorrow is my rest day!
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    Hi I just found this group! I started 30DS on 5/16 so today was level one day three, I hope that's okay! I am so sore! I have to do some of the modified moves for strength and with cardio I've been needing to take 3-4 second breaks. Jillian kicks my butt.
  • Urvi8
    Urvi8 Posts: 8 Member
    d5 and 6 done level1
    today was hard
    got tired easily
    felt real out of shape
    couldnt push thru several things
    worked out later in day that usual
    dont want to do any more haha
    i dont want to even know what level 2 is like
    bummed thought it would be easier today
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Took tonight off. Bad eating day and I hate myself for taking it off instead of doing it but it was a long day emotionally and physically.

    I'll be back at it tomorrow, if I have the energy, I'll do it twice tomorrow so I can catch up, if not I'll just be a day behind what I wanted. Shouldn't be a big deal, but it is to me.
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Level 1 day 3 done lol
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    d5 and 6 done level1
    today was hard
    got tired easily
    felt real out of shape
    couldnt push thru several things
    worked out later in day that usual
    dont want to do any more haha
    i dont want to even know what level 2 is like
    bummed thought it would be easier today

    I had a day like this yesterday, D8L1. I felt defeated, I also worked out later in the day so that must be it. Today, D9L1, was so much better! I felt stronger today. Keep it up, we all have bad days sometimes :(
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    Felt a little defeated today as well, just didn't get into the workout as much!
    Maybe it's just fear of Level 2 kicking in... perhaps boredom... time of the month... tiredness...

    Who knows? I'll persevere :)

    Happy shredding everyone!
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    Rest day for me today only because won't be home alllll day. Day 4 tomorrow @ 5:30am!
  • Tanya1995
    Tanya1995 Posts: 39
    L1D6 done for me. I'm exhausted lol. I am still not able to push through all of the exercises :frown: I really want to be able to master this level with no mods before moving on. Anyone else going to do the same?
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    L1D6 done --

    I moved an apartment yesterday and thought it might be a "rest" day, ha! It was like shred x3. doing side lunges and anterior raises up a flight of stairs with 10 pound weights for an hour!! am then pm. I was so sore this morning.

    on the bright side, my endurance moving yesterday was surprisingly strong.

    anyhow today I was a mess but made it through the exercises without any cheating. I almost cried during butterfly crunches. tomorrow will be easier!!
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    L1D6 done for me. I'm exhausted lol. I am still not able to push through all of the exercises :frown: I really want to be able to master this level with no mods before moving on. Anyone else going to do the same?

    I'm personally still using 1 pound weights, but managing to get through all the exercises even if I have to go with the easier level woman some days.

    I'm also a little worried about getting to level 2 if I cant get through 1 without lighter weights, but I'm just going to keep going into the next level before I decide to hang back at 1.
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    noticed a few people feeling a bit demotivated today i feel exactly the same i normally do this in the morning but its now nearly dinner time and to be honest i just cant be bothered but feeling bad about not doing it dont know if i should force myself to do it or just start fresh tommoro :frown:
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    noticed a few people feeling a bit demotivated today i feel exactly the same i normally do this in the morning but its now nearly dinner time and to be honest i just cant be bothered but feeling bad about not doing it dont know if i should force myself to do it or just start fresh tommoro :frown:

    I'm in the same boat today too for some reason, but when I feel like this I tell myself to do it but to just "phone it in"! its only 20 min out of the day, you will al least get some benefit rather than none, wont feel guilty, and you'll reinforce sticking with the routine. and inevitably once I warm up, I start putting a little more effort into it.
  • I'm so sore from yesterday! Today is D4L1 and man my *kitten* has been kicked every day! xD It seems like the more motivated and harder I push myself, the worse my muscles ache! I did do 8 full push ups yesterday, so that was a huge feat for me :) I'm going to see if I can push myself to maybe do half norm and half lady push ups haha :tongue:
    to anyone feeling demotivated..
    I hear ya! I'm impatient when it comes to results :cry: the thing that keeps me motivated is actually looking at my before photos and mesurements and asking myself if that's what I want to be? I also look at the results here on myfitnesspal, because man! this 30DS really does its job! so don't lose hope guys :) We can do this!
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    noticed a few people feeling a bit demotivated today i feel exactly the same i normally do this in the morning but its now nearly dinner time and to be honest i just cant be bothered but feeling bad about not doing it dont know if i should force myself to do it or just start fresh tommoro :frown:

    I'm in the same boat today too for some reason, but when I feel like this I tell myself to do it but to just "phone it in"! its only 20 min out of the day, you will al least get some benefit rather than none, wont feel guilty, and you'll reinforce sticking with the routine. and inevitably once I warm up, I start putting a little more effort into it.

    i made myself do it and i definatly feel better for doing it thank you for the encouragement :flowerforyou:
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I did day 6 this morning after "resting" yesterday. I'm supposed to be on day 7 but I don't necessarily want to do 2 sets of it in 1 day. I am planning to go to the gym later so I don't think I'll do it again today, I'll just be a day behind my plan.

    We're all doing great! We CAN get through this.
  • faemisamis
    faemisamis Posts: 11
    Day 4, week 1 done. I did a week 1 C25K run earlier in the day and found 30DS much easier! I think being warm already helped me with some of the difficult moves (anterior raises, etc.). I did one "real" push up, so...progress! :happy:

    I watched the video while listening to my own music today, so I paid closer attention to what was happening on the screen. Some observations:

    1. Natalie cheats on the static lunge/bicep curl!
    2. Anita shakes her ponytail during every transition (almost)
    3. Jillian squats much deeper than both women on the punches
    4. At one point, Jillian totally loses her train of thought...During the anterior raises, she starts to remind us why we're working small muscles in with big ones, but instead compliments the ladies for not cheating
    5. Anita quits jumping jacks a bit early at one point. And she looks totally miserable during the last cardio set.
    6. The knot in my stomach is not fear leaving the body. I have no idea what that means. That's lactic acid interacting with calcium in my abdominal muscles. Don't lie to me, Jillian!

    Can't wait to see what's in store for level 2...harhar.
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Level 1 Day 7 done! sore again now. I feel a bit deflated as it was getting easier :( .
    Did the workout to late really and wasn't as motivated tonight, maybe that's because the front of my thighs are really sore and it is Sunday, a supposed day of rest! lol!
    I'm going to push through though, as if I took a rest day there is no way I would motivate myself to get back to it, I've also bought new weights so have to use them now!!
    Keep going everyone, it will be worth it in the end!!