Stage 2



  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    jdubbs - I always took a break between the two legs because I wanted catch my breath. the important thing is getting the reps in! Don't feel bad about 60 pounds on the FSPP...but remember to use momentum!

    jnh17 - great job on the planks!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I did my 3rd Workout A workout this morning...those 30lb dumbbells are not getting any easier to hold. When I do the step ups on the bench I keep having to stop in between the 10 with my right leg before I do the other 10 with my left annoying!

    I uped my weight for the squat push press from 55 on the 2nd workout A i did to 60lbs (including bar weight of 45lbs)...i feel so WEAK i would love to do I the only one having to use such a light weight for these squats???

    I know Workout A doesn't have intervals in it, but I did seated bike for intervals after lifting and boy my quads were ON FIYAH!...and my quads are the things I'm least pleased with right now. So...I will definitely do more bike intervals in the future.

    I haven't been losing weight as much as I would like, or drinking enough my goals are to hit 64oz of water each day and do 5 days of cardio in one week.

    What weight were you using for the dumbbell shoulder press in stage 1? I hit 22.5lb dumbbells (at the end of Stage 1 - so 8 reps). I can only do about 50lbs for the fs/pp which is basically the exact same plus a smidge heavier since it's 10 reps BUT there is some momentum.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    I did my 3rd Workout A workout this morning...those 30lb dumbbells are not getting any easier to hold. When I do the step ups on the bench I keep having to stop in between the 10 with my right leg before I do the other 10 with my left annoying!

    I uped my weight for the squat push press from 55 on the 2nd workout A i did to 60lbs (including bar weight of 45lbs)...i feel so WEAK i would love to do I the only one having to use such a light weight for these squats???

    I know Workout A doesn't have intervals in it, but I did seated bike for intervals after lifting and boy my quads were ON FIYAH!...and my quads are the things I'm least pleased with right now. So...I will definitely do more bike intervals in the future.

    I haven't been losing weight as much as I would like, or drinking enough my goals are to hit 64oz of water each day and do 5 days of cardio in one week.

    What weight were you using for the dumbbell shoulder press in stage 1? I hit 22.5lb dumbbells (at the end of Stage 1 - so 8 reps). I can only do about 50lbs for the fs/pp which is basically the exact same plus a smidge heavier since it's 10 reps BUT there is some momentum.

    Yeah I ended on 22.5 for stage 1 as well. I guess I should work on the whole momentum thing.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    Did the 3rd Workout B this if you're not working out in the AM, you should try it! It's so nice having the energy benefits of an AM workout and the luxury of not having to think about working out after work. :)

    I <3 Stage 2 but it's almost over :( only one more time through for Workouts A and B!
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    I should read these threads before I start my workouts! The BSS vs. lunge question has just been solved for me, when I have only 3 more workouts to go in this! Oh well, I'll do them correctly today :)
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    I just finished Stage 2 today!

    Here's my results (strength gains only)"

    Workout A
    Front squat/push press: bar-60lbs
    Step-up:30 each hand (EH)- 32.5 EH
    Dumbbell one-point row: 30 EH - 32.5 EH
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated: 30 EH- 32.5 EH
    Push-ups: 10-10
    Plank: 60 secs all workouts
    Cable horizontal wood chop: 40-80lbs

    Workout B
    Wide-grip deadlift from box: 115-130lbs
    Bulgarian split squat: 30 EH- 32.5 EH
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach: 10 EH - 25 EH
    Dumbbell prone Cuban snatch: 10 EH-15EH
    Swiss-ball crunch: 20 nonweighted- 25 with 25 lb weight
    Reverse crunch: 10-25
    Lateral flexion (didn't get the point of these): 10
    Back extensions: 10 nonweighted - 10 with 25 lb weight

    Still not seeing much variation in my inches lost, but it's only been one week since I started doing cardio at least 5xs a week and drinking at least 64oz of water...I just want to fit into the shorts I was wearing LAST summer :(

    Now I'm also going to avoid (but not totally forbid) carbs and sweets too. I'm feeling really crumby about myself lately...I want to build muscle and lose fat so that I don't have to see cellulite on my thighs anymore. I used to really enjoy wearing shorts and now I avoid them to the MAX :( I'm only 24 and I want to wear what I want while I'm still young enough to pull it off!
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    my right quad hurts, like im over stretching it. is that normal for this phase or basic DOMS?
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    After two weeks of a break, I did A1 of Stage 2 last night! I actually enjoyed it more than Stage 1 workout, hopefully I will feel the same about workout B tomorrow. My legs are feeling it this morning though! :)
  • clairemarie1016
    clairemarie1016 Posts: 44 Member
    I did 2B on Saturday and I am still sore!!
  • kmd613
    kmd613 Posts: 42
    Holy crap - I was pretty much sore all the way through Stage 1....Did Stage 2 1A yesterday after 5 days off and my soreness is at a WHOLE NEW LEVEL! I can barely walk, but love it! :-)
  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    I have been getting really bored with stage 1, so I think I am going to do my AMRAPS set for my final workout this week and start Stage 2 next week. I have been doing stage one for about 3.5 weeks and have had a lot of strength gains, but it is just boring me right now and stage 2 looks a lot more interesting!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I can't believe I am over half way through Stage 2 already! It was fun and went by super fast compared to Stage 1. I can't wait to do progress pictures and measurements, since I never got around to it after stage 1!
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    Finished Stage 2 tonight!

    Here's my strength gains...

    Workout A
    FS/PP - 55# > 65#
    Step-up - 19" step 40# > 60#
    Dumbbell one point row - 20#/10 > 20#/20
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated - 40# > 60#
    Push-up - Knees to knees (I stink at push-ups)
    Plank - 30s > 45s
    Cable horizontal wood chop - 10#/10 on swiss ball (don't have cable machine in my workout room)

    Workout B
    Wide Grip Deadlift (didn't do it on a box for the last 2 workouts) 115# > 135#
    Bulgarian split squat - 15# > 30#
    Underhand grip lat pulldown - 65# > 80#
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach - 15# > 30#
    Dumbbell prone Cuban snatch - 10# > 10# (I can't seem to up my weights on these without sacrificing form)
    Swiss ball crunch - 10#/10 > 25#/20
    Reverse crunch - 10 > 20
    Lateral flexion - didn't do
    Prone cobra - 60s > 60s
    HIIT - Also didn't do

    I'm happy with my strength gains for certain moves...not so much with others. I seriously fell off the food wagon during this stage but my head is back in the game and I'm ready to kick butt in Stage 3!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Well, I start stage 2 today. I'm a little worried as I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I was pretty tired and seemed to be continually achey by the end of stage 1 so I'm a little anxious about stage 2.
  • clairemarie1016
    clairemarie1016 Posts: 44 Member
    Is anyone else having balance problems with the Bulgarian split squat? I can't seem to get my foot flat on the step without losing my balance. I can just about keep my balance with the Static lunge with rear foot elevated because of the different foot position but I'd like to be able to do both moves correctly. Any suggestions?
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Hi all, just finished S2 B1 today and I have a few questions:

    1) on the A workout, I cannot get my upper arms perpendicular to my torso on the FSPP. Is there a trick? I feel like my wrists are going to snap if I try any harder! I was working with only the OB when I did A on Monday.

    2) on the B workout, are we supposed to do only the 1st lateral flexion exercise or all 3?

    3) also, are we doing 4 workouts of both A and B x 2sets of 10 reps throughout the whole of stage 2 or are we meant to increase to 3 sets of 8 reps on the last 2 workouts of A and B?

    I'm enjoying sinking my teeth into new routines but not sure yet if I like them!

    @clairemarie, I'm no expert but I don't think you should be focusing on getting your foot flat on the step but rather on getting your front thigh parallel to the ground. Good luck!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Just finished up A4:

    I increased my front squat push press 15 pounds.
    Step-ups increased 5 pounds each hand, so 10 pounds total.
    Dumbbell 1pt row increased 7 pounds each hand.
    Static lunge increased 10 pounds each hand, so 20 pounds total.
    push ups were all on the floor, just worked on improving form.
    Cable Horizontal Woodchoop. I did a home version with weights for this. I increased 10 pounds each hand.

    Looking forward to finishing up B4 Friday!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Hi all, just finished S2 B1 today and I have a few questions:

    1) on the A workout, I cannot get my upper arms perpendicular to my torso on the FSPP. Is there a trick? I feel like my wrists are going to snap if I try any harder! I was working with only the OB when I did A on Monday.

    2) on the B workout, are we supposed to do only the 1st lateral flexion exercise or all 3?

    3) also, are we doing 4 workouts of both A and B x 2sets of 10 reps throughout the whole of stage 2 or are we meant to increase to 3 sets of 8 reps on the last 2 workouts of A and B?

    I'm enjoying sinking my teeth into new routines but not sure yet if I like them!

    @clairemarie, I'm no expert but I don't think you should be focusing on getting your foot flat on the step but rather on getting your front thigh parallel to the ground. Good luck!

    1. I am not sure on a trick. I just know if I don't keep that 90 degree angle, my wrists feel like they will pop. Maybe try a lower weight than the OB to get the form down and then bump the weight back up? I am just not sure.

    2. My understanding is you just chose one of the lateral flexions.

    3. I really hope we wasn't suppose to increase to 3 sets of 8, because I didn't! I have a spreadsheet I keep on my computer and it has 2 sets of 10 reps throughout Stage 2. I am going to have to get my Nook out and make sure I didn't mess up. :ohwell: Will let you know. :)

    @claire - I have the exact opposite problem for some reason. I keep my balance with the BSS, but have balance issues with the static lunge. I actually do the static lunges at just a bit lower weight than the BSS just so I can keep my balance througout.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks PBsMommy! Did you find you had significant changes in Stage 2? I have put on inches in places I didn't want to during Stage 1 and am hoping that Stage 2 will help take them off.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Well, I'm going to give workout B another go today. Wednesday was my first time doing it and I so did not enjoy being in the gym that I said screw it before I was even half way done. Wish me luck.