BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    I am feeling really anxious right now because today is my daughters birthday party and I'm making cupcakes. Cake and frosting are real trigger foods for me. I have been known to eat and entire can of frosting but really don't want to repeat that habit. My plan is to either throw out the leftover cupcakes, send them home with party guests, or send them to work with my husband tomorrow. I don't think I can have them in the house over night though.

    I still haven't decided if I will eat one at the party. Having just one is such a slippery slope for me. I'm hoping just writing this down will give me the strength to resist eating the leftover frosting and either none or one cupcake. I will write again later with the results. Thanks for the constant support everyone!
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    I feel you wwnchina. Sweets are a big trigger.

    I am pretty proud of myself for yesterday. I planned a wine night with friends and in the past alcohol could trigger a big binge. Well I had a blast, ate a light dinner, drank my wine, got tipsy, and went to bed. I stuck to my pre-logging and did not go over my calorie goal.

    This is a big win for me!
  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    Good for you Woodsy. Glad you were able to have a good time with wine and not have a binge.

    My daughter's party was a ton of fun. I had one bite of her cupcake. I'm so proud that it didn't turn in to an all out binge. I sent 4 cupcakes home with people and we have 2 left in the house. My kids will eat those this afternoon. I guess I could have eaten them last night after they went to bed but I didn't even want them. Major accomplishment on my part.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Glad you conquered the cupcake situation, wwnchina. I understand the dilemma with parties and how one little treat can lead to later binging.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,452 Member
    Found myself stuffing muffins and tacos into my mouth today in the bathroom stall at work! WHY??? Tomorrow is a fresh start
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    Tomorrow is a fresh start

    Tomorrow can be a fresh start, but why wait that long? You can make that fresh start with your next healthy meal. In fact, you can make that fresh start the moment you come to your senses and spit out that last mouthful of binge and throw the rest away.

    You don't have to wait for a fresh start. You can start NOW.
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    So wonderful to be able to have a trigger food in the house and not eat it.

    Split a little cake with the sister last night. Had plenty of room for it, logged it, and that was it. That felt pretty good. Usually I don't allow myself any sweets at all because that is my number one trigger.

    I want to be one of those people who can eat ONE cookie or ONE piece of cake and be satisfied. I hope I am getting closer and closer to that.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Wow, so active here. That is wonderful!!!! I had a good weekend until yesterday. I ate badly for dinner and had dessert. it would have been okay but I went for a second helping of dessert. I did not even log all of it. I can only learn from it and do better today.
    I think emotions are a big trigger for me. My doctor is changing my anxiety medicine and yesterday someone made a rude comment making fun of me. I was so embarrassed. I took it very hard and even moved away from him. (It was at my son's baseball game). He probably did not mean to be so mean but I was upset. I let some idiot make me upset and I ate badly later. I should not give my power away to someone like that.
    Today I am starting fresh.

    Also I have given up the scale. I will not step on it until July 1st. It will be hard but I decided monthly weigh ins from now on. The scale is a trigger for me! I might do some measurements in a couple weeks though.


    Sam / mommyrocks5
    I post here because no one judges me. It is such a relief to have a place to go and share problems and BE things. It is a daily process. I have found the monthly challenges helpful. For me I used to over estimate the number of days I binged. So when I keep track it shows me there were successful days each month. It helps me focus on the positive not the negative.

    Glad you shared your story. Feel free to reach out to me if you need help.

    It has been a struggle finding a BE therapist. I am actually seeing one that is not on my insurance so I have to pay more. It was hard to find someone that treats BE. So if you decide to hunt for one don't get discouraged. It can take a while to find the right fit.
    I need to read on the boards more. That used to motivate me so much!
    Good job on the splitting dessert with your sister!!!

    I have not heard of this. I might research it some. I ate something sugary the other day and it sent me into a big binge. It was awful. Certain sweet things are a big no- no for me. It is like an addiction!

    Sending home food is a great idea.....I have another tip....Freeze the leftovers. It is much harder to binge on a frozen item. You can then de-thaw it for the kids if they want it. (throwing it away works too though) Happy Birthday to your kiddo!!!

    GOOD JOB!!! Alcohol is not a trigger for me. Strange because so many things trigger me. lol Good for you logging it and having a good day!! Sounds like you conquered the binge monster that day.
  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    Karendee, I always love reading your posts. You are such an inspiration simply for the fact that you are so honest and you're seeking help. I am always curious to hear how your therapy sessions are going. So glad you were able to find the right Dr. for you. If you don't mind, would you share the name of the meds you are taking. I used to take Zoloft and found it really helped with anxiety which also helped with the BE. Thanks again for all your support!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    wwnchina Thanks so much! I decided sharing might help someone and it is very theraputic to me.

    I am happy to share.

    Right now I am only on Wellbutrin. I have some mild depression, anxiety and ADHD. This is my first med. Once it is working (or not working and I might switch) I may take meds for the ADHD and finally the BE if necessary. (so next is the ADHD which may also curb my appetite.)

    The wellbutrin is new to me. I also read It could treat what is causing the addictive behaviors in my brain. (I was addicted to the scale and now I don't even want to get on it.) I am only on 1/2 the dose I will take eventually and I can see a difference.

    it is funny how other conditions could make my BE worse or could even be the cause. I was shocked but relieved when I was told about the ADHD. Part of it is problem making decisions. You should see me in a grocery store trying to decide what healthy foods to buy. Sometimes I come home with odd things. lol

    So it may be possible that we as BE need to treat other things that could make the BE worse or harder to battle.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    Right now I am only on Wellbutrin. I have some mild depression, anxiety and ADHD.

    I too am on Wellbutrin, 450 mg of SR in split doses daily. Along with 90 mg of Cymbalta (also split dose) and 15 mg of Abilify. I'm a mess mentally. Then I'm on about another dozen meds for various physical ailments, most of which I can blame on my weight. Looking forward to not needing so many drugs.
    So it may be possible that we as BE need to treat other things that could make the BE worse or harder to battle.

    Addiction (including Food Addiction, ie Binge Eating) is a threefold disease: physical, mental and spiritual. The physical part is obvious -- the food, the booze, the drugs, what have you.

    The cravings are a rather obvious manifestation of the mental. But addiction often travels with depression, ocd, bipolar, and other mental illnesses. This is because we have used our addiction in an attempt to self-medicate our mental illness.

    Then there is the spiritual aspect. We can not beat this on our own. No matter how strong our will might be, eventually we will sucumb once more and things will be even worse then than before. We need the support of something outside of ourself: our fellows and a Power greater than ourselves by whatever name or description is most helpful to us.

    This is not my wisdom, but the collective wisdom of those who have gone before me and found healthy, abstinent lives. Our BE not cured, but held in abeyance one day at a time.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Right now I am only on Wellbutrin. I have some mild depression, anxiety and ADHD.

    I too am on Wellbutrin, 450 mg of SR in split doses daily. Along with 90 mg of Cymbalta (also split dose) and 15 mg of Abilify. I'm a mess mentally. Then I'm on about another dozen meds for various physical ailments, most of which I can blame on my weight. Looking forward to not needing so many drugs.
    So it may be possible that we as BE need to treat other things that could make the BE worse or harder to battle.

    Addiction (including Food Addiction, ie Binge Eating) is a threefold disease: physical, mental and spiritual. The physical part is obvious -- the food, the booze, the drugs, what have you.

    The cravings are a rather obvious manifestation of the mental. But addiction often travels with depression, ocd, bipolar, and other mental illnesses. This is because we have used our addiction in an attempt to self-medicate our mental illness.

    Then there is the spiritual aspect. We can not beat this on our own. No matter how strong our will might be, eventually we will sucumb once more and things will be even worse then than before. We need the support of something outside of ourself: our fellows and a Power greater than ourselves by whatever name or description is most helpful to us.

    This is not my wisdom, but the collective wisdom of those who have gone before me and found healthy, abstinent lives. Our BE not cured, but held in abeyance one day at a time.

    I was just sharing my recent medicine change. And a little bit of what I have learned. I have been on Meds for years. I have been searching for therapists for months now so some of the posters might remember my struggle.

    I disagree with you on the spiritual aspect. I am not spiritual and I am doing just fine on my own. Sorry I don't think that can cure me. I am doing it and not relying on god or other people I am relying on myself.

    You sound like OA . Being abstinent is not the life for me. I want to learn how to handle some foods and not binge. I am 37 and cannot see never eating particular foods again. I want to be able to eat them someday.

    The only help I get is therapy so I can work on myself.

    We can have differing opinions but I wanted to make it clear on mine since you responded to my post.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,452 Member
    I agree with Karen - I didn't agree with the abstinence preaching and spirtuality parts of the Anonymous groups I was a part of in the past. Don't get me wrong, those groups (which I chose not to elaborate about here in public forums) really helped me straighten my life out, but I just could not embrace the spiritual aspect of the program. But I do admit I'm powerless, especially over pizza! I love MFP because I can connect with all kinds of people, not just addicts, but exercise gurus and clean eaters and fellow bingers like myself, too.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    You sound like OA . Being abstinent is not the life for me. I want to learn how to handle some foods and not binge. I am 37 and cannot see never eating particular foods again. I want to be able to eat them someday.

    Just so you know, that goal is NOT incompatible with OA, and yes, I am a member. I bring up others because I know there will come a day where I have ready access to some of the things that trigger my binges and I'm not sure that I will ALWAYS be able to rely only on myself not to lose control. Being able to talk to someone in that moment, and thereby getting through it without binging, is truly something to treasure.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    You sound like OA . Being abstinent is not the life for me. I want to learn how to handle some foods and not binge. I am 37 and cannot see never eating particular foods again. I want to be able to eat them someday.

    Just so you know, that goal is NOT incompatible with OA, and yes, I am a member. I bring up others because I know there will come a day where I have ready access to some of the things that trigger my binges and I'm not sure that I will ALWAYS be able to rely only on myself not to lose control. Being able to talk to someone in that moment, and thereby getting through it without binging, is truly something to treasure.
    I agree. There are some foods I just do not eat because I am afraid of binge and from pass experience I know they cause binges and for me at this time I choose to stay away from these foods and after so long I do not feel deprived either. We all have to find and do what works for us. Even though I am no longer OA I believe in much that is advocated by the organization.

    Please feel free to share and we can agree to disagree. Thanks and have a wonderful day!!!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    You sound like OA . Being abstinent is not the life for me. I want to learn how to handle some foods and not binge. I am 37 and cannot see never eating particular foods again. I want to be able to eat them someday.

    Just so you know, that goal is NOT incompatible with OA, and yes, I am a member. I bring up others because I know there will come a day where I have ready access to some of the things that trigger my binges and I'm not sure that I will ALWAYS be able to rely only on myself not to lose control. Being able to talk to someone in that moment, and thereby getting through it without binging, is truly something to treasure.

    I never said I was compatible with OA. I went to one meeting and it was not for me. Certain foods are a trigger for me and someday I want to be able to eat them. I didn't like how you said I had to use spirituality. It was as if you were pushing your beliefs on me.

    Also sounded like you were correcting me when I posted about my meds when another poster asked about them. That frustrated me because I just gave a bit of info. I have researched the medicine and did not need a lesson from you.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I agree with Karen - I didn't agree with the abstinence preaching and spirtuality parts of the Anonymous groups I was a part of in the past. Don't get me wrong, those groups (which I chose not to elaborate about here in public forums) really helped me straighten my life out, but I just could not embrace the spiritual aspect of the program. But I do admit I'm powerless, especially over pizza! I love MFP because I can connect with all kinds of people, not just addicts, but exercise gurus and clean eaters and fellow bingers like myself, too.

    I had the same issue. I did not embrace the spirituality part. That is why I did not join. We all have to do it our own way.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hello everyone. I have had a few good days. One day was a day I went over on calories but I did not binge. I am taking the new meds and will see my doctor again soon to discuss the next step. I am taking one day at a time.

    Sorry if my posts sounded mean or argumentative. I was frustrated because I felt like I was being corrected and my way is wrong. My way of fighting BE is just that....My Way. So I feel a little angry when I think someone is telling me I need to believe in their way. I am not saying OA or any other group is bad etc. There are some wonderful groups (including OA) that help people very much. I am just not one of them.

    There are some foods I have big problems with. I hope someday I will be able to eat them in moderation and not cause a binge. Saying I abstain from them forever might be hard. I hope to live many years and forever can be a long time. That was what I was trying to get at before.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Subject change: do any of you guys chew gum to help? I personally chew gum basically all day, half a pack at work and I chew at night when I get cravings. I think it helps but I would like to stop the work gum chewing as one time I forgot my gum and I was so THIRSTY! I couldn't believe how thirsty I got when I wasn't chewing gum :S
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    Sorry if my posts sounded mean or argumentative. I was frustrated because I felt like I was being corrected and my way is wrong. My way of fighting BE is just that....My Way. So I feel a little angry when I think someone is telling me I need to believe in their way. I am not saying OA or any other group is bad etc. There are some wonderful groups (including OA) that help people very much. I am just not one of them.

    No offense taken. We are each on our own personal journey. And we do the best we can, one day at a time, one meal at a time, one craving at a time. Never meant to imply your was was "wrong" or that you "should" do anything you don't want to do.

    As we say in OA, "Take what works and leave the rest."
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