June 2013 Due Dates!!



  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    @flyingcarbacc...I'm pretty much over being sick except for the lingering cough thankfully!

    So ready to have baby though! They did an ultrasound because baby is measuring a little small (her head specifically)...just trying not to be worried. I didn't think I'd make it until June...2 days of May left...it'll be interesting to see when baby decides to get here!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Yeahhhhh!!! I'm happy to see June mamas posting again. Its been pretty quite for a while. I'm due June 22nd and feeling uncomfortable. Walking hurts! Its been pretty smooth sailing until about last week when I was just miserable and tired and uncomfortable! Oh well, totally worth it. I am a bit emotional and hating on my hubby but I guess that comes with the territory! I'm really excited to hear everyones birth stories. We are in the home stretch now! My 37 week check up is tomorrow, cervix check so we shall see. Good luck mamas.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    I'm hoping to see a slew of birth announcements soon, ladies! :happy:
  • hersheygirl09
    hersheygirl09 Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats to all the mommy's who have met their little ones already!

    38w today. still sleeping ok, but i can't handle the swelling in my feet. it feels like i've broken both of them. doctor says it's okay, so i just try to keep them elevated. walking is getting harder, and Nugget hasn't even dropped yet. Doctor says i haven't started dilating, baby hasn't dropped and he/she is probably already over 8 lbs. i'm freaking out.

    positive note, i got the car seat installed. getting it checked out at the state police station on Monday (assuming baby stays put for a couple more days). and i've totally started nesting. i don't think my house has ever been this clean!

    keep the updates coming. i'm so excited to hear about all the new babies!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I'm procrastinating! I'm 38w5d and I haven't finished packing the hospital bag...or cleaning the baby's carseat...or stroller...I think I'm in denial.
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    Congrats to the mamas who have had their babies!!! I'm excited to hear everyone's birth stories!

    Hershey- Sorry about the swelling and lack of dialation. :frown: Guesses for weight can always be off so try not to worry too much about it.

    Amanda- My husband is definitely getting the brunt of my pregnant emotion. I can't help it, he's so good at ticking me off! :laugh: How was your check up today?

    BBecca- I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and JUST started packing my hospital bag last night. Carseat is half installed, and I just set up the bassinet in our room today. You're not alone in your denial! LOL June has always seemed so far away yet here it is at our door!

    Flying- Yeah for a cute take home outfit! Always a fun thing to shop for! I'm taking 2 to the hospital because I can't make up my mind.

    Rosy- 30DS is what I did last year when I started my weight loss journey. I'm sure you'll find it a lot more challenging once you're not modifying things. Level 1 definitely is easier than 2 or 3. I love it and will probably do it again after baby. You really get out of it what you put into it, so it definitely can be more challenging.

    Had an appt today but chose not to get checked since I had my 3 kids with me. I'm scheduled for an induciton on the 10th if she doesn't come before then (due date the 15th.) I'm GBS+ again like last time and since my labor can be pretty quick, it gives me the chance to get at least some of my antibiotics before they start labor. If she comes before that, I just have to hussle my hiney to the hospital. :) My sister who was due 2 weeks before me had her baby last weekend. Visiting her in the hospital reminded me how much I hate recovery, but I'm trying to remind myself that I'll have a new baby to snuggle as a reward!:smile:
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    @ Kori. 8 more days! I'm sure you are so excited. Hopefully you got your bag and carseat taken care of this weekend! LOL. Any day now.

    Doctors appointment was uneventful! I declined the cervix check since I just had one and I will be back there on Wednesday of this week. Seems silly to just keep checking... So excited though 19 more days!!!!!!!!!!! He can stay in there until he's 18 though. I'm really afraid I'm going to miss being pregnant.
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Ugh. Very painful contractions ALL DAY yesterday, but nothing consistent enough to go in for. More this morning. I can't take 2 more weeks of this so this baby better make his appearance soon!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    Ugh. 38w2d. 2nd child. 1st was almost a week early.

    This one... still floatin'. Soft cervix but no dilation and no engagement.

    Come on kid... mama's in pain here. :sad:
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Just left my check up. 37w 4d. 1.5 dilated and 80% thinned out. This is from a week and a half ago when nothing was going on! Doc said baby boy is probably around 7 an a half lbs and things maybe sooner then later :) We shall see..... :love:
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Appt. this morning- still 3 cm. My MIL is going out of town until next Thursday an she is supposed to watch our older two kids when I go. Into labor, so this guy better hold tight until then!
  • hersheygirl09
    hersheygirl09 Posts: 41 Member
    @Zombie, i feel your pain. my kid is not at all interested in this whole coming into the world thing. still floating away. not engaged. hasn't dropped.

    @amanda, i'm so excited for you. hopefully it will happen soon!

    was up most of last night with braxton hicks. first time i've had them. they didnt' hurt, but it was a little weird. they were about 5 minutes apart, then an hour later stopped. then started this morning about 20 minutes apart. decided to work from home, just in case. but since i emailed my boss, i haven't had one. this baby is a big faker... at least i got to work in my pjs all day!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Kaylee Jean's birth story:

    31 May: The doctor called and said they planned to induce, so I asked to come in on Sunday.

    2 June: Went to the hospital for cervical ripener at 7 pm. I watched two horror movies on my laptop :P.

    3 June: Birth Day!
    10-11 am: Cervical ripener taken out and a balloon was used to cause more dilation.

    1:15 pm: My water broke after I took a shower and I had dilated from 3 to 7 cm in two hours. I immediately asked for an epidural :O).

    2:00 pm: An ancient anesthesiologist came into the room to give me the epidural...he had to do it twice, because he hit a blood vessel the first time. It caused my blood pressure to tank for a little bit, but recovered after thirty minutes.

    3-5 pm: Stalled at 8 cm...the nurse decided to start pitocin.

    5-6 pm: The baby's blood pressure was doing a cycle of dropping and then going back up, they made me keep moving onto different sides and I puked orange juice! The epidural was wearing off, which was not fun, and pressure was becoming unbearable down there.

    6:15 pm: I told the nurse I was having way more pressure and she said I was probably still at eight.

    6:45 pm: It was changeover time for the nurses and they were discussing my case when Kaylee's head decided to pop out...she started coming before I could push or a doctor could catch her!

    6:46 pm: Kaylee Jean was born completely healthy weighing 6 lbs, 7 oz, 18.5 inches long, and she had lots of hair :O). My husband and I were so happy to finally see her!
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Congrats BeccaJean! Welcome to the world Kaylee!

    Still nothing here, which is a good thing! I need to get through the next 6 days without this baby showing up. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Nothing new except gaining weight!! Ughhhh I thought at this point 38w 3d it would have slowed down a bit. Next check up is on Wednesday!
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    I was induced yesterday and had my baby girl. Alice May weighed 8lbs 4 oz, my biggest baby by far, and is 19 inches. Labor and the epidural had its issues but the birth itself went great. I'll share the whole crazy story another time. My 2 year old got the stomach flu Friday, then my husband started throwing up in my hospital room last night so he went home. :( I've had like no sleep worrying about the baby and I getting it and cry a lot wishing my DH could be here with us. It's been rough. But my little girl is super sweet and I'm thankful she's here.
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Kori333- Congrats! What a beautiful name! I'm so sorry your DH and 2 y/o are sick! I can't imagine dealing with all that while still being at the hospital! Hopefully they will recover soon and you can all be together again.

    I have a dr appt tomorrow morning- I was 3cm for the last 2 weeks, so we'll see if there's any change. So far I have successfully avoided labor! MIL gets into town very late tomorrow night, so I think we should make it until then. DH's bday is tomorrow- it would be pretty amazing to have the baby on his bday, but I kind of doubt it. Finally going to get back to exercising tomorrow since I know my kids will have supervision if we have to go to the hospital. Maybe I can walk this kid out before the weekend. :)
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    omg! Good luck Rosy003!:laugh:
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Kori333, so happy your baby girl is here and healthy...things will start settling down in the next few weeks...the first few days are usually the roughest!
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Still pregnant.

    Jillian couldn't induce labor, so I don't know what can. :) I did 30 DS yesterday afternoon, walked last night, even bounced (not jumped) on a trampoline this morning with my kiddos at gymnastics. Nothing. Oh well, I will keep trying! I'm really hopeful for this guy to come tonight or tomorrow, but I guess if he's not ready then I will have to wait. How are you ladies?