Whose 'cruising' with me ? ;)

globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
Hi all,

I just thought that I would try and spark some further engagement amongst 'Team Dukan'. Now I do read and get involved on the main forums but I feel that my heart is truly longing for some Dukan lurve ! :heart: :flowerforyou:

As an update, coming up to the end of week 3 in total and currently on cruise PP/PV 1 day pattern. I lost in attack and haven't weighed myself yet in cruise ( see my blog) .....this will happen on Saturday :ohwell:

Is there anyone else on early stages if the duet either attack or cruise ? How are you finding it ? My second time around and although i lost weight , i am really finding MFP a great help in ensuring consistency and maintenance.

Dukan successes, challenges, questions or mere doses of inspiration, please share xoxo


  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm cruising! I am actually doing a 5 + 2 rhythm as don't have a huge amount to lose and its easier to eat protein only on days when my husband isn't around! This is the second time of doing Dukan. I lost about 2 stone the first time and put back on a bit so want to lose it. My biggest challenge is the lack of energy I have at the gym when I cut out carbs. I really struggle to do my weight programme and high intensity rowing! Went on a two day hike recently (12 miles a day) and had to have some carbs as was too exhausted! However, I know Dukan works and quickly :) Good luck!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm cruising! I am actually doing a 5 + 2 rhythm as don't have a huge amount to lose and its easier to eat protein only on days when my husband isn't around! This is the second time of doing Dukan. I lost about 2 stone the first time and put back on a bit so want to lose it. My biggest challenge is the lack of energy I have at the gym when I cut out carbs. I really struggle to do my weight programme and high intensity rowing! Went on a two day hike recently (12 miles a day) and had to have some carbs as was too exhausted! However, I know Dukan works and quickly :) Good luck!

    Welcome back to Dukan, I love the fact that this diet has different patterns of protein days to suit each persons lifestyle or preference. With regards to the lack of energy omitting carbs brings......I feel your pain ! On days where I know I need to do strength training, I eat my oatbran around it so usually the morning before or even the night before relative to what time I plan my workout.

    To be completely honest, I have added my own little deviations from the cruise phase this time around....nothing major, but enough to make it a little more realistic to my lifestyle. An example would be, goji berries where I eat slightly more than 2 tablespoons allowed on cruise days. Also, I will have a no fruit muller light yogurt if I need a quick energy spike on the run. So both practices are away from 'the rules' but so far seems to be working fine.

    As a little inspiration for those who may have just started cruise. I just reviewed my very detailed diary from cruise last year (1st Dukan attempt) and day for day comparison, I am only -0.5lbs behind last years lost. Also, I noticed after week 4 on cruise, I had a sudden 4lbs loss whereas weeks previous seemed really slow.

    Keep going to you and everyone cruising and don't be afraid to switch up your eating pattern every now and again. Calories don't seem to matter on Dukan so eat more if you need to and stay hydrated :)))))
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Surely there are more Dukanites on cruise phase using MFP or is it just the 2 of us ? Xx
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    I will join you on Saturday :-) still have those 2 long days to finish my Attack. Can't wait to taste veg again!
  • mcsankov
    mcsankov Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad to have found this group. DUKAN is not easy alone. I have started about a month ago and I am doing okay so far. Cruising has its challenges for me but I am trying to hang in there. How do you all keep your motivation? I am especially bad with my exercise routine. Any suggestions?
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Cruisin' was made for love...I sing that every day. I finished Attack on Monday and am early on in Cruise. I am alternating every day. This is my first time trying Dukan and I think it will be easier to keep track for me. I do not like vegetables but only having to eat 1/3 to 2/3 is certainly doable. This was my second PV day and I had a giant meatball with tomato paste\sauce nofat low sugar and some kale crisps. Unfortunately, I burned the latter...

    I weigh daily in the morning and today was the first day I lost less than .5 lb. I am not discouraged. It is also TOM and I have water retention issues. It is good to read about others' experiences. I am looking forward to a whoosh.

    Co-workers have noticed the change already so I brought in the book. One lady started this week and others say they will. I am looking forward to the support and comraderie.

    I am only doing the exercises from the book for now. I have some pain and swelling that I am working to get better. This eating regimen seems to be really helping.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    ..........Absolutely, cruising was indeed "made for love " :))))

    Well done so far......and yes the TOM MAKES A HUUUUGE DIFFERENCE! In my experience , my whoosh weight lost didn't come until about 5-7 days after the end of my time.

    The kale crisps sound good, how do I make the non burnt version (hehe)?

    Great to hear from you, let's do this together everyone ;)
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Oh goodness, just failed abismally! Ate a small piece of cake! We have people coming for the weekend with kids and I had to bake things. I can still keep within the 1200 calories though so I hope it won't make tooooo much difference. :( Was going so well!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    globegirl08 - I made the kale crisps in the oven. I read online recipes which say that using a dehydrator is best. I do not have that expensive piece of equipment so I just prepared the kale by washing then separating from the stem and drying thoroughly with paper towels. A salad spinner is recommended but alas I do not have that either. I put them in a parchment paper lined cookie sheet and sprayed lightly with cooking spray. You could also use your allotment of olive oil or not use any. Then I added nutrional yeast flakes and some seasoning: garlic power, a little salt and oregano and mixed them. I cooked them on the lowest oven temperature as recommended for an hour (170F for me), then turned off the stove for a 1/2 hour and then repeated the process with half the time. The second time around most were okay but some were still mushy/soggy so I turned up the temperature to 350F and that is when some of them became too crispy. Patience is a virtue...

    Louisa1979 - I hope not either and I hope it was delicious! :) I am new at this so cannot speak from experience, but I would drink more water and increase exercise and maybe do an extra PP day??? On past diets, I find when I transgressed the food did not taste as good as I expect and I then I would beat myself up. Please do not do that to yourself.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member

    Louisa1979 - I hope not either and I hope it was delicious! :) I am new at this so cannot speak from experience, but I would drink more water and increase exercise and maybe do an extra PP day??? On past diets, I find when I transgressed the food did not taste as good as I expect and I then I would beat myself up. Please do not do that to yourself.

    ....totally agreed. If you cheat for whatever reason be it a general craving, social gathering or just a momentary weakness to a devilish delight, you just carry on. This s my second time around and certainly after reviewing last years successful 'cruise phase' , I had a number of unforgivable cheats and still lost weight.

    Although deviating from the main diet is highly discouraged, an occurrence of sin will always be just that. Carry on as normal or as toadqueen rightly suggested, an extra PP day whichever cruse pattern you are on. If this serves as any extra encouragement, I had my biggest loss on cruise so far in cheat week where I caved into so many different temptations whilst having my 7yr old niece staying over. Don't forget , the diet has a lot more additions to it in terms of choices now so don't forget to splash out by indulging the 'tolerated items' list .......stick to maximum quantities allowed

    @toadqueen, going to try the Kale recipe tomorrow .....THANK YOU
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Thought I'd post my favourite treat using oatbran allowance. Mini coconut pancakes with Chobani yogurt and cinnamon. Okay, I know the coconut is not allowed but I literally take a pinch just enough to give the oatbran the essence of coconut. An Dukan allowed alternative would be to use coconut flavouring instead.

    Would love to encourage more pictures and personally inspired meal ideas especially for the cruise phase :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    When i eat out, i follow cruise guidelines even though i am at goal by following all 4 phases of the dukan diet.. It just works!
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Hi girls. It's my second cruise day today and I have a big psychological problem to eat something which is not on a list. I am sure that once I have reached at least half of the cruise, I will be able to treat myself without a guilt feeling!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi girls. It's my second cruise day today and I have a big psychological problem to eat something which is not on a list. I am sure that once I have reached at least half of the cruise, I will be able to treat myself without a guilt feeling!

    Well done on finishing attack and finishing your first couple of days on cruise. The cruise club gets bigger :)))))))

    Depending on what you are craving, don't forget the tolerated items that you are allowed in certain quantities . Remember though that you are only allowed up to 2 ptolerated items per day in total. I tend not to have tolerated everyday..,,although I have become a little addicted to Goji berries which are on of the tolerated items (see quantities).

    So the point is, if you are craving sweet you can try hot chocolate, making sweet desserts/ sorbets, custard, muffins etc using oatbran. For savoury urges, there are lots of recipes you could try especially on your PV days like cauliflower mash, protein and veg dishes using shirataki noodles, kale crips, Dukan pizza etc etc.

    Stick with it, don't give in to cheating yet. I have cheated a couple of times this and last week but purely due to a very hectic social life at the moment. When you see the pounds start to fall of then maybe just maybe you can then chose what is best at that stage .

    We are here for you :)
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Hello all. I had a yucky weekend suffering from constipation and nausea - ugh! Finally took something for it and gave myself the runs but I feel better today.

    I kept with the eating plan except did not eat enough. I made my first batch of savory oat bran muffins and they were delicious - might have been what stopped me up! I found quark cheese in a local store and used that in it. I like the little tang it has. I also bought creme blanc - I was looking for creme frais and was told it was the same? So Friday night I tasted all my no-low fat cheeses on a platter. I have decided to save ricotta for desserts as I found it to be the sweetest and yogurt will just have to go...

    I tried the shirataki noodles with fish on Friday and tomato sauce. Yum! For PV, I ate ground turkey marinated with Worcestshire sauce and spices then cooked, wrapped in lettuce. I will definitely do that again.

    So far, I have not wanted any sweets which I find very unusual. My only craving has been for pork and I have been able to deal with it. I have really enjpyed experimenting with spices.

    I have not investigated the tolerated list yet. A co-worker is borrowing my book.
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Good advice (and from globegirl). I have done more exercise today so should balance out. Always hard with social gatherings and I have 3 more this week but I plan to eat protein only around them so I hope it will even out.
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    True, I will have to investigate the tolerated stuff list as well! The only thing that it is very hard to find any unusual things in Spain :( like Goji berries or Shirataki noodles)

    By the way, what are your experiences with constipation during the diet? Are there any products you have noticed which help more ( apart from oat/wheat bran) ?
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member

    So far, I have not wanted any sweets which I find very unusual. My only craving has been for pork and I have been able to deal with it. I have really enjpyed experimenting with spices.

    Can't agree more! No cravings for sweets is so unuasual for me too as I have ( used to have) a terrible sweet-tooth.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    vaidajurgaity - I am suffering from horrible constipation with this. I have in the past so it is nothing new. I do not care if I do not go except when I begin to feel uncomfortable. That happened for me this weekend (after 10 days!) so I took some Turkey Rhubarb in pill form. That usually works for me but nothing happened, so the next day I drank 10fl of magnesium citrate. This gave me the runs for 2 days and I still feel bloated and full. I have been eating the recommend oatbran but today I am going to scale back. I actually have not been able to eat at all because of nausea.

    With low-carb one goes less but unless you are feeling pain or discomfort it is really nothing to worry about. It is important to drink enough water. Walking helps as does lying on one's left side and gentle massages. I have begun a magnesium supplement to see if that will have any effect.

    Has anything else worked for others?
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Ortisan fruit cubes are excellent for constipation. Just be careful not to overdo them! Try with a quarter or half to start with and lots of water.