Daily Check In Thread



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I really love reading everyone's progress! Great jobs, everyone!

    I finished Week 7 last week, but am on hiatus while recovering from gall bladder surgery. I have been walking each day. Wondering how long before I will feel ok to run again and how far I will be set back?

    Keep up the good work!

    I think you physically turn a corner after week six, but since you're recovering from surgery, I'd start back at Week 1 and skip days if it's too easy.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Week 8, Day 1 completed.

    The first mile is just a struggle to find my pace and forget all the pains (calves, hips, thighs) but by the second half of the 2.75 miles I had found the pocket. I was a machine just pumping along. I can't believe I ran 2.75 miles without stopping. 15m30s mile. Maybe not as fast as some, but if you had told me 3 months ago that by June I would be running almost 3 miles 3 times a week, I would have laughed in your face. I am simply amazed at what my mind and body can accomplish. If I can do this, anybody can do this. It just takes deciding that you are going to do it no matter what.

    Keep up the great accomplishments everyone!!

    The first 10 minutes are always a bit of a struggle. Now that I'm 4 months out from graduation, it wouldn't seem like much of a run without it. Sounds like you found your rhythm. Great commitment and great run!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    W6D3 done but something really odd happened to me. I ran two miles, music blasting in my ear buds, only 1/4 mile to go and then it happened. I looked up at my imaginary finish line and my legs turned to jelly. Suddenly that last 1/4 mile seemed sooooo far away. Self doubt started to creep in... I'm not a runner, I'm too old to start running (41), I'm a big jiggly, wiggly overweight mom, WHAT am I doing out here?

    I ran another 15-20 feet and just lost it. I felt completely mentally defeated by this run..... this stinking 1/4 mile left.

    So I sat on the side of the gravel path sobbing like a baby (or escaped mental patient). I called my husband and said something like "I can't do this, it's too far, waaaah." I sat there and bawled a few more minutes and then realized if I didn't get up and finish this I would probably never attempt to run again.

    I wiped the tears away, put the ear buds back in and finished that 1/4 mile...... plus an additional 2.1.

    GO ME!!!

    Your best run ever is next. (I can see you having the same experience at mile 20 someday too.)
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    For the rain runners, don't you ruin your shoes? That's the only thing that keeps me indoors during rain showers. I've gotten caught in downpours at the theme parks a few times and have ended up with ruined shoes. Not cheapies, either, but Skechers Shape-Ups. They ended up musty and nasty after the soaking, so I don't want my running shoes to suffer the same fate. Also, the wet socks blistered me when I did a lot more walking after getting wet. I did run in a steady drizzle once, and it felt sooooo good, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my new shoes.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Week 6, Day 1 complete!

    I live in Northeastern Minnesota and it's been a very cold, wet spring/summer. I typically run in the mornings (6am during the week) so it's been in the 30's and 40's. Last week our high temps were in the 50's. We finally had a warm-up (81 degrees today) and I just went out for my run. For a lot of the country I realize that's cool right now, but that's double the temperature I'm used to. I'm definitely going back to mornings, but it was a very different run than most!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I have to do Week 7 this week and I am dreading it. I like the smaller runs with the bigger run on day 3. It is raining here for the next 2 days and then will probably turn out hot. I have heard that when you run in the rain you should imagine you are running through the sprinkler as you did as a child. LOL I hope that works if I brave the elements. :-(

    So far, 3 of my runs were in the rain. One of them during a torrential rainstorm with flash flooding. They were my best runs to date. Me, thunder, dark clouds, massive puddles, the sound of my breathing and the pavement...I pray for the rain, lol. You will rock it.

    I used to feel sorry for people running in the rain. Now I use any excuse. Wear a ball cap.
    I think running in the rain sounds kind of freeing, but like Sunshinestater said, isn't it hard on your shoes???? I also like to use my phone for the app and music as motivation; while I can wrap my phone in a ziploc bag, what about the earbuds? I wouldn't want to electrocute myself.
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    I did W5D2 today (two 8 min runs) and it felt so good! The key for me, I think, was staying at a steady pace. Next run is the dreaded W5D3 20 minute run! Eek :) I will be so proud when I do that. Will update again after it on Thursday!
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    Week 6, Day 1 complete!

    I live in Northeastern Minnesota and it's been a very cold, wet spring/summer. I typically run in the mornings (6am during the week) so it's been in the 30's and 40's. Last week our high temps were in the 50's. We finally had a warm-up (81 degrees today) and I just went out for my run. For a lot of the country I realize that's cool right now, but that's double the temperature I'm used to. I'm definitely going back to mornings, but it was a very different run than most!

    I am also in the midwest and the sudden change in temp was pretty brutal during my run today! I will have to switch to early mornings or go a bit after sunset.
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I've read that week 4 may seem difficult if you are not at a slow enough pace. Several people said that you can go slower than you think. I thought I was going slow enough but decided to give it a try and slow down for W4D1. I actually jogged slower than I walked and sure enough, I was able to get through both 3 min jogs and 5 min jogs without any problems. (AMAZING FOR ME!!!) My lungs are grateful for this pace but my legs are feeling the burn. Now the question is, "Did I go too slow?" At least I can say W4D1 DONE!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've read that week 4 may seem difficult if you are not at a slow enough pace. Several people said that you can go slower than you think. I thought I was going slow enough but decided to give it a try and slow down for W4D1. I actually jogged slower than I walked and sure enough, I was able to get through both 3 min jogs and 5 min jogs without any problems. (AMAZING FOR ME!!!) My lungs are grateful for this pace but my legs are feeling the burn. Now the question is, "Did I go too slow?" At least I can say W4D1 DONE!

    The first several weeks on D1 I went slow just to make sure I could finish, D2 I probably went too fast feeling over-confident, and D3 I found my balance. Then Week 5 rolls around and they change the workouts up on you.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Week 6, Day 1 complete!

    I live in Northeastern Minnesota and it's been a very cold, wet spring/summer. I typically run in the mornings (6am during the week) so it's been in the 30's and 40's. Last week our high temps were in the 50's. We finally had a warm-up (81 degrees today) and I just went out for my run. For a lot of the country I realize that's cool right now, but that's double the temperature I'm used to. I'm definitely going back to mornings, but it was a very different run than most!

    I am also in the midwest and the sudden change in temp was pretty brutal during my run today! I will have to switch to early mornings or go a bit after sunset.

    I figured by running tonight I could sleep in a bit in the morning, but I missed the fresh morning air and basically having the road to myself. There aren't sidewalks along most of my usual routes so it's nice when there's less traffic since I'm actually on the street.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    For the rain runners, don't you ruin your shoes? That's the only thing that keeps me indoors during rain showers. I've gotten caught in downpours at the theme parks a few times and have ended up with ruined shoes. Not cheapies, either, but Skechers Shape-Ups. They ended up musty and nasty after the soaking, so I don't want my running shoes to suffer the same fate. Also, the wet socks blistered me when I did a lot more walking after getting wet. I did run in a steady drizzle once, and it felt sooooo good, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my new shoes.

    Nope. Never had an issue. I just take them off and loosen the strings as soon as I get inside and let them air dry. I 'm a Puma addict.
  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    Week 8, day 2 done and dusted tonight . . . . found it harder than usual. Had 2 x 30sec walks cause of the stitch :(
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Week 5, Day 2 (round two) DONE.

    My running partner felt much better this time round and got all the way through it so we're moving up to the dreaded 20 minutes on Thursday. Yay!
  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    Week 5, Day 2 (round two) DONE.

    My running partner felt much better this time round and got all the way through it so we're moving up to the dreaded 20 minutes on Thursday. Yay!

    oh, that is such a great milestone to break through . . . . bring on Thursday!!!!
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W5D2 down and done
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Week 7 Day 3 for us on Monday and Week 8 Day 3 yesterday. As my friend finishes up work on Friday for three weeks holiday she wants to do Week 9 on Friday to graduate the programme. I used to run a couple of years ago but she has completely astounded me with her determination and drive. We are aiming to do our first parkrun at the beginning of August so this gives us time to build up to 5k before then. Based on my time just now I'm looking at approx 33-35 minutes and she's looking at 37-39 minutes.
  • Cazzyxo
    Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member
    Currently plucking up the courage to do W2D3 in the grey windy drizzle!

    But i cant give up cus iv bought yet more running presents to myself haha! I dont want to give up either :)
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Currently plucking up the courage to do W2D3 in the grey windy drizzle!

    Enjoy! Personally, grey windy drizzle is my favourite weather for running in. A little bit less of the wind and a little more drizzle though!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    For the rain runners, don't you ruin your shoes? That's the only thing that keeps me indoors during rain showers. I've gotten caught in downpours at the theme parks a few times and have ended up with ruined shoes. Not cheapies, either, but Skechers Shape-Ups. They ended up musty and nasty after the soaking, so I don't want my running shoes to suffer the same fate. Also, the wet socks blistered me when I did a lot more walking after getting wet. I did run in a steady drizzle once, and it felt sooooo good, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my new shoes.

    There are actual articles on Runners World about this. Take out the sock liners and rinse them. Put them up to dry. Blot out the inside of your shoes and prop them up to dry too.

    About the socks - cotton sock are yucky and you'll probably feel the need for running socks soon as your distances start increasing. Invest in a pair or two of running socks - you can run through puddles without that squishy feeling.

    I've never had a problem with the ear buds, but then again, they've been washed a couple of times too. If you're wearing a hoodie, just tuck the cord under. Or do what I do at night and just run without earbuds and turn your music down pretty low. Nobody else is crazy enough to be out there hearing you anyway.