June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Last workout of my deload week. SL round 2, 3x5 version with supersets starts Monday!

    Squats 135 3x5
    OHP 55 3x5
    Deadlifts 135 2x5

    My body is very much ready for more, but I definitely needed this break. It's a good feeling to finish your OHP sets and think "That was WAY too easy. I should throw some more weight on the bar and do some more sets." LOL
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Last workout of my deload week. SL round 2, 3x5 version with supersets starts Monday!

    Squats 135 3x5
    OHP 55 3x5
    Deadlifts 135 2x5

    My body is very much ready for more, but I definitely needed this break. It's a good feeling to finish your OHP sets and think "That was WAY too easy. I should throw some more weight on the bar and do some more sets." LOL

    Yes!!! I love that feeling. My deload has been very eye opening. And squatting 135 felt divine after 175. It did not feel so divine the first time around. ;)
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Hi! I wanted to check in with everyone here! The goal my trainer gave me is to gain 1 pound of muscle by August 30, and 3 pounds of muscle total. To meet that goal, my mini-goals are to keep my protein over 114g a day, focus on whole foods and minimizing sugar, weightlift 3x/week, get enough quality sleep, and minimize stress.

    I have had a hard time increasing the weight I'm lifting. I've been doing SL5x5 consistently since January and my squat (for example) is only at 110 pounds. I feel like maybe I'm doing something wrong. I also feel pretty tired, hence the need to get better sleep which should help my lifting!
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Hi all!
    Workout A today

    squat 60# 5x5 which felt easy for some reason.
    bench 55# 5x5
    row 55# 5x5

    I was going to up my bench and row too, but I was still a little wobbly at 55. Next time! Everyone have a good weekend. My baby is turning 1!!! Yay! :flowerforyou:
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    A couple of vents today:

    -In between my squat sets, a male co-worker/friend stops by and eyes what I am doing and says "You don't want to mess with those." Really? I thought you might have taken some physiology classes or may have learned a little when you played football in college.

    -Someone did not put back their 45 lb. plates on one of the bars on the rack. It was at an odd height where if I would have had to do it I don't think I would have enough back support.

    Anyway--more important stuff:

    Squats: 80 lbs (5x5)
    Rows: 40 lbs (5x5)
    Bench: 55 (1 x 5), deloaded to 45 (5 x 5)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    My last deload session too and it did -not- feel easy. My eating is fairly out of control so no calorie issues although protein may be a bit low. Anyway b session, stuck at 45kg squats did 553 as I went too far below parallel on the penultimate one, said whoa a bit loudly, still stood it up but thought better of the final one!
    bench stuck at 30kg, felt fine but I know form ain't great.
    Rows stuck at 35kg, banged them out easily.

    Tomorrow I have the session with the trainer! Will ask him particularly to sort out my rows and deadlift form, but might ask him to double check everything else if time. :-)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - Are you jumping back up to your pre-deload week weights or will you just work your way back up?

    Didn't get to the gym yesterday, but I did make it today. I had to keep it short so that I could make it to see "Man of Steel" and still make an afternoon appointment. I will say, if you like super hero action movies, Superman, or really hot guys, you should see the movie.

    I didn't do any primary lifts today, but I did manage to bruise my triceps just above my elbows doing a cable twist for core work....next time I will get a better placement so I'm not hitting the cable with my arm.

    Tomorrow I'll do workout B since Thursdays are my squat/deadlift and Saturdays are my squat/OHP so I'll just combine back to the three lifts and then do some accessory work.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Kira - Are you jumping back up to your pre-deload week weights or will you just work your way back up?

    The plan was to go to 70% of my max and work my way up while I nitpicked my form. But I managed to injure myself while chasing the small person, so it may be a while before I can do anything that involves moving weight by standing. We'll see. If nothing else, I might be able to get really, really, really good at benching. :)

    And if anybody has any other suggestions on things I can do while I wait for my stitches to come out and my wound to heal, that would be great. For future reference, if you are going to play catch-me, put shoes on first. That way you'll never have to know what your toe tendon looks like. Bleargh.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    And if anybody has any other suggestions on things I can do while I wait for my stitches to come out and my wound to heal, that would be great.

    :bigsmile: Oh, I can suggest some stuff.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    And if anybody has any other suggestions on things I can do while I wait for my stitches to come out and my wound to heal, that would be great. For future reference, if you are going to play catch-me, put shoes on first. That way you'll never have to know what your toe tendon looks like. Bleargh.

    *Shudder* poor you xx
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Kira - ooowwweeeee - nightmare. I never want to see what my toe tendon looks like!!!

    Workout A today

    squat 5x5 @ 22.5kg
    bench press (with my new bench - love it!!! what a difference from pressing on the floor) 5x512.5kg
    row 5x5 @12.5kg
    reverse crunches 3x12
    no idea why I was doing power cleans (and not very well!!) so watched the pendlay row video - and that's my new jam!
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    well ladies I joined months and monhs ago but only skulk around in awe of you. Yesterday I finally felt like I had something to contribute to the check -in. My lifts are not big: bench and row are stuck at 70 and OHP is a miserable 60, squats were recently deloaded to 105 to work on form. Deadlifts are moving along pretty okay though -- 170.

  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Kirsten those are great numbers and nobody here is in competition with anyone except themselves :-) join in!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Work out B 3x5 for me...

    Front squat with a 3 second pause at the bottom: 3x5 @ 75 - I'm working on my power on the up movement and the extended pause is forcing me to really push without using the bounce at the bottom.

    OHP: 3x5 @ 75

    Dead: 1x5 @ 135, 165, 185 - had a bad start to the 185 and my knees started to cave in, but I was able to correct it with a slightly wider stance.

    Tried to finish with a barbell complex actually using the oly bar and was fried at the end of one time through so I put the bar back and finished with 2 sets of 10 each leg pistol squats and 15 12kg kettle bell single leg deadlift.

    Oh, and I have learned a good lesson in using the cables for core work....If you feel like the cable is crossing over your arm while you are doing a twisting motion....it probably is and will probably bruise if it is heavy enough. Ooops :laugh:

    Yeah...my arms this morning:
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Workout B tonight

    Squat - 85x5 - Felt really good. Hard, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
    OHP - 50x5 - Still stuck here, but not worried. It has to come eventually, haha!
    Deadlift - 105x5 - Personal record, woo!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Oh yeah I meant to say the trainer said if I deadlift more than 70kg I should use a belt for safety. I said surely strong core is more important and he implied because I'm a woman it would be dangerous. Tell me that is baloney?!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Oh yeah I meant to say the trainer said if I deadlift more than 70kg I should use a belt for safety. I said surely strong core is more important and he implied because I'm a woman it would be dangerous. Tell me that is baloney?!

    I call baloney....I have never used a belt and lift over 70 kg all the time with no back issues.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Oh yeah I meant to say the trainer said if I deadlift more than 70kg I should use a belt for safety. I said surely strong core is more important and he implied because I'm a woman it would be dangerous. Tell me that is baloney?!

    I call baloney....I have never used a belt and lift over 70 kg all the time with no back issues.

    I call it baloney too - and I'm slightly worried now that he's teaching people to do em wrong or something?? Because 70kg is only like, 150? That's a bizarre number to declare "too heavy" for all women. I mean sure you CAN hurt your back deadlifting... But typically you're either doing something wrong or you are pushing for a 1rm test - like at a competition. And that still just boils down to "doing something wrong" because form kind of falls apart when you're at your max - it's called a MAX for a reason.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hello friends! I'm finally back after a most wonderful Vegas vacation!

    I loved every minute of being away....but totally can't wait to get back into the workout cave tomorrow morning :) Day 1 of the BB program and it's DEADLIFT DAY! Whoop!

    Hope everyone is well :)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, all!! New to the group and Stronglifts.

    Finished up Week 3 today...Workout A

    Squat: 80lb
    Bench Press: 65lb
    Rows: 85lb

    All of it felt good!