5k Training thoughts



  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Just re-ran w4 day 3 in new trainers and no groin pain. Had a slight niggle in my kneww but that I can cope with and even managed to run 6 mins straight.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Impressive!! And welcome back! :)

    Week 7 actually was fun for me. Lots of little things combined to make me feel great about my progress.
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    The last two runs were the first time I've really felt like I was making progress. They were both done on the treadmill and I was able to control the speed at which I ran. I was actually able to run at 5.5-6.0 (11ish min mi) for a good amount of time. Not 5k worth of time, but a solid 3-5 minutes. Considering I usually average about 14 min/mi, I was really happy with that. Taking today and possibly tomorrow off to rest.
  • I've been MIA as well. But I've been doing my runs. I'm on week 5 day 3 for my next run. I feel as though I've hit a wall with this. Every day I ran this week it's been a little worse and a little slower. I'm still improving my distance every week but it seems really tough for some reason. I though week 3 was going to be tough. Any insight to this week?
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I've been just running as far as I can without walking then calling it a day. Usually about 2.5 mi at 14-15 min/mi. Trying to keep pace slower so that I can beat zombies and not lose supplies lol. My slow pace use to be 17 minute miles and fast 15, now I'm slow 15 and fast 10-11 so I'll take that progress :D I CAN do a whole 5k in around 46 minutes with no walking if I push it, but my friend that's been running a year says I need to run at a slower pace for as long as my body tells me to, to increase endurance, which is what I want. I want to be able to finish a 5k and say THAT WAS EASY! I'll be running my first actual 5k race on July 4th if I get that day off work, and then the Color Run on July 14
  • I'm still plugging away, but had to redo the first 2 weeks, as I didn't complete well. Currently on week 3...hoping I survive it (I run in TX outdoors in the evening...and it is HOT).
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi guys! Started week 3 on Monday. Way more free runs, I felt a lot more challenged this week trying to run through them all. I also don't know if I'm doing those stupid high knees right.

    Question for you guys. I ran my first 5K a couple weeks ago and was happy to have run the whole thing. That was my goal! My next goal is to significantly improve my time and run another late summer/early fall. What is the best way to increase your speed? Workouts with long distances at a slower speed? Or shorter distances at a higher speed?
  • I have the Active c25k app but I've never used it. I was thinking about switching but then I started looking forward to the free form runs instead of hating it. TBH I use the Zombie 5k app mostly because it's a story lol

    Same here, the story is the carrot that drags me back...and I need that motivation!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have the Active c25k app but I've never used it. I was thinking about switching but then I started looking forward to the free form runs instead of hating it. TBH I use the Zombie 5k app mostly because it's a story lol

    Same here, the story is the carrot that drags me back...and I need that motivation!

    The story keeps me going too although have done w4 day 3 3 times now so be glad for a change. Going to be doing my first 5k on sat with the free parkrun people - thought if I start at slow time it gives me something to improve on each week.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Managed to do a whole free run of 10 mins today - even made it up the hill in last 30 seconds. Best overall running speed of just 9 mins per km.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I'm still plugging away, but had to redo the first 2 weeks, as I didn't complete well. Currently on week 3...hoping I survive it (I run in TX outdoors in the evening...and it is HOT).

    Stay hydrated!!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Wohoo!! *virtual high five*
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    So cool to read everyone's progress in this! I just did W1D1 today and feeling pretty accomplished hehe!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    So cool to read everyone's progress in this! I just did W1D1 today and feeling pretty accomplished hehe!

    Welcome to Abel, Runner #5. We look forward to working with you.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Awe Thank you so much!!!

    I'm really so excited to do this! Also I found out the 5k color run will be here in Oct. That would be so cool if I end up being able to do that!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    So cool to read everyone's progress in this! I just did W1D1 today and feeling pretty accomplished hehe!

    Welcome to Abel Runner 5 - glad you found the group ok.
  • QJ2013
    QJ2013 Posts: 45 Member
    So cool to read everyone's progress in this! I just did W1D1 today and feeling pretty accomplished hehe!

    Good job! I just did W8, D1. I agree with those who have tried the C25K and quit. The story is the thing. I found myself getting nervous today when they were talking about my big run. Like it's real! LOL!!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm supposed to start week 5 today, but it's POURING rain out there. :( I really hate to get off track. Here's hoping it quits at some point so I can go after work. But I don't work until noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I really prefer going before work.
  • angryjake
    angryjake Posts: 39
    Eight weeks ago, I couldn't run 30 seconds straight. Prior to starting this app, I had NEVER run a mile straight without stopping to walk, not even in junior high where Coach Hatch would call us names that this message board would censor if I typed them here and threaten to fail us if he caught us walking during the mile run.

    Finished the 5k. I ran 3.9 miles in 45 minutes. And, I'm not embarrassed to admit I teared up when they told me I'd made it. Coach Hatch wouldn't have accepted a sub-10 minute mile, but I'm pretty sure if I only had to do a mile, I could do it under 9.

    Now I need a Zombies, Do Pull Ups! app and in a few weeks I'll be able to pass the 1988 Presidential Physical Fitness Exam!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi guys! Started week 3 on Monday. Way more free runs, I felt a lot more challenged this week trying to run through them all. I also don't know if I'm doing those stupid high knees right.

    Question for you guys. I ran my first 5K a couple weeks ago and was happy to have run the whole thing. That was my goal! My next goal is to significantly improve my time and run another late summer/early fall. What is the best way to increase your speed? Workouts with long distances at a slower speed? Or shorter distances at a higher speed?

    I would do some sprint training. I think I recently saw a pin on pinterest about how to improve your speed. I think it was a Self magazine article.