Stage 1



  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    Hi guys! I'm new to all this, but have completed my first two workouts. Got a few form pointers on my squats which was nice, although it probably wouldn't hurt to get a trainer's POV on it. Just wanted to say hi. I'm really enjoying the program so far. Add me if you want to encourage each other. - Mandy
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I am really enjoying lifting, dropped down to the 12 reps today

    Squat - 35kgs (77lb) 12 x 2
    Push ups - body weight - knee height bar 12 x 2
    Seated Rows - 40kgs (88lb) 12 x 2
    Step ups - 20kgs (44lb) 12 x 2 (or 24 x 2, however you would put it)
    Prone Jacknife - 12 x 2

    My muscle in my bum is still a bit sore where I pulled it on Saturday but didn't notice it till step ups. Will have to see if I can do lunges on Thursday of if I need to sub them for something else. Anyone have a suggestion for what I could sub in?
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi, I'm new. Been doing Stage 1 for two weeks now.

    About the push-ups. Before I started working out I couldn't do any regular push-ups. I started doing some on an incline, but I wasn't serious about keeping up with it. When I got to the point I could do two regular ones I started adding one more push-up every day. It wasn't easy, but it also doesn't take long. I did 2 sets of 12 regular push-up yesterday. I don't think I have done that many since I was a kid.

    As for the progress I'm making:

    Workout A3

    Squats: 2 sets, 12 reps, 10 lb dumbbells.
    Push up: 2, 12, Regular
    Seated Row: 2, 12, 80 lbs
    Step up: 2, 12, 15 lbs with two risers (this was not enough, still working figuring this one out)
    Prone Jackknife: 2, 10 ( I love these)

    Workout B2

    Deadlift: 2, 15, 8 lb dumbbells
    Shoulder Press: 2, 15, 10 lb dumbbells
    Lat Pulldown: 2, 15, 70 lbs
    Lunge: 2, 15, 5 lbs
    Swiss Crunches: 2, 8, with my hands on my ears (these are always too easy for me, I need to find a harder modification)

    I only got really sore the first time I did Workout B. Ever since then I haven't had any problems besides slight stiffness.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Great! Welcome! You will notice significant muscle & strength gains! I am a little more than half way thru with stage 1 and am LOVING IT!! Very pleased with results thus far!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm finishing up Stage 1 this week. Official measurements coming after the weekend!
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    hi ladies! Just re-started the program this week. Originally started in April 2012 and made it through the end of stage 3, then found out I was pregnant, so tried to just maintain during the pregnancy. I had a beautiful baby girl April 1st have been doing cardio since, and now I'm ready to start feeling STRONG again! I've completed my first A and B workouts, here are my starting numbers:

    Squat 65 lbs
    Push up 15 on floor (had to do 5 then rest, repeat)
    Seated Row 60 lbs
    Step Up 15 lb dumbbells
    Prone Jknife 12

    Deadlift 95 lbs
    S Press 15 lb dumbbells
    Lat Pdowns 60 lbs
    Lunges 15 lb dumbbells
    Crunch 12 with 10 lb dumbbell

    Stick with it ladies--Stages 2 and 3 go really fast and the changes I saw were amazing!!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    hi ladies! Just re-started the program this week. Originally started in April 2012 and made it through the end of stage 3, then found out I was pregnant, so tried to just maintain during the pregnancy. I had a beautiful baby girl April 1st have been doing cardio since, and now I'm ready to start feeling STRONG again! I've completed my first A and B workouts, here are my starting numbers:

    Squat 65 lbs
    Push up 15 on floor (had to do 5 then rest, repeat)
    Seated Row 60 lbs
    Step Up 15 lb dumbbells
    Prone Jknife 12

    Deadlift 95 lbs
    S Press 15 lb dumbbells
    Lat Pdowns 60 lbs
    Lunges 15 lb dumbbells
    Crunch 12 with 10 lb dumbbell

    Stick with it ladies--Stages 2 and 3 go really fast and the changes I saw were amazing!!
    1st off CONGRATS on the sweet new addition! 2nd WELCOME BACK to lifting heavy things! :) I am almsot done with S1 and loving it, haven't lifted heavy since my 20's so glad to be back at it, and funny thing is my results seem to be better this time around! Go figure!? Glad to hear about S2 & S3, can't wait to move on.........
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    I'm finishing up Stage 1 this week. Official measurements coming after the weekend!
    Yahoo! Me too. :happy: Did you do AMRAPs?

    (I did. Second round today. Now I'm all aquiver.)
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks Mrs Mab!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    I am SO excited to do NROL4W after seeing some amazing results on here!!! :-) today was my first day and here is what I did. I didn't go as heavy as I could, since some of these are totally new exercises for me.

    Barbell squat - 75 lbs x 15 reps (2x)
    Pushup - 6 full body (with a rest) x 2 ( wow...who knew I was so weak in this area??)
    Seated row - 50 lbs x 15 reps (2x)
    Step ups - 30 lbs x 15 reps (2x) (used a step that was just below my knee)
    Jacknife - 2x8
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm finishing up Stage 1 this week. Official measurements coming after the weekend!
    Yahoo! Me too. :happy: Did you do AMRAPs?

    (I did. Second round today. Now I'm all aquiver.)

    What are AMRAPs?
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm finishing up Stage 1 this week. Official measurements coming after the weekend!
    Yahoo! Me too. :happy: Did you do AMRAPs?

    (I did. Second round today. Now I'm all aquiver.)

    What are AMRAPs?
    As Many Reps As Possible (or if CF it's Rounds)

    You use your beginning weight for each lift & see how many reps you can do of that beginning weight to see how far you've come. I've got a couple weeks til I am there.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am just getting started with NROL4W and I'm excited to have found this group! I did my second A work out on Friday, but I'm counting it as my first since the first workout was really about figuring out form and establishing some starting weights. I'm going to go do workout B this evening. I was going to go yesterday but I opted to go for a run in the beautiful weather instead.

    Workout from last Friday:

    Squats: 1 set of 15 at 75 lbs, 1 set of 15 at 85 lbs
    Push Ups (45 degree mod): 2 sets of 15
    Seated Row: 2 sets of 15 at 80 lbs - these felt a little light. I will probably go up to 90 next time.
    Step Up: 2 sets of 15 at 25 lbs. These are tough! I'm stepping up onto a ~20" bench and by the end I am sweating! Plus since it's really more like 30 reps (15 with each leg), it is longer and tougher than some of the other exercises.
    Prone Jackknife: 2 sets of 8. These feel really easy to me...maybe I'm doing them wrong?
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Pearl and Runzalot- congrats on finishing stage 1!

    Lizpirate - it looks like we are both just starting. Good luck! (virtual high five)

    I did stage 1 B1 workout:

    Deadlift 2x15 reps at 75 lbs (this was my time using a barbell to to this, very awkward. I have always used kettle bells. Also surprised at how 80 felt light with Kbs, but the weight feels heavier with the barbell, or I should say it's more in the front, so feels different)
    Dumbell shoulder press: 2x15 at 15 lbs in each hand
    wide grip lat pulldown 2x15 at 50 lbs
    Lunge 2 x 15 at 25 lbs in each hand (weird that I can do 30-35 walking, but that was too awkward with the static lunges. In fact, I may go down to 20 lbs)
    Swiss ball crunch 2 x 10 reps with 10lbs plate

    Keep it up ladies! Good work!1
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Pearl and Runzalot- congrats on finishing stage 1!

    Lizpirate - it looks like we are both just starting. Good luck! (virtual high five)

    I did stage 1 B1 workout:

    Deadlift 2x15 reps at 75 lbs (this was my time using a barbell to to this, very awkward. I have always used kettle bells. Also surprised at how 80 felt light with Kbs, but the weight feels heavier with the barbell, or I should say it's more in the front, so feels different)
    Dumbell shoulder press: 2x15 at 15 lbs in each hand
    wide grip lat pulldown 2x15 at 50 lbs
    Lunge 2 x 15 at 25 lbs in each hand (weird that I can do 30-35 walking, but that was too awkward with the static lunges. In fact, I may go down to 20 lbs)
    Swiss ball crunch 2 x 10 reps with 10lbs plate

    Keep it up ladies! Good work!1

    Just on the lunges, not sure if I am misreading what you wrote but its 15 on each leg. So you could do 15 right then 15 left or as most do 30 alternating lunges. So in total you do 60 of the buggers (across 2 sets). I felt that burn the next day lol

    If I misread you and this is what you already did, apologies for getting it wrong :)
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Good morning ladies! I did my Stage 1 B1 workout last night as well. It went as follows:

    Deadlifts: 2x15 at 65 lbs. My gym membership came with a free hour of personal training and I am taking advantage of this tomorrow to work on my deadlift form. 65 felt light but I'm not confident enough in my form to go heavier for fear of hurting myself.

    Dumbell Shoulder Presses: 1x15 at 30 lbs (15 each hand), 1x13 at 35 lbs (17.5 in each hand). Couldn't quite eke out the last two at 35, but I'm going to try for that again next time because it was close.

    Lat Pull Downs: 1x15 at 60 lbs, 1x15 at 75 lbs

    Lunges: 2x15 at 25 lbs (12.5 each hand)

    Swiss Ball Cruches: 2x15 with arms extended overhead

    It was a quick one since I was rushing to get home. Looking forward to doing some work on my deadlift and squat form tomorrow AM.

    Iambentjewel--yay for having a buddy starting out at the same place!

    Quick question for you ladies. I am a runner and so I've been doing weights on days I'm not running. Have you found that either interferes with the other? I'm hoping to build muscle while not losing too much speed/endurance on my running.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Liz - according to the book, you are not supposed to do ANY endurance training while you are doing this program. I am having a hard time with this as well. I do like an occasional jog or some time on the elliptical machine. Sometimes a good cardio workout hits the spot! However, he says the results won't be the same. Different hormones are released for muscle building versus endurance training. It is a conflict and 100% won't go to the muscle recovery and rebuilding (my recollection of the book anyway). He says something like yoga or pilates or perhaps playing a sport once per week is acceptable as long as it doesn't move into cardio yoga or anything endurance like, etc. Like you, I don't think many of us workout enthusiasts are able to play exactly by these rules.

    Frankly the stage 1 workouts don't seem like enough. Not that the exercises aren't challenging, they are. But there are only 5 and I am usually done in less than 30 minutes. I want to go for a jog once I get home, or do more strength training exercises, but he also says not to do that. Just do the workouts as they are laid out and the results will come. grr...I am still going to go to my cardio tennis class on Saturday morning.

    Good call on the deadlifts. I think maybe I went too heavy. I am not sure. My middle back is a little sore and it's hard for me to know if it was from improper form with the deadlift, or maybe from the lat pull downs. I think that I will go a wee lighter next time and focus on form.

    Good luck!!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    sian - I meant to reply to you as well. I did alternating :-) I think 15 in a row might kill me lol....
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I did my session this morning with the trainer and it was really helpful! The main thing for me is keeping my weight in my heels and keeping my legs strong through the lift. I'm tall and lanky, so that's a challenge for me. I was really glad I did it, though. She gave me some other exercises and stretches that I think will help a lot. I also found out what I already knew, which is that my hamstrings are insanely tight. It's something I've always struggled with and it's really frustrating. She said that to really make a difference I should be stretching them for an hour a day. O.o
  • Hi everyone! :smile:

    I did my first workout from the book last night (stage 1 workout A). The biggest mistake I made was showing one of the gym trainers my worksheet & asking him to show me how to use the squat rack. He spent the next 10 minutes trying to convince me to use the power plate instead! Eventually we compromised on goblet squats with a 5kg weight but I'm still annoyed about it now. I have my eye even more firmly fixed on the squat rack for tomorrow morning's session now though!! He also tried to tell me I should use the chest press instead of doing press ups & we debated that for a good few minutes...:grumble:

    I was pretty conservative with the weights throughout and did 60 degree push ups as that was the only suitable surface I could see near to the seated row machine but will definitely go heavier tomorrow as I felt I could & should do more.

    Did everyone else start out on the squat rack?