BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I had an awful weekend. I got weighed last week and realized with all my hard work I lost nothing in 3 weeks. I stayed the same. I know it can be water weight blah blah. But I was working very hard and any binges were minor this month (at the time I think I had 3) I just wanted a few days of no tracking. I also think I felt deprived. I need to learn to work in some of those less healthy yummy foods so I don't miss them so much and go crazy!

    Luckily I see my Doctor today. She is working on my BE
  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    I am starting to get very anxious about my upcoming trip to the US. For those of you who don't know me, I am an American living in Beijing, China. This summer my family and I will be back in the states for 6 weeks. I've made this same trip several times and one of two things always happens..either I'm really good with sticking to my weight-loss plan and I actually lose weight, or I'm really bad and eat everything I'm unable to get here in China (read fast food, Mexican, dunkin donuts, etc.)

    I'm hoping that by posting this message I will be able to come back to it periodically while I'm there to remind myself that I'm technically not on vacation for 6 weeks. I'm just living somewhere else. Also, the last time we were there I gained 6 pounds and it's taken me 3 months to lose that again. DON'T FORGET THAT!

    Thanks for letting me vent everyone. I love the support I get from this group.
  • MistyJourney
    MistyJourney Posts: 5 Member
    Hey peeps I need support! I totally fell off the wagon yesterday and I don't want to do the same thing today. I ate horrible! I need some suggestions on how to start over today so I don't fail.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I am starting to get very anxious about my upcoming trip to the US. For those of you who don't know me, I am an American living in Beijing, China. This summer my family and I will be back in the states for 6 weeks. I've made this same trip several times and one of two things always happens..either I'm really good with sticking to my weight-loss plan and I actually lose weight, or I'm really bad and eat everything I'm unable to get here in China (read fast food, Mexican, dunkin donuts, etc.)

    I'm hoping that by posting this message I will be able to come back to it periodically while I'm there to remind myself that I'm technically not on vacation for 6 weeks. I'm just living somewhere else. Also, the last time we were there I gained 6 pounds and it's taken me 3 months to lose that again. DON'T FORGET THAT!

    Thanks for letting me vent everyone. I love the support I get from this group.

    Good luck! I too take forever to lose the weight that I gain. It is so frustrating. I should put that on my mirror or by my scale. :)
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hey peeps I need support! I totally fell off the wagon yesterday and I don't want to do the same thing today. I ate horrible! I need some suggestions on how to start over today so I don't fail.

    Just begin like it is a new day. Don't punish yourself with extra exercise or less calories. Just act like the binge did not happen. I try to follow my own advice but it is hard. Bingers tend to feel bad and punish ourselves.
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Hey peeps I need support! I totally fell off the wagon yesterday and I don't want to do the same thing today. I ate horrible! I need some suggestions on how to start over today so I don't fail.

    One day at a time :)

    check out:
  • Literally just finished binging, I have no idea how I always convince myself it'll be fine and worth it. I feel awful!! Why can I not get control of this UGH
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Today Im going to try my hardest to stay under, I always fall off the wagon on weekends. My breakfast was already over 600 calories (raisin bran binge) but I know my day isn't ruined yet but its been at least 5weeks of weekend binging and I really want to do good this weekend, I just keep telling myself that I want to do well so bad and it seems to work. I'll post on Sunday night and see how I did, I think a little bit of accountability will help
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I did pretty average on saturday and horrible on sunday. I just get so bored on the weekend I mindlessly munch on things. I really need to get a hold on this and maybe try something new
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    I feel ya on trying something new tsikkz. sometimes i feel like if I keep struggling at the same times and in the same situations I need to try something new... Sometimes I just completely dont care and it feels like it'll just be worth it to eat whatever i want for a bit. I can go on a walk or distract myself but may just want to come right back and eat something just to eat.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Been feeling less binge-y the past couple of weeks. Tested my control last week by buying one of my binge triggers (not the worst of the bunch, of course - not even going to go there yet). The bag is still half full and I even shared with my kids (before, this would have been a food I hid away from everyone in the house because I was always counting on binging on it at some point). I think the key for me has been to mix this candy in with greek yogurt. Maybe the protein helps to curb the urge for a binge? Just a thought in case this could also help someone else.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I started working and my eating just is all over the place. Every day I come home famished and can't seem to make myself wait until I can prepare something healthy. So I grab anything or eat fast food before I get home :( My calories aren't awful, but the healthiness of my food has gotten really bad. I've had 3 binges in two weeks and feel very out of control again....My sodium levels are always in the red in the thousands...Not sure how to get back to my good habits that I have been cultivating since I joined MFP in December.......
    I don't have the kind of time I had to hang out on here and read for hours, but if I am on, I need to be here on this forum.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Okay im sure this is probably the placebo effect, but after being on hormonal birth control for almost 8 years I had my progesterone implant removed on wednesday.

    I have described my binges here before but for those who don't know they are like an out of body experience, just a deep animialistic need to over consume until my stomach is so stretched its painful, and even then I'm not satisfied.

    It feel like a switch has been turned off and I am no longer craving all the time, but again it might be too soon to tell and just my hopes that are giving me this effect, I am now 100% medication free and my decision to go off birth control was motivated by my insane binge episodes as I really do feel out of control and helpless.

    I'm starting a new fitness regime on monday which I'm designing in order to meet my specific goals, and my number one goal is to make it through the weekend without any binge episodes, its been a very very long time since I had a binge-free weekend.

    The other thing ive done is stop counting calories. I lost my weight before I joined MFP and I haven't lost a single pound since I joined. I think counting calories isn't healthy for me when I have such a raw obsession with food.

    Im very optimistic that overhauling my exercise, my food tracking and my medication will finally help me get out of this rut.

    Happy friday!
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Tsikkz: Good luck with the no-BC = no BE, sounds like it may be a great thing for you! I can understand about the complete obsession with food. For years it consumed my life and any effort to count calories often just led (and still sometimes does lead) to massive binges. Only you know what works for you!

    Chibea: I always try to bring apples, baby carrots, or some other kind of fresh fruit (but apples/carrots pack well) with me if I think there is even a chance I'm going to be fantasizing about anything and everything I can eat before I get home. If its the only "snack" I bring it forces me to eat that as a small snack and tide me over without being too much food/calories. Good luck getting back on the right path - I'm sure those good habits will come right back:)
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I hope the hormonal effect helps(loss of the BC). Maybe that was making your binge cravings worse?

    Snacking is hard. Sometimes when I work I don't bring enough for lunch and then I get into trouble when I get home

    I did whatever I wanted the last few days and I had binges. I am not in control yet.


    I had a horrible last few days!! I had company that I cleaned the house for. The house was almost spotless. They are so critical. So we went out to eat and the first night I did okay. Not awesome but okay. then I screwed up from there. They bought Junk for breakfast and I had it. Even though I had healthy options. Also when we went out the next night I just ate the same as them. I ate badly. I was tired of having to order differently than others. Plus they were paying so I felt bad asking for something different. (the group was sharing this meal. Trying not to mention specific foods)
    Last night I still ate badly and they are gone. No exercise either. I just gave up. I am tired of trying at the moment. I will get back into it today the best I can.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Karen, sounds like you were in a rough situation with those house guests. Think of it as a learning experience and know that a less-than-stellar few days don't define you or take away all you have accomplished.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Karen, sounds like you were in a rough situation with those house guests. Think of it as a learning experience and know that a less-than-stellar few days don't define you or take away all you have accomplished.

    Thanks you are so sweet!


    I changed my calorie goals yesterday. I think I was being too strict. I am now logging and eating most of my exercise calories. On my rest day I won't be able to eat that low so I may go over that day.

    I hope it works.

    I have to go out of town this weekend too. YIKES
  • misstressangel
    misstressangel Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, my name is Bre, and i binge eat only at night. I need to lose over 150 pounds, and 2 years ago underwent a double lung transplant,. Between the meds and depression, I packed the pounds on in a year. Any advice from night time eaters out there ?
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Bre! I think its important to keep busy and try to disassociate things like watching tv, or using the computer, with eating. I also personally have a nighttime snack before bed so if I am feeling like eating I can tell myself I have my snack when its time to have it :)
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