June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Today was just OHP day for me (47.5 ... seriously? I HAVE to do Stronglifts soon cause the month off from heavy lifting progression is really showing itself!) and then a couple rounds with dumbbells and kettlebells and angled push-ups. I'm also loving the farmers' walks I'm doing now with the heavier dumbbells (25 lbs each hand, baby!) and the fact that I can one-arm row these now also. I may just do Stronglifts with power cleans, and tack on one-arm dumbbell rows rather than Pendlays.

    Of course, here I go thinking of changing things up already and haven't even started yet. So typical. :laugh:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Wow, you guys are super inspiring!! They look like huge numbers! It's seems cray cray to think I could ever lift that heavy... But if you can do it, so can I (I hope!)...

    You totally can! :bigsmile: It always amazes me how we each progress. Like, I might deadlift 185, squat 185, and bench 90 while someone else deadlifts 220, squats 135 and benches 120. Interesting how we all progress so differently.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Today was just OHP day for me (47.5 ... seriously? I HAVE to do Stronglifts soon cause the month off from heavy lifting progression is really showing itself!) and then a couple rounds with dumbbells and kettlebells and angled push-ups. I'm also loving the farmers' walks I'm doing now with the heavier dumbbells (25 lbs each hand, baby!) and the fact that I can one-arm row these now also. I may just do Stronglifts with power cleans, and tack on one-arm dumbbell rows rather than Pendlays.

    Of course, here I go thinking of changing things up already and haven't even started yet. So typical. :laugh:

    I may do this soon. I love:heart:love bent over DB rows. Before SL, I was rowing 55lb DBs. I need to learn how to do cleans, though. They sort of intimidate me.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I may do this soon. I love:heart:love bent over DB rows. Before SL, I was rowing 55lb DBs. I need to learn how to do cleans, though. They sort of intimidate me.

    Start with a broom stick and get the technique down. It's basically a deadlift until you get up past your knees, and then you jump and explode them on up from there and rack the bar on your fingertips/collarbones. I probably still do them incorrectly, but it's good enough for me and I'm not going to Oly lift compete any time soon, so I don't really care. It's a fun way to bring some explosivity to the table, and they really help me self-rack my bar onto my squat stand. One time I got carried away and put the bar over my head and did me a clean-and-jerk. Probably again not with proper competitive form, but hey, it's fun nonetheless and that moment was like "hey, there's a bar over my head -- OMG THERE'S A BAR OVER MY HEAD WOOT!"

    Adrenaline. Good times. :laugh:

    I took my tablet to the garage with me and played the Rippetoe video on those while I was doing them, until I got the basic technique down. They're really not all that super complicated. You can do eet!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I may do this soon. I love:heart:love bent over DB rows. Before SL, I was rowing 55lb DBs. I need to learn how to do cleans, though. They sort of intimidate me.

    Start with a broom stick and get the technique down. It's basically a deadlift until you get up past your knees, and then you jump and explode them on up from there and rack the bar on your fingertips/collarbones. I probably still do them incorrectly, but it's good enough for me and I'm not going to Oly lift compete any time soon, so I don't really care. It's a fun way to bring some explosivity to the table, and they really help me self-rack my bar onto my squat stand. One time I got carried away and put the bar over my head and did me a clean-and-jerk. Probably again not with proper competitive form, but hey, it's fun nonetheless and that moment was like "hey, there's a bar over my head -- OMG THERE'S A BAR OVER MY HEAD WOOT!"

    Adrenaline. Good times. :laugh:

    I took my tablet to the garage with me and played the Rippetoe video on those while I was doing them, until I got the basic technique down. They're really not all that super complicated. You can do eet!

    I do the same thing with my tablet. I film myself and watch videos on form right before I lift. Handy gadget. :)
    I shall try these broomstick cleans of which you speak. I'm pretty tired of BB rows.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Lots of great stuff there ladies!

    Jstout, even if you can compete with them, could you train with them awhile? Or take a general studies module or something so you are a student!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Lots of great stuff there ladies!

    Jstout, even if you can compete with them, could you train with them awhile? Or take a general studies module or something so you are a student!

    I can't train with them unless I was a student or faculty. I have considered going back for my masters, but hubby gets to work on his first. I just got done with my second bachelor degree in 2012 so that was the deal we made. It would be hard to start taking one off classes at this University. Trust me, I've thought about doing that!
  • Lovable12
    Lovable12 Posts: 34
    Wow I have not been on these boards in a while.. I started SL 5x5 in January this year... yesterday I was at:
    squats - 5x5 - 190
    bench - 5x5 - 85
    rows - 5x5 - 85

    How often if everyone increasing weight? I love the 2.5 lb weights! Make moving up so much easier!

    Has anyone done the Strong lifts for women Abs? I thought I had read something about this a while back and am ready to add it in and give it a try! right now all i am doing is hanging bar leg raises, exercise ball leg raises, plank w 25 lbs, and side bends with 55 lbs..... anyone know what the SL Abs workout is?
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Lovable - awesome nos!!

    week 5 begins
    Squat 5x5@ 37.5kg (82lbs)
    Bench 5x5 @ 20kg (44lbs)
    Pendlay rows 5x5 @ 22.5kg (49lbs)
    Reverse crunch 3 x12
    chin ups 6
    airsquats - 39 (waiting for coffee)

    weight update - 4lbs heavier than i was 4 weeks ago - but I have officially (aka checked and visible by me) got "arm dents" (not sure what this bit is - side/kinda back of my arm - its goes in) love, love, love this - happy happy arm dents to me!
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    TOTALLY blew it on my squats Saturday morning. Warmups were awesome. then, loaded 105 lbs on the bar, 4 excellent reps, fifth rep, not so much. Went down and decided to let the rack have it. So I deloaded to 100 lbs, made 2 whole reps, got pissed, deloaded to 95 lbs, made 3 reps, said to hell with it and went to bench press. Stupid me was supposed to be at 75 lbs on the bench and row today, but noooooo, wasn't thinking right (guess from being so pissed at failing the squats) and only loaded 70 lbs. At least the bench and rows went well...I talked to a trainer at the gym who competes and looks incredible (and is my ancient age-lol) and she suggested I have a sweet potato, or banana, or oatmeal or some other complex carbs the night before a lifting day. I will be shopping today!

    And as Scarlett O'Hara says: "tomorrow is another day".
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    grandmoo - you did not totally blow it - no way hose!!

    95lbs - that is awesome - you squatted 95lbs (hey lady - I cannae do that.... yet :-) ) - maybe you didn't hit your reps but you still lifted heavy.

    tomorrow is indeed another day - so don't beat yourself up at all.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    getting ready to go to the gym on the hottest day of the year so far.. must be crazy! but it's been ages (or feels like it), so I -need- to go. shame it's deadlift day! However I'm waiting for the huz to get back from his bike ride to take some progress shots first :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    hm. tempted not to bother with trousers next time, don't reckon I scrape the bar up my shins anyway (I know that might be a bad thing!)...

    anyway, B lift day today:
    6x3 52.5kg squat
    OHP 30.7kg (yes I broke out the fractionals!) 544 was HARD still, such a weeeeed with my triceps!
    Deadlift - 1x5 60kg 1x3 70kg 1x5 75kg still pushing them hips, hope it was ok..

    then managed 3 pullups with only 30kg of assistance, and did my cycling HIIT.

  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    TOTALLY blew it on my squats Saturday morning. Warmups were awesome. then, loaded 105 lbs on the bar, 4 excellent reps, fifth rep, not so much. Went down and decided to let the rack have it. So I deloaded to 100 lbs, made 2 whole reps, got pissed, deloaded to 95 lbs, made 3 reps, said to hell with it and went to bench press. Stupid me was supposed to be at 75 lbs on the bench and row today, but noooooo, wasn't thinking right (guess from being so pissed at failing the squats) and only loaded 70 lbs. At least the bench and rows went well...I talked to a trainer at the gym who competes and looks incredible (and is my ancient age-lol) and she suggested I have a sweet potato, or banana, or oatmeal or some other complex carbs the night before a lifting day. I will be shopping today!

    And as Scarlett O'Hara says: "tomorrow is another day".

    I have had squat days like this. And deadlift days like this, and OHP days like this...lol
    You're doing great. And next time will be even better.
    Good advice about the sweet potato. I hear ice cream works, too. :wink:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ice cream ftw!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I like sweet potato and I like ice cream. I also like sweet potato pie....Hmmmmm. Maybe I can try and make a sweet potato ice cream....
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Great workout for me this morning!

    Deadlifts, barbell glute bridges, reverse crunches and some natural glute ham raises for funsies (and because I was an even sexier *kitten* :laugh: )

    Now date tonight.....not sure what to expect.....maybe this one will actually be FUN and non-douche like :laugh:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    hope the date goes well!

    I've put some new progress pics up, but don't think they show much progress. ... hey ho!
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    @daisybee Congrats on the 'arm dents'! I have 'leg dents' now (V's above my knees) and am very proud of them!

    Workout B, yesterday
    Squat 145 5x5
    OHP 45 6x5 - I will progress if it kills me!
    Deads 140 lbs 1x5

    Back and hip flexors a bit tender today. I think my squat form is crap. I do great at the warm up weights, but when I get up to my training weight all bets are off!

    Long weekend here in Canada! Hooray! No work tomorrow!!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Alright, I'm all set for my July shenanigans! I finally settled on a Starting Strength A/B variation (going up with the squats every other workout rather than every workout, and going up with cleans and presses by 2.5 rather than 5), plus heavy dumbbell rows with rep increase each week, plus kettlebell, barbell and dumbbell complexes on each lifting day (alternating). So basically going for strength and endurance this time around rather than making it an either/or situation. Which is why I'm doing 3x5 rather than 5x5 because I'm not in kirabob/jstout/vegas über-bada$$ territory just yet. :laugh: But hey, for me it'll definitely be progress, even though I'm starting off with a major deload. Plus I left myself the option of skipping squats every other workout which should prevent burnout if I'm just not feeling heavy squats on certain days.

    If all goes as planned, I'll be squatting triple digits and deadlifting big girl plates by the end of July (a month later than originally planned, but better late than never). Here's to hoping ... :flowerforyou: