July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    :smile: <----This is me not :sad: because I have to deload my squats again. No, really. I'm totally :smile: ...no, really...well, maybe I'm a bit :frown:

    Today's workout:
    Squat: 155 (30lb deload)
    OHP: 75 1x3, 70 4x5 (I'm so close to that elusive 75)
    Deadlift 190 mixed grip (I felt amazing after this lift. Just what I needed to perk me up after squats.)

    I've noticed my core has weakened. I'm thinking it's due in part to my adductor/hip flexor issue. I got down on the mat and, between sets, did every ab/core exercise I could think of that didn't involve my arms--no planks. It seemed to help remind me to engage my core during the OHP. I also did slow mountain climbers and weighted glute bridges (only 25#) along with my regular stretches and some new ones given to me by my chiro.
    So, 75% of my workout was physical therapy. lol

    Does anyone use a weight belt? Think this might help me?
  • ewartluft
    ewartluft Posts: 79 Member
    I'm usually a lurker but I think it's about time I post something! I loved weight traing in high school (haven't ever been a fan of much cardio beyond walking) and for some reason never even thought to keep it up once I graduated...until a couple months ago. I'm soooo glad I decided to jump in with both feet using StrongLifts! Today was week 6, day 1 for me (workout a). Here are my stats (is that the right term?):

    Squat: 95 lbs
    Bench: 52.5 lbs
    Row: 70 lbs (I finished 5x5 but could feel my form go out the window on the last one so I'll repeat next time)

    From workout b last Friday:

    OHP: 42 lbs (This is the only lift I'd never done before and I really, really dislike them.)
    Deadlift: 110 lbs

    When I started, I JOKINGLY told my hubby that my goal was to be able to lift him (or at least the equivalent weight). Apparently, he's holding me to it! :huh:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    cpiton - I know what you mean. I notice a big difference in my core stability when my hipflexor is acting up. I can't comment on the belt. I haven't used one and don't plan on getting into wearing one unless I really need it.

    ewartluft - Welcome!

    Had one of those "hmmm, will I be able to lift my arms in the morning?" workouts today. It was a cardio day with a run and some shoulders and core accessory work. It broke down to:

    2 miles in 17:01 which included 4 - 9 mph intervals for 1 min each
    4 rounds of 20 12kg kettlebell pirate ships, 20 spider plank crunches, 10 45lb upright rows, 15 vertical leg lifts from the dip bars (straight arms)
    2 sets of 15 band pull aparts
  • caitlynwlkr
    caitlynwlkr Posts: 5 Member
    Today was workout 7 for me and I did it after trying to run for the first time in like forever. Squats felt like WAY more than 5 lbs heavier this work out than last work out but I completed them. I didn't complete my last few sets of bench presses and I'm not even going to speak of the barbell rows. I'm doing a mud run in two months and I really need to work on my running but I'm afraid it's going to affect my progress with lifting :/
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I've noticed my core has weakened.

    Does anyone use a weight belt? Think this might help me?

    If your core is weakened, then strengthen the muscle, and deloading and working your way back up again is going to help you more than a belt. I have one for my lower back, but I'd rather deload and let my back muscles catch up than use a belt, honestly.

    Do you have regular core work as part of your overall routine? As well as hip flexor stretches/moves? Your lifts are only going to be as strong as the weakest muscles involved, so if they're weak yet, you either strengthen them doing accessory work or you're going to continue deloading until they're good and ready to let you progress. That's just the reality of it. And a belt would probably mask the problem rather than solve it, to be honest, especially if you're not lifting competitively.
    OHP: 42 lbs (This is the only lift I'd never done before and I really, really dislike them.)

    Why? I swear I'm the odd duck out because I love the OHP and always have. My triceps and shoulders have never looked better or been stronger. I don't understand what all the hatred is about.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Today was workout 7 for me and I did it after trying to run for the first time in like forever. Squats felt like WAY more than 5 lbs heavier this work out than last work out but I completed them. I didn't complete my last few sets of bench presses and I'm not even going to speak of the barbell rows. I'm doing a mud run in two months and I really need to work on my running but I'm afraid it's going to affect my progress with lifting :/

    Common practice is to lift first and then run. Try switching those and see how you do. Even if you have to run slower, you are still running and getting the endurance.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Video of Henry Cavill and Antje Traue (Faora) going through the workouts. Antje has some really cool things to say about strength training that I think most of us here have already figured out.

  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Workout A was my first of the month. I am on a reduced schedule since I am training for a 6 day cycling tour later in the month. I have been holding steady on my weight totals to conserve energy for cycling but everything felt so light today. It was a shame not to take advantage. I increased everything except for squats.

    Squats 5x5 @ 100#

    Bench Press 5x5 @ 60#

    Pendlay Rows 5x5 @ 70#

    Everything felt easy and I could have done more weight. Trying to determine why this is. The biggest change in my life has been carb loading for long bike rides. I did a 35 miler yesterday and have been consciously eating more carbs and less protein over the past two days.

    I'll be gone for two weeks so no workouts unless the hotel we are staying in has a power rack or barbells. Won't know till I get there. My plan is to pick Stronglifts back up the last week of July. Hopefully I can start at the weights I did today.
  • alisaglem
    alisaglem Posts: 36 Member
    I'm having issues with my hip flexors (I posted a separate topic about this) so I'm not increasing much on my squats. I probably need to figure out accessory work for that. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to add where in terms of accessory work. I'm just doing straight SL 5X5 cause I don't know what else to fit in on which days to not mess with the progress on SL. I'm doing a little ab work here and there and some interval cardio once a week. I try to also do yoga twice a week (uhm... missed the last two weeks). But good thing is I have 0(!!!) knee pain and absolutely no wrist pain as I did in the beginning. So that's a YAY!

    Today I did:
    Squats 70 66666
    Bench 65 55555
    Pendlay 70 55555

    My deadlift is at 100 now (Yippie!)
    Overhead press, stuck at 40 but working my up by doing 66666
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I've noticed my core has weakened.

    Does anyone use a weight belt? Think this might help me?

    If your core is weakened, then strengthen the muscle, and deloading and working your way back up again is going to help you more than a belt. I have one for my lower back, but I'd rather deload and let my back muscles catch up than use a belt, honestly.

    Do you have regular core work as part of your overall routine? As well as hip flexor stretches/moves? Your lifts are only going to be as strong as the weakest muscles involved, so if they're weak yet, you either strengthen them doing accessory work or you're going to continue deloading until they're good and ready to let you progress. That's just the reality of it. And a belt would probably mask the problem rather than solve it, to be honest, especially if you're not lifting competitively.
    OHP: 42 lbs (This is the only lift I'd never done before and I really, really dislike them.)

    Why? I swear I'm the odd duck out because I love the OHP and always have. My triceps and shoulders have never looked better or been stronger. I don't understand what all the hatred is about.

    Yes on the stretches, dynamic (before lifting) and static (after). My chiro recently suggested some new ones and I got a couple off the Girls Gone Strong site I decided to throw in.
    Before SL, when I was doing a split routine, I did core stuff more often. Don't know why I stopped, but obviously that was a mistake, because I've noticed a marked decline in core strength since I started SL. However, I've also been injured (though I didn't realize what was going on in the beginning) this whole time. I'm definitely not blaming the program. My strength gains with SL, even while injured, have exceeded my expectations.

    I was thinking belt, because it would give my abs something to push against when doing the heavier lifts. After thinking more about it, though, I agree that it would be a mistake to use one right now if I'm not happy with my overall core strength.
    I've got a yoga DVD that concentrates on core. I'm going to start doing that on recovery days and do the ab exercises in between sets, too. That seemed to help trigger the muscles to contract during the OHP, which helped my deadlift, too.
    Any suggestions for additional core work are welcome :)

    Mindful core, mindful core=my new mantra. Better than my old one: Suck it in, sister. People are looking. :wink:

    I like the OHP, though I constantly fail at it. (Darn you, 75lbs!!) When I get it right, it makes my back feel amazing. It works so many muscles, I think of it as a bargain exercise. You get a whole bunch of muscles worked for the price of one movement. Lol And while that's true of all compound exercises, I particularly notice it with the OHP. :happy:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    cption, your deloaded squat is still heavier than my pr!

    OHP I don't loathe but I find it hard, it is more technical than it looks, and I feel like a weeeeed. It's not beating me though, it will be my b!tch :)
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Lwoodroff - I watched the ripptoe and another php quikie youtube (I popped it on the useful video thread) and it made a word of difference for me to today - just tiling my elbows out - just made a huge difference that and not smashing my nose with the bar!

    and p.s your squat is heavier than my PR!

    today week 5 workout B
    squat 5x5 @ 40kg (88lbs)
    OHP 5x5 @ 17.5 (38.5) - stuck to this after last times crazieness!! - felt 3millions times better doing this as well
    deadlife 5x5 @ 40kg (88lbs)
    3 x 40sec prone bridges
    6 x chinups (floor to door)
    41 air squats

    here's to anoter month and working to having leg dents to match my arm dents! (yup - my goal right now is to have dents no idea what these are called but I want them bad!)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    deadlife ha ha ha

    and thanks, will check out that vid! :)

    I've put up some progress shots, am not feeling they show a lot of 'progress' although I'm definitely stronger, need to get that bf% down.. I should have done some of my legs, I have fabulous legs ;)
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    deadlifes for life!! (yup)

    and get them leg shots up and show them off.
    and p.s You are looking amazing!!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Feels like it's been forever since I was in the weight room! Really, it's only been since Friday morning, but it's been kind of a hectic weekend so it feels like a long time. I was at a wedding over the weekend and staying at my mom's house, so ate way too much good food, but no change in the scale this morning, and I loved every bite of it, so who cares? Mmm, chocolate cupcakes... And as a bonus, my older sister (who I only see about once a month) told me I'd lost weight. Win!

    Workout B this morning!
    Squat - 95lbs x 4
    Press - 55lbs x 5
    Deadlift - 115lbs x 5 - Woo!
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    An "off" day - at least from lifting. Decided to start Couch-to-5K (again) this morning. It felt great! Here's to hoping I can actually complete it this time...
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Donating blood this evening after work, so no Workout A today (bench & rows). Intensive deloaded bar squat work instead.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I've got a yoga DVD that concentrates on core. I'm going to start doing that on recovery days and do the ab exercises in between sets, too. That seemed to help trigger the muscles to contract during the OHP, which helped my deadlift, too.
    Any suggestions for additional core work are welcome :)

    First off, I sympathize with the weak core issue. I felt like it happened to me, too. I now hit my core directly after weights, when my lifting hasn't left me too wiped out.

    Yes, I'm tossing in a caveat here for you to consider. I am a big fan of rest days. I would be more inclined to suggest that you hit your core hard on SL days, and then rest on the days in between. Rest days are where you make your progress.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I've got a yoga DVD that concentrates on core. I'm going to start doing that on recovery days and do the ab exercises in between sets, too. That seemed to help trigger the muscles to contract during the OHP, which helped my deadlift, too.
    Any suggestions for additional core work are welcome :)

    First off, I sympathize with the weak core issue. I felt like it happened to me, too. I now hit my core directly after weights, when my lifting hasn't left me too wiped out.

    Yes, I'm tossing in a caveat here for you to consider. I am a big fan of rest days. I would be more inclined to suggest that you hit your core hard on SL days, and then rest on the days in between. Rest days are where you make your progress.

    I'm a big into core work. I do my core accessory work on non-SL days, but I also have built up to a 6 day/week workout schedule and pay attention to fatigue, how my lifts are going, eating, sleep, etc. to really gauge if I need to add a full rest day in during the week. Rest/Recovery is very important. I would also suggest adding core to your SL days for a week or two. See how you feel and if you are making progress. If you still want to add the yoga in (also great for flexibility) I would start with one day a week and then add a day in a few weeks.

    What kind of exercises are you adding right now? I have my go to core exercises that I'd be happy to share.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    @ Jstout, yes, please share your core exercises.