Introduce Yourself!



  • lolo1994
    lolo1994 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Laura 36 in San Diego and was just sleeved a week from today, so I am fresh off the table. :smile: I having a difficult time getting my 30oz of liquid in especially protein shake, since every shake I have tried gives me unbelievable bloating and gas issues. My first post-op appt is tomorrow so I am hoping the Dr. can give some reasonable advice.

    Looking forward to hearing the ups and downs of everyone's experience.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    Hi Laura,

    Did your doctor help you with liquids & gas? If it is not resolved yet, I was told some people develop lactose intolerance. Since most protein shakes are whey (dairy) based, they could be a trigger. I have dairy allergies so used egg & soy based shakes. Favorite is "Gold" rich chocolate (albumin/egg). Also, the gas I had from operation had a bad effect at first, because I had developed diarrhea (probably from dental antibiotics). The bariatric nurse recommended a probiotic to resolve the balance in my intestine. Good luck.
  • therejohn
    therejohn Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, I had my surgery 5/28/13....hit my first stall, hate protein shakes but am accepting I am married to them forever, struggle to get 3 meals, 90+ grams of protein and 64+ oz of water every day. I was not prepared for what a tightrope walk this process would be. Did not expect easy, but his is complicated :-) Still smiling, but will smile bigger when I see the scale drop again! I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and including my pre-op prep, have lost 62 pounds since March.

    I would love to become "friends" with others from this group so we can support each other.
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Tara, and I live in Claymont, DE. My surgery is scheduled for 7/15/13 (i.e. a week from Monday - eek!). I'm in the midst of my liquid prep now and honestly it's not as bad as I thought it would be (although I am very tired). I look forward to getting to know some of you as we travel on down the road of this crazy journey :)
  • lolo1994
    lolo1994 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi PaulaKro,

    On my first week post-op checkup my Dr. told me stop drinking the shakes and to pay attention to the food. So I was excited to hear about that. My first was that I was going to be lactose intolerant but that doesn't seem the case, because I'm enjoying cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese so much. I think it's something else in those two shakes I couldn't tolerate. I am on muscle milk (which is lactose free) now and it tastes like chocolate milk, delish. :) So the gas is pretty much gone, and I woke on my belly this morning super weird but excited, because I guess I wasn't having so much pain during the night.

    Thanks for asking! When did you get sleeved?
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    Hello again Lolo1994,

    It was so nice to hear that you're doing better! Thank you for responding. Reading about what you were going thru was concerning. It sounds like you've passed from a tough couple of weeks into an exciting period? I hope it is easier for you from here out!

    I'm 60yr old from SF Bay Area - sleeved 06/10/13. My first few days at home were tough (gas diarreah stomach size) but no surgical complications. Things steadily better, mostly learning curve. Still hard to get enough liquid, not used to interruptions all day for sipping (oops, better sip). This morning was able to take a gulp without discomfort and didn't push it. Felt great! New motto: "small and often." (Wish I could do same with food but understand need not to nibble.)

    Doesn't this feel like an exciting journey? Fun hitting all the breakthrough points. Haven't woken up on stomach yet but looking forward to it. Best wishes!
  • wendympage
    wendympage Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I had my surgery on 11/19/12 and am down 75 lbs. I just started using MFP in March and it has been a huge help. I am struggling lately with grazing and finding myself reverting to some old bad habits, so I am looking for friends to be accountable to and also love checking out other peoples food diaries to see what you are eating...I have found alot of great new products and ideas this way! A little about me, I am 45 (46 in 2 weeks) and am from Maryland. Married for 23 years with a 20 yr old son.
  • I am five and a half months out from surgery and have lost 54 pounds. My surgeon was Jessica Smith at the University of Iowa. I am happy with the loss but seems to be a much smaller than what others have lost in the same time. I had quit tracking for a while and didn't make working on losing weight a priority. I have twin daughters that graduated from college, moved home for a while, one got married and then they both moved out so there was a lot of things going on that took my focus off losing weight. I am back at tracking and following my food plan and ready to start exercising again, I am looking for friends that have had VSG to help encourage each!
  • 818emjay
    818emjay Posts: 3 Member
    Im about 16 weeks out, I have lost 71lbs total, about 54 since SX. im doing prety good!! I want to meet others who have longer term success so I can copy what works as things change. Right now Im doing (mostly) low carb high protien! I love this new lifestye!!
  • gitafs
    gitafs Posts: 2 Member
    I had my surgery 7 weeks ago today- 5/26/13 and I'm down 31 pounds!

    I had an easy time at/after the surgery; no complications and not a lot of pain, just gas. For the first couple days I had a hard time getting into and out of bed, but that was about it. I was lucky.

    One of the most surprising things for me was that I did NOT lose my sense of hunger.
    In fact, for the first couple of weeks it was really intense- almost like a drug craving! Everything smelled amazing and I was severely craving food I never even liked, like turkey sandwiches from Subway!
    It has calmed down since, but not completely.
    Has anyone else experienced that?
  • JillianPMehlhaff
    JillianPMehlhaff Posts: 16 Member
    I have 8 lbs to go before Kaiser will schedule my surgery! So excited for the future!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    Hello Gitafs,

    My VSG was 06/10/13 - also no complications (even easy to get out of bed, mostly) and also did not lose hunger. I coveted food terribly while on post-op liquid diet, but once I could eat again, that was satisfying. Food doesn't taste as good as it used to, but if it means losing weight, its ok.

    I love food smells!!! It's like enjoying food without the calories. My heads in a place where it doesn't take having it in my mouth to enjoy it.

    The main thing I have to watch is staying away from starches, because once I start, I can't stop. As long as I avoid them, my cravings stay in check.

    Good luck to you.
  • Rief3
    Rief3 Posts: 420 Member
    I had my VSG on 3/7/13, things went pretty good. I also did not lose my hunger like I have heard others talk about. One thing different is when you are full YOU ARE FULL! I call my friend Lucky because she did lose the sense of hunger!? Everyone is different. I am sticking to a high protein low carb diet, which is also low fat. I really only track Protein and calories. I am done 73lbs with a goal of an additional 40lbs, anything after that I will consider bonus weight lose! lol I have not had any DIET Soda, since my surgery, which is very hard for me (use to drink only diet soda!) Trying to go a year and hopefully I will be done with the diet soda thing for life(fingers crossed!) Also no alcohol either( not as hard as the pop!)
  • lthesen
    lthesen Posts: 3 Member
    Hello :-) I am about 2 months out from my VSG. I did self pay with Dr. A. Lopez in Mexico. I am 36 lbs down since surgery and 46 since the preop diet and my heaviest. I am 5'6" currently 181 and 43 Years old.

    I tell everyone i can about MFP - i LOVE it! It took all the guess work out of what i was actually putting in my body when trying to focus on protein and water only.

    I just got to the place where i can eat just about anything and more than just 1 bite. It is weird but it actually freaked me out yesterday that i hit 826 calories in one day. plus starting to deal with hormone hunger or "head hunger maybe caused by hormones??" I big time noticed food obsessions last month and this month confirmed it must be the monthly curse causing it :-( It scares me terribly! i was enjoying not being hungry and was hoping that would last everyday for the duration...

    I am really looking for good advice, fun gluten free recipes and tips to make sure i keep on the losing path for life !
  • lisa77marie
    lisa77marie Posts: 46 Member
    Hi I had VSG in August 2011 and have lost 75 lbs to date. The only suggestion I have is to watch what you eat because you can stall. I stalled for a year before I started watching my calories again. I'm thrilled with the sleeve and would do it all over again. It changed my life.
  • Hi, I am Kristina. I am new to this group. I had my surgery on 2/5/13 at Monmouth Medical Center in New Jersey by Dr. Binenbaum. I have lost 88 lbs.
  • emr3857
    emr3857 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am Erika. I am scheduled for surgery on 08/07/2013.
  • JillyInAZ
    JillyInAZ Posts: 44 Member
  • Hi Folks,
    Got sleeved July 1st and am down 35 lbs. Looking forward to using MFP and the knowledge here to succeed.
  • cfranz7715
    cfranz7715 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello all! I have been on MFP since last November.... I did not see this group until now! My name is Chris. I'm 43 yrs old. Had surgery March 5, 2013. I live in Las Cruces NM. I have lost 88 lbs thus far. My highest weight before surgery was 333lbs. I am going to the gym several times a week, walking on the treadmill and recently started some strength training. So glad I found this group!!:bigsmile: