July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Hi everyone! My current goal is to gain 3 pounds of muscle overall (at least 1 pound by August 30). To do this I am trying to focus on lifting 3x a week, eating whole foods, getting enough quality sleep and minimizing stress. My current weights are:

    Squat 115 pounds
    deadlift 115 pounds
    bench 70 pounds
    rows 50 pounds
    OHP 50 pounds

    My weights are not progressing/increasing very fast and it's discouraging. Any advice you have is welcome. I am extremely grateful that my company gave us paid Fridays off for all of July and August! I think that will really help with my fitness and overall well-being.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Still working out with a sore lower back but did so very carefully.

    Decided to try going ATG on all of my squats from now on so essentially I have de-loaded back to 65#. ATG feels really good, better actually, than parallel. I intend to build the weight back up after my cycling tour but always ATG.

    Bench press was a struggle. I'm at a de-loaded weight of 60# here also but have been trying to implement technique/form changes based on the videos. I didn't realize how big a part the back plays in the bench press. But I'm feeling it more now that the arch is deeper and I changed foot placement.

    Didn't dare even try Pendlay Rows. Instead I did 5 sets of 5 reps on the Assisted Chin-Up machine since it works the upper back and biceps. Was able to use the #8 setting with a narrow grip for 2 sets and #9 for 3 sets.

    Plan to do Workout B on Wednesday.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Not sure what happened, but I have made my 'weight-increase' the last 3 sessions in a row! on all lifts! I guess I have finally found my niche and my muscles have finally figured out what is going on!

    Session #22 - A
    Squats 72# (hitting my July goal!)
    Bench Press 65#
    Rows 67#

    finally seeing a bit of change in my glutes! just a teeny bit smaller and rounder. YAY
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hi everyone! My current goal is to gain 3 pounds of muscle overall (at least 1 pound by August 30). To do this I am trying to focus on lifting 3x a week, eating whole foods, getting enough quality sleep and minimizing stress. My current weights are:

    Squat 115 pounds
    deadlift 115 pounds
    bench 70 pounds
    rows 50 pounds
    OHP 50 pounds

    My weights are not progressing/increasing very fast and it's discouraging. Any advice you have is welcome. I am extremely grateful that my company gave us paid Fridays off for all of July and August! I think that will really help with my fitness and overall well-being.

    I think my 2 big suggestions would be - 1) think about whether or not it makes sense to increase calories overall, or alternately, increased or slightly shifted around-workout nutrition. Most specifically - carbs on lifting days. Do you eat enough?

    2) take form videos of each lift, plan to tweak them slightly and slowly to find the right movement. OHP took me at LEAST 18 months of continuous work before it really "clicked" and I felt like I was doing it right. Bench press has been slower - make a little tweak, improve lift slightly, then need another tweak, improve slightly again, etc.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    {sigh} After seeing everybody else's awesome numbers I feel like a weakling-lol. Sort of, anyhow.

    Here's my lifting today:

    Squats - 95 lbs 5, 5 then added 1.5 lbs and did 3 more sets of 5
    Bench - 80 lbs, 5, 5, 5, 3 (roll of shame - at least now I know I can do it-lol), 5, 5
    Pendlay - 77 lbs, 5 x 5 but my form is starting to suck so I'm going to deload (not sure to what just yet) and work on form for a bit

    Your numbers are better than mine!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Grandmoo - you could try adding carbs specifically around your lifting sessions, and having low carb on off days. What's your typical day look like (When you do you meals/snacks vs work out)?

    I'd do something like add 30-40 grams of extra carbs to whatever your big meal is post or pre-workout and maybe 10-20 to the smaller meal/snack that is opposite that, then low carb on off days.

    I guess I should mention my name is actually Susan, I go by 'Moo for short. ;-) Call me whatever you wish, I'm easy...

    Also, I'm afraid this is going to look like "War and Peace". Sorry.

    One of the trainers at my gym recommended I have at least a cup of "good" carbs (sweet potato, banana, oatmeal, etc) the night before I lift since I lift early in the morning. An example day (I'll use last night into today/tonight since it's a lift day):

    Last night I had a cup of oatmeal (the kind you actually have to cook) with a small banana and a dollop (didn't really measure) of natural peanut butter before bed. I had eaten "low carb" up until then - and I don't really log much anymore, but I average around 50 total carbs/day. Some days more, some days less. The day before I lift I'm eating 75-100 grams of carb for the day.

    This morning I had my 2 cups of coffee each with an ounce of heavy cream (I love low carb for that if for no other reason-lol) then headed to the gym. Immediately after lifting I have about 1/4 of my protein shake made with whatever protein I'm in the mood for - usually ChocoRite Cappuchino from Diet Direct - made with a cup of almond milk and ice to fill the shaker cup. After I shower I drink the rest of the shake on the way to work.

    Early mid-morning I had a cup of cottage cheese with cinnamon and a bit of splenda, and around an hour later a container of Kroger Carbmaster yogurt. Lunch today was 126 gr of shredded steamed cabbage with 1-1/2 tbsp of butter and a pack of Starkist Tuna Creations Sweet and Spicy mixed in. Sometime between now and when I leave work I'll try to eat my 2 boiled eggs, if not, I'll have them as soon as I get home.

    Supper/dinner (whatever you call it, the evening meal anyhow) is probably going to be a hamburger with some sharp cheddar cheese eaten on a low carb wrap and some kind of veggie to go with it - I'll decide when the time comes.

    Maybe a half-hour or so before bed if I'm still hungry I'll have a smoothie made with a container of the low carb yogurt, a cup of almond milk, whatever protein I'm in the mood for, and flavoring if I didn't choose an already flavored protein (I've got lots of different containers of protein powder!).

    So...the only real difference in my eating pattern is that I add the good carbs the night before I lift. I guess you might say that is my pre-workout meal? I'll have to do some figuring about what to actually add in order to not trigger my binge-eating, but I think that I can come up with something(s) that will work.


    Its possible that might be too long before your lifting or too little total for you to see benefit. Can you eat a little something before you workout? If not, a cup of nonfat milk before would add more carbs without being too filling. Carbs are the easiest macro to turn into immediate fuel for your muscles and if your muscles are under fueled, you won't be able to work to your full potential.

    What is it about carbs that trigger binge eating for you? The taste? is it certain foods? Do they make you hungry? It doesnt' hurt to re-examine your relationships with food every six months or so - a lot of people find they really need the boost from the low carb mindset early on and later they can successfully move away from it.
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Its possible that might be too long before your lifting or too little total for you to see benefit. Can you eat a little something before you workout? If not, a cup of nonfat milk before would add more carbs without being too filling. Carbs are the easiest macro to turn into immediate fuel for your muscles and if your muscles are under fueled, you won't be able to work to your full potential.

    What is it about carbs that trigger binge eating for you? The taste? is it certain foods? Do they make you hungry? It doesnt' hurt to re-examine your relationships with food every six months or so - a lot of people find they really need the boost from the low carb mindset early on and later they can successfully move away from it.

    I'm not sure, I just know what happens if I eat too much of them - however, I've never tried to just eat the "good" ones - I usually face plant into the nasty, sugary junk. Something to do with my body/insulin resistance, etc. But I think I might can do a moderate amount as long as I don't veer off of the "good" carb course.

    I've revisited my relationship to them on more than one occasion and while things start off well, I slide down the slippery slope quickly. However, I wasn't re-introducing in any form of moderation - just jumping in with both feet and usually to processed "crap" I thought to be "good".

    Back when I was running daily, I went from low carb to Nutrisystem (don't judge me-lol) and did okay until I broke my ankle and couldn't run anymore. I used that as an excuse to not do anything and things went to hell in a handbasket. But as long as I was active, I was okay.

    Sooooo, I *think* I can add more carbs as long as I'm lifting, and I don't plan to stop lifting. And if something DOES happen and I can't lift for any reason, I'll back off the carbs.

    To put it simply, I'm pretty much like an alcoholic when it comes to anything that is processed by my body as sugar. And I've learned the hard way. I cannot go back to the way I was. Ever.
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Fartknockers, I forgot to mention that yes, I can try and have something in the morning first thing before a workout. Although lowfat milk isn't what I would choose {shiver}. It's got to be whole milk or none at all. :-) But I could very easily eat a banana! Love love love bananas. And maybe make my protein shake for post-workout with milk instead of almond milk.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Fartknockers, I forgot to mention that yes, I can try and have something in the morning first thing before a workout. Although lowfat milk isn't what I would choose {shiver}. It's got to be whole milk or none at all. :-) But I could very easily eat a banana! Love love love bananas. And maybe make my protein shake for post-workout with milk instead of almond milk.

    That works then - I'd just try it a few days and see how it makes you feel. SOme people don't get any benefit, others can't work out even remotely fasted
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for the complements everyone! I started lifting in 2008, and I've had a couple long layoffs here and there, so it's been a long slow journey, but the fact that I'm stronger and 6 years older instead of weaker and 6 years older (I will turn 44 in a couple of months) is very encouraging. When I'm down to putting on a pound a month or less on my lifts, I just think of that and I keep going. :-)
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I'm so behind here. I need to come back and read when I have time and don't have a headache. This morning I started my new Wendler 5/3/1 program. The only exercises were OHP and chin-ups. That's a tough party for a Monday morning. It was a progressive OHP, adding 5 or 10 lbs per set, and then 5x10 with just the bar. Then it was supposed to be 5x10 chinups. I did 5x5 to the best of my ability. The first couple sets were good, but the last three were mostly negatives. (I'm working out at home, so no assistance machine). My arms were shaking for the next hour or so. I was starving all day, I developed a headache in the late afternoon, probably from dehydration. I know I will sleep like a baby tonight. Tomorrow is DEADLIFT DAY! I'll need a few more carbs before bed :)
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Hi everyone! My current goal is to gain 3 pounds of muscle overall (at least 1 pound by August 30). To do this I am trying to focus on lifting 3x a week, eating whole foods, getting enough quality sleep and minimizing stress. My current weights are:

    Squat 115 pounds
    deadlift 115 pounds
    bench 70 pounds
    rows 50 pounds
    OHP 50 pounds

    My weights are not progressing/increasing very fast and it's discouraging. Any advice you have is welcome. I am extremely grateful that my company gave us paid Fridays off for all of July and August! I think that will really help with my fitness and overall well-being.

    I think my 2 big suggestions would be - 1) think about whether or not it makes sense to increase calories overall, or alternately, increased or slightly shifted around-workout nutrition. Most specifically - carbs on lifting days. Do you eat enough?

    2) take form videos of each lift, plan to tweak them slightly and slowly to find the right movement. OHP took me at LEAST 18 months of continuous work before it really "clicked" and I felt like I was doing it right. Bench press has been slower - make a little tweak, improve lift slightly, then need another tweak, improve slightly again, etc.

    Thank you so much! I would like to go over my form with a trainer but then I don't want to do it because I don't want to pay for someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Went back to the chiropractor today with brand new elbow pain. :frown: Holy cats, that was a painful adjustment.
    After we finish, she says, "Can you do just cardio for now? I know how you hate that, but I'm thinking you need to take a break from weights."

    So, you know, that's less than awesome.
    I see her again in two weeks. Two weeks of no lifting.
    I may go mad.

    Of course her reasoning was to give my elbow a rest, so I'm thinking light back squats are fine (I've already deloaded to 135 anyway, so that won't be a problem). I can do most ab/core work, though no planks, of course. No OHP, bench, row, DL.
    I need to come up with a workout that doesn't engage my elbow much.
    Even typing this post makes my elbow ache. :(

    Suggestions, please? :flowerforyou:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I'm so behind here. I need to come back and read when I have time and don't have a headache. This morning I started my new Wendler 5/3/1 program. The only exercises were OHP and chin-ups. That's a tough party for a Monday morning. It was a progressive OHP, adding 5 or 10 lbs per set, and then 5x10 with just the bar. Then it was supposed to be 5x10 chinups. I did 5x5 to the best of my ability. The first couple sets were good, but the last three were mostly negatives. (I'm working out at home, so no assistance machine). My arms were shaking for the next hour or so. I was starving all day, I developed a headache in the late afternoon, probably from dehydration. I know I will sleep like a baby tonight. Tomorrow is DEADLIFT DAY! I'll need a few more carbs before bed :)

    I'm very interested in the Wendler program. How do you like it so far?

    Sorry about your headache. Hope you feel better tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Hey ladies - lots of highs and lows for everyone it seems this week! wishing everyone lots of lifting love.

    Grrrrr for men taking over gyms, sore heads, wiggly bars and everything trying to get in our way - we are strong ladies and all that won't keep us down!!

    Pride & boasting before a fall! - My neighbor was boasting about his weightlifting (my hubby had mentioned I had started using a barbell) he was telling me how he could curl 20kgs - I started spouting (as I do when I am passionate about something!) about how he would be better off doing larger compound movements yadda yadda yadda - 5 times he asked why I wanted to get bulky... 5 times I told him I couldn't.... left the conversion feeling like a shrieking banashee she beast

    And then lifted like rubbish today - my strength just failed me - felt unsure on my lifts, form away to pot and couldn't even manage more than 4 chin ups. Actions speak louder than words and I would have been better off staying calm, staying focus than acting like a know it all 6 weeks in- and I'm showing off! I need to check myself before I wreck myself !

    workout a (week 6)
    Squats 5x5@ 47.5 (104lbs) - this felt ok, back definately feeling better - really focusing on form
    Bench 3@ 25 (55lbs) , 2@ 22.5 (49lbs) - was just crap, didn't position myself right, grip was away to pot and had to deload - aggghhhhh
    Pendlay row 5x5@30 (66lbs) really quivered and shook through the last 2 pulls on my final 2 sets - again just seemed all over the place and felt "weak"
    3x 12 reverse crunch
    3x 5 inverted rows
    20 x frog kicks
    1min plank
    4 chin ups (crap!)
    50 air squats

    Was a bit under eating yesterday - so think that played a part, the showing off and being cocky played a part and being tired.

    So will go up on my squats - but keep weights the same for my next A workout on bench & pendlay and really focus on form, grip and my breathing..

    Happy lifting ladies.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Impromptu run today, because the weather is good and I had some energy. It felt good.

    I get my last PT workout tomorrow - clean+press plus core work. Given the state of my back for squats and deads at the moment, I definitely need the core aspect, much as I hate it.

    Chiro yesterday. He finished off by prescribing a 30-40 minute sports massage for my shoulders, which I've now got to book. It's going to hurt!

    I forgot to take notes on who had said what in the last 3 pages! But congratulations to those with new PRs and increased weights, and encouragement for everyone who has struggled somewhere along the line.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    I'm very interested in the Wendler program. How do you like it so far?

    Just started this week, so nothing to go on as far as progress yet. I like that I have something different to look forward to. I love lifting, but I was starting to dread the routine of SL. Squats everyday; every set was soooo heavy and to failure or almost failure, same routine. I tried doing progressions and adding in some assistance exercises at the end, but I never really strayed too far from the SL program.

    With 5/3/1, I'm doing one big lift each day (4 days a week - OHP, DL, Bench, Squats) and one assistance exercise. So instead of doing 1 set of deadlifts, this morning I did 11, at different weights. The last 5 sets were 10 reps each (65 lbs), alternated with hanging leg raises. This was much much much harder than I thought it sounded.

    Ladies - if you think you have pretty good core strength--try a few sets of hanging leg raises (hanging from pullup bar; raise legs straight in front of you to make a right angle with your body). You may be proven wrong!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I'm really interested in hearing how this goes. Part of me is put off by the "only" 5lb a month increases, but I'm coming to accept that the weekly increases where every workout is to failure or near-failure even with fractionals might mean I have to get used to that idea. Let us know how it goes over the next few weeks please?
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Suggestions, please? :flowerforyou:

    Pretty sure Rippetoe would prescribe squats ... which is pretty much his answer to everything from hangnails to broken bones. :smile:

    So ... squat moar. :laugh:

    I don't know what a day is like without sore shoulders and/or elbows (I type for a living and there's nothing I can do about it; however, I will say that strength training along with regular stretching has helped) so I dunno, do some dumbbell work to rehab your elbows, and make sure you stretch? I also now do things like farmers' carry to strengthen my wrists and forearms/grip strength, because our wrists, forearms and elbows are obviously connected, and weakness in one can lead to injury in another due to overcompensation and whatnot. I have to be careful with my barbell complexes because they really tax my grip strength (but hey, that's the point of training it, right?).

    If it's an overuse injury (and it usually is) make sure you get plenty of rest, try an anti-inflammatory (if you're not wanting to pop a bunch of NSAIDs, bromelain works really well and doesn't cause stomach upset) and ice/heat.

  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member

    Per the advise of you awesome ladies I decreased weight on my squats and am incorporating some core work into my routine. No more than 15 minutes. I am also doing some cardio again so we shall see how it goes.

    I did a small workout to start for the core the other day with: crunches x10, russian twists x10, and 1 minute plank. I did this 3 times. The russian twists were done with a 15lb kettlebell.

    Today is workout A:

    Squat: 85
    Bench: 75

    Accessory work: Core/Cardio(time permitting)