BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hello, my name is Bre, and i binge eat only at night. I need to lose over 150 pounds, and 2 years ago underwent a double lung transplant,. Between the meds and depression, I packed the pounds on in a year. Any advice from night time eaters out there ?

    Welcome!! I think many of us have been night time eaters.

    My only advice is distraction. Also, make sure you don't starve yourself all day. I think for me that is the worst I can do. If I starve I am more likely to binge.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Worst Binge in a long time yesterday!!! I ate bad food over the weekend on a vacation but never binged. Yesterday I ate until my stomach hurt. I was in pain until I went to bed.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    I did a bad binge too yesterday. Afterward I threw out the trigger foods so there'd be no more temptation later on. Thought I could have a certain type of candy in the house, but guess not. I cannot fool myself into believing I'm a normal eater, even when I have a couple of good weeks.

    Weirdest thing though, during the binge I could breathe easier. I've been doing this annoying shallow breathing for weeks, but with the binge I could finally breathe easy. It was a utopia experience until about an hour later when the sugar rush hit and the headache and sick stomach began. But I appreciate those awful sensations because it reminds me that my body deserves better.

    *sigh* Live and learn. (okay now that Joe Public song's in my head :happy: )
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Hi my name is Ed. I am 43 days in a row binge free (starting on June 3rd), and I've lost 37 pounds since then. While that is awesome, I am starting to have the feelings creeping back, such as, it won't be long now before you mess it all up, or, you are missing out on all that life has to offer foodwise. Everything in my life has to go perfect for me not to binge it seems. My work is starting to suffer because the lack of binging is uncovering anxiety, and I feel like I spend all my time exercising and planning meals and weighing and measuring. Last night was the first time since June 3rd that I really wanted to go downstairs and nighttime binge. So I am getting concerned.

    Having said that, what I am doing is what I need to do to get healthy, so I am determined not to be ashamed or sad about it. I don't trust myself at all with food, nor do I trust myself to exercise on a regular basis, not just when I feel like it. A big part of my success is completely avoiding triggers. Another is logging every single day. And I am learning to love myself again (I know that sounds a little sappy sorry).

    I am just trying to stay on course with what I am doing, but I haven't learned yet how not to be perfect and still stay binge free. If anyone has the secret to breaking perfectionist behaviors, by all means, please share it. :)

    I so appreciate everyone sharing their stories I am glad I found this group. Thank you for listening.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I did a bad binge too yesterday. Afterward I threw out the trigger foods so there'd be no more temptation later on. Thought I could have a certain type of candy in the house, but guess not. I cannot fool myself into believing I'm a normal eater, even when I have a couple of good weeks.

    Weirdest thing though, during the binge I could breathe easier. I've been doing this annoying shallow breathing for weeks, but with the binge I could finally breathe easy. It was a utopia experience until about an hour later when the sugar rush hit and the headache and sick stomach began. But I appreciate those awful sensations because it reminds me that my body deserves better.

    *sigh* Live and learn. (okay now that Joe Public song's in my head :happy: )

    I knew while I was eating it that I should stop but I did not want to yesterday. Right now I am thinking about going to the pantry cause I am hungry and we have don't have much food in the house.

    I hope you feel better today
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hi my name is Ed. I am 43 days in a row binge free (starting on June 3rd), and I've lost 37 pounds since then. While that is awesome, I am starting to have the feelings creeping back, such as, it won't be long now before you mess it all up, or, you are missing out on all that life has to offer foodwise. Everything in my life has to go perfect for me not to binge it seems. My work is starting to suffer because the lack of binging is uncovering anxiety, and I feel like I spend all my time exercising and planning meals and weighing and measuring. Last night was the first time since June 3rd that I really wanted to go downstairs and nighttime binge. So I am getting concerned.

    Having said that, what I am doing is what I need to do to get healthy, so I am determined not to be ashamed or sad about it. I don't trust myself at all with food, nor do I trust myself to exercise on a regular basis, not just when I feel like it. A big part of my success is completely avoiding triggers. Another is logging every single day. And I am learning to love myself again (I know that sounds a little sappy sorry).

    I am just trying to stay on course with what I am doing, but I haven't learned yet how not to be perfect and still stay binge free. If anyone has the secret to breaking perfectionist behaviors, by all means, please share it. :)

    I so appreciate everyone sharing their stories I am glad I found this group. Thank you for listening.

    Welcome and congrats on your success so far!!
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Hi my name is Ed. I am 43 days in a row binge free (starting on June 3rd), and I've lost 37 pounds since then. While that is awesome, I am starting to have the feelings creeping back, such as, it won't be long now before you mess it all up, or, you are missing out on all that life has to offer foodwise. Everything in my life has to go perfect for me not to binge it seems. My work is starting to suffer because the lack of binging is uncovering anxiety, and I feel like I spend all my time exercising and planning meals and weighing and measuring. Last night was the first time since June 3rd that I really wanted to go downstairs and nighttime binge. So I am getting concerned.

    Having said that, what I am doing is what I need to do to get healthy, so I am determined not to be ashamed or sad about it. I don't trust myself at all with food, nor do I trust myself to exercise on a regular basis, not just when I feel like it. A big part of my success is completely avoiding triggers. Another is logging every single day. And I am learning to love myself again (I know that sounds a little sappy sorry).

    I am just trying to stay on course with what I am doing, but I haven't learned yet how not to be perfect and still stay binge free. If anyone has the secret to breaking perfectionist behaviors, by all means, please share it. :)

    I so appreciate everyone sharing their stories I am glad I found this group. Thank you for listening.

    Sounds like you've been making HUGE steps in the right direction!

    It's definitely NOT an overnight process and there will be plenty more good days and bad days to come, but the important part is that you're taking steps to get better. There was a (long) time when I could not imagine going 3 days without a) crying about my body b) bingeing or c) purging let alone your 43, but now I can even survive the toughest of days without bingeing. It has taken me years to get here and maintain a healthy weight without letting it consume my life but I am here and it feels great! Everyone is different but do remember that every day is a new day. Yesterday might have felt like crap but tomorrow could be full of personal victories - so keep at it! We're all rooting for you!
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I'm late the convo thread, but hi.

    I've been having a bit of a time the past few nights. I keep wanting to eat cookies but luckily I don't have any. I did have half a chocolate muffin my SO brought home but that's better than eating my weight in golden oreos. I just keep feeling eating disordered thoughts and panic. I exercise a lot but that's to keep the weight off and help change my body and it keeps me from just sitting around on my bum all day doing nothing. At least I can spend some of the time working towards my goals. I just have this fear of getting super fat. I keep wanting to keep trying on shirts to be sure they still fit.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I'm late the convo thread, but hi.

    I've been having a bit of a time the past few nights. I keep wanting to eat cookies but luckily I don't have any. I did have half a chocolate muffin my SO brought home but that's better than eating my weight in golden oreos. I just keep feeling eating disordered thoughts and panic. I exercise a lot but that's to keep the weight off and help change my body and it keeps me from just sitting around on my bum all day doing nothing. At least I can spend some of the time working towards my goals. I just have this fear of getting super fat. I keep wanting to keep trying on shirts to be sure they still fit.

    We all have had tough times. Just keep trying and keep going. That is all we can do.

  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    What a tough start to the week for me. I am doing better now. I sure hope I can finish off July strong.
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    I'm still struggling with binging every weekend.

    I just found out my college offers therapy sessions for a massivly reduced rate...I called and made an appointment. I am pretty scared about it because I have never done anything like this before...But at the same time, I am really looking forward to it and the opportunity to finally open up to another human being.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I'm still struggling with binging every weekend.

    I just found out my college offers therapy sessions for a massivly reduced rate...I called and made an appointment. I am pretty scared about it because I have never done anything like this before...But at the same time, I am really looking forward to it and the opportunity to finally open up to another human being.

    Therapy for my eating was the very best thing I ever did for myself. After the first time I couldn't wait to go again. It felt so good to talk about my eating and why I behave as I do around food to someone who not only just listened and didn't judge, but also who was a professional. I hope you have as good an experience as I did. :)
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    I'm still struggling with binging every weekend.

    I just found out my college offers therapy sessions for a massivly reduced rate...I called and made an appointment. I am pretty scared about it because I have never done anything like this before...But at the same time, I am really looking forward to it and the opportunity to finally open up to another human being.

    i second what eddie said:)

    also - dont get discouraged if you dont feel like you click with the first person you have an appointment with. you can always schedule the next appointment with someone new. it's important that you feel comfortable with him/her. Congrats on taking the step!
  • charlottedunlop37
    charlottedunlop37 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the group. I am really struggling with binge eating. I have tried everything not to from eating small and often, eating normal meals 3 times a day, fasting for 16 hours, exercising regularly, etc etc but I binge daily.
    It used to be every 3 days but now for the last year it has been daily. It used to be in the evenings but now can be 10 am even. I feel very lonely and have gained a stone over this year gaining a stone before this over the previous 4 years. Most of my friends have no idea what I used to look like! I think about getting back to how I used to be every single day but fail daily. I feel this is not just a lack of willpower. It's an addiction for me. Horrible. I wanted to lose some weight before my holiday but the more I try the more I binge. I have gained 4lbs in the last 4 weeks. So annoying. I'm rejoining myfitnesspal for accountability.
  • idahomommy
    idahomommy Posts: 28 Member
    I just realized this thread was here.

    I'm new to the group and I won't go into a big long story but I'll try to give some background. I struggle with binge eating. Ten years ago I recovered from bulimia. In the last year or so I decided to try to get my weight back down (I gained 20-30 pounds with having kids, etc). I'm now in a bad cycle that includes binge eating. I have been seeing a therapist for a while for other issues and I just can't bring myself to bring up this problem although she's aware of other issues with my eating, just not the binging part. I went to a nutritionist once and it was insightful but I'm not at a point that I can do what she wants and it was too expensive because it was all out of pocket which added up to about $225 a month!

    I have a great ability to know the reasons I do it, what effect it has on my life, what I'm getting from it, and the horrible negative impacts it has on my life (why it's totally not worth it). Knowing all of that, I cannot stop doing it. I have very little self discipline and I have a husband so I can't ban the trigger foods from my house. A few weeks ago I asked him to hide some candy he bought and he did and I was good enough not to search for it. However, there is plenty more that I binge on that can't be hidden.

    I made a post this morning that, if you have time, I'd love for you to check out ("Stopping before more damage is done" or something like that). I know that most of us struggle with the same problem (starting your day horribly and just going downhill from there since you already are a "failure").
  • idahomommy
    idahomommy Posts: 28 Member
    To the person considering counseling. I HIGHLY recommend it, as the others did.

    My only comment (which someone else also mentioned) is that you need to find someone that you REALLY click with. If you don't, you won't feel like it's really working, you won't want to be open and honest, and you'll probably think therapy doesn't work. If you find a person that you really, really like, you will get a lot from it. It sucks to go through multiple people and have to explain your whole story to them over and over, and maybe even have a couple of sessions with each one before deciding how you feel, but it's worth it.

    I've had a total of like 5 or 6 counselors in my life. The ones I "settled" for did nothing for me. The two that I really clicked with did everything for me (I moved three times so that's why I didn't just stick with one great one). The one I have now is someone that I can see myself being great friends with if we had met in a non-professional way.

    Definitely give it a try - it can't hurt. If it works, AWESOME. If not, what did you really lose aside from a little bit of money?
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    Thanks for the response ida. I did an intake session yesterday where I answer lots of questions and I will be matched up with a counselor next week.

    I am pretty excited. I know it is not a cure for the problem but I think this has the potential to really help me get to the bottom of some of my ED/ depressive issues.

    I completely agree on finding the right person. It is going to take someone with whom I can completely trust with my innermost insecurities and who I can develop a bond with and be honest and open. It won't do any good if I lie or hide anything.

    I will give the first person a try for a few sessions, but I won't hesitate to ask for a change if I am not feeling it.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    The last time I posted on here I was commenting on how difficult it is for me to keep my eating in order now that I have started working full time again. I am continuing to struggle with that.
    I got my lunches under control and am making good healthy filling lunches, but I still have overwhelming binge urges when I get out of work...and there are plenty of fast food places on my way home.
    don't really think it's about the food. It's about all my insecurities at work. I come out at the end of my day emotionally bruised and desperate to feel better..or to numb myself. It isn't a stressful job particularly. ..I am just depressed and anxious as soon as I get to my car to go home...
    I know I was doing really well until I started working again a month I need to figure out what is getting me so stressed out in this job. :frown:
  • pan_jam
    pan_jam Posts: 4 Member

    I'm new to this thread/group and I'm looking for some fellow eating disorder pals! I've had binge eating and compulsive overeating problems since i was 8, didn't know binge eating existed until i was 19 and at 23 am finally in recovery. I've had person-centered therapy for the past 18 months and it's been so helpful, but my therapist is moving and so it's ending next week. I've never really reached out for help but I know if I'm left on my own with it again it'll make not bingeing so much harder.

    I mainly struggle with going to the gym and exercising, even though it makes me feel so much better and my eating improves... so if anyone wants to be buddies then add me :)

    P.s. For anyone who's done some sharing? I have a lot of respect for you!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I have been having a horrible time lately. I see my therapist/doctor tomorrow. To anyone looking for help don't stop looking till you find someone good. I have had a hard time with Doctors/therapists.

    My doctor wants to try topomax next. I am very worried! I don't want any side effects from a drug. However I am having a hard time and just want to quit.
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