Big & Tall People, UNITE!



  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome aboard, man. This board is as active as you make it. If you want to post your struggles, triumphs, or just ***** and moan, we're here for you.
  • moolfson
    moolfson Posts: 29
    Heh. At 6'5" clothes are either big OR tall, amiright? I have that problem as well. :drinker:
  • dactonaw
    dactonaw Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I am not very active in forums, but I can certainly try more. Welcome to the group!! I finished losing my weight (115 lbs) but if you need any encouragement or help You can feel free to message me. I have a bit of experience in it, including some appetite killing methods and I am also a diabetic if that helps. I know diabetes can make it a little more difficult.
  • baird3605
    baird3605 Posts: 28 Member
    Heh. At 6'5" clothes are either big OR tall, amiright? I have that problem as well. :drinker:

    Ha, yea... that is SO true! At my job, we are supplied uniform polo shirts and I always have to really bring home the point that is has to be tall. If not, I can't tuck in my shirt.

    But growing up, my mom used to always say I was, "tall... and all"
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I'm only 6'2", but I have a long torso (and still a bit of a gut!) so I always have to buy "Tall" shirts or I can't tuck them in properly.
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Not a great weight loss week this week, only lost 1.7. Not sure what the issue was, I worked out more then usual this week. After looking at my numbers I ate less then 6000 net calories after all the workouts. To make my day even better I got back on my stationary bike to knock off some more calories only to realize it took a dump on me. Not a good start off to the day. I will stay the course, just got to remember that hard work will pay off in the end. Got myself a new bike off craigslist today too. Unfortunately I won't be able to use it much this week though, got a 70+ hour workweek ahead of me. Stay the course gentlemen, nobody said it would be easy
  • baird3605
    baird3605 Posts: 28 Member
    5 pounds down this week. I did really well and looking forward to my cheat meal tomorrow for lunch. On Wednesday I helped a friend rennovate a store... so I was up and down a ladder for about 4 hours. My calves still hurt! Haha. Hope everyone else is having a good week.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Hurt my neck in the gym on shoulder day Friday, felt like a weak old man for the next two days while it healed. But, I got back in the gym today and crushed back day. Also, tried on jeans, and I'm officially down 2 pant sizes, almost 3. I used to wear 48 waist (US) and I tried on 44's yesterday, and they were loose. I'm not buying any clothes until I'm under 300 lbs, and I have 5 lbs to go.
    Keep on Keeping on!
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    No worries, man. I'm 36. Any other old men on this board?

    Oh, yes, I just turned 40 and I just joined this group: hello, it's really nice not to be the biggest one for once in my life :) I'm almost 6'3" and started at 343lbs 5 months ago, now I'm down to 280lbs. I always refused to log my food intake but now that I finally got to it I find that it helps tremendously.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    welcome to MFP and to this group :)
  • BigNathan76
    BigNathan76 Posts: 16 Member
    Ha.. Nice to find a corner on this site for big guys... Not just people looking to lose 25 lbs so they can post buff selfies on the forums non-stop.

    I'm 36, 6'2", and currently 419 lbs. Started trying to lose again on August 5th weighing in at my highest ever 450 lbs.

    I've always been a big guy. Hell, I've had the nickname BigNate for as long as I can remember. My story is the same as a lot of big guys (I'm assuming). I was a three sport athlete in HS.. one sport in college, and nothing since getting married and having kids. Sitting behind a desk nine hours a day doesn't help either. All the while eating like I still needed 7k+ cals a day. None of it was ever "unhealthy" food. Had my cholesterol checked not long ago and it was only 115 total (LDL was 63) and blood pressure was normal. I just eat way too much. :) Knees and back are starting to revolt so it's time to do something about the weight.

    Oh well, that's enough for now. Glad to find somewhere on MFP that feels like home.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    welcome, Big Nate :)
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome aboard, Nate. I, too, am 6'2" and 36. No kids for me yet, though. Glad to have you here.
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    6'2 36 year olds are known for being awesome. They did a study... probably
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Big and Tall? I think I qualify for this one! 6'2", 360-ish. Good to see a fellow group of giants.

    I've spent the last decade as an amateur Highland Games athlete, but never really did a whole lot of gym work. Just eating big and throwing heavy things. I started actual gym work last year to see if I could knock some size off without losing strength. Started out at 380, got down to 340, and now back up about halfway. Really need to focus on controlling my eating, but the squats and deadlifts work up such an appetite!

    Don't really have a goal weight any more, just a bodyfat percentage. I'll be doing the BodPod test as soon as I can, so I have a good estimate to work with. Caliper tests put me at 25-28%, and I want to confirm that before I take it as gospel.
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    Hi guys. I'm between 5'11'' and 6' and currently weight abt 320. My top weight was in 2001 when I weighed in at 444lbs. I had gastric bypass that year and wound up losing half my bodyweight and got down to 222lbs. I kept it off pretty well for about 5 or 6 years but then I loast focus on keeping up my workouts and let 15 or 20lbs a year creep on until my 45th borthday when I weighed in at 341. I have decided that I've got to get back on track and work to make sure my lifestyle changes are permanent this time. I'm hoping to get back down to around 220 or 230lbs and make sure a bigger percentage of that weight is muscle.
  • I'm in, 6'6" 320-325 depending if I weighed myself before or after lunch. :)
    Creeping up to my 41st
  • Doesn't seem to be a super active group (as far as posts go), but I'll jump in, too.

    I'm 38 years old, 6'6", currently 305 lbs or so.. down about 15 from this time 3 weeks ago..
    I got in the 300+ lb club a few years ago, and, in 2009, managed to drop from around 315 down to just under 240.. even managed to run a full marathon that year.. but I met my goals, and didn't make it a lifestyle change, and have crept back up since.. This time is different.. not "dieting", just eating less and moving more as a lifestyle.

  • Whats good everyone, , Name big Josh., Also go by BIG BUBBLE,26 yrs old 6'2 358 lbs, new to myfitnesspal, made the choice last night after I tried out for a semi-pro football team, did well in tryout,, coach called me last night and asked to lose 43 pounds by may 5th. im glad to be new to this group, and happy that there is this group, cuz skinny ppl telling me how to lose weight makes me want to smack them with a turkey sandwich.
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    We understand ;) Welcome Josh