Daily Chat Thread



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm home! Finally...I feel like BLAH...and I can't go back to the gym for another month but I can do some things..I will hike and eat clean and get ready to start NR again when kids go to school....maybe sooner since I found a 13 year old nearby who babysits! I need to get my finances back on track from this trip..the wedding was great but financially draining as you can imagine...I know I've gained fat in the middle and I hate it...I fit my smallest shorts before I left...I'm not even going to look at them now..just moving forward with the clean eating plan and the exercise...I'm in charge of the food now...finally...
    This is exactly what I'm doing. I traveled and visited family for two weeks and I just need to acknowledge that I've gained a little weight. I cut my calories a bit and just keep reminding myself that I will be fine.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Breeze and Runz, I feel ya! After 3 weeks of loosely logging to eat at maintenance, I'm still feeling that "bloat" that you get when you're not eating the way you "normally" do. But it's probably mostly water weight and will soon be gone. I'm down all but 1 lb from my lowest weight and that's just 5 days of eating at a small deficit. At least you enjoyed yourselves?

    Beeps, I don't drink, but I'm tempted to start now, LOL. Yay for losses!

    Runz, you need to buy some bubble wrap for DH! Ouch! Hopefully it all heals quickly.

    Sam, that's a great game!

    Craftymom, welcome!!! Glad that you've found what works for you! I wish you could talk my family members. They all seem to think that since they're in their 40s, they can't do anything strenuous or "heavy".

    My glutes and hamstrings are still screaming from Thursday's workout. Today will be 2 sets of 20 reps of step-ups, DB bench press (I may do push-ups instead), DLs (ridiculous, really!), and two point row.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Afternoon ladies.

    Even though it is a Saturday, I made it to the gym! YAY ME!

    Welcome Crafty! the only soap I've made is bar soap to liquid soap. Didn't turn out well. I love the handmade soaps I see at fairs and gift shops.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I recorded today! Yay me! I feel better after just eating well yesterday and the wheat had to go again of course...I actually got for a walk with my cousin...bribed my kids to go along with me with ice cream..lol

    I love my kids but my youngest just doesn't cooperate on long walks. Sigh.

    Anyway I feel better already..had fresh fish for supper that my husband caught...cod..delicious. with a big salad.

    I am tired though..didn't sleep well. More water and things will be perfect today.

    Goal is to log my food again at least, get the exercise when I can and start NR the minute the kids go back to school and do the entire program start to finish....maintain until then.

    God it's good to be back and feeling healthy.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sounds like a good plan Breeze.

    i was just stopped in he store. The guy, stops, looks at me, says, "Hey, did you get to the gym today?" Don't recognize him, but I assume he goes to my gym. "Nope, not today." I smile and respond. "Ok well have a nice night."

    WTH was that? An attempt at a come on something? Though it's nice to be recognized.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I blew up MFP with all my calories today. Two homemade cupcakes and two glasses of homemade Sangria. What can I say.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    I had a terrible weekend eating-wise. Figured it might be TOM on the horizon, but that usually doesn't affect me too badly. This weekend, though, I didn't bother logging and just "went with it". And, imagine this, NOW I FEEL LIKE CRAP.


    Anyway, I'm reining it ALL back in for the next 2 weeks....can't do the "high days/low days" thing in order to succeed (for me)....so, for 2 weeks, I'm just going to eat the exact same amount of (lower) calories, every single day. Get my work-outs in. Get MORE sleep.

    And then, it's vacation-time....THEN I can "indulge" a little bit. But, not until then. I HATE FEELING LIKE CRAP!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, that's very odd. But I'd take it as a compliment. I definitely wouldn't mind being recognized as a "gym rat"....or weight room rat.


    Beeps, hope you can hit your food goals. Weekends are just hard. Ever since I was 13 and put myself on a 1200 cal diet, I'd let myself "cheat" on Sundays. Never have overcome that mindset.

    Lifted this morning. Only 1 more A&B workout in Hypertrophy I. I got in 2 sets of 155lb hip thrusts and did American DLs instead of RDLs for my complexes. My glutes are already sore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    chubby - what's after "hypertrophy"? Your stats look VERY good! Congrats!

    I think I usually like Saturday as my "not loggin' it" day because i usually do about 75 minutes of scheduled cardio. These last 2 weeks - nada (scheduling conflicts!), yet I still ate like a banshee. No bueno.

    I got my lifting in-and-done, today. Have only had 400 calories so far, so if I time my 225 calorie protein shake right, this afternoon, I'll have a decent supper, for sure!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hypertrophy II, III, & IV. Then it's Strength and Power I, II, & III. Each stage lasts roughly a month, so it looks like I'll be doing this for a while.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Cowgirl, I can't look at your diary! I open it up and you eat like a bazillion calories and yet you are losing weight! AWESOME That being said, what 1200 calorie mindset do you have ?:wink:

    Sam, yeah, I'd take it as a "he remembers me." We live in such a small town people have said that to me a few times.

    Runz, go running! I totally understand. Friday and Saturday I blew up MFP too. But back on track Sunday .

    Beeps, I feel your yuckiness . Friday night we went to a baseball game and had seats in a suite. FREE food too. hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, dips, chips, cookies, brownies, ice cream, etc But it happens. It's life. You have proved you can do this. LOOK at your awesome bod!

    I made it to the gym early today. Shoulders and back today. Tomorrow arms , legs, and abs---- my favorite day to workout. It is working on those problem areas. :smile:
  • ilovekc2
    ilovekc2 Posts: 10 Member
    anyone else feel like the workouts are too easy?! i barely even break a sweat while doing them. Will probably go back to the gym at 9 to do the workout i did this morning again.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    kc2, are you just beginning? If so, focus on form and increase your weights as you can. Stage 2 isn't so easy . Once you get to the Body weight Matrix in stage 3 :laugh: :laugh: . Pardon me. :flowerforyou: Many of us have been there. We thought the same thing. I finished the program last September. I started it back up a few months ago and yes, stage 1 seems easy. Stage 2 kicked my butt.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm outrageously exhausted from our day at Six Flags. Highlight of the day, My six-year-old road El Torro, the biggest fastest woody in North AMerica, for the first time :) I'll catch y'all tomorrow.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Manic, I was just referring to the mindset that I can "diet" all week and then eat whatever I want on weekends. It doesn't work too well when my deficit isn't too much to begin with. I can easily destroy a full weeks' deficit in one day if I don't watch. I am figuring out its better for me to have a slight deficit everyday than to save calories and "allow" a "cheat"(aka binge) day. And FWIW, I eat a ton because I just have so much to do that I am constantly moving! I'm looking forward to a ladies weekend with my church this Friday and Saturday. I will get to relax and not be so busy.

    KC, increase your weights! As long as youre confident with your FORM , you should feel like you're really working and that you *need* a rest between sets. Like Manic said, they get much more intense in later stages. Welcome!
  • ilovekc2
    ilovekc2 Posts: 10 Member
    ahhh that would explain why! yes I am just on week two. I have been adding weight increasingly each time! thanks for the input
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ahhh that would explain why! yes I am just on week two. I have been adding weight increasingly each time! thanks for the input

    You are welcome!

    AND WELCOME. we all love to lift and will graciously share what we know first hand or what works for us. Really focus on your form in this stage and steadily increase your weights without sacrificing form. IN a few short weeks, you will be amazed how strong you are.
  • CraftymominIL
    CraftymominIL Posts: 6 Member
    I did stage 1 A5 Tuesday and I am still sore. All over. In a good way ;) I've really been trying to increase the weight. Going three sets now is good. I used 20# dumbbells for just about everything. I work out at home so no machines. I think I'm ready to use hubby's 45# bar for the squats. It was too heavy for me at first. Also, I'm so excited about how my push ups are progressing. So close to being on the floor!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I lifted weights yesterday morning but I missed my run last night. Why? Well, you see, I met a friend for lunch and that turned into an entire afternoon of drinking, bar hopping, swearing and laughing :laugh: Today, I'm going to Splash Town and will be doing EVERYTHING with two li'l boys! :glasses: I also lost two pounds since yesterday. I say we all drink more! :drinker:

    Crafty, it's so great to see you jumping in with both feet! I always feel like I don't lift as heavy as everyone else but I've been doing traditional push ups from the start. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Like everyone else said, just keep checking form and your body will let you know when it's time to increase the weights. Also, sometimes the 5lbs increase is too much and I just do whatever reps I can, even if it's only 7 or 8. Log it and keep going!

    Sam, that's so exciting about the roller coaster! My 7 year old went on his first one back in April and was a wee bit traumatized :laugh: He tried another one a few weeks ago and thought it was awesome! I was with him and I was all "*kitten* just got real" and screamed my head off the entire time :laugh: He was a champ and I love listening to him talk about it.

    I've been making it a point to take my rest time in Stage 2. I power clean my house in those 75 seconds. It's awesome! :glasses:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Crafty, great job!

    Runz, awesome on the 2lb loss.

    About to head to the gym. Super sore from shoulder/ back workout yesterday. I am not sure if I can lift anything with my arms.