Stage 1



  • speakyword
    speakyword Posts: 6 Member
    Yep. Loooots of stretching. A good deep stretch immediately after and more stretching on rest days and whenever you feel tense. I use tiger balm if I've got a particularly tight muscle. The heat/cold really helps to release the tension. If it's really bugging you take an ibuprophen before bed to reduce inflammation and help you get a good night sleep. Also, drink loooots of water. Make sure you move around a bit on your rest days. Even a gentle walk will help.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I just did my last workout for stage 1, save my AMRAP that I will do in two days. I feel great and strong. I am very excited to go into stage 2.

    Here are my strength gains:

    Squats: 75 - 115
    Dead lifts: 75-115
    Seated Row: 50 - 70
    Wide Lat pull down: 50 - 67.5
    Should press: 15 - 25 (db in ea hand)
    Step ups 15 - 30 (db in ea hand)

    Annamerick - see you in Stage 2! Hope to see the rest of you ladies there :-) I haven't seen the scale move much, but my husband says he is seeing changes, so I take that as a good sign.
    Sorry, just saw your post. Great results from Stage 1! did you start stage 2 yet? I didn't take a rest week because i'm going on vacation in a week, so I wanted to push through and finish stage 2 and then rest. I'll be doing Wkout A-3 tomorrow.
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    I have been lurking here for a couple of weeks seeing how you guys are doing. Just decided to post.

    I finished stage 1 yesterday! I finished it in just over two weeks. It seems too soon for a rest week, but I am trusting the program. I will stick with yoga and tai chi this week - maybe a little walking. I took beginning measurements, but am waiting until the end of stage 2 to measure again.

    I have survived with no injuries, but I am having to stretch more on my off days to loosen up by back and neck. I have been wearing my heart rate monitor and have recently read that it is not accurate for weight lifting. I should be able to wear it for my HIIT right? I love seeing how many calories I burn.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Ok. Today is my designated lifting day (tues and thursday for now)... and I forgot my book at home and I'm starting the third week where everything is 12 reps. So I was wondering how many Jackknifes I should do... because 12 doesn't seem like enough as it's without any weights outside of body weight. And there is no way I can do the advanced at the moment.
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    Today I realized I am not the sharpest crayon in the box. I was reading up about Stage 2 and figured out why I "completed" Stage 1 in a little over two weeks - I completely skipped the last two rounds of three sets of 10 and three sets of 8! There I was thinking that I am such a wimp because I am no where near to what you other Stage 1 ladies are lifting.

    Soooo . . . . I am going to start my second half of Stage 1 today.
  • ashley11scott
    ashley11scott Posts: 63 Member
    how do you learn what weight to start with iv never lifted heavy before but i think im pretty strong dont knwo how to fingar it out really?
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Started stage 1 today. I could only do wall push ups and couldn't manage a prone jackknife because the ball kept falling from under me, but I'm going to ask my personal trainer about that and hopefully do better on those for my next lifting day.

    I'm still on embarrassingly light weights but at least it's heavier than when I started doing strength training three weeks ago. I'm looking forward to the outcomes of this program.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Ok, I am doing this at home and don't have a bar.
    I am using dumb bells.

    I am in week seven of stage one and my weight numbers are still really low.

    I am doing 25lbs (12.5 each hand for most of the exercises)
    and just went from 35 lbs of step ups on regular step to 20pounds stepping up to a weight bench.

    Should I repeat stage 1 and increase my weight or go ahead and move to stage 2?
  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    Hi gals.
    I've got only one more workout left in stage one aside from AMRAPs, but I'm not seeing the progress that I want. I've gained 4 pounds! I think this has to be due to diet, although I've been tracking everything. I eat out a lot for lunch so the estimates could be way off.

    Measurements have dropped an inch at the waist and gained an inch at the thighs. Plus a half inch at the hips. So that is kind strange unless I am bad at measuring.


    Today's workout A was (versus starting weights)
    Squat 45lb -> 75lb 8x3
    Seated Row 40lb -> 75lb 8x3
    Step Ups 10lb -> 25lb 8x3
    Jackknife 15x3
    Pushups 8x3 (went from 45 degree angle to about 30 degrees)
    Then I add two planks at :60 and a side plank on each side of :60. Then 2-3 intervals of 1 min on and off treadmill at 7mph/2mph. I have avoided any other cardio like the plague.

    Any eating tips or other inspiration? I am discouraged, although I still love the lifting and love the feeling of getting stronger. Hubby has said I look more cut in the arms and shoulders.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    how do you learn what weight to start with iv never lifted heavy before but i think im pretty strong dont knwo how to fingar it out really?

    It's really hard to say, everyone is different. You just need to start somewhere and adjust from there. If you get through your reps easily then add weight the next time, if you can't get through the reps then go down.
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    today I saw a lady at the gym who was doing the jacknifes with a push-up added into each rep! She was a badassss! I told her so too. :happy:
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    today I saw a lady at the gym who was doing the jacknifes with a push-up added into each rep! She was a badassss! I told her so too. :happy:

    OMG! Every time a do jackknives I thank the Goddess I am not in a gym where people can see my dismount! I can't imagine throwing a push up in there!
  • rnd789
    rnd789 Posts: 50 Member

    OMG! Every time a do jackknives I thank the Goddess I am not in a gym where people can see my dismount! I can't imagine throwing a push up in there!

    I agree! The dismount is never pretty.
  • SteppyRohr
    SteppyRohr Posts: 37 Member
    Question. I am in Stage 1 and getting ready to start Workout 4. I have been doing the workouts 3 times a week. Once I finish week 4 and am ready for the AMRAP rounds how many times do I do the workouts? Bonus workout 1 once? How many days until I do the before the 2nd bonus workout? I apologize if I am asking a repeat question but I've not figured the answer out yet. Thanks!
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    Question. I am in Stage 1 and getting ready to start Workout 4. I have been doing the workouts 3 times a week. Once I finish week 4 and am ready for the AMRAP rounds how many times do I do the workouts? Bonus workout 1 once? How many days until I do the before the 2nd bonus workout? I apologize if I am asking a repeat question but I've not figured the answer out yet. Thanks!

    If you are doing three workouts per week, stage one will take 6 weeks to finish. I am over halfway through with stage one. I plan to do the bonus AMRAP workouts once each (with a rest day in between) and then take a recovery week. The bonus AMRAP workouts are to show you how much strength you have gained by lifting at your original weight.
  • ashley11scott
    ashley11scott Posts: 63 Member
    I am starting this program THIS sunday Sept 1, 2013

    - how did you warm up before workouts?
    -how do i know what weight to start with and not under or over do it?
    - form ....I booked personal trainer but apt not until sept 9th
    -should I even couldnt the first workout? or just sum it to learnign curve
    -any tips for me?
    -what before after pics did you do, measurments will be done by my new gym.

    Thansk everyone supre pumped and scared!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey ladies, THis is my second time through. I finished 4W last Summer and have done ABS and LIFE since then. I decided to do 4W again since it gave me the best results though I do it a little different using what I learned from the other books. (I do ab work first and added a "Power" move and metabolic work to every workout) So far it's going great. I'm loosing fat again and I haven't done that in a while.

    That being said, I've been heavy lifting for 21 months, so think of my numbers as what you will be able to do when your done. If you go back to the earlier threads for stage one, you could see for yourself that started Stage 1 the first time with Extremely light weights, and just before that I could only do body weight exercises.

    My A workout looks like this:
    ABS: Prone JAcknife 2x12
    Power: box jumps 2x8
    Squat: 2x12@100
    push-ups: 2x12 military
    Seated row 2x12@70
    Step up: 2x12@50 (Using 2 25lb plates for weight)
    Metabolic: KB Swings 10 min. sets of 16
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok, I am doing this at home and don't have a bar.
    I am using dumb bells.

    I am in week seven of stage one and my weight numbers are still really low.

    I am doing 25lbs (12.5 each hand for most of the exercises)
    and just went from 35 lbs of step ups on regular step to 20pounds stepping up to a weight bench.

    Should I repeat stage 1 and increase my weight or go ahead and move to stage 2?
    Keep going, you'll come back to these exercise later and you will be shocked at how much you can lift by then :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    OMG! Every time a do jackknives I thank the Goddess I am not in a gym where people can see my dismount! I can't imagine throwing a push up in there!

    I agree! The dismount is never pretty.
    Oh man I remember doing these the first few times. Hell I still Hide in the corner of the gym when I do them. On the last push back, bring one foot down quick. You can practice by holding a push up position on your living room floor with your feet up on something like the couch, coffee table or ottoman.
  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone! New to this program and to lifting. Looking for some more friends and motivation if you want to add me!