August C25K challenge



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was due to run on Sat (W4D3). I was looking forward to it. Then i LET life get in the way. This is me taking responsibility for not running. As for Sunday, there were NO excuses. NONE. I just didn't do it.
    It's Monday, lots of obligations to others today. But I AM GOING TO RUN today. I am making myself this promise. For my benefit. I am worthy of a reward.... my reward is C25K. Time to myself, time to compete against my self and my blerch.

    Love it! Just remember that running is versatile and can be many things. Don't be afraid to change it up a little bit to get it all in.
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    Phew!! Completed W5D3! It really is a mind over matter! On to week 6! Have to travel out of town for a family wedding, but have already reached out for places to complete my run while I am there. The wedding is in beautiful West there are plenty of places to get it done!
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I'm about to start, hopefully tonight!

    I tried doing C25K about 18 months ago. Got through the second week and then I tripped down my stairs, sprained my ankle and didn't pick C25K up again.

    Now I actually have a reason to start - I'm signing up for a 10km obstacle course. So I need to work on my running as well as strength.

    Looking at the intervals, I think I could manage starting on week 2. but should I just start at the beginning and see how I go? ho hum.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Start at the beginning. It'll be more fun and finishing a week early isn't going to make you that much more advanced.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I guess you're right - I have about 3 months until the course, which should be more than enough time to complete C25K & (hopefully) continue beyond it.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Completed w4d1 tonight! I was pretty excited that I finished both 5 minute runs without stopping. (And without any ankle pain!) As usual, the last half was faster than the first. Somehow I always get a second wind when I pass that stroller over to my husband. :) Looking forward to Wednesday's run already....
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    Completed W6D1 last I had read several post that people had difficulty with week 6 after they cmpleted W5D3...and I have to say, I struggled. Even my husband commented that he had not seen me struggle like that since week 3. Is it just the first interval day after the long run or will it continue to be hard from here on out???
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Nice work everyone!

    I just did W4D2 and thought I had kept the same pace as during D1, but instead I reached the finishing point of the last running interval with one more minute to go - and ran up a hill as a result. Was totally beat afterwards.
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    W4D3 DONE!
    Ha! despite kids, obligations, and rain ( I waited out the rain).....Take that you ugly blerch!
    I even ran an extra 2.5 min into the cooldown just to set myself up for "I AM ready for week 5"!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Completed W6D1 last I had read several post that people had difficulty with week 6 after they cmpleted W5D3...and I have to say, I struggled. Even my husband commented that he had not seen me struggle like that since week 3. Is it just the first interval day after the long run or will it continue to be hard from here on out???

    It's that one interval. Then you're in to straight runs and sooo grateful for it. Week 7 can have a bit of a bump, but 8 and 9 are usually terrific.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    W4D3 DONE!
    Ha! despite kids, obligations, and rain ( I waited out the rain).....Take that you ugly blerch!
    I even ran an extra 2.5 min into the cooldown just to set myself up for "I AM ready for week 5"!

    Great job! No excuses!!!
  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    I am doing W1D3 tonight, after finally making it to this point. I have tried C25K but always gave up and have never made it past W1D1. This time I did it on a track, and started slow. 30 sec runs, then increasing to 45 second runs, now doing 1 min runs :D
    Next week I am moving onto 90 second runs... eek! If I can't do it I will drop back and do 75 second runs instead. But at least I am making progress and I refuse to give up!

    My starting weight was 240
    current weight is 214
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I am doing W1D3 tonight, after finally making it to this point. I have tried C25K but always gave up and have never made it past W1D1. This time I did it on a track, and started slow. 30 sec runs, then increasing to 45 second runs, now doing 1 min runs :D
    Next week I am moving onto 90 second runs... eek! If I can't do it I will drop back and do 75 second runs instead. But at least I am making progress and I refuse to give up!

    My starting weight was 240
    current weight is 214

    I was at least 215 when I started. How fast are you running?
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I am doing W1D3 tonight, after finally making it to this point. I have tried C25K but always gave up and have never made it past W1D1. This time I did it on a track, and started slow. 30 sec runs, then increasing to 45 second runs, now doing 1 min runs :D
    Next week I am moving onto 90 second runs... eek! If I can't do it I will drop back and do 75 second runs instead. But at least I am making progress and I refuse to give up!

    My starting weight was 240
    current weight is 214

    Good job working through the week. Don't think too much about the increases! It is totally doable if you run slow enough! Most of us run too fast in the beginning and when we learn we can jog at a snail pace, it totally becomes doable! Running doesn't have to be fast. You just have to complete the motions. Speed will come later! ;-)
  • jmm083
    jmm083 Posts: 28 Member

    I think the only way I finsihed W5D3 was by taking the advice of the many wise posters here that say SLOW DOWN! You will feel a lot better if you finish, no matter how slow you are going, then to have to quit because you are going too fast. I think we all think we can't go slower but until we are actually standing still, we can still go slower :-)
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Completed W5D2 this morning. I didn't feel great & I'm nervous for D3 but hoping for great things. My Dad was visiting so I hadn't been eating great and I still have Shingles (although it's better than last week). I'm very proud of myself for running, no excuses! (not even shingles!) Wish me luck for Thursday's 20 min run!!!!:ohwell:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Completed W5D2 this morning. I didn't feel great & I'm nervous for D3 but hoping for great things. My Dad was visiting so I hadn't been eating great and I still have Shingles (although it's better than last week). I'm very proud of myself for running, no excuses! (not even shingles!) Wish me luck for Thursday's 20 min run!!!!:ohwell:

    you will kick its butt!
  • addiec1
    addiec1 Posts: 101 Member
    Week 4 Day 3 is complete, now its time to move on to week 5. I'm scared and excited.
  • EmilyM_1986
    Hey everyone!

    I made it through Week 5 Day 3 on Sunday - that dreaded 20 minute run wasn't as bad as I expected!

    I start week 6 tonight, I'm actually really surprised at how quickly the weeks seem to fly past, I mean week 6 already??!!

    Just a quick question, sometimes when run I feel my shins start to ache. I wouldn't say it's painful, just achey. Anyway the last couple of days, every now and then it feels like the front of my shin goes sort of numb, like a cold feeling inside. It doesn't hurt at all, but it feels weird. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    I'm not sure if maybe it's my body getting used to the exercise or if I should look at changing my running shoes.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I made it through Week 5 Day 3 on Sunday - that dreaded 20 minute run wasn't as bad as I expected!

    I start week 6 tonight, I'm actually really surprised at how quickly the weeks seem to fly past, I mean week 6 already??!!

    Just a quick question, sometimes when run I feel my shins start to ache. I wouldn't say it's painful, just achey. Anyway the last couple of days, every now and then it feels like the front of my shin goes sort of numb, like a cold feeling inside. It doesn't hurt at all, but it feels weird. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    I'm not sure if maybe it's my body getting used to the exercise or if I should look at changing my running shoes.

    CONGRATS!!!!! Nice to hear it wasn't as bad as you thought! My day 3 is tomorrow so I was really happy to see your post. Sorry I can't answer your question!