
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Wow, you guys are doing great! I'm at 3.9 miles - so crossing the Great Road from the Brandywine Bridge getting close to Tookland.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member case you forget....Ho! Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo! By water, wood and hill, by the reed and willow, By fire, sun and moon, harken now and hear us! Come, Tom Bombadil, for our need is near us!
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Mile 23.02. Road rolls up and down.

  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey ByrdieBee! Thought that was you up ahead. :)
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Mile 51.37
    We've reached a belt of trees, mostly oaks with a few elms and ash. Drops of rain fall.

  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    You're moving right along! Have you seen Byrdiebee? I'm afraid the barrow wights have her!!!!!
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    I caught a quick glimpse of her a while back but I'm not sure I can catch up. Fear not, Jaessa. She's getting so strong now that I'm sure she can fight off those wights if need be.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    (Day 12, 13, 14, 15)
    total 12.07 miles

    followed road Woody End of River. Stop Eat and Rest. Back on the road. BLACK RIDER!
    Sam and Pippin hide in hollow and Frodo behind tree. Threw rock. Take lane through
    a wood of Ancient Oaks. Creep inside huge tree. Eat and Rest.

    420.38 miles to go

    Finally got around to posting past week+'s miles
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    10.5 miles now. Hobbiton hidden as slopes rise and fall.

    I'm starting to feel homesick already, or maybe just hungry - supper soon when I can find some trees to rest under.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    All that walking does have a tendency to make a Hobbit hungry!
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Mile 97.64
    Stopped by Old Man Willow to rest (ca. 5:30). Rescued by Tom Bombadil (ca. 6:00 p.m.).
    Nearing Tom Bombadil's house. Stars are out (ca. 7 p.m.).

  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Mile 15.5

    I've Reached Stock Road and Begin to sing. Walk through a deeply cloven track between tall trees.
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Mile 150.7
    Headed east. Ground dropping slowly. Quiet and peaceful.

  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Eldee, you caught up to me and passed me while I lingered with Tom!

    Mile 133-on the East road headed to Bree.

    Hello, Cali, glad to see you on the road as well!
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Mile 136- I reached Bree and met Strider. Now I'm walking with Strider!!!!!! *swoons*
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Byrdie, that was so rude of me to pass without stopping to say hello. Hope our paths cross again soon so I can make it up to you with some good fellowship.

    Hi, Cali! :)
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Guys!

    I'm now at 23 - Road rolls up and down.
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Mile 144- ON a 5 mile trek to CHetwood, No living things all day. :~(
  • libby2208
    libby2208 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm feeling very motivated, and have covered 7.5 miles already :)

    Currently, I'm looking back at the lights of Hobbiton from the first slopes of the Green Hill Country. Hopefully, I'll be having my frugal supper in a birch grove by days end :)
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Mile 178.41
    Have entered western edge of Midgewater Marshes. Will set up camp soon.
