August C25K challenge



  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I made it through Week 5 Day 3 on Sunday - that dreaded 20 minute run wasn't as bad as I expected!

    I start week 6 tonight, I'm actually really surprised at how quickly the weeks seem to fly past, I mean week 6 already??!!

    Just a quick question, sometimes when run I feel my shins start to ache. I wouldn't say it's painful, just achey. Anyway the last couple of days, every now and then it feels like the front of my shin goes sort of numb, like a cold feeling inside. It doesn't hurt at all, but it feels weird. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    I'm not sure if maybe it's my body getting used to the exercise or if I should look at changing my running shoes.

    Way to go with doing the 20min run - you're sure to finish now!

    The shin splint pain is something I had in the early weeks but since I got my new springy trail running shoes, I haven't even had a twinge so if your shoes have lost their bounce it could be that? I'm sure someone more experienced will be able to cast a bit more light on it but that's what worked for me :)
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I did W1D1 yesterday

    It was SO much harder than I expected. I think because I didn't really eat much all day before I started (bit of fruit and yoghurt) so I was running on body fat fuel instead of food-energy.

    I'll make sure to be better prepared tomorrow for D2.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    I did W1D1 yesterday

    It was SO much harder than I expected. I think because I didn't really eat much all day before I started (bit of fruit and yoghurt) so I was running on body fat fuel instead of food-energy.

    I'll make sure to be better prepared tomorrow for D2.

    at least you got it in and now you know what to do tomorrow! :D great job! don't forget to drink a fair amount of water throughout the day too to keep hydrated.

    just slammed w5d2 :D:D adrenaline high, I'm so happy I am starting to actually enjoy running (a bit) :)
  • I have just started today. W1D1 - so much fun! it was so easy for me, and i thought i would get at least a small stitch, but nothing. :) I can't say i'm in shape, and in no condition to run more than the time it gives us to start with, but i am looking forward to the oncoming weeks.

    I started as soon as I woke up this morning, I grabbed a fruit shake, and left for the park. It was so cool and beautiful out there.
    My only wish is that i had a place to store my keys and my phone during the run.. Holding the phone was a little of a problem, and i had to lock my keys in my car and use the spare to get them out at the end.. but these are minor problems, nothing will stop me from completing this!

    My start weight is 134-135 lbs
    I am also trying to do weight training, working on my upper body. (my arms are really feeling the burn today..)
    this running is going to be my only cardio at the moment, i don't have time for much else. this should tone the legs, i assume..
    and everything else will fall into place.

    can you all tell me how you log this into the counter?
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    I have just started today.

    can you all tell me how you log this into the counter?

    I use Endomondo (, also an app on droid/apple) and linked it to my account so that it automatically imports my exercise but if you don't do that, you can average your speed and put that with your time in under "Exercise" :)

    Also, if you're looking to tone your legs, you should add squats in with your weight training. And I would look for some kind of shorts or leggings that have pockets or that awesome pocket they hide in the back waistband - amazing for keys! They also have some tops that have zipped pockets on them to hold your goods. Good luck :)
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    W5D3 !!!!!!!!!!! COMPLETED!!!!!! NO WALKING!!!!!!! YEAH ME! :drinker: Can you tell I'm pleased? I was more than a little worried, it's been since my early 20's since I've ran that long. I definitely freaked myself out for the past few days but I kept telling myself that quitting wasn't an option..maybe if I puked then I'd walk. Well I never got close to puking and I did just fine. Super slow but I did it!:tongue:
  • Hello all!
    Never thought to look on here for C25K... :)
    I also completed WK5 R3 today and completed 20 mins of running without walking. To be honest, I'm a little down about it... I stupidly set 'map my run' for the first time to work out my distance and I only ran 1.18 miles... I expected much more than that... Worried this is going to put me off emotionally... Feeling incredibly slow, overweight (currently dieting) and a bit deflated after being so happy with myself for doing this.
    Any advice would be much appreciated!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Hello all!
    Never thought to look on here for C25K... :)
    I also completed WK5 R3 today and completed 20 mins of running without walking. To be honest, I'm a little down about it... I stupidly set 'map my run' for the first time to work out my distance and I only ran 1.18 miles... I expected much more than that... Worried this is going to put me off emotionally... Feeling incredibly slow, overweight (currently dieting) and a bit deflated after being so happy with myself for doing this.
    Any advice would be much appreciated!

    Don't be discouraged! Could you have ran for 20 minutes straight when you started? Have you gotten stronger? Are you losing weight? It's not about how fast you finish, it's about finishing!!!! Very few things are accomplished over night and I think your doing great! I did W5D3 today I haven't driven my route yet to see how far I went but I traveled the exact same distance I do when I walk I basically run & walk at the same pace but that's ok. I may be slower than a stampede of turtles running through peanut butter but 5 weeks ago I wouldn't have even tried running 20 minutes with turtles:tongue:
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    I just read through the pages of updates that I missed. You guys are amazing - congrats on all of your progress!

    The Blerg caught up to our family last night... it even got to Little Man! As we were driving towards the pool (hubby & I had already bailed on the planned run then swim idea) he started going "no... no.... NO! NO! NOOOOOO! [I informed him we weren't going for a run] n-... OH! [silence]" :laugh: His reaction was priceless & pretty much summed up how we all felt last night.

    So now, we have all had a two day break. Time to get back to it - w4d2 tonight! As another poster said, NO EXCUSES!
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    I'm in! I completed w2d3 last night. For those who didn't read it on the other thread, I'm doing this as a family thing. Hubby and I are going through the program together, pushing our son (who will be 3 next month) in the stroller. We started with a week zero - brisk walks on a local trail. It gave us a chance to get to know the trail a bit & get a feel for pushing Little Man in his stroller on the trail. Took us 2 days to decide that we needed a stroller upgrade. lol Thank you Kijiji! :happy:

    As for the stats: I'm 33, 5'2 & currently 211-ish. There is a color run/walk happening in my city at the end of September and we will be in it! That is my motivation and reward for sticking with the program. Yes, we may have to walk some, but it will be so much fun!

    I would love to add anyone who wants to compare notes and encouragement. Feel free to add me.

    How does it go with your stroller? I have 2 boys, almost 4 (but 19% for weight so he really is probably more like most 2 1/2 to 3 year olds) and a 20 month old. We have a double jogging stroller. My husband pushes it on the days he goes with me. But I have never pushed it running. I either run on days when I have someone to watch the boys or have my husband to push the boys. I'm scared that I won't be able to run at all while pushing them but I guess maybe I should just give it a try.

    I'm sorry I missed your question about the stroller, Addiec1. My son is also small for his age, (I think he is just a little over 30 lbs) and our stroller weighs 30 as well. My biggest complaint is that I don't get to move my arms enough. Our trail has a lot of people & pets, twists & turns, and little hills to navigate. A lot of people push one handed but, unless I'm on a straight stretch, I just don't feel comfortable doing it. That said, running with a stroller is really not as hard as you would think.. I find it pretty easy to push and turn so it doesn't really feel like I'm pushing around an extra 60 lbs. Of course, you feel it more on the hills, even the little ones, but it is manageable. I'm 210 lbs and push the stroller for half of every run & Hubby takes the second half.

    You mentioned that your husband pushes them if you run together, maybe you could take turns until you get used to it. That way you could build up to it before trying to take them out solo. If nothing else, it definitely encourages a girl to run slower & build up that endurance! lol
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    "I had no idea where in the programme that little hill would appear and of course it arrived right after the first 3-minute run was supposed to start. I took a deep breath, looked up at it, told myself I'd give it a shot before deciding I can't do it - and conquered the blasted thing. When I started the 3-minute walk, a spontaneous laugh bubbled up and I found myself patting a shoulder, too. I kept smiling all through that walk and the 90-second jogging. "

    WooHoo!!! Congratulations! You must be feeling great! It's a wonderful feeling to conquer a hill. Way to go! You're very much on your way now. Nothing can hold you back.

    Plexgut already said everything perfectly, but I just wanted to add my congratulations. Way to go, AglaeaC! I'm so glad you told yourself to give it a shot, now when you start to have doubts you can look back and remind yourself that you already did it!
  • ladytrixibelle
    ladytrixibelle Posts: 22 Member
    Did week 6 day 1 yesterday after an almost two week break (went on holidays). I'm pretty surprised that I actually managed it and that it wasn't as strenuous as I thought it'd be! I'm feeling good.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm in! I completed w2d3 last night. For those who didn't read it on the other thread, I'm doing this as a family thing. Hubby and I are going through the program together, pushing our son (who will be 3 next month) in the stroller. We started with a week zero - brisk walks on a local trail. It gave us a chance to get to know the trail a bit & get a feel for pushing Little Man in his stroller on the trail. Took us 2 days to decide that we needed a stroller upgrade. lol Thank you Kijiji! :happy:

    As for the stats: I'm 33, 5'2 & currently 211-ish. There is a color run/walk happening in my city at the end of September and we will be in it! That is my motivation and reward for sticking with the program. Yes, we may have to walk some, but it will be so much fun!

    I would love to add anyone who wants to compare notes and encouragement. Feel free to add me.

    How does it go with your stroller? I have 2 boys, almost 4 (but 19% for weight so he really is probably more like most 2 1/2 to 3 year olds) and a 20 month old. We have a double jogging stroller. My husband pushes it on the days he goes with me. But I have never pushed it running. I either run on days when I have someone to watch the boys or have my husband to push the boys. I'm scared that I won't be able to run at all while pushing them but I guess maybe I should just give it a try.

    I'm sorry I missed your question about the stroller, Addiec1. My son is also small for his age, (I think he is just a little over 30 lbs) and our stroller weighs 30 as well. My biggest complaint is that I don't get to move my arms enough. Our trail has a lot of people & pets, twists & turns, and little hills to navigate. A lot of people push one handed but, unless I'm on a straight stretch, I just don't feel comfortable doing it. That said, running with a stroller is really not as hard as you would think.. I find it pretty easy to push and turn so it doesn't really feel like I'm pushing around an extra 60 lbs. Of course, you feel it more on the hills, even the little ones, but it is manageable. I'm 210 lbs and push the stroller for half of every run & Hubby takes the second half.

    You mentioned that your husband pushes them if you run together, maybe you could take turns until you get used to it. That way you could build up to it before trying to take them out solo. If nothing else, it definitely encourages a girl to run slower & build up that endurance! lol

    I pushed a double stroller for some of the runs in the program. Also my first 5k. It can be done.

    One of the moms on the Happy Feet board suggested getting a dog leash and fastening it to the rear axle to act as a wrist strap. That way, if you fall, you don't bring it down on top of you. I haven't done this yet and have mostly switched to heading out by myself because the kiddos want to run too when we go together.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks :) And great job everyone! Keep pushing!

    I just finished W4 and when I arrived at that little hill I thought I could hit it from the other direction now, too, as I don't know what I was fussing about earlier :D It still feels in legs and lungs to get over it, but it's okay. I was slower than on D2, but I procrastinated yesterday and was close to not going out today either, so the calories burned are a victory in themselves. And I get to cross off yet another day from my list on the fridge!
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    w5d3 down! woohoo :) was a struggle. excited for the intervals to come back <3
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Congrats pinkstp, great job!

    Phew. It was almost a constant fight today during W5D1. I was acutely aware of my butt and thighs - and not in a good way. Ever have those moments when you feel this is almost too slow a change? I tried my best to lift my mood, but it didn't quite work, so I hope D2 will be better regardless of those eight-minute intervals. Upside is that I didn't stall again, but moved on immediately from week 4; have a feeling I'll have to either take breaks during W5D3 or retake it or something. First is D2 though.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Congrats pinkstp, great job!

    Phew. It was almost a constant fight today during W5D1. I was acutely aware of my butt and thighs - and not in a good way. Ever have those moments when you feel this is almost too slow a change? I tried my best to lift my mood, but it didn't quite work, so I hope D2 will be better regardless of those eight-minute intervals. Upside is that I didn't stall again, but moved on immediately from week 4; have a feeling I'll have to either take breaks during W5D3 or retake it or something. First is D2 though.

    You sound like you're going to be totally ready for Day 3, actually. Try engaging your core muscles and pushing your hips forward until they balance over your toes. It'll engage your glutes and give you a bit of a lean. You are just a few weeks away from "whose thighs are these?" and "where did that muscle come from?"
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Thanks :) And great job everyone! Keep pushing!

    I just finished W4 and when I arrived at that little hill I thought I could hit it from the other direction now, too, as I don't know what I was fussing about earlier :D It still feels in legs and lungs to get over it, but it's okay. I was slower than on D2, but I procrastinated yesterday and was close to not going out today either, so the calories burned are a victory in themselves. And I get to cross off yet another day from my list on the fridge!

    Good for you!!!! Any day you lace up your shoes and make it out of the house is a victory!:flowerforyou:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    W6D2 completed. My quads are sore today:frown: Not sure why. I do know that I have increased my speed somewhat from w5d3, maybe that's it. I laugh cause everyone says w5d3 was meant to slow you down to pace yourself better. I think it speeded me up....It gave me the confidence to know I could do it. With 22 minute run a day away I'm not half as nervous as I was for the 20 min run. I just needed to know it was possible. :tongue: I'm also ending my runs at the top of an incline instead of at the bottom (the joy of speeding up):ohwell:
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Congrats pinkstp, great job!

    Phew. It was almost a constant fight today during W5D1. I was acutely aware of my butt and thighs - and not in a good way. Ever have those moments when you feel this is almost too slow a change? I tried my best to lift my mood, but it didn't quite work, so I hope D2 will be better regardless of those eight-minute intervals. Upside is that I didn't stall again, but moved on immediately from week 4; have a feeling I'll have to either take breaks during W5D3 or retake it or something. First is D2 though.

    I heard that week 4 was the "struggle week" and that moving past it would be easier. I found it sort of the opposite. Week 4 had it's moments but week 5 was the hardest for me. Don't give up on yourself too quickly! I have been noticing more and more different pains or tweaks in my body so I hop on the treadmill for 5 minutes, get off and STRETCH stretch stretch! Then I get back on and start my official program (another 5 minute warm-up and then go! :D). Hope stretching helps you! As far as W5D3, don't be afraid to go really slow, the goal is to make it through 20 minutes, not SPEED through 20 minutes. Go at a pace that feels comfortable, adjust if you need to and then get your head set to the goal - you CAN do it, you can totally do it! I'm learning not to let the voice in my head tell me that I can't do it or that ending early isn't going to hurt me. It's also telling me to gorge on pizza. Gotta do what we can to shut that voice up ;) We're rooting for ya! :)