August C25K challenge



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks for cheering and advice! Sorry about the quads, Mamakat!

    I forgot to mention that two pieces of music in my podcast were the perfect tempo, so I have the task to find their beat now. I've noticed it has to be totally different from your leg work or exactly the same, but the "almost there" won't work for me. Have a strong sense of rhythm and the feet just have to move to the music like when dancing, so the slightly off drives me nuts. Didn't get it until today! Recognize this?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    W6D2 completed. My quads are sore today:frown: Not sure why. I do know that I have increased my speed somewhat from w5d3, maybe that's it. I laugh cause everyone says w5d3 was meant to slow you down to pace yourself better. I think it speeded me up....It gave me the confidence to know I could do it. With 22 minute run a day away I'm not half as nervous as I was for the 20 min run. I just needed to know it was possible. :tongue: I'm also ending my runs at the top of an incline instead of at the bottom (the joy of speeding up):ohwell:

    Week four is the slow-down week in my experience. Sore quads is probably a good thing.

    Tim posted some warm ups on here somewhere - I use a variation on the ones from the "Strong Runner" app. It was a few dollars to get all the info I needed, but I use it all the time. Makes all the difference in the world.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member - can type in almost anything and figure out the BPM and time it to your run! it's going to be the biggest tool I can use to transition me from the forced speed of a treadmill to outdoor running. song tempo and keeping up with it, that's how I know I'm doing it at my typical speed :)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member - can type in almost anything and figure out the BPM and time it to your run! it's going to be the biggest tool I can use to transition me from the forced speed of a treadmill to outdoor running. song tempo and keeping up with it, that's how I know I'm doing it at my typical speed :)
    I should know it by now; the internet has the answer to almost anything you can think of. Thank you so much!
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member - can type in almost anything and figure out the BPM and time it to your run! it's going to be the biggest tool I can use to transition me from the forced speed of a treadmill to outdoor running. song tempo and keeping up with it, that's how I know I'm doing it at my typical speed :)
    I should know it by now; the internet has the answer to almost anything you can think of. Thank you so much!

    no problem ;) good luck!
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Thanks for cheering and advice! Sorry about the quads, Mamakat!

    I forgot to mention that two pieces of music in my podcast were the perfect tempo, so I have the task to find their beat now. I've noticed it has to be totally different from your leg work or exactly the same, but the "almost there" won't work for me. Have a strong sense of rhythm and the feet just have to move to the music like when dancing, so the slightly off drives me nuts. Didn't get it until today! Recognize this?

    I heard is great for that. You can put in your pace and it will recommend songs for you that matches your bpm.

    Edit because my crazy computer posted before I finished typing!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks Skye, I just found it myself! Excited! I also found this little article:
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Oh yeah is great! And on you can also find stations / LONG compilations for BPM too :)

    Just finished W6D1, it was horrible. Whole day was horrible! Are we all on this AND the daily check in topic? I feel like I might be double posting and annoying everyone haha :) Whoops! <3
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Oh yeah is great! And on you can also find stations / LONG compilations for BPM too :)

    Just finished W6D1, it was horrible. Whole day was horrible! Are we all on this AND the daily check in topic? I feel like I might be double posting and annoying everyone haha :) Whoops! <3
    Congrats on surviving the day then! I just popped in once on the daily thread, but since I saw August first, I'm staying here for now.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Even if I had run in a hail storm, the sun would have come out on my face. After the first 8-minute run of W5D2 I cracked a permanent smile.

    Since I found the Robert Ullrey W3 podcast not-so-helpful what with three overlapping workouts, I downloaded the NHS one. Only when I was about to leave, I noticed that the iPod was dead, so whilst it was charging my mind wandered - and I forgot to start the exercise on the HRM. This I noticed a couple of minutes from home, when I had already done all the burning :D *shakes her head at herself*

    Midway in the 8-minute run Laura said that I had already run for 4 minutes, which I couldn't believe, so I just kept going until I heard "60 seconds left"; "Now already?" Haha, unbelievable right? Once the 5-minute walk began, the sun came out for the second time today. I'm still smiling!

    The second 8-minute run was a bit tougher toward the end, but part of it might be the fact that I've used the same finish line for quite some time, so the mind went from "oh it's okay" to "are we there yet?" in no time. I found flow and managed to keep if for about 14 minutes, which is a miracle in itself; I loved that feeling of not paying attention to the intervals but actually just *thinking* This is the first time that I've thought continuously other things than something running related.

    I also remembered what I read in an NHS article on running form; don't look down to the ground but keep your head "straight", don't swing the arms in angle to the direction you're running in but make them go in parallel with it (which supposedly helps propel you further) and keep the wrists loose (my right wrist tends to tense up a bit when I'm not paying attention). It amazes me how some people are running, though, as it can't be very good for their bodies.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Hi Ladies
    I can't wait to check out the music websites you guys talked about. Those sound awesome! I'm getting tired of my same iphone songs over and over!

    W6D3 completed. I was tired but nothing horrible. Quads were fine yesterday but tired today. I really need to step up my game on the "in-between" days. In the beginning I was doing a bunch then I freaked myself out and didn't want to be sore on my run days so I've been a lollygagger:ohwell: (no idea how to spell that!). I've also been having more "bites" here and there and I really need to nip that in the bud!

    I need some suggestions on cold weather running clothes. This morning I definetly needed gloves (Holy moly the temp dropped) And I think I'll need long sleeves soon.:grumble: My kids go back to school in less than two weeks and I'll have to start getting up at 5 am (currently I'm 5:30am)!!! I know once it gets dark in the morning I'll have to move inside cause I'm not really a brave sole in the dark:tongue: I WILL NOT QUIT when the kids go back to school but I'm getting nervous...won't be the first time that as soon as my schedule changes I quit:frown: I also need to find a treadmill on Craigslist and then not freak out that I'll wake the kids in the many excuses I can come up with already!:embarassed:
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    @Aglaea - nice! I quite liked week 5 although I agree, that 2nd 8 minutes was kind of a killer (the first though it's like whoa what? We're done?!). I also stare straight ahead and it helps a lot with my breathing, posture, all of it :)

    Yeah I'm glad I made it through yesterday. Today isn't as stressful but man.. need to find some low-cal wine haha :)

    @Mamakat - I don't have much in terms of running gloves/long sleeves but I think the Columbia Omni-Heat gear is great, I have the leggings and they are not too thin but definitely not anywhere close to bulky and keep me quite warm :) I'll be interested to see the recommendations for when I start running outside ;)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Mamakat, my New Balance shirt has longer sleeves that can be folded over the palm in sort of a glove. My sister has two headbands or whatever they are called for keeping ears and temples warm whilst the top of the ead gets to cool down; I'll get one of them. Other than this I'm refusing to think autumn still, because that means investments on my part and I have lots of bills coming up.
  • ladytrixibelle
    ladytrixibelle Posts: 22 Member
    Week 6 Day 3 completed yesterday - man, that was a challenge! Took everything out of me.
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    After a week break to attend my neice's wedding in the hollars of West Virginia...back to the program. I was supposed to run while I was there but we were working from sunrise to sunset on the wedding and reception decorations. So although I did not run...I must have made 200 trips up and down stairs at the reception hall.

    Anyway....W6D2 completed last night the last of the interval runs!! I was afraid it was going to be my first failure after taking so long off and of all the cooler days it was very very humid, but I managed to push through it! Sunday morning we will tackle W6D3...I have the end goal in sight and it is glorious to behold!!!
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Week 6 Day 3 completed yesterday - man, that was a challenge! Took everything out of me.

    great job for completing it! :) onto w6d2 tonight myself :indifferent:

    also @rover - great job!! :D we're so close to finishing! :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hi Ladies
    I can't wait to check out the music websites you guys talked about. Those sound awesome! I'm getting tired of my same iphone songs over and over!

    W6D3 completed. I was tired but nothing horrible. Quads were fine yesterday but tired today. I really need to step up my game on the "in-between" days. In the beginning I was doing a bunch then I freaked myself out and didn't want to be sore on my run days so I've been a lollygagger:ohwell: (no idea how to spell that!). I've also been having more "bites" here and there and I really need to nip that in the bud!

    I need some suggestions on cold weather running clothes. This morning I definetly needed gloves (Holy moly the temp dropped) And I think I'll need long sleeves soon.:grumble: My kids go back to school in less than two weeks and I'll have to start getting up at 5 am (currently I'm 5:30am)!!! I know once it gets dark in the morning I'll have to move inside cause I'm not really a brave sole in the dark:tongue: I WILL NOT QUIT when the kids go back to school but I'm getting nervous...won't be the first time that as soon as my schedule changes I quit:frown: I also need to find a treadmill on Craigslist and then not freak out that I'll wake the kids in the many excuses I can come up with already!:embarassed:

    I love these:

    I also have a pair of cheap knit gloves that I wear under them on colder days.

    Shirts with thumb holes rock.

    You want a light long sleeved wicking shirt, then a light fleecy wicking outer layer and then a wind/waterproof shell to go over that on colder days.

    Even though it's *not cool* I love wearing shorts over running tights. The extra layer over the hips keeps me a lot warmer.

    I have an ear band, a couple hats and a neck gaiter.

    There's a pinned thread about this as well.
  • AmandaForKeeps
    AmandaForKeeps Posts: 47 Member
    I did W1D3 today. I really really didn't want to do it. I had to make arrangements with my ex to watch the kids and while I ran around his neighborhood, lol. I pinched a nerve in my neck while playing with the kids in the lake yesterday and I was just looking for reasons to skip todays run, but I did it anyway. I am so glad that I had read through this thread because I decided to slow down and I swear I would have stopped midway had I not. I am very happy that I found this program because if I was still just jogging on my own schedule, I would have not gone out today.
    I feel like I overcame a lot of bull corn to get my butt out there today and I am proud of myself and I feel like if I had to work that hard to make my run time happen, then I am really in this for me! I always feel better afterwards, but with this program, I feel like I've completed a step, too. :)
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    I did W1D3 today. I really really didn't want to do it. I had to make arrangements with my ex to watch the kids and while I ran around his neighborhood, lol. I pinched a nerve in my neck while playing with the kids in the lake yesterday and I was just looking for reasons to skip todays run, but I did it anyway. I am so glad that I had read through this thread because I decided to slow down and I swear I would have stopped midway had I not. I am very happy that I found this program because if I was still just jogging on my own schedule, I would have not gone out today.
    I feel like I overcame a lot of bull corn to get my butt out there today and I am proud of myself and I feel like if I had to work that hard to make my run time happen, then I am really in this for me! I always feel better afterwards, but with this program, I feel like I've completed a step, too. :)

    Sometimes the hardest step is the one that takes you out the front door! :smile: You should be proud of yourself for sticking with it & completing another step in the program! Keep up your hard work, it will be worth it in the end.
  • AmandaForKeeps
    AmandaForKeeps Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks :)