Today's WOD



  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Yesterday's WOD:

    20min AMRAP:
    5 Pull-ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 Squats

    I tweaked something in my abs/groin during Tuesday's WOD so I took Wednesday off and we modified the push-ups in Cindy to bench press (55#) because I feel the tweak most when doing pushups and other ab work. Used the green and red bands for the pull ups. Got in 10 full rounds plus 5/10/6. I had to do more walking from the push ups to the bench than I would have liked and trying to get my foot in the bands was a pain...anyway...I worked hard for 20 minutes straight but hate that each round took me about 2 minutes.

    The part that really sucked, though, is that sitting up from the bench presses hurt more than I would have liked. So...I'm taking today off and will rest all weekend. Gonna get in some yoga on Sunday and Monday and then get back to the box on Tuesday. Hoping that the 4 days away from CF will be enough for this dumb pull in my groin/abs.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    3(10(Squat Jacks + Lunges + Strict Press + Leg Bridges))

    Row 500 meters for time
    Rest 2 minutes
    Row 500 meters for time
    Rest 2 minutes
    Max rep hanging knee raises for 2 minutes.

    21, 15, 9 of:
    Thrusters with 50 lb. bar
    Box Jumps

    I'm pleased to say that since discovering rowing, my times have only continued to improve. The first 500 was 2:32 and the second was 2:28. I busted out 34 knee raises and felt OK about that. The thrusters felt pretty good the entire time I did them; though, I'd only do about 4-6 at a time before setting the bar down to rest a little.
    The real star of the workout for me was the box jumps, which are pretty new to me. I had some kind of mental block about them for a while and was completely unable to even consider them. I'd get ready to jump and then my brain would just say "Nope!" and refuse to let my feet leave the ground. So I started by jumping up onto one of those little platforms that step-aerobics classes often use, and last night I managed to put two tiers underneath it and perform each segment of box jumps uninterrupted. :smile:

    I finished the WoD in 15:17 and got a new sticker in my Star Wars workout book because I felt so darn accomplished.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member

    What is a shoulder touch?

    It's when you're in the hand-stand position and you lift one hand at a time to touch either the opposite shoulder or the same shoulder :happy:

    I saw someone doing this at my gym yesterday! Glad to know what it is because it kiiiind of looked like fun.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Testing week for us so tonight is a 5k. Going to skip it since I am running one on Thursday. Also going to miss out Wednesday as I don't want to do a WOD the day before a race.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: row 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension, piriformis stretch

    7X1 Snatch up to 80% – rest 60 seconds, no higher than 80%

    13 minute AMRAP of:

    7 Power Clean & Jerks
    14 Front Squats (Same weight as C&J)
    Run 220m

    Round 3, I bolted out the door with 55 seconds left on the clock and sprinted the 220. Made it about 200m before I heard the buzzer. SO close! :sad: Great WOD though! The C&Js felt really good!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: row 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension, piriformis stretch

    7X1 Snatch up to 80% – rest 60 seconds, no higher than 80%

    13 minute AMRAP of:

    7 Power Clean & Jerks
    14 Front Squats (Same weight as C&J)
    Run 220m

    Round 3, I bolted out the door with 55 seconds left on the clock and sprinted the 220. Made it about 200m before I heard the buzzer. SO close! :sad: Great WOD though! The C&Js felt really good!

    Great job! I've done that same thing where I have to complete a run to finish another round only to miss it by a few seconds! So frustrating! Awesome way to push yourself though!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    Shuttle run 50-100-200m
    Alt tabata: couch stretch and calf stretch
    Side to side hammy stretch
    10 box jumps @24"
    10 wall balls @20#
    10 HRPUs

    EMOTM for 10 minutes:
    7 box jumps @24"

    "Wall Ball Fran"
    For time: 21-15-9
    Wall balls @20#
    Pull Ups (band assisted)
    Completed in 6:34

    Tabata HRPUs

    Felt surprisingly strong for a monday morning workout. Was a good day!
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    We did a really fun WOD today, people have been asking to do more gymnastics stuff so that's pretty much what today was.

    Warmup- 3 Rounds
    15 Wall Ball shots
    15 pull ups
    10M bear crawl

    For 15 Minutes:

    Handstand / Handstand Walking Practice
    - I managed just to do freestanding handstand attempts without breaking my neck...victory

    21-15-9 Reps, not for time:

    R Arm KB OHS (53/35)
    L Arm KB OHS (53/35)

    I used a 26# KB as my shoulder mobility is awful. The WOD wasn't timed but took most people 15-20 min, 45 skin the cats really added up quickly and toasted my shoulders after the handstands. Super fun to do more of a skills day though.
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    100 burpee pullups with a partner.

    We did 10 at a time and worked our way through, but man! That was rough!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    3 Minute AMRAP
    Partner Strict Pullup
    2 Strict Pullups then alternate
    Then, 400m Run

    Hip External Rotation with Flexion
    Shoulder Circles
    Tricep Stretch with Low Band

    Bear Complex
    Increase weight each set.
    Between each set, complete the following:
    10 Ring Rows
    10 Pushups
    10 Hollow Rocks
  • jsdcap
    jsdcap Posts: 46 Member

    Overhead Squats 5 round 3 reps for max

    400 meter sprint
    15 toes to bar
    15 Burpees
    15 SDHP

    3 Rounds for time
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    This morning (my first real CF class):

    50 jumping jacks
    40 mountain climbers
    20 squats
    10 pushups

    Bench press to 1x max

    60 burpees (ouch)
    50 20/16 box jumps
    20 Goblet squats
    30 V-ups
    20 push-ups
    10 barbell snatches
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    3min of DUs
    Alt tabata: front squats with pvc and hrpus
    Spiderman stretch, Frankensteins
    10 kip swings
    5 toes to bar

    Front Squats 2x5 @70% 1RM, 3x2 @80% 1RM (185#, 205#)

    10 min amrap:
    40 DUs
    30 deadlifts @135#
    20 front squats @135#
    10 toes 2 bar

    (finished 1 round +55 reps)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I hate burpees...

    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 squats
    1 round of: jump rope 2:00, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension

    7X1 Clean & Jerk up to 80% – rest 60 seconds, no higher than 80%

    3 rounds for time of:

    Run 800m
    25 Burpees
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    CrossFit Warmup
    3 Rounds of 8
    Strict Pullups
    Add 50 Double Unders

    Kipping Pullups

    20 Minute AMRAP
    10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
    10 Push Press 95/65
    10 Back Squats 95/65
    10 Box Jump Over 24/20

    Floss Hamstrings
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Warmup - Bear Complex


    Clean (3 x 1)

    3×1 @ 85%

    Clean (3 x 2 )

    3×2 @ 65%

    Metcon (8 Rounds for reps)

    8 Rounds every 2 minutes:
    3 C2B CHIN ups – 3 Bar MU
    5 Cleans – (135/95 – 185/135)
    7 Burpees
    Each round has a possible 15 reps. Track reps for each round.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    Metcon (8 Rounds for reps)

    8 Rounds every 2 minutes:
    3 C2B CHIN ups – 3 Bar MU
    5 Cleans – (135/95 – 185/135)
    7 Burpees
    Each round has a possible 15 reps. Track reps for each round.

    These types are fun! It's always fun to see if you can get through everything before the next 2 minute start!
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    Today's workout

    400m run
    2 min single skips
    Hip mobility

    EMOM – 5 Minutes:

    -2 Front Squats (85% 1 RM) - I used 133#, squatting is my weakness as far as lifting is concerned

    WOD-For time:

    800 M Run
    150 Double-unders
    1000 M Row
    75 Box Jumps (24/20)

    - I finished in 16:27 as rx'd. I managed to link 57 double unders in the workout which is a new record for me!
    -Couch Stretch
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Strength: Overhead Squats for a 3RM. Got to 115. Two months ago it was 85. Still some mobility work to do in getting *kitten* to grass, but much better.

    Grace: Last time 75# in 3 minutes. This time 95# in 3:44. next time will be 115.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Yesterday's WOD

    Strength - Back squat
    1x6 @ 105#, 1x6 @ 115#, 1x5 @ 135#, 1x4 @ 165# (I had run 5 miles in the morning so that last set was REALLY heavy!)

    WOD - 8 rounds for time:
    15 pull ups (scaled to ring rows)
    15 box jumps 24"/20" (scaled to 20" step ups)

    Completed the WOD in 14:07 and felt pretty good about that time...I never stopped moving and was completely wiped out by the end!