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Today's WOD



  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    400m Run
    20 Pullups
    20 Hollow Rocks
    20 Supermans
    20 Pushups
    20 Walking Lunges

    Lacrosse Shoulder Blades
    Lat Stretch with Band
    1 Minute Each

    6 Minute EMOM
    5 Hang Power Snatches 75/45

    10 Muscle Ups
    50 Power Snatches 75/45
    10 Muscle Ups
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ bear crawl, 25′ over/under, 25′ crab walk, 10 KB swings

    1 round of: run/row 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 reverse hypers

    10 minutes handstand walk practice

    7 rounds for time of:

    7 HSPU

    7 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

    7 Over the Box Jumps 20″
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    Last one I did was Saturday, but my arms are STILL dead.

    WOD: Deck of Cards

    Hearts = Box Jumps
    Clubs = KB Swings (53/35)
    Diamonds = Push Ups
    Spades = Push Press (95/65)

    Joker = 100m plate walk (45/35)

    Number = Value
    Face = 10 reps
    Ace = 11 reps

    60 min time cap.

    We did the entire deck. For some reason I decided that was the day to Rx a workout. Ow.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    7 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

    I'm guessing you need to drop the weight some on these, right?
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    7 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

    I'm guessing you need to drop the weight some on these, right?

    Yes, I had never done them before. My DL 1RM (established during my very first CF wod in November) is 155. I'm guessing it's a little more now. For WODs like this I would normally use 95 or 105lbs, but for this wod, I did 63lbs. It's much more upper back/shoulder blade area intensive.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member

    Warm up - 3 rounds of
    5 push ups
    5 air squats
    5 pull ups or ring rows
    5 wall crawls (tweaked the pull in my abs again doing these)

    4x16 (8 each leg) Bulgarian split squats
    --I used 15lb dumbells and managed to mostly keep my balance (I really don't like doing these...I always come thisclose to losing my balance and falling)

    17 minute AMRAP
    10 floor to overhead
    8 ring push ups
    6 KB sit ups

    Because I could feel the pull in my abs, I went light - 10 lb plate for the F2O, knee pushpus for all but the first two rounds, 15 lb KB for the sit ups - and finished 13 rounds

    Peeked at today's WOD...50 thrusters for time; 10 burpees every time you drop the bar. I is skeered. Will let you all know how it goes!! Have a great day!!!
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Donny (Time)

    Deadlift, 225#

    I am VERY scared.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    Shuttle run 50-100-200m
    20 pvc passthroughs
    40 total arm circles
    30 second handstand hold
    15 HRPUs
    15 jumping air squats
    15 pull ups

    Build to a heavy/1RM weighted Dip (66# of chains on)
    then, 1 ME ring dips with no weight (10)

    WOD: 7 min of "Cindy"
    5 pull ups (band assisted)
    10 HRPUs
    15 air squats
    (5 rounds 5 reps completed)

    :3 min rest:

    7 min of "JT"
    Ring Dips
    (Score is total reps - 63)

    Our coach/owner said he wants to do more body weight workouts, so I think this is the start of things to come.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member

    500 m row
    10 Cross-overs
    10 Scorpions
    Samson stretch
    Thigh cross stretch (not sure what it's called)
    30 Sit-ups
    30 Air squats

    Wide-stance back squats 10 x 2 80% 1RM

    For time
    3/4 sets
    1000 m row
    20 back lunges w/dumbell
    20 V-ups
    20 burpees with dumbell
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member

    Warm up:
    800m run
    5 sprints up one side of the box

    15 minutes of handstand/walking on hands practice
    -I love working on handstands and I'm getting better at balancing away from the wall!

    50 thrusters (155/105)
    *every time you drop the bar, perform 10 burpees*

    I was dreading this WOD!! Managed to finish in 15:18 with 4 drops. Got three sets of 10 in (with 10 burpees after each set) and then tried to get the last 20 in one set. We were allowed to rest with the bar in the rack position, so I banged out 5, hung out for a second, got 5 more, rested with the bar on my shoulders, got 5 more...and then had to drop the bar. I was so pissed about having to do 10 more burpees with only 5 thrusters to go!!! lol! I think that if I had taken another 45 seconds or so of rest after the third round of burpees, I could have gotten all 20 without dropping. Either way, it was a fun WOD!!

    Oh, FFS...did I just say thrusters and burpees were fun?! I have surely drunk the kool aid!!! lol!!!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I am really looking forward to today's WOD for some reason...
    "Rest 2 minutes." What should that mean to you? It should mean that you can sprint your way into that rest. Two minutes isn't enough time to fully recover, but it's enough to give you a pretty good rest.

    Last week, we discussed pacing. It is KEY to minimizing WOD times and maximizing results. Today, we have 5 movements with 2 minutes rest between. Without the rest, this would be a slow and steady pace. With the rests, we can push substantially harder. Treat each portion as a mini-WOD with only secondary concern for the other movements.
    800m Run

    Hip External Rotation with Flexion
    Couch Stretch

    100 Double Unders
    Rest 2 Minutes
    100 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
    Rest 2 Minutes
    100 Box Jumps 24/20
    Rest 2 Minutes
    100 Hollow Rocks
    Rest 2 Minutes
    100 Walking Lunges
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    1000m run
    Hip and hamstring mobility stretches
    Alt tabata: air squats and burpees
    Inch Worms w/push ups

    Back Squat 7x2 @60-70% 1RM (@255#)

    For time:
    21-15-9 Back Squats @135#
    *200m run in between rounds*

    Completed in 9:38
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    2 ( 60 jump rope singles + 10 plank side knee raises + 15 dumbbell rows (10 lbs) + 30 seconds holding plank )

    Deadlifts - 5x8 with 95#. (2x5 with 65# for form check before starting set)

    50 kettlebell swings (35# KB)
    Run 200 meters (.13 miles)
    40 weighted butterfly situps (25# plate)
    Run 200 meters
    30 goblet squats (35# KB)
    Run 200 meters
    20 sumo deadlift/high pulls (35# KB)
    Run 200 meters
    10 ground to over head (25# plate)

    This was exhausting, but it was truly 21:57 of bliss.

    Sidebar: I know it's not about competing with others, but I noticed at the box I went to the other day, the times ranged from 6:40 all the way up to 17 minutes and change. Is that about how quickly you want to get through the workout, generally? (I know it's all relative, I'm just trying to decide if perhaps I should scale a little more the first couple times I go in after joining so I'm finishing more in sync with those times.)
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    CrossFit Warmup
    3 Rounds of 6

    Tricep Stretch with Low Band

    Handstand Hold
    3x30 seconds

    "Bench Press Friday"

    6 Rounds
    1 Deadlift 135/95
    1 Hang Power Clean
    1 Front Squat
    5 Burpees
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member

    HBBS: 1×5@70%, 3×4@80%



    7 rounds for total reps of:

    30 Seconds ME Double-unders (no singles, Double Under attempts only)
    30 Seconds ME Power snatch (115#/75#)

    Rest 1 minute between rounds.

    We will be scoring the double unders and power snatches separately for this WOD.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Turkish Get Ups

    15 Minutes of technique review & practice

    “Curb Your Enthusiasm”

    For time:

    3 Rope Climb Ascents

    15 T2B

    15 Thrusters (115/75)

    2 Rope Climbs

    10 T2B

    10 Thrusters

    1 Rope Climbs

    5 T2B

    5 Thrusters (115/75)

    Sub 1 Rope Climb for 5 Ring Rows w/ feet on a box (as horizontal as possible, strict)
    Sub T2B with Knee Tucks or Abmat Sit Ups
    Scale Thruster weight as required. Should be challenging/reasonably heavy.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    We are at the end of a strength cycle so this week is testing week. Today was crossfit total, I've been in a PR drought on these 3 lifts so today was a good day!

    Backsquat- 188# (bailed on 193#, but should've had it I just got nervous, still a 10# PR)
    Strict Press- 98# (5# PR)
    Deadlift-253# (10# PR)
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    2 ( 60 jump rope singles + 10 plank side knee raises + 15 dumbbell rows (10 lbs) + 30 seconds holding plank )

    Deadlifts - 5x8 with 95#. (2x5 with 65# for form check before starting set)

    50 kettlebell swings (35# KB)
    Run 200 meters (.13 miles)
    40 weighted butterfly situps (25# plate)
    Run 200 meters
    30 goblet squats (35# KB)
    Run 200 meters
    20 sumo deadlift/high pulls (35# KB)
    Run 200 meters
    10 ground to over head (25# plate)

    This was exhausting, but it was truly 21:57 of bliss.

    Sidebar: I know it's not about competing with others, but I noticed at the box I went to the other day, the times ranged from 6:40 all the way up to 17 minutes and change. Is that about how quickly you want to get through the workout, generally? (I know it's all relative, I'm just trying to decide if perhaps I should scale a little more the first couple times I go in after joining so I'm finishing more in sync with those times.)

    There are two schools of thought on the scaling aspect. Some say you'll get more out of your workouts by scaling it so that you finish in the time most of the class does also. I don't necessarily go by that though. I will scale it as much is needed to try to do my workout but also push me hard. Id rather push hard and take longer than scale it so much I don't feel like im working (as long as my form doesn't suffer). easier said than done but I say you just do what makes you feel the best and don't worry about your time or anyone elses.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    400m run
    10 HRPUs
    10 jumping squats
    10 kip swings
    10 kb clean and press @40#

    Build to 1RM Thruster
    135#, 135#, 155#, 155#, 175#, 175#, 185#, 185#, 195#, 195#
    Probably could have gone heavier but ran out of time

    With a partner, 7 rounds:
    7 Push Press @115#
    7 Toes to Bar
    One partner completes a round then the other goes, 7 rounds each

    Completed in 12:05 - should have been faster but my T2B slowed me down
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: jump rope 2:00, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension, piriformis stretch

    Back Squat
    9×1 @ 85% every 30 seconds

    Rest 2 minutes

    5×1 @ 95% every 60 seconds

    2 min ME KB Swings

    -rest 1 minute

    4 min AMRAP of:
    15 Pushups
    10 T2B

    -rest 1 minute

    4 min AMRAP of:
    15 Jumping Squats 45#
    10 Pullups

    -rest 1 minute

    2 min ME KB Swings

    Completed at 6am. First WOD since last Tuesday (spent last week moving into our new house!!!) and it smoked my shoulders!!!!! Gald to be back at it :D