Welcome! Say hello....



  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group GoddessTwitch and Samantha !! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    I have started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 7 if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the newest thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet. Note - this new spreadsheet will be open to edit.
    Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApYGNHg3S0pldE4zS2hDazY4MllhRm45WWhJQ2wtNUE#gid=0

    There is also a measurement check in thread (somewhere lol) if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month. I will be bringing it back Sept 1st for myself.
    Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApYGNHg3S0pldExaYm1Cd1hJYXIzNk14ZlNKTmNuUXc#gid=0

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month of August – the link is up and it will be open to edit.
    Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApYGNHg3S0pldEZaWkZDNGVVS1RNQ0xNNXdSdXRMdXc#gid=1

    I also have a 5lbs for August challenge to so keep an eye out for the thread.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy rest of the year! :drinker:

  • dnak17
    dnak17 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello my name is David. I'm 31 years old and used to be in great shape in high school and college. Then slowly watched that go away as stopped working out and kept eating whatever I liked. Eventually I gained about 100 lbs. About six months ago, for a variety of reasons, I finally decided to change my lifestyle and started working out again and keeping track of what I eat. I've been using MFP more or less daily since then but have just started getting interested in the community aspect.
  • smartin0619
    smartin0619 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! I am 31 and live in MN with my husband and 13 month old daughter. I have been on a hiatis from MFP for a while now unfortunately but am getting back into the swing of things. My work has a health challenge going on right now where you could win a trip if you meet your goals so I thought that was great motivation!!!

    I love to bike and run. I recently got a jogging stroller so I can take my daughter with me on some runs/jogs! I guess I jog more than I run but I try! As I've gotten older my running has slowed but I hope to gain that momentum back!

    I'm looking for some friends and motivators to help keep me on the right path! Friend me :)
  • bfpower
    bfpower Posts: 92 Member
    Hey, Ben here from southwest Montana. When I was 30 I found out I was having issues with BP and cholesterol. I've dropped about 20 already and have 20 more to go to get to my goal of 170.

    I've got lots of excuses (I have four kids, a house, a career, my own business on the side, plus I teach a class at the local university) but hey, everyone's got reasons they aren't losing. I might as well stop my whining and get it done!
  • Hi...please feel free to add. Looking for new friends/motivators.

  • seanlosingit
    seanlosingit Posts: 8 Member
    Just joined. What an awesome group. I'm 37 from CT, dad of 2. Lost 30 pounds so far and have another 30 to go. Having a supportive community here on MFP makes all the difference. Looking for new friends and motivators and will do so in return as well.
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Angelique from LI, NY. I'm a full-time student working a full-time and part-time job as well. I just turned 30 earlier this year but just recently found this group and wanted to check it out. Love MFP and have been doing well with my weight-loss goals. Half way there but am now looking forward to starting stronglifts 5x5 soon to transform my body. Good luck with everyone in your weigh-loss endeavors!
  • Hi, what a lovely group this is. I am 33, Mom of a beautiful 18 months old girl, work in market research and have just started on MFP. I have a very long way to go with about 70 pounds to lose and don't even know where to start. I have started entering my food diary and it tells me how ill-informed i am about foods... Have started some exercise as well. Looking for friends and motivators trying to get to a healthier place. :)
  • mds81
    mds81 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all!
    32 working bloke from New Zealand here. It's spring time and I need to shed some bad winter habits and tummy :D
    Looking for a few mates to help keep each other accountable - add me!
  • Hi All, I'm not exactly new to MFP, I was on before and doing very well. I amblooking for friends that can motivate and encourage when I want to give up. I am willing to do the same.
  • paddgirl21
    paddgirl21 Posts: 154 Member
    Hello, all! I'm 32 and looking to make friends with similar goals. I have lost 30 pounds so far with an ultimate weight loss of 110. Can't wait to meet everyone!
  • liv0512
    liv0512 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all

    Olivia here 30 and wanting to lose 30kgs. I thought doing this would be easier but atm I am struggling with finding foods that are healthy and not what I think are healthy. It is my first day at this but finding it really hard to get out of old habits
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    Hello all! My name is Lucy. I'm 36 and from KY. I'm not exactly new to MFP, but I am new to this group. Feel free to add me because I love friends. :)
  • Hey everyone :) I am 39 and am trying to lose weight. I welcome any friends please feel free to add me :) Let's support each other
  • Hi I'm Holly and I'm 31 years old and about 20# over my healthy weight range.

    I lost 45lbs in the past with WW but gained nearly all of it back in the last 3 years.

    I have a horrible sweet tooth that I just can't quit, but I can at least try to make those "sweet" recipes more healthy :love:

    I would like to lose around 35-40 lbs.

    Feel free to friend me :flowerforyou:
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member

    I'm Casie and I'm 33. I have about 80 lbs to lose at this point and am hoping to get as close to goal as possible by June. The hubby and I are going back to Sandals and I want a bathing suit body!!! I also am trying to get pregnant and really would like to be smaller and healthier before that happens.

    I am addicted to sweets and have tried about every diet out there, some with great success but always gain it back. This is the first time I've just simply done calorie counting and am so far really enjoying it.

    Would love to have more friends! :flowerforyou:
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    Hi, I'm Glenn and 32 from Winter Garden, FL. I have about 25-30 pounds to lose depending on the day. I'm always looking for more people to chat with to help me get through the day at work, as well as give me new fitness ideas. Feel free to add me!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Hello. I'm Amber, 36, married, no kids, from Illinois.
    Currently dealing with fertility issues, so I'm looking to lose some weight to help with ovulation.

    I'm usually on during the day at work. My diary is open, as well as my personality. Love to chitchat, feel free to message if you're bored or need some encouragement!
  • LavendersMom
    LavendersMom Posts: 17 Member
    Hello guys, my name is Leah (group: hi Leah, lol). I'm 30 and i just can not get rid of the lbs I gained after taking a birth control shot. I gained a whopping 30lbs on top of 15 that I wanted to lose. It's very hard trying to work out with a four year old daughter I take care of as well, but I'm going to get it together and get healthy. Good luck everyone.
  • Hi everyone I'm angel single parent of three after a bad car accident n breakup of a 5 year relationship pounds packed on.... looking to rid the weight once n for all
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