Running accountability!



  • humpbax
    humpbax Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I started running this winter when the pool closed. I started with a 3k. Finished and felt good about it and then recently did the Bridge to Brisbane (10K) in under 67 minutes and felt on top of the world!!!!! Now with nothing to work towards am finding it hard to get out there and run. Still running (when I do it) about the same times but need some inspiration! Please get on my case!!! I need a "coach"!:laugh:
  • humpbax
    humpbax Posts: 34 Member
    As for myself, I had every intention of running today, but woke up sick -- sore throat and head congestion. Ugh. Do you guys run while sick or wait till you're better?

    If I can run, I do otherwise I find it hard to get back in the swing of things as I'd much rather sleep in then get up!!!! I find if I let more than 2 days go by without doing something, I'll basically end all my hard work!!!
  • hoshaugh73
    hoshaugh73 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm missing both my baby toe nails right now, not attractive, but a sign I'm putting in the miles! I always paint my toe nails and the spot where my toe nail would be to disguise the missing nail. :-)
  • nixverstehen
    nixverstehen Posts: 11 Member
    OK. I am a runner but off and on again. It has been several months since I last ran. I've done a half marathon but never an official full marathon. Last spring I was training for a marathon in June. I got my miles in. One day I decided to go for a "long" run. I was tracking my miles via GPS. I wondered if I could do a full marathon. It seemed so daunting.
    After I got to mile 12 I had a choice. I could go right and go home. This would make my total miles for the run about 15. OR I could go left and keep running. I went left. I kept running. I called my wife while running and told her I was going to run 26.2 miles. I asked her if she would mind picking me up. She came when I hit almost mile 29. I kept thinking I should go to 30 miles then I thought lets make this a 50k. I ran 32 miles. I injured myself and was not able to run for a long time. I missed the marathon because of my injury. I broke 2 toes a month later.
    I am almost ready to run again. Thanks for making this thread. I will be joining you soon.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Check in! I did a run yesterday that was 50 minutes (including warmup and cooldown), 3.54 miles. I'm slow but I'm getting there! My current average is about a 12 1/2 minute mile. My current mini-goal is to get it down to under 12. The cooler air and lower humidity really helps! I didn't do my back stretches after I got back though, and today I feel achy. I have to remember not to skip the stretching!
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    I had a terrible weekend, workout wise. I woke up Saturday with a sore throat and a little congestion. Went salmon fishing all day, which wiped me out and we didn't even catch anything! Sunday was still feeling a little under the weather and just sluggish. Cleaned house and watched football. This morning I still am congested but I got my butt out of bed and started week two of C25K over. Hit the pavement at 5:20 am, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me. My hubby (who is a distance runner) went with me bless his heart, though I am sure he would have prefered to sleep. My plan is to get up and do it again in the morning. Good job everyone in sticking to it! You all are part of what got me out this morning :)
  • mommamia9211
    Did my week 3 day 2 today and its went great ! I must say though, I am pretty nervous for next week when it kicks up to a couple 5 minute runs. That being said, I was also scared if the 3 minute runs this week and am doing just fine! I am doing this on a treadmill and need to stop looking at my phone during the runs to see when I will be finished. Is anyone else doing this on a treadmill? And I also think I'm going to have to start slowing my pace. Right now I'm song all of my runs at 6 mph and walks at 4mph. That is great pace for me now, but I worry it will be to fast for longer runs and dont want to burn myself out too quickly, any suggestions? Thanks, Tara
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Tara - once I figured out my running cadence (really slow), I went to to find songs with the right BPM for my pace. If you're running 6 mph (or a 10 minute mile), your speed is around 150 BPM. Sorry, no advice for the treadmill other than listening to music/watching TV (if you can).

    So, I got W1D1 done on Thursday and W1D2 done on Saturday. Today I'm debating if I should do W1D3 or skip ahead to W2D1. Maybe I'll skip ahead as W1D2 seemed too easy. Plus, skipping a few days at the beginning will give me more time for the more difficult runs, in theory...right?
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm starting couch 25k today... I'll be doing my runs Mondays Wednesday's and Fridays...
  • Runningcircuits
    Check in! I did a run yesterday that was 50 minutes (including warmup and cooldown), 3.54 miles. I'm slow but I'm getting there! My current average is about a 12 1/2 minute mile. My current mini-goal is to get it down to under 12. The cooler air and lower humidity really helps! I didn't do my back stretches after I got back though, and today I feel achy. I have to remember not to skip the stretching!

    You are so right about not skipping the stretching! Yesterday I ran 4 miles (knocking 30 seconds off my best time - woo hoo!) and got distracted by laundry and trimming a rose bush and other things when I got home and didn't stretch. I feel it today in my knees, lower back and hamstrings. Ouch!

    Good luck on upping your time! Every time I push myself to go just a little faster and can feel myself breathing a little harder, I remind myself that before I know it that will be my new pace and I will be used to it. (Plus, I increase the volume on my music. ) :)

  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    This is a fun thread. I started C25K on the treadmill last fall, it took me about 6 months to finish. Then I continued running intervals on my own and started running outside. I found a marathon training program that is 28 weeks long, I started about a month ago, it moves very slowly, which is good because so do I!!! I am up to 4 miles a day and 5 mile weekend runs. Today I ran the 4 miles in 46 minutes, a new record for me. Wahoo! Our local marathon is in June, not sure that I will run it, but I am having fun with my daily accomplishments. Unfortunately, the scale is only moving up, it is a little scary. Hopefully I will be able to continue running through the winter, it is already dark in the morning when I want to go out, but so far beautiful fall weather.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I run when it's dark too, just tried my knuckle lights for the first time this morning and they really helped. I felt more visible to cars and I was able to avoid debris in the road. I also worry about being able to make it through a cold winter and still run, but if worse comes to worst I'll just join the local Blink gym and use the treadmill for a few months.
  • Runningcircuits
    I am considering a half marathon in May. (wow, my mind was just blown by actually typing those words) My concern is that Cincinnati's marathon is notorious for its hills. I wonder if the half is as bad. Anyone run the Pig in Cincinnati?

    Ditto to the concerns expressed about winter running. I am considering a gym membership and figure I'll decide after my first few cold runs. I am very fortunate to live in a city completely lined with bike/running paths along every road, so I do feel safe from cars. I've never run in the dark and I spook easily. If a dog barks in the dark I may crap my pants! It sounds like this winter will be interesting for us runners!
  • mommamia9211
    And I finished week 3 of c25k! I do have a problem if any experienced runners can help! This may be a dumb question, but remember I am just starting out and know nothing about running really! Okay so for a couple days and during my runs I have been experiencing uncomfortable feeling in my shins. I am running on a treadmill so I don't know if maybe that means I need new sneakers? Or maybe there is a certain stretch I should be doing before and after? I just do basic touch my toes stretches. And also how far in advance should I eat before starting my run? Today was he first day I started to get a cramp in my side but I think it's because I ate about 45 mins before when usually I give myself at least an hour. Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Tara
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    And I finished week 3 of c25k! I do have a problem if any experienced runners can help! This may be a dumb question, but remember I am just starting out and know nothing about running really! Okay so for a couple days and during my runs I have been experiencing uncomfortable feeling in my shins. I am running on a treadmill so I don't know if maybe that means I need new sneakers? Or maybe there is a certain stretch I should be doing before and after? I just do basic touch my toes stretches. And also how far in advance should I eat before starting my run? Today was he first day I started to get a cramp in my side but I think it's because I ate about 45 mins before when usually I give myself at least an hour. Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Tara

    Keep in mind I have been running for a year and am NOT an exercise physiotherapist. But you might want to pay attention to how you are landing on your foot, which might be part of the cause. I learned from an experienced distance runner that you should try to land on your mid-foot area, not on your toes or hard on your heel. And after running, try the stretch where you bend your knee and lift your foot behind you and grab it with your hand, pulling it up toward your rear end. if you point your toes while doing that you should get a good shin stretch.

    As to the side cramps, I find I only get them when I'm trying to up my speed too much. If I dial back the speed and take some deep breaths it usually goes away. Hope this helps a little! And as I said, if you hear something different from someone else more experienced you should listen to them, not me. I still feel like a beginner too!
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi I want to start running and have done it a little but where can I find something to follow? Not sure how long I can run, but it is something I always wanted to do and I like what I am doing now.....can someone tell me where to get something to follow??? thanks
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    @mommamia - the cramps very well could have been caused by eating too soon prior to running. Next time, have a small snack instead, and eat your meal afterwards. Personally, I need to eat at least 2-3 hours prior to exercise, or it's super uncomfortable/comes back up.

    @chell - look up the Couch to 5K program. I have the Zen Labs app downloaded on my iPhone, and I love it! I can play my music while I'm doing my run, and the interval run/walk prompts just cut in.

    So, I got up in the dark today and did W2D2 in a cool 5C. I guess it's time to start shopping for cooler weather running clothes!
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    @mommamia - the cramps very well could have been caused by eating too soon prior to running. Next time, have a small snack instead, and eat your meal afterwards. Personally, I need to eat at least 2-3 hours prior to exercise, or it's super uncomfortable/comes back up.

    @chell - look up the Couch to 5K program. I have the Zen Labs app downloaded on my iPhone, and I love it! I can play my music while I'm doing my run, and the interval run/walk prompts just cut in.

    So, I got up in the dark today and did W2D2 in a cool 5C. I guess it's time to start shopping for cooler weather running clothes!

    thanks for the info...
  • Runningcircuits
    And I finished week 3 of c25k! I do have a problem if any experienced runners can help! This may be a dumb question, but remember I am just starting out and know nothing about running really! Okay so for a couple days and during my runs I have been experiencing uncomfortable feeling in my shins. I am running on a treadmill so I don't know if maybe that means I need new sneakers? Or maybe there is a certain stretch I should be doing before and after? I just do basic touch my toes stretches. And also how far in advance should I eat before starting my run? Today was he first day I started to get a cramp in my side but I think it's because I ate about 45 mins before when usually I give myself at least an hour. Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Tara

    Going to the running store and getting fitted for the proper shoes totally eliminated the terrible shin splints I got. Yes, they were expensive, but totally worth it.

    I agree about not eating much before. And don't stretch cold muscles - stretch after.

    Keep on truckin'!
  • Runningcircuits
    No running today - it is my day of rest. And quite rainy here in the Queen City, so good timing!
    Just signed up last minute for a 5K on Sunday. Thought I'd get one more in this year since I need a new running T-shirt. :)