Running accountability!



  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    I don't know that I can be called a Runner (YET). I jogged my first consecutive 30 minutes EVER just 2 short weeks ago. Today, I reached my first running goal of completing 2 miles in less than 30 minutes (28:11, actually). So I am a beginner, for sure, but I am getting better everyday and I am LOVING every minute of it!!

    I do not schedule my runs. I try to jog 2 miles on my lunch break 2 times a week, at least one weeknight after work and at least one day on the weekend. I use Runkeeper and set distance goals for the week (this week I am going for 10 miles).

    I am going to concentrate on bettering my time when I run the 2 miles on my lunch and I am going to work on going further (without so much focus on time) when I run on weeknights and weekends. There's a 5K coming up on Oct 12th and I'd really like to be able to complete it without walking.
  • Sounds like you are doing great! Keep at it and you'll be fine in that 5K!

  • Thanks all for the help! I am going to go get fitted for new sneakers soon. I think treating myself will definitely be worth it and keep me going! Still feeling a little discomfort in my shins but taking today and tomorrow off from running ( just walking on my work breaks ) so hopefully I'll be good as new come Saturday!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I dragged my butt out of my toasty warm bed early this morning to run W2D3. I tried 3x to get DH up; no dice. My next run is supposed to be on Sunday, but I'll be at the cottage and can't do the run on my property as the snowmobile trails are too rough. So, I'll have to boat out to the marina to run on the road. In theory. My cousins will also be up, so there will be some late night partying. I don't need to try it to know that running with a hangover would totally suck. I'm going to *try* to stay on track...

    ETA - the pic in my ticker is me, canoeing off the front dock.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I just noticed this thread. I am a runner too! I started 4 years ago.

    I try to get in 3 runs a week. I'm not training for any races at the moment so this works for me. I aim for two 5km runs and a longer 8 or 10 km run once a week.

    I run in the winter. The best advice I can offer is to dress in layers and be careful of icy patches. If the weather is bad, or too cold or the roads are sloppy I hit the TM.

    I ran a 5km colour me rad race this past Sunday and it was a blast. There are photos in my profile if you want to have a look. As you run they throw coloured powder at you and some stations its sprayed on you. Lots of fun, I was surprised by the number of families that ran it with their children.

    Today is a run day, heading out shortly for a 5km.

    Happy running!

  • Check in: 2.25 miles solo, then met up with a running buddy to do 2 more miles. It was a great start to the day.

    Happy Friday everyone! :)
  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm a C25K graduate! And to "celebrate" I'm "running" my first 5K ever tomorrow! EEK!!!
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Check in I set out for a 5km run at lunch and it is such a beautiful day I kept running and did a 10km!

    Happy Friday!

  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    BeckyJo - enjoy your race tomorrow! First one is always the most memorable!

    Wishing you wings on your feet and the wind at your back!

  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    I've been sick since last weekend so I haven't been able to run at all. I'm planning to go to the gym in a few minutes and hoping that this run won't be too difficult after going almost a week without running. There's an Apple Festival 5 mile run I want to do in October and in November I'm planning to run a race on Thanksgiving. Does anyone here live in Connecticut?
  • Ughhh just attempted week 4 day 1 of c25k and failed miserably! For those of you that don't know, this week consists of Walking 5 min running 3 min waking 1.5 min running 5 mon walking 3 running 3 walking 1.5 running 5 walkig 1.5 and walking 5. Well let's just say I got to through the first half great! Then I started running my 2nd 3 min stretch and somehow switched a button on ny treadmill and lost all my distance calories burned and it slowed my speed. I just lost all momentum from there! I ended up walking the last minute of the 3 and was going to try to finish strong with the last 5 minutes. Got two minutes in and my shins were aching so bad so I just quit at 2.5 minutes. Didn't even walk it out. Now I feel like such a failure! I wish I stuck it out. I need to move past it though and hope my shins feel strong enough tomorrow to attempt it again.
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    Currently training for my 2nd marathon in January. Starting week 3 tomorrow, so the miles aren't to high as yet. I've done 3 5ks already and the 4th is next weekend.
    I'm here to lose weight, so i can run easier and faster. lol Looking forward to running with you all.
  • Mommamia: if you are getting shin splints that painful, you may have the wrong shoes. I had horrible shin splints in the beginning and then caved and paid the $100+ for shoes that are made for the way I run. Totally worth going to a local running store.
    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go at it again! You've made it this far!
  • Completely agree, slotB! Good running shoes make all the difference. I'd be lost without my Brooks.

    I ran 2 miles today. Not too far, but I haven't run in over a week because I've been sick, so I wanted to start out slow getting back into it.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Did my first fartleks today and wow! I thought it would be too easy to slack off since I basically got to choose random times to run full speed. But I tried to challenge myself to get to certain marker points and it was very hard! I feel great though and can't wait to do it again.
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    I successfully completed week 2 of the Couch to 5k. So far so good...haven't reinjured my hip/butt so I have to call it a success! Week 3 should be better yet...right?
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    Did my long run yesterday. Only needed 8 miles, but my partner kept going because she needed to make up a few miles from the week. Ended up doing 13.25 in 1.58. Pinky toe was tender yesterday. I can do some elliptical on this off day to stay burning. Its Monday! Lets go!
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    5km TM run at lunch 28:56 and 7 minute cooldown walk and stretch!

    HeatherZ congrats on completing week 2! It's running of course it gets better! :)

    Rastamann - sweet run and great time!

  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    Week 3 Day 1 of C25K done this morning! Felt good, especially since I almost didn't go at all :)
  • Ran 5.5 miles today! And I felt great throughout most of it! The last 2 miles were a challenge, but everything before that was a breeze! :-D