Today's WOD



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (Still sidelined by elbow tendinitis that has *not* improved much at all over the past few months.

    Everyone else, please continue being awesome.)

    Sadness :( Are you doing any PT?

    Compression band work, trigger point massage, ART...I've been trying lots of things. Seems the only thing that is slowly...*S--L--O--W--L--Y*...demonstrably helping is time.

    Tendon injuries are a bit...ter thing from which to recover.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    3 Rounds of 8
    Russian KBS
    Air Squats
    Hollow Rocks

    Handstand Walks
    Parallette L-Hold 3x35 seconds

    3 Rounds
    20 Decline Pushups -20
    50 Situps
    20 KBS 70/53

    So I am pretty nervous about the handstand walks since I have never done them and I have only just learned how to do a handstand against the wall. I am going to give it my best try and hope I don't fall down too much. Wish me luck!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    3 Rounds of 8
    Russian KBS
    Air Squats
    Hollow Rocks

    Handstand Walks
    Parallette L-Hold 3x35 seconds

    3 Rounds
    20 Decline Pushups -20
    50 Situps
    20 KBS 70/53

    So I am pretty nervous about the handstand walks since I have never done them and I have only just learned how to do a handstand against the wall. I am going to give it my best try and hope I don't fall down too much. Wish me luck!

    All the luck!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    Shuttle run 50-100-200m
    Alt tabata: squat cleans with pvc and jerks with pvc
    Spiderman twists
    Inch worms w/pushups
    Side to side hamstring stretch
    30 second handstand hold
    10 HRPUs

    Clean and Jerk - Build up to a heavy or 1RM
    Built up to 195# -- not my PR but my body is just not working at 100% this week

    EMOTM for 14 minutes:
    Odd: 1 clean and jerk @155#
    Even: 5 v-ups
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    3 RFT:
    Run 200m, Rest 1:00
    Run 400m, Rest 2:00
    Run 600m, Rest 3:00

    Supplemental Work
    OTM x 12:
    Odd: 3-5 Muscle ups
    Even: 4-6 Squat Therapy

    200m: 0:59/1:03/1:11
    400m: 2:05/2:14/2:17
    600m: 3:16/3:49/3:07!!!!!!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    3 RFT:
    Run 200m, Rest 1:00
    Run 400m, Rest 2:00
    Run 600m, Rest 3:00

    Supplemental Work
    OTM x 12:
    Odd: 3-5 Muscle ups
    Even: 4-6 Squat Therapy

    200m: 0:59/1:03/1:11
    400m: 2:05/2:14/2:17
    600m: 3:16/3:49/3:07!!!!!!

    My legs felt like lead this morning. I was in the back of the pack the entire time until the last 600m run when I finally found my mojo and smoked it! I always seem to leave the best for last in the wods. I wish I could tap into that energy in the beginning of the wods!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    3 RFT:
    Run 200m, Rest 1:00
    Run 400m, Rest 2:00
    Run 600m, Rest 3:00

    Supplemental Work
    OTM x 12:
    Odd: 3-5 Muscle ups
    Even: 4-6 Squat Therapy

    200m: 0:59/1:03/1:11
    400m: 2:05/2:14/2:17
    600m: 3:16/3:49/3:07!!!!!!

    My legs felt like lead this morning. I was in the back of the pack the entire time until the last 600m run when I finally found my mojo and smoked it! I always seem to leave the best for last in the wods. I wish I could tap into that energy in the beginning of the wods!

    I do the same thing. We had wall balls, box jumps, and a short run in between rounds. Arms and legs were lead until the final round; then something kicks in to gear and the whole thing starts to feel good/easier and I ramp up my pace. How do we make this happen earlier?!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Row 1000 meters

    Then 21-16-9:
    Wall balls (20#/14#)
    Box jumps (24"/20")

    Additionally, please run 60 meters in between rounds and after final round (three times, total).

    I'm not sure how heavy the ball I used was. It's the second lightest one at our box and, uh... it's green and black? The number was worn away from use and I neglected to ask afterward. This short white woman doesn't have game or vertical leap at all, so I did step ups. It's my intention to get better at box jumps with practice; I'm comfortable up to 12" in a WoD. Just as SnicciFit said above, I felt like it was rough to get started, but near the end I felt like I was rocking it; though, I don't think I could have done another round.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    My legs felt like lead this morning. I was in the back of the pack the entire time until the last 600m run when I finally found my mojo and smoked it! I always seem to leave the best for last in the wods. I wish I could tap into that energy in the beginning of the wods!
    I do the same thing. We had wall balls, box jumps, and a short run in between rounds. Arms and legs were lead until the final round; then something kicks in to gear and the whole thing starts to feel good/easier and I ramp up my pace. How do we make this happen earlier?!

    I wonder if it's because we know it's nearly over and we won't have to do it again?! LOL!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    My legs felt like lead this morning. I was in the back of the pack the entire time until the last 600m run when I finally found my mojo and smoked it! I always seem to leave the best for last in the wods. I wish I could tap into that energy in the beginning of the wods!
    I do the same thing. We had wall balls, box jumps, and a short run in between rounds. Arms and legs were lead until the final round; then something kicks in to gear and the whole thing starts to feel good/easier and I ramp up my pace. How do we make this happen earlier?!

    I wonder if it's because we know it's nearly over and we won't have to do it again?! LOL!

    Lol! Maybe! "Oh thank goodness... Last round. Push it so you can just collapse afterward. It'll be fun, I promise!"
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Barbell Warmup
    3 Rounds of 8
    Shoulder Press
    Floor Press
    Back Squat

    Tricep Stretch with Low Band

    "Bench Press Friday"
    50 Double Unders between each set

    For Time
    75 Push Press 115/75

    I am excited to see if I can break my PR on the bench...
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    3 mins DUs (singles and attempts at them)
    1 turkish get up each side @40#
    Alt tabata: kip swings and top of dip holds (full extension)
    Pistol stretch/mobility stretches

    4 rounds:
    2 Turkish Get Ups (each side) (@40#, 50#, 60#, 70#)
    :Rest 1 minute:
    10 Toes to Bar

    3 min amrap: Rowing (Cals)
    :1 min rest:
    3 min amrap: Pistols
    1 min rest
    3 min amrap: Ring Dips

    Score is total cals and reps - scored 98
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    400m run
    1 rope climb
    Alt tabata: kb snatch @35# and ring rows
    Inchworms w/push ups
    Various mobility stretches

    ME 250m row (0:45.1)
    rest 4 min
    ME 500m row (1:36.9)

    1 min L-sit
    1 rope climb
    50 kb snatchs @50#
    1 rope climb
    50 ring rows w/feet on 20" box
    1 rope climb

    Was supposed to be a partner workout, but there were only 3 of us for it so we worked it individually with a free t-shirt for whomever finished first

    Finished in 14:50 - technically 2nd but the guy who finished 1st heavily scaled his workout so he gave the shirt to me!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Run 400m
    4 Rounds
    10 Ring Rows
    10 Hand Release Push-ups
    10 Supermans
    10 Hollow Rocks
    10 Walking Lunges

    Complete 35 Ring Push-ups with Box

    Couch Stretch
    Hip External Rotation with Flexion

    5 Rounds
    10 Back Squats 135/95
    35 Double Unders

    Calf Smash
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    500m row
    Alt tabata: light kbs @35# and burpees
    30 second handstand hold
    Spiderman stretch
    Inch Worms w/push up

    Back Squat 1x4 @60%, 1x4 @70%, 3x4 @75% of 1RM
    (@205#, 245#, 255#)

    WOD: Lurong Benchmark #2:
    12 Min Time Cap:
    100 Burpees
    100 Kettlebell Swings @53#

    Finished 145 total reps in 12 mins
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    They switched it up on us today. Metcon first, strength second.

    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: run 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension

    WOD – Helen
    3 RFT:
    400m Run
    21 KBS
    12 Pull ups

    Find 2 rep max Clean and Jerk (touch and go)

    My Helen time was 9 seconds slower than it was in March, but I used a heavier KB and smaller band. My 2 rep max ended up being the same as my 1RM. I ran out of time to add more weight and my last try was pretty sloppy anyway.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Overhead Squat


    “Jacked Up”

    For total reps, record each score separately:

    AMRAP 5

    Strict Pull Ups

    AMRAP 4

    Push Ups

    AMRAP 3

    Double Unders

    AMRAP 2

    OHS (45/35)

    AMRAP 1

    KB SDLHP (2/1.5)

    Each AMRAP leads directly into the next. Try to avoid going to absolute failure and keep the reps coming. Many small sets will likely yield you more volume than a couple of big sets, depending on your strengths/weaknesses.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member

    Warm-up: HBBS 7x2 @ 90% 1RM

    WOD: "FRAN"

    Cash-out: 30 Turkish get-ups (15 per side)
  • ahemming1
    ahemming1 Posts: 93 Member
    It's Hero Week at our Box

    Honoring Lt. Michael Murphy AKA Murph

    WITH 17# vest (thought I had on the girl weight of 14#)

    1 mile run
    100 pull-ups
    200 push-ups
    300 squats
    1 mile run.

    Time - 64:10. Went in hoping to break 60 w/out vest. Decided to give the vest a try. Wow, that was rough! But, felt good when it was over.
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Wished I was able to go tonight. This sounds like a good one!

    Metcon (Time)

    EMOM 10 minutes: (135/95)
    2 Deadlift
    2 Power Clean
    2 Front Squat
    2 Jerk

    Metcon (Time)

    Pull up Training: 3 rounds
    Perform 6 Strict Pull ups
    rest 30 seconds
    Perform 2 Strict Pull ups
    rest 30 seconds
    Perform 2 Strict Pull ups
    rest 30 seconds
    Perform 2 Strict Pull ups
    Assist your partner, no bands.